Book Title: History of Vegitarianism and Cow Veneration in India
Author(s): Willem B Bollee
Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd
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Rock Edicts of Asoka 52f. (49ff.),
55 [51] (Small -) Rūpnāth 55 (52] (meaning of *hadha
in Rock Edict)
uddesiya (Amg. = Pāli uddissa)
15 (15) uddissa katam 5 (71 (Pāli: 'meat of
animal especially killed for
monk'), 15 [15] Ū Nu note 10 [6] (note; leading
exponent of Buddhism in
Burma) urine of cow 68 [64] (used by
sacrifice 19 [18] (see Thieme),
37 [35] (of ram in RV), note 130 [42 note] (goat-, buffalo- and
human ) sanctification of the cow 66 [61]
(rationalist explanation refuted) sandaka 64 [59] ('released bull') Saudāsa 33 [31] (a king) Schlerath 59 [55] (on cattle sacrifice
in the Rgveda), 69 [65] and 72 [67]
(on aghnya) Schmidt 72 [67] (on a-ghnya) Schreiner note 99 [34 note] (against
Alsdorf) Schubring note 21 [9 notel, 14 [13] seeds 43 [40] (triennial - lifeless) Seyffort Ruegg note 163 (54 note]
(on vegetarianism in Buddhism) Sherpas 3 [5] (call Tibetan butchers) Sibi 32 [30] (a king) Sīha 5 [7] (Buddhist general),
note 29 (11 note] (devotee of
Mahāvīra) Śīlânka 9 (10) śrāddha 28 (26), 34 [32], note 129,
(41 note], 47 [44], 63 (59] (favoured meats prescribed for) śravana-phala 36 (33] (benefit of
hearing') sūkara-maddava 4 [5f.] (juicy pork
as cause of Buddha's death) Śūla-gava note 170 [56] ('spit-ox
sacrifice') Susruta 66 [62] (medicinal use of
Vasu 42 [39] (a king cursed by
seers), 42 [40] (disappears into underworld), 50 (471, 52 [49]
(his story adopted by Jains) vegetables 17 [17] (forbidden :
leek, garlic, onions,
mushrooms) vegetarian interpretation of Veda
text 41 [39] vegetarianism 3 [4] (~ and beef
taboo to be distinguished), 3 [5] (based on ahimsā), 41 [39] (connected with Vişnuism), 56 [53] (- of Asoka not of Buddhist origin; in Mahāyāna Buddhism connected with tathāgatagarbha doctrine
according to Seyffort Ruegg) Vicakhnu 40 [38] (a king protesting
against cow-slaughter at
sacrifice) Viyahapannatti 11 [11] (15 sūtra
557 on the sick Mahāvīra) vrtha-mamsa note 179 [61 note]
(non-ritual meat)
Weber 59 (55 note], 71 [66]
(on aghnya)
Thieme note 49 [18 note] (on Vedic
sacrifice as a stylistic banquet) three 5 [7] (- conditions of meat
consumption for monks), 42f.
[39f.] (-year old lifeless seeds) tolerance 55 [52] (religious - in
Asoka's Edicts) Tuladhāra 40 [37] (tradesman)
yajña 44 [42] (replaced by pūja) yajña-nindā 39 [37] ('reprimand of
the sacrifice') Yajñavalkya note 169 [56] (eating
only amsala beef) Yājñavalkya-smrti 43 [41] yati 28 [26]
Zarathustra 68 [63]
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