Letter 24
But this Jeev considered them only as Upadeya or worth taking resort into or by totally submitting to them. If you look at it in the right perspective, they are all Ajeev Tattva and therefore only Dnyeya Tattvas. But Jeev considered them to be worthy of taking solace in them and depend upon them i.e., as Upadeya.
By listening to their preachings and after knowing them one has to take resort into one's own self. But instead of doing that Jeev was contented by just worshipping the God i.e. Dova and listening to scriptures and doing service to the Guru. But these are in fact Shubha Bhavas and the bondage created by them are Asrava Bandha Tattva. So as a result of this Jeev not only considered Ajeeva Tattva i.e. Deva, Guru and Shastra to be Upadeya, but even Asrava, Bandha were also considered by him to be Upadeya.
Even Samyak Drishti Jeev has the feeling of reverence and worship towards Deva, Guru and Shastra, and also has other Shubha, Ashubha Bhavas and Asrava and Bandha created by them. But in his belief he considers these Asrava, Bandha to be Heya i.e. worth renouncing and not as Upadeya.
He considers Deva, Guru and Shastra to be Dnyeya i.e, only worth knowing. And he is repeatedly trying to concentrate inward towards one's own self i.e. Jeev Tattva and thereby get immersed in himself. Only if one has this proper belief then it can be said that he has true Shraddha towards Deva, Guru and Shastra.
Some people say that, we bow and worship only true Deva, Guru and Shastra, and since we know the names and nature of seven Tattvas we have proper belief or Sharddha about them. But since in their belief they do not have the exact belief about Heya, Dnyeya and Upadeya Tattvas as they really are, such a Shraddha or belief of them is said to be fallacious in the scriptures.
Now a days people consider their bodies to be the true nature of themselves and consider them to be the ultimate Upadeya. Jeev has forgotten its own existence. On the top of it, he considers any one who tells him, " You are Atma ! and are separate from this body ", to be a fool.
Just imagine that if a member of our family looses his sense of memory and does not remember his own name, his place of residence, his intellect or almost everything then we feel very sorry for him and are worried.
But we too have lost our true sense since times immortal and have forgotten our own true identity, and like mad we consider the body which : we get in each phase to be our own nature and are roaming around in the cycle of birth, and death and rebirth, thereby experiencing all kinds of miseries. But still are unaware of it.
Some people say that it is true that I am Jeev or Atma but Jeev needs a body to reside in. Will it remain suspended in the air or space