Book Title: Agam 11 Ang 11 Vipak Sutra English Translation Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar Publisher: Deepratnasagar View full book textPage 8
________________ VipakShrut- Ang-11- ShrutSkandh-1, Chapter-1 Gautam Swami asked "Where is that person who is blind by birth (like him), absolutely blind?" Bhagavan said "Gautam! In this very Mrigagram city child Mrigaputra, the son of Vijaya Kshatriya and Mriga, is blind by birth (like him), absolutely blind. He does not even have hands and feet and other parts of the body. He only has mere outlines of these parts. His mother Mriga Devi feeds and brings up that child carefully and furtively." Bhagavan Gautam then paid homage and obeisance to Bhagavan and requested Bhante! If you give permission I would like to see that child Mrigaputra." Bhagavan said "Do as you please, Gautam. On getting permission from Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, Gautam Swami was pleased and contented. He left Bhagavan to go and see Mrigaputra. Observing irya samiti (care of movement) he moved without any haste and came to Mrigagram city. He entered the city from the main road and came to the house of Mriga Devi. When Mruga Devi saw Gautam Swami coming she was pleased and delighted. After paying homage and obeisance she asked-"Beloved of gods! What gives me the honour of your visit?" Bhagavan Gautam responded-"Beloved of gods! I have straightway come to see your son." At this Mruga Devi adorned her four sons born after Mrigaputra and made them touch Gautam Swami's feet. She said "Bhante ! Look here please, these are my sons." Bhagavan Gautam told Mruga Devi-"Beloved of gods! I have not come here to see your these sons but to see your eldest son, Mrugaputra, who is blind by birth, absolutely blind. You have kept this son in an isolated cellar and are feeding and bringing him up carefully. under wraps. I have come here only to see him." Mruga Devi was taken aback at these words. She asked "O Gautam! Who is that great sage and ascetic that has revealed my well kept secret so explicitly and enabled you to be aware of my secret without any effort?" Bhagavan Gautam Swami said-"Lady! It is my religious leader (who is one such omniscient) who has told me this secret. While Mruga Devi was talking to Bhagavan Gautam Swami thus, it was time to feed child Mrugaputra. Mriga Devi said to Gautam Swami-"Bhante ! Please wait here, I will soon show you child Mrigaputra. Having said so she went to the kitchen, changed her dress and took a wooden trolley. She placed enough quantity of staple food, liquids, general food, and savoury food (ashan, paan, khadya, svadya) in the trolley. Pushing this trolley she came where Bhagavan Gautam Swami was waiting and said--Bhante! Please follow me. I will show you child Mrigaputra." Gautam Swami followed Mriga Devi (on being requested). Pushing the trolley, Mriga Devi came to the cellar and covered her mouth with a peace of cloth folded four times. She requested Bhagavan Gautam Swami Bhante! Please cover your mouth with a folded piece of cloth." Bhagavan Gautam Swami followed the advise and covered his mouth with a folded piece of cloth. Commentary-The purpose of covering mouth, this includes nose as well, with four folds of cloth is to minimize the offensive stench pervading that place. It is nose and not mouth that is receptor of smell. Mriga Devi had also covered her nose because only that could Aagam - 11 - Vipak-Shrut Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [7]Page Navigation
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