Development & Impact of Jainism in India & Abroad
world when all sorts of distrust, doubts and wars are prevalent all over the universe and when violence threatens to ruin the entire fabric of human civilization, the quest for peace, which is at the very heart of Jainism, is significant, Today we are living in the age of science and technology. There is tremendous growth of knowledge. It is the era of information revolution. At the same time, it is the age of anxiety and mental tension. We are passing through value-crisis. Man has known much about the atoms but not about the values needed for the meaningful and peaceful life. In contemporary world, the need of Jaina values has become more pressing than ever before. At present situation, either we have to establish peace through non-violence and other Jain practices or we have to face destruction.
Nuclearism and Terrorism, which are the result of the narrow outlook, have created what is called Culture of violence and Peace has become a dream. Today's world is in constant dread of war. There is communal disharmony. The only thing violence can do is to excite greater violence. Modern scientific and technological progress has created conditions in which man must live together in peace or face destruction. Peace is today the condition for survival. Peace between people of different races caste and creed and between nations.
Another principle called non-attachment to possession is a comprehensive precept or an ethical principle for a good social order. It refers to limitation of mindless accumulation of things and articles of consumption. All human vices are due to attachment to possession. "The desire for power and possession has given birth to the race for atomic weapons. This virtue stresses change in attitude".13
One major factor for peace is our attitude towards our possession. This is the principle of Aparigraha It means- non acquisitiveness:
Interfaith Dialogue:
In this context, it is pertinent to note: Anekantvada or syadavada or theory of manifoldness of Reality or Jaina Theory of Relativity. The doctrine of multiple vision is another important contribution of Jainism, to world thought. It is extension of principle of non-violence in intellectual field. It is logic of probability or relativism based on realism. It implies non-absolutism. This theory is unparalleled in history of philosophy. 'Respect to the views of others' is important for attitudinal charge. It will result in toleration- This principle develops catholic outlook necessary for peaceful coexistence It is holistic principle. The kind of intellectual toleration it will develop will further lead to an atmosphere of peaceful coexistence avoiding dogmatism and fanaticism. Much violence in the world today arises from fundamental ideological and religious disagreement "Jainism with its theory of multiple visions provides a framework through which qualities like tolerance understanding etc. can be developed".
Jain thinkers have consistently shown respect for other faiths. No wonder that Jainism is opposed to all forms of religious fanaticism. Religions should unite the people and not divide them.
It helps us to understand the viewpoints of others. It helps also to cultivate spirit of