providing me an opportunity to get my dissertation research work published from the Jain Vishva Bharati University. I am thankful to Samaņī Malliprajñāji, Samaņī Chaitanya Prajñāji and other Samañīs for their kind support.
I extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor and guide Prof. K.C. Soganiji, Director of Apabhramsa Sāhitya Academy, for his unrelenting encouragement and illuminating guidance. I wish to thank notably Pandit Vishvanath Mishra, Prof. Damodar Shastri, Prof. Bhattacārya, whom I approached very often to find the solutions to the problems that arose during my research. I would like to express my special thanks to Prof. Satyaranjan Banerjee, Prof. N.Krishna Swamy, Prof. Edger Beuer ,who enlightened me in the field of research methodology. I give my sincere acknowledgement to all my colleagues for their kind assistance. I give my special thanks to Mohan Choudhary and Anoop Khoja, who assisted me in typographical work whenever I was in need. I am also thankful to Nepal Pavan Gang for printing this book, in a very short time and for giving a research book form. Lastly I take this opportunity to render my gratitude to the eminent scholars whose works have been referred by me.
Dr Samani Shashi Prajñā