Book Title: Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth
Author(s): Nagin J Shah
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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abhāva, seventh padartha in NyayaVaisesika school, 69 abheda-urtti, 51-54, 54n abhedopacara, 51-52, 54 Abhidhammatthasamgaho, 126n Abhidharmadipavṛtti, xiiin Abhidharmakosabhäṣya, xiiin abhijjhā, 126
Absolute, 23, and universe, 23 absolute, affirmation 55, eternalism, 125, negation, 55, nihilism, 125, and a relative, 134, view and its two kinds, 36, views, 49n
absolutes, as alternatives, 134
absolutistic attitude, 88 absolutism, and relativity, 61 Acaränga, 111, 113
accommodation, and imitation, 130. actuality, and possibilities, 134
adeśa-bheda, 41
ādesa-vasena, 35
adhyasa, and Advaita Vedanta, 72 adjectivity, 26
Advaita Vedanta, 1, 4, 132
Advaita Vedantin, 70
Advaitin, 131
affirmation, 42-43, absolute, 55 Agama, 33-34, 38
agama, 38-40, definition of, 37 agnosticism, of Sanjaya, 123 aharya-sopadhika-bhrama,
avaktavya, 73
Jain Education International
73, and
ahimsā, and anekāntavāda, xi-xii Ajivikas, and Jaina epistemology, 123 Ajivika sect, 123
ajñānavādin, 123
Akalanka, 35-39, 57n, 96n, 97, 107, 109,
and Jaina logic, 36, criticism of his view, 102
Akalankagranthatraya, 37n, 57n ākāraparivitakkena, 120 akriyävädin, 123 Aksara Brahman, 88 akulavada, 13, 37
akusala karma, four divisions of, 126 Alexander, 21
alternation, among existence, 133, on thought level, 133, magical, 27 amaravikkhepika, 122 amsa prakara, 55
anaharya-sopädhika-bhrama, 73, and
avaktavya, 73 anaikantika, 2
analysis, artificial, 28, and synthesis, 88 analytical method, 120.
anantadharmatmaka, ix
anavasthā, 57
anekaṁsavyākaraṇīya pañhā, 120 anekamsika, 124, dhamma, 120 anekānta, 1, 4, 9, 12, 15, 19, 95, 99, 101, 107, 110, against mental absolutism, 131, attitude, 131, answer to the criticism of, 7-16, application of, 97, applied to jiva-ajiva dual, 108, concept of, 4, 9, 12, 15, and confusion, 108, 110, criticism of, 6-7, 9-10, 95-110, culture, 131, different English translation of the term, 61, definition of, 96-97, not dogmatism, 5, eight pillars of, 114, no possibility of determined classification in, 108, philosophy of life, 131, relative, 134, its relevance in modern times, 127-134, samyak and mithya, 134, not scepticism, 5, 31,
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