it happens, also, that some controversial works exist, which throw considerable light upon the subject, and of which the proximity of their date, to the matters of which they treat, may be conjectured with probability or positively ascertained. Of these, the two principal works, and from which I shall derive such scanty information as is attainable, are the Sankara Digvijaya of ANANDA Giri, and the Sarva Darsana Sangraha of MÁDHAVÁCHÁRYA, the former a reputed disciple of SANKARA himself, and the latter a well known and able writer, who lived in the commencement of the 14th century.
The authenticity of the latter of these two works, there is no room to question ; and there is but little reason to attach any doubt to the former. Some of the marvels it records of SANKARA, which the author professes to have seen, may be thought to affect its credibility, if not its authenticity, and either ANANDA Girt must be an unblushing liar, or the book is not his own: it is, however, of little consequence, as even, if the work be not that of ANANDA Giri himself, it bears internal and indisputable evidence of being the composition of a period, not far removed from that at which he may be supposed to have flourished, and we may, therefore, follow it as a very safe guide, in our enquiries into the actual state of the Hindu Religion about eight or nine centuries ago. | The various sectaries of the Hindu Religion then existing, are all introduced to be combated, and, of course, conquered, by SANKARA: the list is rather a