Book Title: Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
Author(s): Nagin J Shah
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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groups of school of, 112, two-valued,
130 logical, alternatives, 125, positivist, 133 Lukasiewicz, 76-78, 80, 80n
Keith, 123 Kelkar, Meena, 76n kevalajñana, 36 kevalânvayin, 2 Kleene, 78, 78n knowing, aspects of the act of, 19, 28,
objective, 17, of knowing, 28, subjec
tive, 17 knowledge, 26, 34, 112, all-sided, 128,
direct, 38, divisions of, 37-38, forms of, 72, of indefinite, 26, indirect, 38, 40, omniscient, 35-36, partial, x, 128, perfect, x, producing cognition of invariable concomitance, 38, of reality and syādvāda, 88, relative, x, relativity of, xiv, right, 50, scientific, 127, scriptural, 35, 38, two kinds of right, 36, of
truth and willing, 31, valid, 132 Kothari, D.S., XV kramarpana, xv, 14, 18, 27, 30 kramārpita, 71-72 Krishnamurti, J., 130 kriyā, 43 kriyāvādin, 123 ksetra, 47 Kulkarni, V.M., XV Kundakunda, 35
Madhyamika Buddhist, 1, 9, 67, 70 Mahalanobis, P.C., 88 Mahāvīra, 2-3, 9, 33-34, 65, 114, 123 Mahendra Kumar, 37n Majjhimanikāya, xiin, 120, 124, 125,
125n, 126n Makkhali, Gosāla, 123, his contribution
to the development of syādvāda, 123,
his threefold scheme called trirasi, 123 Mallişeņa, 4, 34, 37, 39-41, 49n, 54n, 65 Malvania, Dalsukh, 34n, 65, 114 man, both actor and spectator, 89, 92 manahparyāya, 38 manifoldness, 4 Māņikyanandin, 37-38 Many-Valued Logic, 78n, 80n many-valued logic, xv, model of, 76-79 Marathe, M.P., 76, 79n Matilal, B.K., xiv, 62n, 65, 66, 81, 81n,
82, 86, 86n, 113-114 materialism, xi Maxwell, 131 Mehta, Mohanlal, 78, 78n metaphysical, and metametaphysical, 1,
· proposition, 15, positions, 16, theses, 1 method of answering questions, 2 miccha-ditthis, sixty two, 122 Michael Dummett, 11 middle truth-value, and modal logical
considerations, 80 Middle Way, 3 Milindapanho, 119n, 121n mithyājñāna, 72 Miyamoto, 123-124 modal logic, xv, model of, 76, 79-81 mode, 41, implying, 31, implied, 31 (A) Modern Introduction to Indian Logic,
79n modifications, 5, 64, 96, difference be
tween two, 100, their difference from underlying substance, 100
Laghiyastraya, 36 language, and experience, 89, natural, 89 law, of contradiction, xiv, 4-5, 8, 12-13,
77, 112, of excluded middle, xiv, 12,
79, 112, 130, of identity, 112, laws of thought, their a priori validity, 112 liar paradox, 15 liberation, xii linguistic devices, 15 locality, of entity, 53 Locke, 128 locus, of attributes, 53 Logic, 25 logic, 113, bivalence, 12-13, Jaina, 33,
multiple-valued, 13, 15, 79, nonbivalence, 13, ordinary, 31, para-con- sistent, 14-15, pure, 112, seven-plank, 71, symbolic, 43, three-valued, 80n, two
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