Letter 6 Arihant and Siddha which is a Chetan Dravya i.e. a sentient substance. And thereby we realise the importance of our soul and the greatness of the attribute of knowledge we possess !
In science the universal principle regarding matter is that matter is always constant. It is neither destroyed, nor created. It only changes its form. This statement is applicable to Pudgal substance only or 'matter' as it is commonly called. Because scientists have mainly studied matter i.e. Pudgal. But the fact established by modern science about Pudgal is also true about all the other substances. They are all indestructible; only their forms of existence change.
Reena, if you recall the kaleidoscope you had made during your school days, which contained coloured glass pieces. On rotating it the formation of the glass combinations would change and we could see different designs and figures. In fact the pieces of glass remain same. Only the combinations change. Similarly the substances are always same and exist forever. Only their forms keep on changing constantly every moment.
The constant change, either the emergence or destruction of the matter or things which are visible or to be more specific cognisible by sensory organs are in fact changes in the forms of the substance and not the substances themselves. Substance is constant, only its form changes.
We have seen that the conglomeration of substances is called the cosmos. The next question that arises is what is a substance ? Its simple definition is the mass of attributes i.e. Guna yoris Dravya i.e. substance. In scriptures,substance is also referred as Sat Hal Padartha Gre, Vastu att; Artha opet
While defining the cosmos we said it is a conglomeration of substances. There the substances were accommodating in the same Pradeshas with each other. That nature of substances to be in the same space with each other is known as Ekakshetravagan एकक्षेत्रावगाह.
Now in case of the definition of the substance when we say it is a mass of attributes, the relation of the attributes, with the substance is called as Nityatadatmya fara and between the attributes themselves is called as Avinabhavi arfaanraft.
In our last letter we have seen in detail what is Ekakshetravagah relationship. Now we will see what is Nityatadatmya fruarana.
Nitya free means constant or permanent, Tadatmya arrit means being one with each other or amalgamated, which can never seperate. That means attributes can never be seperated from the substance.