INTRODUCTION his own mind. By following the words of saints by means of severe self-discipline one should destroy the effoots of bad actions. Those preceptors should be abandoned who by the desire of wealth bring their pupils into difficulties. One that has faith in the words of Arhat naturally understands the philosophy of such subjects as birth, death, creation, absolution, &c. Doctrines which are false (other than Jaina doctrines) should be avoided as leading to evil consequences. The attainment of absolution should be preferred even to the attainment of. godhead, as the happiness of the former is eternal while that of the latter is temporary. One should always bow to the preceptor who puts down in public discussion the preachers of false doctrines. Without the three 'gems'
-faith (FM)—knowledge of religious truths (Fra) and good conduct (ata)-absolution cannot be obtained, as valuables do not fall from the skies, but can only be purchased with money.. Mercy practised daily towards living beings leads to salvation; and it makes no difference whether one is in a holy place or in a jungle or in his own house. Those who violate religious binding by eating at night fall into depths of sins and have to pass through innumerable lives. To attain heaven one should be merciful towards living beings and to attain absolution one should practise self-control ; all other efforts are · utterly useless. Those ears and hearts are blessed which every moment receive, and hold fast, fresh words of sound sense coming from saints. The distinction between
mine' and 'thine' altogether disappears from the minds of those into whose ears even the mention of the revelation of Jina has found its way. Thoughts should be fixed on religion in order to make one's heart free from passions, to make one's word true and to make one's con duot pure. Can waters have the power of bestowing