Book Title: History of Vegitarianism and Cow Veneration in India
Author(s): Willem B Bollee
Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd
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Kapila 36 [34] (discussion of - with
Syūmarasmi in Mahābhārata) killing animals does not lead to
heaven 25 (24) killing for sacrifice is not killing
25 (24] (Vasistha quotation) kosher meat 18 (171, 66 [62] Krtyakalpataru des Laksmīdhara
28 [26], 35 (33), note 129 (41),
48 (45), 63 [58] ksatriyas as traditional meat-eaters
50 (471 kukkuta-māmsa 12 [12] (see also:
cock-meat) kunimâhāra 13 (13]
'destined for sacrifice, originating from a sacrificial animal
(Alsdorf]) metaphorical designations note 27
(11 note] metempsychosis 57 (53) Meyer 44 [42] (on Visnusmrti as a
late work), 64 (59f.] (on medhya) Mitâksarā of Vijñanesvara 48 [45] mrgayu 29 (27) mutton in India actually is goat
meat 3 [5]
Nibandhas 22 [21] (medieval
commentaries), 45 [43] non-ritual meat note 179 [61 note]
Leumann 22 [9 note] levirate 17 (16) living beings created to be eaten
21 (20) lizard's meat 67 [62] (~ eaten in
pregnancy whims produces
sleepy and stubborn son) Lüders 18 [17] (on five-clawed
animals), 26 [25] (on Manu)
Ohanijjutti note 24 (10) Ohira (Mrs Suzuko - ) note 27
(11 note], note 30 (12 note] Oldenberg 59 [55] onions, see vegetables
maccha note 21 [8 note] madhu-parka 23 [23] ('hospitality') majjāra-kadae note 29 [13] mamsa note 21 [8 note] Manu 17 (16] et passim Manu-smrti 22 [21] (oldest metrical
lawbook); - see below in Index
locorum mārjāra 12 (12] ('cat', cf. note 29
(11 notel) matsya, see maccha Mayo 16 [15] (author of Mother
India) meat with many bones 7 [8], 9 [10] meat-eating 19 [19] (Buddhist and
Jain views on qualified permission of -), 32 [31] (in ritual is not meat-eating), note 129 [41 note] (allowed in case of illness; karmic consequences of -), 47 [44] (when allowed by Manu), 50 [47]
(traditional - by ksatriyas) Medhātithi 63 [59] (two
interpretations of gavyena) medhya 65 [60] (not simply 'suitable
for sacrifice', but succinctly
Paithīnasi 63 [58] pañca-gavya 68 [63] Patel 13 (13) pațicca-kammam 5 [7] (Pāli: 'killing
done for someone's sake') Patil note 140 [46 note] pigeons 11f. [11f.] (prepared for sick
Mahāvīra) Pillar Edict of Asoka 54 [50] (fifth -),
54 [51] (seventh -) poggala note 21 (8 note] ('mass;
matter'), note 21 (8] (body, mass'), 9 (10] (= māmsa in Haribhadra's scholion on
Dasaveyāliya 5, 1, 73) pregnancy whims 66 [62] (Susruta
on ) pājā 44 [42] (yajña replaced by ) purusa-medha note 130 [42] ('human
ram sacrifice in Rgveda 37 (35) Rangaswami note 160 (52 note] Rantideva 32 [30] (a king), 35 [33] Rau 59 [55] (on the go-vikartá at
court), note 169 [56] (on the
Brāhmaṇas) Revati 11, note 35 [11], [13 note]
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