come from the celestial abode, then one can had been one of enemity. Kaunik had come see a positive brilliance in the mother's face. into this womb to take revenge on his father. The Agamas contain vivid descriptions
The feeling of revenge was very powerful and of twenty-seven births of Lord Mahavira. the queen was unable to control her desire. His soul traversed different life-forms - as Many couples have reported their a celestial being in heaven, as an infernal relationship was adversely affected when being in hell, as a lion once and even as a the woman became pregnant. Sometimes prince in a palace. In his final birth - the the situation has gone beyond repair and twenty-seventh one - his soul entered the ended in divorce. Sometimes the woman womb of Mother Trishla to be born as Prince has felt compelled to go in for abortion Vardhaman. At the precise moment when he because of severe misunderstandings. Many entered the womb, Mother Trishla received kinds of changes are seen post conception. joyous indications. On the contrary, when For instance, it is possible that while she has his soul entered the womb of Queen Vimala generally enjoyed eating along with others, during his twenty-second life, she started she now prefers to eat in isolation. The receiving inauspicious indications. That was opposite is also likely to occur where she may his birth as Prince Vimal. His previous life become much more caring and nurturing of was spent in hell where he had experienced extreme pain. He carried these sorrowful
All these changes are an indication of the influences with him when he entered
arriving being's previous life. If the soul has Mother Vimala's womb which gave rise to
experienced the tiryanch life-form, which negative thoughts within her.
could be that of an animal, then he has had An even more poignant description to fend for himself. Human beings like to eat is found during the birth of King Kaunik in the company of others. If the mother does of Magadha. When Kaunik arrived in the not like to eat in the company of her family, womb of Queen Chelana, a strange desire it is possible that the being in her womb has arose in her mind. She became obsessed come from the tiryanch life-form. Hence she with the idea of eating the heart of her becomes concerned with taking care only husband, King Shrenik. The previous of herself. It does not in any way indicate relationship between the father and son
that she has a feeling of enemity towards