V. In all cases of two or more words joined in a
compound, the combination of the words is shown by a hyphen as in सिरि-वद्धमाण-सामि in line 3. on
page 3, provided the last vowel of the preceding .. word is not modified by the Sandhi.. VI. The letters or words which the editor thought
were omitted in the MSS. by inattention of the
scribes are supplied as suggestions in brackets...: VII. Where in brackets following a Sūtra the letter šo
oro is followed by two figures the first figure shows the number of the Chapter or Adhyāya and : the second figure shows the number of the quarter
or Päda of Haima Vyākarana, VIII. In the foot notes to Kumārapāla, A means the
Deccan College MS. of Haima' Vyākara na consisting of chapter VIII, and printed as the Appendix to the present work.