Development & Impact of Jainism in India & Abroad
self-management. Today, When we are living in the world of conflicts and in constant dread of war, the tremendous practicality of Jain doctrines an non-violent model of life style must be realized.
Jainism can provide welfare ethics and economics a new direction for sustainable future, thus the critical problems of the world can be solved by Jain values and Jain lifestyle. It is clear that Jain ethics is global ethic of sustainability which may be said to resemble vision of ecological thinker like F. Capra.
It may be noted that Jainas are not against amassing within limit wealth earned in righteous manner. Jainas have prospered in their trade and commerce and mercantile affairs at the same time observing a great moral code. There are several organizations working for good of people one such organization is JITO- Jain international trade organization. This is the organization of highly efficient Jain business and industrialists for noble causes.
Science and spirituality go together in Jainism
Not surprisingly, Jain ethos can provide a new model of global ethics and can help society to regain its inner balance. In the end, ethical doctrine of Jaina provides us with the rules for welfare and progress of all human beings in society, I would like to conclude with verse by Jain seers who craved for the welfare of mankind
"Let the whole universe be blessed Let all beings be engaged in one another's well being. Let all evils be vanished. Let everyone everywhere be happy and blissful". '15 REFERENCES:
Acarang Sutra 1-2-3. Prashnavyakaran 2-1 Sutrakritanga Prashnavyakaran 1.1 Dashvaikalika 1.1 Acarang Sutra 1.1.7 Bhagavatiaradhana 79.7 Tattvarthsutra 5.21 Sutrakritanga 11.10 Tatvarth sutra 5.21 L.M. Singhvi, The Jain Declaration on Nature' 1993, Jayabhikhu Sahitya
Trust, Ahmedabad. 12. Sutrakritanga
Jain Kamal, Aprigraha -The human solution forward by Sagarmal Jain,
Parsvanath Vidhyapeeth Varanasi, 1998, p.3. 14. Motilal, B.K. The Central Philosophy of Jainism, L.D. Institute of Indology,
Ahmedabad, 1981.p. 12 Jain Kamal, Aprigraha -The human solution forward by Sagarmal Jain,
Parsvanath Vidhyapeeth Varanasi, 1998, p.3. 16. Brihatsanti stavva -18