An Aspiration for Divine Parenthood
Celebrating the miracle of human birth and establishing a joyous parent-child relationship is the goal of Arham Pregnancy. It starts with creating a vision of divine parenthood even before conception. The inspiration for Arham Pregnancy is derived from the Jaina Agamas where we learn about women who gave birth to extraordinary children. One such extraordinary mother was Queen Trishla. The Kalpa Sutra contains detailed descriptions of her life style and thoughts when she conceived as well as during pregnancy. She is an ideal role model for mothers-to-be. Her son, Vardhamana, later known as Mahavira, became the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jains. The Tirthankaras, or the ford-makers, are the ones who establish the religious system and order in society. At this present time, the Jains follow the system established by Lord Mahavira in the sixth century BC.
As the Agamas state, the soul has immense possibilities when it takes birth in the human form. It is the human being who can work towards excellence. He can observe austerities and embrace renunciation. He can make a conscious effort to overcome passions and sufferings. Thus human birth is seen as a pathway to free the soul from cycles of birth and death. It is the medium by which a soul can achieve the status of a perfect being. Therefore, among all forms of life, it is human life which is considered a precious gem. This has been reiterated time and again by the Jaina agamas and other religious scriptures of this world.
If we accept this tenet as fact, the ones who give birth deserve a special status. No wonder then, the being that takes birth in human form is indebted to it's parents for life! Imagine if a couple could find the tools to create a strong, healthy and auspicious