Book Title: Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
Author(s): Nagin J Shah
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
upādhi, 55 Upādhye, A.N., 65 Upanişad, ix, 87, 114, 131
54n, seven, 65, of thought or thing,
65, of word, 65 vijñapti, 1 vikalādesa, 36, 50 vikalpa, xv, 69, 72 Vimaladāsa, 39-40, 54 vipaksa, 2 vipaksasattva, 48 virodha, 57, 57n virtues, prime, xii vişaya-vyavasthä-hāni, 57 višeşa, 64 visesana, 43 višesya, 43 Vitarāgastava (Vītarāgastotra), xiiin, 38n Vitarāgastuti, 37, 37n, 39-40, 58 vyāpāda, 126 vyäpya-vytti-dharma, 56 Vyasabhāsya, xiin, xiiin vyatikara, 57-58 vyavaccheda, 43 vyavahāra, 64 vyāvytti, 43
Vadideva Sūri, 33-34, 37-40, 57n vainayika, 123 vaiyadhikaranya, 57, 57n, 58 valid knowledge, definition of, 128 valid absolutism, distinct from invalid
absolutism, 134 Vallabha-darśana, and conception of
sarvadharma-samanvaya, 66 values, alternative, 20, combinability of,
13-14, indeterminate, 14, mixing of opposite, 12, paradoxical, 14, of seven modes of truth, 31, simultaneous as
signing of contradictory, 14. variegated colour, 56, Jaina view differ
ent from the Nyāya-Vaiseșika, 56 vastu-dharma, 50 vastu-sabala theory, 4 vastusunya, 69 Vedānta, 72, 112-113, absolutistic attitude
of, 113, close affinity of Jaina thought to, 112, realistic in its logic and epis
temology, 114 Vedantic thinkers, 69 Vedantist idealist, and law of identity, 112 Vedic literature, and origin of anekānta,
114 Vedic tradition, 111 Venkatachalam, V., xv verb, 43 verbal jugglery, and eelwriggling, 122 Viāhapannatti, 34 vibhajyavāda, 37, 114, and anekantavāda,
xiv, 3, 65, 119-120, of Buddha distinct from that of Mahāvīra, 114, and Jaina monks, 120, two sub-varieties of, 65 vibhajyavādin, 2 Vibhāvanī, 126n vidyā, 88 Vidyānanda, 14, 37, 96n views, 129, contradictory, 66 viewpoint, 36, of modification, 109,
noumenal, 52-54, phenomenal, 52-54,
warring ideologies, 128 wave-particle duality, in modern physics,
ways of answering question, four, 119
120 ways of claiming knowledge, ten, 120 (The) Ways of World-Making, 9 Wheeler, 91 Whitehead, 131 whole, 20, truth, ix, xi will, 31, conception of indeterministic, 31 words, synonymous, 64 world-view, x
Yasovijaya, 39, 96n Yogācāra, 1 Yoga school, 72 Yogavārtika, xiin yogyatā, 72 Yuichi Kajiyama, 46n yukti, 48
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