aa vii. 41 m, a cowherd [ f.
वत्सीय ]
a vii. 37, a river. वज्जा vii. 32 अधिकार:, authority. वज्जि vii. 39 अवलोकितम्, seen.
vii. 41, the knot of the lower garment.
वट्टमाणं vii. 87 अङ्गम्, the body, a limb of the body. गन्धद्रव्याधिवासभेदः, the scent of fragrant substances.
vii. 31, a path, road. [f.] ट्टि vii. 34 अतिरिक्तन्, surpassed, excelled.
हि vii. 40 परकार्यम्, the work of oth ers. [seems to be the correct reading) [f. Tel. vetti] वडपं vii. 84 लतागहनम्, a bower of creepers निरन्तरवृष्टिः, incessant rain. वडही vii. 33 पक्षिभेदः, a kind of bird.
vii. 36, a row, line. वडिसरं vii. 48 चुलीमूलम, the bottom of the fire place.
a vii. 82, a part of a door. , a field.
बुड्डवासो vii. 47 मेघः, a cloud केचिदोयादिमेनं पठन्ति
बडहुली vii. 42 मालाकारः, a garland
vii. 29, big, great. [ f. Tel. oddu ]
वड्ढइओ vii. 44 चर्मकारः, a shoemaker, currier..
चढवणं vii. 87 वस्त्राहरणम्, taking a cloth r, informing
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of good fortune or prosperity [ f. वर्धापन ]
वड्ढाविअं vii. 45 समापितम्, completed. [f. prec. ]
vii 36 कूपतुला, a contrivance for raising water from a well, (in which a horizontal beam, from one end of which a bucket hangs, see-saws on a vertical post ). वाई vii. 38 वृक्षपडि, a row of trees [Tr. f. वनराजि ]
vii. 51 974, fat, stout [f. वर्धन + मेरा ? ]
vii. 373, sandal-wood. पिष्टातक चूर्णमिन्यन्ये, scented powder. a vii. 32, a heap, collection.
चढणसालो vii. 49 छिन्नपुच्छ:, with the वत्तद्धो vii. 8 सुन्दरः, handsome, lovely.
tail cut off, tailless.
वणी vii. 38 गोयन्दम्, drove of cattle वणपक्कसावओ vii. 52 शरभः, a fabulous animal, said to have eight legs and to be stronger than a lion. [f. वन + पक्कसावओ q. v.] ama vii. 37 ana, a forest conflagration. [ f. वन - प १]
वणसवाई vii. 52 कलकण्ठी, the female cuckoo [f. वनश्वपाची ]
वणायं vii. 35 व्याधाकुलम्, agitated by a hunter.
वणारो vii. 37 दम्यो वत्सः, a young bullock requiring training.
वंठो vii. 83 अकृतविवाहः, unmarried. निःस्नेहः, unkind. खण्डः, a piece गण्डः, the cheek. :, a servant. वंडुअं vii. 36 राज्यम्, a kingdom. at vii 29 :, a bond, fetter. वण्णं vii. 83 अच्छम, pure, clear. रक्तम्, red, blood.
, well-trained.
वत्तारो vii. 41 गर्वित:, proud.
vii. 31 aia, boundary, limit.
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