divinity of parenthood. Their words and their expression are my strength and keep me going.
What I now aspire for is the test of these experiments and sadhanas by scientific procedure. Only then will the principles of the Jinas find faith, devotion and universal acceptance.
My mind reverberates with the mantra of Anekanta. This is the primary support for my sadhana. There is no space for the term 'impossible in Anekanta. The melting away of boundaries is Anekanta. The liberation of a bondage is Anekanta. Open - mindedness is Anekanta. Giving up aggression for compassion is Anekanta..
No end inspires one to find that which has been never before. The door of infinite possibilities is flung open to give birth to inspiration for new experiments and exceptional actions. Every being which is born in this universe may find parents who are endowed with divine power; this is the aim.
I hope for each one of you that you become the parents of epoch-heroes. This dream should dance in your mind, this aim should become the pinnacle of your life. If you gave birth to an epoch-hero, then you would have done enough meritorious deeds to carry you for centuries.
This dream will become a reality when such an epoch-hero will be born in every era. With the pristine faith that this dream will be actualized, I present this sadhana before the world. May every era be enlightened by epoch-heroes! As my being reverberates with this prayer, I place this experiment of religious science, the rarest of legacy from the rule of the Jinas, at the lotus-hands of eternal motherhood! Joy consumes me. This is the beginning, not the end. The journey has commenced, not concluded.