Book Title: Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
Author(s): Nagin J Shah
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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paccekasacca, 121, and Jaina nayavāda, 121 padartha, seven, 96 Padmarajiah, Y.J., 116 paksa, 2
pañcabhangi frame, 68 Pancatthikayasara, 35 Pande, S.L., 77-80
Paninisutra, 48
paradoxes, logical and symantical, 14-15 paramānu-poggale, 34
paramatthasacca, 121, ultimate real truth, 121, and Jaina niscayanaya, 121 paramparaya, 120 para-rupa, 55-57 Parikṣamukhasútra, 37-38
pariskāra, 44
Parmenidian Being, 132 paroksa, 38, jñāna, 40
Pārsvanatha, 114, tradition, 125 partial statement, 50, its difference from complete statement, 50-52
partial truth, ix, xi, and indeterminateness, 81
particular, 64
particularity, 29
paryaya, 5, 64, 96, 109, doctrine, 5 paryayarthika-naya, 52-53
paryanuyoga, 50
paryudasa-pratisedha, 104-105 passions, conquest of, 113-114 patipucchavyakaraniya, 119, sub-class of
vibhajyavada, 120
Pavayanasara, 35 peace, 128
permanence, 96, and transitoriness, 114 phenomenal reality, Vedanta evaluation
and Jaina thought, 114-115 phenomenal view-point, 52-54, 54n philosophers, transcendentalist, xiii philosophical motivations, difference between Jainas and modern logicians, 15
philosophical problems, related to language, 89 philosophy, different, 66, Jaina, 33, systems of, x
Jain Education International
pitakasampadaya, 120 place, 47
planes, of objectivity, 89 Plank constant, 92
point of view, 4, 9, change of determi
nants of, 13, primary, 35, 41, secondary, 35, 41
possibles, objective, 31 possibilities, and actuality, 134, kinds of,
Prabhācandra, 37
practice of ahimsa, and syadvada logic, 88 pradhana, 48, and upasarjana, 48 prama, xv, 72
pramana, 33-40, 52, 65, 76, 107, 110, 132, two kinds of, 36
Pramanamimämsä, 37, 59 pramanámia, 76 Pramananayatattvaloka, 38, 59 Pramanasamgraha, 37, 57n pramana-vakya, 50-51 prameya, 95
pratiyogi-vyadhikarana, 46 pratyabhijñā, 38
prasajya-pratisedha, 104 Prašna Upanisad, ixn praina, 71 pratyaksa, 38
Pravacanasara, 65
'precarious' evaluation, 13 predicate, 9, 11-12, contradictory, 10, criterion for application of, 10, evaluative, 13, meta-linguistic, 14, truth-like, 13
predication, 10, conditional, 62, of sceptics and Jainas and their difference, 123, sevenfold, 5, 63
presentation, co-, 27, consecutive, 27 probability theory, and syådvada logic, 88 probandum, and probans, 43 property, alien and intrinsical 47, contradictory, 8, and its locus, 6 proposition, 11-12, categorically asserted,
9, conditional, 82, contradictory, 77, dual evaluation of the same, 12, evaluation of, 16, paradoxical, 14, sameness of, 13, sevenfold, 39, 41-42 Pyrrohoneanism, old, 131
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