VipakShrut- Ang-11- ShrutSkandh-1, Chapter-9
Then king Simhasen called his servants and said-Take large quantities of ashan, paan, khadya, svadya (staple food, liquids, general food, and savoury food), flowers, dresses, fragrant garlands, and ornaments to the Kootakarashala.
According to the king's order the servants took all these things there.
Then those four hundred ninety nine mothers of queens embellished themselves with all kinds of ornaments and started enjoying that abundant food and wines as well as music and dance (by musicians and dancers). In other words, got engrossed in enjoying food, wines, dance and music.
Around midnight king Simhasen came to the kootakarashala with many attendants. He got all the gates of the kootakarashala closed and then set it ablaze from all directions.
Set afire by king Simhasen those four hundred ninety nine mothers of queens failed to find any shelter or protection. They died crying, wailing, and sobbing in despair.
Ever involved in such sinful activities, accepting these activities to be ideal of life and the best conduct, king Simhasen acquired extremely malevolent and pain causing karmas in abundance. After completing his life-span of three thousand four hundred years, he died and reincarnated as an infernal being in the sixth hell where the maximum life span is twenty two Sagaropam. The soul that was king Simhasen, coming out of the hell, was conceived as a daughter in the womb of Krishnashri, the wife of Datt Sarthavaha in this Rohitak city.
After nine months of pregnancy, that Krishnashri gave birth to a daughter. That girl was very delicate and beautiful. On the twelfth day after birth, the parents arranged for abundant food and invited their friends, relatives and kinfolk. After the feast they performed the naming ceremony-"Our daughter is hereby named Devadatta." And girl Devadatta began to grow up in care of five nursemaids.
In due course girl Devadatta crossed her adolescence and became a beautiful, charming, and well proportioned young woman.
One day, after taking her bath and adorning herself with a variety of ornaments, Devadatta, surrounded by numerous maids including hunchbacks, was playing on the rooftop of her mansion with a golden ball.
Around that time, after taking his bath, adorning himself with ornaments (etc.), surrounded by many attendants, and mounted on a horse, king Vaishramanadatt was going for horse-riding. He passed in the vicinity of Datt Gathapati's mansion. All of a sudden king Vaishramanadatt saw Devadatta playing with a golden ball. He was astonished at the beauty, charm and youth of Devadatta. He summoned his attendants and asked"Beloved of gods! Whose daughter is this? What is her name?"
The attendants joined their palms and informed "Sire! This beautiful, charming, and well proportioned young woman is Devadatta, the daughter of Datt Gathapati and Krishnashri."
On his return from horse-riding, king Vaishramanadatt summoned his officials of confidence and said
"Beloved of gods! Please go and seek the hand of Devadatta, the daughter of
efter birth, the per the feastnd girl
Aagam - 11 - Vipak-Shrut
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar