Book Title: History of Vegitarianism and Cow Veneration in India
Author(s): Willem B Bollee
Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd
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appeases it; thus appeased, it is hurled down so that it does not do injury to these worlds.306
When the victim has been killed by suffocation, the apertures of its body are sprinkled with water:
Burning pain hits the vital breaths of the animal being killed. When he says: 'Do not injure its voice, do not injure its breath', he thus frees its vital breaths by water from burning pain. With the words: 'Whatever of you is wounded, whatever of you is stopped (= killed), of that become purified, beautify yourself for the gods', he has made unwounded whatever they have wounded by making it go (= by killing it), that he appeases.307
The rest of the water used for this purpose is poured on the earth. Since the burning pain has been transferred from the vital breaths of the animal to the water, the pain now enters the earth: 'When he says: 'Hail to the waters', he thus appeases (them). They thus hit this (earth) appeased so that they do not do injury (to the earth)."308
[648] When the victim is cut open, the same procedure is followed as in the case of felling the tree: The knife is not to injure the animal. 309
After the offering of the omentum the sacrificer, his wife, and the priests have to cleanse themselves with water: 'That, in truth, they wound what they make consent, what they cut up. Water is (a means of) appeasing, they appease it by water as (a means of) appeasing, they put it together (= heal it) by water.'310
306 MS 3,9,3 vajro vai yūpas tasmad vā ime lokā nīryamāņād bibhyatīśvaro hy eso
'śānto nīryamāņa imārl lokān himsitor yad aha divam agreņa mā himsīr antarikşam madhyena prthivyāḥ sambhava bhrājam gaccheti samayaty eva santa
eva nīryata eşām, lokānām ahimsāyai. 307 MS 3, 10, 1 paśor vai māryamāṇasya prāņāñ śug rcchati yad āha vācam asya
mā himsīh prānam asya mā himsir ity adbhir vāvāsyaitat prāņāñ suco muñcati yat te krūram yad ästhitam tad etena śundhasva devebhyaḥ śumbahasveti yad
evāsya gamayantaḥ krūram akrams tad akrūram akas tac samayati. 308 MS 3, 10, 1 yad aha sam adbhya iti samayaty eva śāntā evemām rcchanty
ahimsāyai. 309 MS ibid. 310 ŚB 3, 8, 2, 30 krūrī vā etat kurvanti yat samjñāpayanti yad visāsati śāntir āpas
tad adbhiḥ śāntyä samayante tad adbhiḥ samdadhate.
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