The time has come for us to accept some new concepts with conviction so that religion and worldly life can walk hand in hand. In every stage of life, from birth to death, we have to weave the tenets of religion into ourselves. And this is possible only when our religious teachers will aspire to become our life teachers. These are evolved souls who invest every moment in the worship of knowledge. They unite with the supreme force in a divine togetherness and spend every moment in nurturing that relationship. Who is better than them to teach us to nurture our relationships? Who is superior to them to steer our children on the path of true learning? A relationship. is a relationship, whether it is of this world or divine. If we form true relationships in this world, then we will form them effortlessly in the celestial world as well. If we do not do so, then our familial, social and religious platforms will become even more shallow, and the situation even more grave.
This is why I am joyous about this expedition of Gurudev - Arham Pregnancy. Who can know the process of birth more than he who has sacrificed his all to understand the mystery of birth and death? His thoughts and discoveries on this topic are priceless. That I have received the opportunity to transform them into the written word is an extraordinary page of my life, a divine station, an unparalleled experience. Gurudev calls this the journey of words, but for me this is an internal journey, as if one life within another. My eternal gratitude.