VipakShrut- Ang-11- ShrutSkandh-1, Chapter-9
is the text and meaning of the ninth chapter of Duhkha? Vipaak as preached by Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir?) Sudharma Swami Replied
Jambu During that period of time there was a city named Rohitak. Outside this town was a garden named Prithvi-avatansak in which there was a temple of Dharan Yaksh. In that city ruled a king named Vaishramanadatt. The name of his queen was Shridevi and that of his son, who was the crown prince, was Pushpanandi.
In that Rohitak city lived a merchant named Datt Gathapati who was very rich and respected. The name of his wife was Krishnashri. Datt Gathapati and Krishnashri had a daughter named Devadatta who was perfectly endowed and beautiful.
During that period of time Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir arrived at Prithvi-avatansak garden. Bhagavan gave his discourse to all, after which the king and the people returned home. During that period of time, while returning after collecting alms in the city, Gautam Swami, the senior disciple of Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, came to the main road. There he saw many elephants, horses and foot soldiers duly equipped with armours and weapons. Amongst them he saw a woman, with her ears and nose cut off, tied in the avakotak bond (bending the neck and tying it with hands already tied at the back) and impaled on the gallows. (Oil was smeared on her body. On her hands and waist she wore the garb of a person sentenced to death. She was handcuffed and wore garland of red flowers on her neck. Her body was also smeared with chalk.) Gautam Swami thought that this woman was, indeed, suffering infernal agony.
After collecting alms he left the city, came to Bhagavan Mahavir and asked "Bhante! Who was this woman in her last birth? In reply Bhaga van said
Gautam! During that period of time there was a prosperous city called Supratishth in Bharatvarsh area in Jambu continent. A majestic king named Mahasen was the ruler of that city. He had one thousand queens including Dharini in the inner quarters of his palace. King Mahasen and queen Dharini had a perfectly endowed and handsome son named Simhasen who was made the crown prince.
At a certain time the parents got constructed five hundred large and exclusive mansions for prince Simhasen (when he attained youth). After this prince Simhasen was married to five hundred beautiful princesses including Shyama in a single day. Each of these brides were given sets of five hundred things in gold, silver (etc.) in dowry. He lived happily in lofty mansions enjoying all these gifts with the five hundred princesses including Shyama.
After some time king Mahasen died. Prince Simhasen performed the last rites including cremation and ascended the throne.
Then that king Simhasen, highly enamoured of Shyama Devi, spent his time madly engrossed in her thoughts and without caring for orhonouring other queens. On the contrary he spent his time happily neglecting and forgetting them all.
Then the mothers of these four hundred ninety nine queens came to know of the fact that— King Simhasen, highly enamoured of Shyama Devi, spent his time madly engrossed in her thoughts without caring or honouring their daughters. On the contrary he spent his time happily neglecting and forgetting them all.' On getting aware of this, they jointly decided that it would be to their benefit to somehow kill Shyama Devi by
Aagam - 11 - Vipak-Shrut
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar