inner process itself is disturbed.
thing, but her longing did not escape Mother
Trishla. She called her son and explained the Name: A life-giving Mantra
situation to him. He obeyed her and How should the child be named?
started spending time at home. Thus What is the importance of one's name? A
Yashoda's desire was fulfilled and so the name is not just an identity for people to
daughter was named Priyadarshana which recognize you; it is a mantra which has life
means 'seeing one's beloved giving qualities. For when it is uttered before
If you will see the history of Vardhaman's the child again and again by his parents and name, the same truth will emerge. When he close relaives, it imparts a certain energy to was born, there was an increase in prosperity the child.
in all the fields of the state. Hence his The child should be named according
parents named him Vardhamana which
means 'abundance! to the experiences of the parents during pregnancy and soon after birth, taking into
This is the correct and pure basis for account the personality of the child. There naming one's child. Kalpa Sutra (verse are many examples in the Agamas where we
86) says a name should reflect the correct can see that this has been the tradition for qualities. While naming, nothing else was naming one's child.
taken into account - no astrology nor the Mahavira's daughter was named
planetary positions. All of these are a shot
in the dark Priyadarshana. On what basis was she named? Her mother Yashoda wished to see her husband Prince Vardhamana (the No Negative Reactions first name of Mahavira). But Vardhamana Another rule is not to express any was detached. He was preoccupied with negative reactions towards the child. If many matters which took him away from his routine upsets the daily routine of the home to which Yashoda never raised any parents, they must not feel any frustration. objection. But when Priyadarshana came The child may not understand the words into the womb, a desire arose in her mother and emotions of his parents, but he underto see the husband. She did not say any
stands the language of energy. If they are