that it is an interpolation. The same holds good, in my opinion, for the occurrence of the śloka in Sankhāyana-Grhyasūtra 2, 16, 1, where it is quoted in the context of the madhuparka, the guest-reception. This (as well as the following) paragraph interrupts the rules referring to the persons to be considered as guests or not.
The older law-books do not mention the restriction of meat-eating to ritual occasions. But we read in the last section of the ChāndogyaUpanişad:
This Brahmā said to Prajāpati, Prajāpati to Manu, Manu to his progeny: He, who having returned from the household of his teacher after having learned the Veda and after having done in addition (to the study of the Veda) the work for the teacher according to the rules, and having established himself in a household (of his own) studies (the Veda) for himself in a pure place, raises law-abiding (students); who, having concentrated all his senses on the Self (soul), does not injure any living being except at the right place and time (i.e. in sacrifice); he, indeed, who conducts himself thus as long as he lives enters the world of Brahmā and does not return (i.e., is not reborn).224
This restriction of (632) injuring any being to the sacrifice agrees with the idea expressed in Manu 5,40 and 44. And the passage shows that the Brāhmaṇa had to practise ahimsā in daily life already in fairly early times.
4. Special injunctions of ahimsā are given for the Brāhmaṇa.
A. A Brāhmaṇa must, unless he is in distress, follow a means of livelihood which does not cause injury to living beings, or at least causes only little injury.225 Actually he shall as far as possible not follow the ways of the world at all for the sake of livelihood.226
224 ChU 8, 15 tad dhaitad brahmā prajāpataya uvāca, prajāpatir manave,
manuḥ prajābhyah: ācāryakulād vedam adhītya yathāvidhānam guroḥ karma skrtvā] atiśeşeņābhisamāvstya kuțumbe sthitvā śucau deće svādhyāyam adhīyāno dharmikan vidadhad ātmani sarvendriyani sampratisthāpyāhissant sarvabhūtāny anyatra tīrthebhyaḥ sa khalv evam vartayan yāvad āyuşam brahmalokam abhisampadyate na ca punar āvartate - [krtvā] is BÖHTLINGK's
emendation. 225 M 4, 2 adrohenaiva bhūtānām alpadroheņa vā punaḥ, yā vrttis tām samasthāya
vipro jived anăpadi. 226 M 4, 11 na lokavrttam varteta vrttihetoh kathamcana.
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