T'INTRODUCTION though treated with diskogard', suoh is the oase" withi na *king too. 411000 )
. When Kumārapāla felt he was firm on the throne, he proved his gratitude to the potter, Alinga, who had given him shelter when he was being pursued by the soldiers of Siddharāja, by appointing him one of his ministers and conferring upon him a grant of land consisting of 700 villages. The descendants of that potter assumed the name Sagara in order to conceal their original low profession. Udayana, nobleman of Stambhatirtha (Cambay), who had also obliged him, was not forgotten by him. One of his sons, Vāgbhatadeva by name, was made, the prime minister.... .
. . .!* But another son of the game nobleman, *Vāháda, who was' a' favourits of Siddharāja, could not bear thé dignity of Kumārapāla and disobeyed his orderg. By and by he joined the army of SĀnāka, the king of Nagor. The
young man having bribed many of the dependents of * Kumāräpala itduced Ānāka to undertake an invasion on Gujarat': The great efforts of Vāhàda, who had pròpared nearly every thing for the completo defeat and destruci tiset of 'Kutnāra pāla" by way of spreading disaffection: atdong his followers and servants, were frustrated by a stranger incident. Kumārapāla had an excellent elephant Whogeneity was Katabápañcānana ( a lion in a fight :). His driver, Catlinga by name, whom Vāhada bad bribed 6f8r.H8 His side; happening once to be svołded:by Kumārapala 'took offence and left his service. Dāmala, another, slephant driver, who was unequalled in his honesty and professional'skill, was appointed in his place. When the tims of the meeting of the forces of Kumārapāla and
*Thig young manis name is variously written as Cahada and Bahada also. $ This name is written as STIG also.