has conferred him with the Honor " Jain Darshan Divakar" (like a Sun of Jain Philosophy ). An European learned expert scholar in philosophy while editing (compiling ) the works of Hermann Jacobi states that some of the statements made by him are hasty, some of the are true and in spite of that all his work and papers are very important, thought provoking and inspiring too.
Jains cannot afford to forget the valuable contributions done by him. In those days there was a common belief that Jainism is the branch of Buddism. After reviewing critically and in the preface of Kalpasutra, he proved that it is not so i.e. Jainism in not the branch of Buddhism, but an independent religion by itself.
Tirthankar Mahavira and Shree Gautam Buddha existed in the same era. In 1879, when this was published, there was some opposition by some scholars, but at the end they accepted the opinion expressed by him in that paper.
He has discussed some general questions pertaining to the history in his preface in English edition of Uttaradhayayan sutra and Sutrakritanga sutra. And in 1893 he also proved that jain philosophy was more ancient than Vedic culture. Well known historian states that he ( Hermann yokobi) has cleared all the false impression and misunderstandings which were prevailing regarding Jain philosophy in comparison to the Vedic- Brahman religion and Buddha religion by giving unquestionable testimonies. And due to this very valuable work the whole Jain community is under high obligation of him.
WALTER SCHUBRING Walter schubring enriched Jainology and Prakrit studies with his vast contributions. It was owing to his untiring efforts that the Jain canon was made known to the scholars Walter schubring was born on 10 -12 - 1881 in Luebeck in Germany. His father was a principal in a famous school over there. He had his higher education in Myunyen Uni. And Strasburg Uni..He was the disciple of the then well known learned scholars like Weber, Pishal, Yakobi, Loyaman. He worked on Kalpasutra and had a doctorate degree of Phd for that work. (1904). Mr.Burges translated this thesis in English, was published in "
Indian Antiquvery" in 1910. From 1904 to 1920, Schubring gave his services as librarian ( Vidyakiya Granthpal ) in the Royal State Library -Burlin. There he made a very elaborate catalog of Jain Manuscripts, which were published from Germany. In the year 1920, Schubring was appointed as a Professor as a successor to Prof.Stan Conov at Humburg Univercity. He came to India in 1927-28. Here he paid visits to many museums of jainsastra ( granth bhandar) and also came in contact of Jain saints and Jain scholars. He devoted some time and gave services at Bhandarkar Research Institute, Pune (Maharastra ). He retired in the year 1951. He expired on 13 - 4 - 1969.
Schubring edited many volumes ( Granths ) and wrote many research papers. He taught Jain philosophy, Sanskrit and Prakrit languages to many Germans. He served with full dedication throughout his life for the studies of Indian studies and Jain Literature which will be remembered for long time.