VipakShrut-Ang-11 - ShrutSkandh-2, Chapter-1
Then Subahu Kumar accepted the householder's code (Grihasth Dharma) of twelve vows including five minor vows (Anuvrats) and seven instructive or complimentary vows of spiritual discipline (Shikshavrats) before Bhagavan. After that he returned home riding his chariot.
During that period of time Indrabhuti Gautam Anagar, the senior disciple of Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir asked—"Bhante ! This Subahu Kumar is beloved (of all) having lovable appearance, attractive having attractive appearance, adorable having adorable appearance, enchanting having enchanting appearance, serene having serene appearance, good-looking, and pretty. Bhante ! To many people and even ascetics he appears to be beloved... and so on up to... and pretty.
"Bhante! How this Prince Subahu Kumar got and availed this human opulence? How it appeared before him? What was his name and caste? In which village or settlement was he born? What charity, indulgence, blend and dry food, conduct (ascetic or householder's) and the sermon of which Shraman or Brahmin has helped him attain this opulence? Has he been blessed with this or acquired himself? What is the cause of his acquiring and enjoying this?]
Commentary- The author of this Agam has used fourteen adjectives including isht and ishtaroop to describe Subahu Kumar. He has mentioned further that to many people and even ascetics he -ppears to be beloved... and so on up to... and pretty.' This last statement emphasizes his proficiency in art of living. Some people gain popularity through their social service, charity and congenial speech and behavior. Their morality and social behaviour are excellent but they are not so successful in their religious and spiritual life. They lag behind in the practice of detachment, austerities, vows and self-control. Some people have ideal religious life but they are inept in their social life. Only a person with equal excellence and lofty ideals in every facet of life including religion and ethics, service of the self and others, detachment and indulgence is popular among masses as well as sages. A great sage, hermit, and yogi like Gautam Swami was so pleased and impressed with the social behaviour and religious conduct of Subahu Kumar that he presented his curiosity before Bhagavan. This indicates that Subahu Kumar must have had a unique personality. The aphorism under reference states fourteen adjectives in this regard. These words appear to be synonyms but, in fact, they vary in their nuances and connotations. On the basis of the elaborations by AbhayadevSuri, commentator (Tikakaar) explained these terms as follows--
- Isht (adorable)-One whose behaviour and action is congenial for all, who is liked and adored by all is called isht.
-Isht-roop-Adoration may be due to some specific work oraccomplishment of a person. But isht-roop is a person having adorable appearance.
-Kaant-Adorable appearance could also be for many reasons. But at the same time, he was desirable (kaant) as well.
-Kaant roop—He was good natured. (By good nature of Subahu, he was adorable.)
-Priya-In spite of loving nature a person can fail in invoking love. But one who inspires love is priya (beloved).
Priya roop—one whose appearance inspires love is priya roop (lovable).
Aagam - 11 - Vipak-Shrut
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar