Book Title: Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
Author(s): Nagin J Shah
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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samkara, 57-58 sammutisacca, 121, conventional truth,
121, and Jaina vyavahāra-naya, 121 samsarga, 53 samsaya, xv, 57, 71-72 samskāra, 74 samvara, 108, 110 Samyutamikaya, 12ln, 126n Sanghavi, Pt. Sukhlal, 59, 66, 66n, 107 sangraha, 64 Sanjaya Belatthiputta, 122-123, his four
fold scheme or fivefold formula of
denial, 122 Sankarācārya, 70, 72, 112-113 Sankhyas, 69 Sanmati, xi sapakşa, 2 saptabhanga, 36, 41 saptabhangi, 5, 33, 64, 66-68, 72-73, 75, 81n, 81, 101, 107, 124, 126, definition of, 63, and empirical knowledge, 67, epistemology of seven-planks, 67, 72, not the essence of syādvāda, 77, evaluation of, 66, and Gośälaka's trirasi scheme, 123, two kinds of, 41, its ra
tionale, 67-74 saptabhangi-naya, 41, 51, 67, 71-72 saptabhangi-pramāna, 38, 41-42 Saptabhangitarangini, 39-40, 59, 67-68, 71 Sarva-darśana-samgraha, 4 sarva-dharma-samanvaya, conception of,
66 sarvathaikāntatyāga, 4 sarva-vastu-sabala-vāda, 37 śāśvatavāda (sassatavāda), 3, 125 sat, 69-70 sat-asat-ubhayavāda, 126 satkāranavāda, 69 satkāryavāda, 69 sattabhamgam, 35 Sayaņa, ixn Sāyaṇabhäsya, ixn sceptics, 122 scheme of predication, threefold, 124,
fourfold, 124, sevenfold, 124 Schubring, Walther, 34n
scriptural knowledge, three kinds of, 37 scriptures, 133 secularism, and communalism, 116 self-contradiction, and spädvāda, 126 self-identity, 24-26 Self, Knowledge and Freedom, 81n, 82n senses, and reason, 133 sentence, distinction from statement, 85
86, indicative, 85, standpoint and truth
value, 86 service, 53 seven bangas, conventional justification
for, 71, inadequacy of less and futility
of more bhangas 49-50, 71 seven formulae, 33, 35-36, 41, 47-49 sevenfold formula, 34-36, 41, 49-50, 52 sevenfold scheme of predication, xiv, 5
6, 62, 75, 77-78, 124, 126 seven modes, 41 seven-plank frame, of the Jainas, 70 seven-pronged logic, 67 Shah, Nagin J., xn, xiin, 114 Siddhasena Diväkara, 35, 39-40 silabbataparāmaso, 126 Sīlānka, 123 simultaneity of reference, 63-64 simultaneous co-existence, 71 six padārthas, 69 siya, 33-35, 39 smarana, 38 sopadhika bhrama, two types of, 73 Sophists, 131 sources of understanding the world, 133 special absolute, for each community, 134 speculation, 38 Sphutārtha, xiiin spiritual insight, 87-88 śraddha, xiii sramana tradition, 111 śruta, 35-36, 39-40, āgama-nimittaka, 37,
anumăna-nimittaka, 37, definition of, 37, mithya-, 35, naya-, 35, pratyakşanimittaka, 37, three groups of, 36, three varieties of, 35, two kinds of, 35,
syadvada-, 35, and syädväda, 75 standpoint, 9, 41, 121, doctrine of, 5,
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