No. 33/94/50-PM5
31st January, 1950
Dear Sir,
With reference to the deputation of certain representatives of the Jains, who met the Prime Minister on the 25th January, I am desires to say that there is no cause whatever for the Jains to have any apprehensions regarding the future of their religion and community. Your deputation draw attention to Article 25, Explanation II, of the Constitution. This Explanations only lays down a rule of constitution for the limited purposes of one provision in the article. and, as you will notice, it mentions not only Jains, but also the Buddhists and the Sikhs It is clear that Buddhist are not Hindus, Therefore, There is no reason of thinking that Jains are considered as Hindus. It is true that Jains are in some ways closely allied to Hindus and have many duetoms in common; but there can be no doubt that they are a distinct religious community and the constitution does not in any way affect this well-recognised position.
Yours faithfully,
(A.V. Pai.) Principal Private Secretary
to the Prime Minister.
Shri S.G. Patil, Representative of Jains Deputation, 10, Centrel Court, New Delhi.
केन्द्रीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री पं. जवाहरलाल नेहरूजी
का जैन समाज को पत्र
(पिछले पृष्ठ पर मुद्रित इस पत्र को साफ पढने हेतु पुनः टंकित किया गया है)
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