Letter 8 one is vanishing. The new one may be similar to the previous one which has vanished. But it is not the same one.
To give you a simple example each wave which comes to the sea shore seems to be similar to the one which had just come before that one. But they are two different waves and not the same.
It can be further explained by an example of a raw mango which is green in colour. For a number of days it is green. But in the process of ripening it changes its colour to yellow, orange etc. Now this change does not come about at one particular moment. It comes gradually over few days.
That means the colour of the mango was changing every moment, though it was not visible to the eye. Though we see that for the first few days the colour remains green, at least outwardly to the naked eye it seems to be so. But in fact, modification of green colour is constantly under change.
We have seen that each substance is a mass of infinite attributes. Each of these attributes is constantly having its own separate manifestation at each samay. Attribute is eternal, it has no beginning and no end, but its manifestation is only for one samay. The area of the manifestation is as big as that of the attribute. The area of the attribute of colour of substance gold and the area of the manifestation of colour namely yellow is the same. Yellowness cannot be only in one part of the gold piece nor can it be more than that of the attribute of colour.
Pudgal is a Dravya or substance and out of its infinite attributes we will see its two attributes of colour and taste as an example.
Here we have to bear in mind that the attribute of colour does not change, but its manifestation or modification, keeps on changing from green colour to yellow or orange colour. The attribute is the colour and green or yellow is its manifestation.
To take the example further for another attribute of mango we will think about its taste. While it is raw it is sour. But when it is ripe its taste is sweet. That means the attribute of taste is there all the time. At no point mango becomes tasteless. But its manifestation in the form of sour changes to sweet and this change in manifestation or Paryay is taking place constantly.
As we have seen earlier a new manifestation is happening at every samay. And when it is similar in nature of the previous manifestation we are unable to notice it. But at a point of time when it becomes little different than the past one or for that matter past few ones then only we notice. But the very fact that it is changing very slowly or gradually goes to prove that it is changing constantly.