2.9 Transgressions occurring in Acceptance of
Absolute Cessation of Reality 2.10 Transgressions occurring in Acceptance of Absolute
Destruction of Permanent Nature of Reality 2.11 Logical Analysis of Absolute Permanent and
Absolute Momentary Nature of Reality 2.12 Criterion of Reality 2.13 Artharkriyākāritva as a Logical Criterion of Reality 2.14 Relevance of Permanent-cum-change Nature of Reality 2.15 Change as Indivisible Nature of Reality III. Epiestemological Analysis of Anekāntaavāda 52-92 3.1 Concept of Anekānta
3.1.1 The Need of Anekāntaa 3.1.2 The Meaning of the Term Anekāntaa
3.1.3 Reality open to infinite Possibilities 3.2 The Doctrine of Conditional Dialectics (Syādvāda)
and Sevenfold Predication (Saptabhangī) 3.2.1 Saptabhangi 3.2.2 Applications of anekant in Metaphysics 3.2.3 The Conceptual Analysis of Philosophy of Co-existence 3.2.4 Anekāntaic Dialogues in Canonical Literature 3.2.5 Philosophy of Co-existence of Pairs in the World
of Experience 3.2.6 Opposing Pairs in Our Body
3.2.7 The Philosophy of Co-existence and its Implications 3.3 The Jain Doctrine of Naya : Its Implications
- 3.3.1 Different Classifications of naya-s 3.3.2 Seven Types of Nayas 3.3.3 Partial Truth of Individual Naya