The Namaskara Mantra
namo arihantanam, namo siddhanam, namó ayariyanam, namo uvajjhayanam, namo loe savvasahunam, eso panca-namokkaro, savva-pava-panasano, mangalanam ca savvesim, padhamam havai mangalam
I bow down to the arihantas; I bow down to the siddhas; I bow down to the acharyas; I bow down to the upadhyayas; I bow down to all the sadhus in this universe. This five-fold obeisance annihilates all sins, and is supreme among all that is auspicious.
It is a prayer not directed towards specific person or god or goddess; nor towards any specific caste or religion. It is a prayer directed towards divine souls who have attained liberation from all worldly things. It is a prayer to make oneself pure and achieve positive aura from these divine souls.