Contribution of Jaina Philosophy to Global Philosophies
not only with reference to a pluralistic society like India, but it is also true regarding technology e.g. we can't give up technology completely as life without technology is impossible and we can't accept it completely as it threatens our own survival. There is enframing and the danger of enframing needs some solution to overcome it. It is to relativise technology. It is to recognize that science and technology are not 'the' modes of existence. They are one of the many modes of existence within the totality of Being. This relativisation saves us from the absolutist, exclusivist suicidal position. The relativisation implies ambiguity, creativity and the mystery of all revealing Truth. In the world of science and technology also, Jaina pluralistic, relativist position will work like a guiding post. It is like revealing and unfolding leading to 'Reality'. It is like Greek 'Techne', which while unfolding brings transformation. The plural and relative nature of Reality (Anekanta and Naya) also brings transformation. It is not manipulation but natural transformation. It is inner transformation within a nd outer transformation without i.e. at the social level. As it is not manipulati on but a natural transformation, it is completely nonviolent. That is how it is very consistent with Jaina practice of ahimsa or nonviolence. The best combination of Realism, pluralism and natural transformation from finite to infinite with the help of practice of riratna is the need of the society dominated with the exploitative certainty of science and technology. What is needed is the balancing antidote of ethical values put in its place uncontrolled consumerism of the present century. We have to keep in mind that science, technology and the comforts ensuing from them are not the only Reality. This may be real or may not be real. This is to be understood in a perspectiv e. The role of science and technology, if relativistic, will avoid the evils like exploitation of nature and exploitation of men. Thus, understanding the implications of Jaina Anekanta and Naya will pave the way for harmony and peace.