pilgrimage to mount Girnar and mount Satrumjaya. He died in Samvat 1229 or 1172 A.D. at the mature age of 80.
[Material on the life of king Kumārapāla :-Kumārapala-pratibodha of Somaprabhācārya, GOS. XIV. 1920; Moharāja-parajaya of Yasahpala, GOS. IX, 1918; Prabhavakacarita; Prabandhacintamani; Kumarapalacarita of Caritrasundara; Kumarapalaprabandha of Jinamandana; Rasamālā edited by Forbe; Bombay Gazetteer ; the present work, i. e., Dvyasraya Kavya of Hemacandra; Kumarapalacarita of Jayasimhasūri..]
Acarya Hemacandra was born in Samvat 1145 or 1088 A.D. at Dhandhuka in a family of Modha bania His name at birth was Cangadeva or Camgodeva, his mother's name was Pahini or Cahiņi and his father's name was Cacca, Caca or. Caciga. The father professed Hinduism and the mother was an ardent follower of Jainism. When Cangad eva was just five years old, or, according to Rāsamālā, eight years old, acarya Devacandra happened to visit Dhandhuka. The mother used to go to the Jain Temple with her son, There ācārya Devacandra who was staying in the temple noticed on the person of the boy signs of high spiritual life as also of intelligence of high order. Devacandra persuaded the mother to entrust the boy to him so that he might receive initiation as a Jain ascetic. This took place in Samvat 1154 or 1098 A.D. The mother agreed with great difficulty. The father of the boy was away all the while, and when on his return he found his son to have become a monk, he got angry, went to Devacandra to demand his son back, but was persuaded by Udayana, minister of Jaya