Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
subject to anekanta, 132, and
vibhajyavāda, 3 Anekāntajayapatākā, 6, 37, 57n anekantavāda, ix, xi, 33, 36-38, 40-41, 61
62, 64-65, 129-130, not agnosticism or scepticism, xv, 5, 31, 131, and ahimsa, xi-xii, and äkulavāda, 5, answer to the criticism of, 7-16, and ästikya, xiii, criticism of, 6-7, 9-10, 95-110, different from Buddhist anekamsavāda, 120, establishment of, 96, evolution of, 66, genesis of, 65, metametaphysical, xiv, 1, 16, and middle path, 129, and nonviolence, xi-xii, xvi, 115-116, origin in vibhajyavāda, 114, origin of, 113-114, and Pali literature, xvi, 119-126, as pragmatic theory, 31, relevance in modern times, xvi, 127-134, and toleration, xiv, 115-116, its two wings, 119, as theory of indeterministic truth, 31, and vibhajyavāda, xiv, 3, 65, 119-120, viewed as combination of ucchedavāda and śāśvatavāda, 125, and will and
knowing, 31 Anguttaramikaya, 119n, 120n, 121, 121n anirvacanīya, 70 anirvācya, 70 anityatva, 48 annihilationism (or nihilism), 3 anubhaya, and anirvacanīya, 70 anumana, 38 anupasamhärin, 2 anussavena, 120 anuyogabhaya, 122 anvaya-vyāpti, 43 anyayoga-vyavaccheda, 43 Anyayogavyavacchedadvātrimśikā, 37, 37n,
46n, 58 apprehension, of negation, 104 apratipatti, 57 Aptamīmāmsā, ixn, 4, 35, 95, 96n, 109 apta-vacana, 37, 40 Aristotle, 87 arpitānarpita, 41 asama-vyāpti, 43 asat, 69-70
asrava, 108, 110 assertions, categorical and non-categori
cal, 124 astabhangi-naya, possibility considered, 68 Astasahasri-Tātparya-Vivarana, 95n Astasahasri-urtti, 96n āstikya, xiii 'astitva, 46 ātman, 99, 109-110, eternal or non
eternal, 108-109, Jaina criticism of eternity of, 95, Jaina criticism of non
eternity of, 95 atom, 90-91, 93 atomic phenomena, and contradictory
aspects, 90, wave aspect and particle
aspect, 90 attachment to views, xiii attribute, 43, contradictory, 55, correla
tive, 55, not co-existing with its absolute negation, 56, pervaded by its
locus, 56 atyantāyoga-vyavaccheda, 43, 45 Aurobindo, 87, 128 avadhārana, 43 avadhi, 38 avagraha, 38 avaktavya, 13, 42, 70, 78n, 80, 90, 93-94,
126, 139, and anirvacanīya, 73, and epistemic middle, 78, key element in syadvāda dialectic. 92, and 'indeterminate', 77, and logical middle, 78, and middle truth-value called 'indeterminate', 78, and middle truth-value called 'undeterminable', 78, the middle value designated by the term, 78, and third truth-value of Lukasiewicz's logic, 77, not third truthvalue, 79, not the result of violation of laws of logic, 79, plank of saptabhangī, 73, and sopādhika bhrama,
73 avattavvam, 34-35 avāya, 38 avayava, 56 avayavin, 56 avidyā, 88
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