Book Title: History of Vegitarianism and Cow Veneration in India
Author(s): Willem B Bollee
Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd
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compromises between old and new
views 18 (18] cow protection 58 [54] (-essence of
Hinduism according to Gandhi), 68 [63f.] (under Zarathustra), 70
[66] cow sanctification 66 [61] (rationalist
explanation of - refuted) [68] (for Alsdorf a blend of Aryan and
autochthone components) cow-taboo 58 [54] (not to be
explained by ahimsă alone) cow-urine, see gaomez cruelty to animals 16 [15]
Girnar 56 (53] (substitutes hida with
Patalipute) Glasenapp 59 [55] (cow-worship to
be traced back to primitive
perceptions) go-vikartá 59 [55] ('cow-carver' at
Vedic court not disreputable) guest 27 [25]
Deussen 37 (35f.] Devadatta 4f. [6] Devana Bhatta 46 [43] Dhalla note 185 164 note) (on use of
cow's urine as golden water by
Zoroastrians) Dharmaśāstras 22 [21] (second level
of lawbooks), 43 [41] Dharmasūtras 22 [21] (oldest level
of prose lawbooks) dharma-vyādha 32f. [30ff.) ('pious
hunter') dohada, see: pregnancy whims
*hadha note 161 (52 note] Haussleiter note 140 (46 note] hida 56 [53] (in Rock Edict V:
here, in Pāțaliputra) Hillebrandt note 170 (56 note] himsā is not dharma 42 (39) Hinduism 57 [54] (un- or pre-Aryan
elements of -) Hindus not all vegetarians 2 [3] horse sacrifice 37 [35] (in Rgveda),
note 129 [41] (in Krtyakalpataru) Hultzsch 55, 60 (52,56] human sacrifice note 130 [42 note]
Indus culture influence on cow
veneration 74 [69] Indus people not vegetarians
note 162 (53 note), note 194 [69] inertia of the old beside the new
45 [42]
fish with many fishbones 7 [8],
9 [10] five basic foodstuffs 4 [6] five-clawed animals 18 [17]
(consumption of -) flour 20 (20 note] (animals made of -) forest ascetics note 67 (21 note) (can
live on meat torn by beasts of
prey) four virtues (satya, a-krodha, dāna,
prajanana) 31 [29] (characteristic of the four varnas)
Jacobi note 22, note 27 [9 note], [11
note], [56], [68] (on the sacredness
of the cow as Aryan idea) Jainism 52 [49] (not source of
ahimsā; part of common Indian
spiritual movement) Jains 52 [49] (oppose brahmanic
sacrifice as part of battle against
br. religion) Jājali 40 (37] (ascetic taught by
tradesman Jājali) Jolly note 47 (17 note) (on kosher
animals), 25 [24] (on Vasiştha), 30 (28] (against Bühler)
Gahapati-jataka 66 [61] Gandhi 58 [54] gaomez 69 [64] (urine of cows used
by Zarathustrians) Gautama note 79 [61 note] (our
latest Smrti) gavisţi 68 [63] (in RV 'campaign,
raid') gavyena payasā pāyasena vā 61f. (571.),
63 [59] (Medhātithi on gavyena)
Kalighat note 130 (42 note] (goat
and buffalo sacrifices at -) Kālī sacrifices note 130,57
[42 note] (in Darjeeling) Kali-varjyas 48 [45] Kane 49 [46] Kapadia note 27 (11 note], 13 [13]
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