and the straits in the Balkan Wars (1912-13). To seek revenge, the Turks decided to side with the Germans against the Allied Forces. The Indian Muslims supported this decision. Muhammad Ali argued that for Muslims to accept mandates over Iraq, Syria and Palestine would amount to a total disregard of the wishes of the Holy Prophet (S. A. W.). Thus the Muslims of India launched the Tehrik-i-Khilafat. The objectives were- (1) To maintain the Turkish Caliphate, (2) To protect the holy places of the Muslims, and (3) To maintain the unity of the Ottoman Empire. There was absolute unanimity among the Indian Muslims. Though separated from Turkey by thousands of miles, they were determined to fight Turkey's battle from India. Here was a new threat to British rule. Sanderson Beck, Gandhi and India 1919-1933, http://www.san.beck.org/20-5-GandhiandIndia 1919-33.html. accessed on 21 December 2013 Afghan Amir Habibulla was murdered in February 1919 and was succeeded by his son Amanullah, who was suspected of being behind the murder. Incited by revolutionaries from India, he tried to rally his forces by attacking the British. His Afghan troops crossed through the Khyber Pass into India in early May, calling on the tribes to rise. Other Afghans were joined by Wazirs and Mahsuds, but they were repelled by General Dyer's forces. The British defeated the Afghan forces in the Khyber and occupied the frontier town of Dakka. After planes dropped bombs on Kabul and Jalalabad, Amanullah agreed to a truce in August. He negotiated with the Bolsheviks but signed a treaty with the British in November 1921. During the interval Waziristan was out of control, and regular troops from India had to replace the tribal militias on which the British had relied since Curzon. The Sedition Committee named after Justice Rowlatt had submitted its report in April 1918, and it led to the repressive Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act in March 1919. A special court with three judges and no appeal was set up to meet in secret, and the Indian Evidence Act did not apply. Provincial governments could order any suspected person to furnish security, to reside in a particular area, or to abstain from any specified act.
Gandhi & Jainism
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