VipakShrut- Ang-11- ShrutSkandh-1, Chapter-6
Jambu! During that period of time there was a city named Mathura which was beautiful and prosperous in all respects. Outside this town was a garden named Bhandir in which was a temple of Sudarshan Yaksh. In that Mathura city ruled a majestic king named Shridaam. The name of his queen was Bandhushri. Shridaam and Bandhushri had a son named Nandivardhan who was perfectly proportioned and handsome. He was the crown prince of the kingdom.
King Shridaam had a minister named Subandhu, who was well versed in four prongs of politics, namely saam incantation), bhed, (guile), dand (threat), and upapradan (daam or bribery). The 'minister had a perfect and handsome son named Bahumitraputra. King Shridaam had a barber (alankarik or hair-styler). Besides performing all his duties as a beautician he was a confidante of the king. On king's order he had unrestricted access at every place and involvement in all activities to the extant that he visited the private quarters of the king's palace unchecked and at will.
During that period of time Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir arrived in Mathura city. The king and the people came out of the city to attend his discourse. After the discourse they returned home.
During that period of time Bhagavan Mahavir's senior disciple Ganadhar Gautam came to the city to seek alms. While returning after collecting alms he came to the main road. There he saw many elephants, horses and foot soldiers duly equipped with armours and weapons. Amongst them he saw a prisoner surrounded by many men and women. In the middle of the crossing the state guards made him sit on a red hot throne made of iron. After making him sit on the throne, as if lavishly anointing him for coronation, they poured on him, from red hot urns, a variety of bubbling and scalding liquids including molten iron, molten copper, molten zinc, molten lead and boiling water.
After that they embellished him with red hot eighteen and nine string necklaces on the neck, tied a red hot metal strap on his forehead and placed a crown and other ornaments of red hot iron on his head.
Gautam Swami was touched at this horrifying scene. He was thoughtful- This man is, indeed suffering infernal torture and pain... and so on up to... He came to Bhagavan Mahavir and asked about past birth of that person. In reply Bhagavan said--
Gautam! During that period of time there was a prosperous city called Simhapur in Bharatvarsh area in Jambu continent. A king named Simharath was the ruler of that city. King Simharath had a jailer (charak-paal) named Duryodhan who was irreligious... and so on up to... enjoyed evil deeds only.
Jailer Duryodhan had numerous prison instruments (charak bhaand) for third degree torture of prisoners (listed as follows)--
A variety of iron pots (kundi) placed on fire always. Many of these were filled with copper, many with zinc (trapu), many with lead, and many others with alkaline or acidic water and oil (that gives burning sensation on touch).
That Jailer Duryodhan had many large pitcher-like pots shaped like hump of a camel (ushtrika). Some of these were filled with urine of horses, others with that of elephants, camels, cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep.
Aagam - 11 - Vipak-Shrut
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar