Book Title: Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
Author(s): Nagin J Shah
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
contact, 53 contradiction, 49n, 56-57, apparent, 77,
charge of, 134, a figment of a priori logic, 134, inherent in natural language, 89, law of, xiv, 4, 5, 8, 12-13, 77,
112 contradictory aspects, parts of "totality”,
87 contradictory characters, their
copresence in the real, 134 contradictory, as complementary, 91,
predicate, 10, properties, 8, proposi
tions, 77 conviction, and reason, 112-113 cooperation, and identification, 130 coordinateness, of identity and distinc
tion, 28, of distincts, 26 copresentation, 30 correlative attributes, 55 correlatives, pairs of, 50 crisis of modern times, 127-129 Critical Study of Pratyaksapariccheda of
Bhāsarvajña's Nyāyabhūsana, 107n Cowell, 63
difference, absolute, 21, between two
definites, 26, of definite and indefinite, 26, external and internal, 116,
and identity, 17 Dighanakha, 124, his views similar to the
predication of syadvāda, 124 Dīghanikāya, 120n, 122, 122n, 124 distincts, 24, 26, coordinateness of, 26 distinction, 20-22, 25, absolute, 17, 22,
bare, 17, 21, definite, 27, 29-30, of determinate positive truths, 20, from distinction, 17, 19, 21, 27-29, grades of, 24, and identity, 22, indefinite, 20, indeterminate, 30, of subject and object, 21, between the subjective and
the objective, 18, 26 ditthinijjhānakkhantiya, 120 doctrine of standpoints, 5 dogmatism, 16, 66, 129 doubt, 57-58 dravya, 5, 47, 64, 96 dravyārthika-naya, 52-53 dystirāga, xiii dumaya, 36-37, 40, 81, in Buddhism, 121 dualism, of the abstraction, 18
Darsana ane Cintana, 66n, 107 davvam, 35 definite definite, 18, 27-29 definite indefinite, 18, 27, 29 definiteness, 133, detachable, 29 destruction, 96 determinants, 11, 15, eight kinds of, 52
53, 54n, of existence, 7, indexical, 8,
of truth-values, 8 determinate factors, four, 116 determinateness, of a related term, 25 determination, 43, absence of, 58, intrin
sic, 25, renouncement of, 58 Devāgama, 95n, 109 dhāraṇā, 38 dharma, 71 Dharmakirti, 46n Dhruva, A.B., 58, 61n, 62n, 65 dhvani, 39 dialectic, of sevenfold predication, 65 Die Lehre der Jainas, 34n
Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge, 120n Einstein, 93, 131, his theory of relativity,
131 ekaṁsavāda-anekamsavāda, 126 ekāmśa-vyākaraṇīya, 2, 119, pañhā, 120 ekamsikā, 124, dhammā, 120 ekānta, 36, 55, 95, 98-99, 101, mithyā, 36,
samyag, 36 ekāntāsattva, 55 ekāntasattva, 55 ekāntavāda, 81 elements, indexical, 8 empiricism, and Jaina metaphysics, 55 empiricist, xiv, Jaina, xiii emptiness, 4 entity, 41-42, locality of, 53 epistemological problems, 128 essence, 133, and existence, 133 eternalism, 3, -cum-nihilism, 125 ethical insights, 87
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