Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 47 Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar Publisher: Swati Publications View full book textPage 6
________________ [ JANUARY, 1918 ground that was comprehended within her Imperial Majesty's territory, and could prove his title to it, he should be perfectly secure of his property, subject to the sovereignty of the power to whom the district was given up, agreeable to the usages and laws of nations in similar cases. The Rajah Capell in the mean time having informed me there was no truth in Captain Cahill's assertion of any purchase, I prevailed on Captain McKenny to accompany my officer, whom I again sent to expostulate with Captain Cahill on the impropriety of his conduct in endeavouring to obstruct the affairs of the Imperial Court, which I informed the Captain was highly aggravated in his person, as not only acting without authority from either the British Government or the East India Company, but as being a person, as I was informed, not authorized (according to the laws of his own country) to be even found on this side the Cape of Good Hope. But altho' Captain Cahill now thought proper to desist from his pretence of having purchased any ground, still he kept his ensign flying close to the Imperial flag, till I was at last obliged to let him know that if he did not lower it, I should send my own people to do it, and in that case I would even pull down the few sticks he had set up towards building a hut, as I was resolved not even a hut should be erected on her Majesty's territory by any man, in obstinate defiance of her Majesty's sovereignty while I had power to prevent it. THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY Captain Cahill still paying no attention to the expostulation of my officer, or even of his countryman Captain McKenny, I was reduced to the disagreeable necessity of executing what I had threatened, and I accordingly ordered Captain Cahill's ensign to be taken down and carried on board his vessel. I have been thus particular in my relation of this affair to convince you, Sirs, how scrupulous I shall be on every publick transaction of acting in an offensive manner to the unauthorized subjects of your Government. At the same time, I flatter myself you will be equally ready to do my Sovereigns the justice of reprimanding Captain Cahill for his obstreperous conduct. Being safely arrived in the road of Surat, though much in want of assistance and refreshment, particularly on account of several of my officers and crew, who were dangerously ill, I applied on that occasion by a letter of the 6th September, to Governor Boddam, who referred me to the Nabob as the Moguls officer, informing me that the city of Surat was the Moguls city under his government. Accordingly, by means of Monsieur Anquetil de Briencourt his most Christian Majesty's [French] Consul at Surat, I made several applications to the Nabob for such assistance only, as according to the constitution of the Moguls City, I knew he could not refuse. The delicacy, however, of the Nabob upon those occasions was so great and productive of delays so little reconcileable to the situations of men at the point of death, as obliged me to repair to this port, where I and my people have been happier to find speedier relief from the humanity of the sectaries of Brimha [Brahma, i. e., the Hindus, apparently in this case, the Marâthâs]. These transactions and the nature of certain orders, which publick fame informs me have been given to your Honble. Presidency for the obstruction of the business of her Imperial Majesty's subjects and ships, have induced me to dispatch the present sloop, solely for the purpose of authentick information from your Honors upon subjects so materially interesting to the honor of the Imperial flag and the interests of their Imperial Majesties. Your answers to the following questions I shall therefore esteem as a particular favour.Page Navigation
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