VipakShrut- Ang-11- ShrutSkandh-1, Chapter-2 She had voluptuous breasts. Her charges for a night's entertainment were one thousand coins. A flag was hoisted high on her residence. The king had honoured her with an umbrella, whisks and fans. The palanquin she usedfor commuting was named Karnirath. Having one thousand courtesans under her command, she lived happily.
Commentary—The detailed description of courtesan Kamadhvaja in the beginning of the chapter may astonish the reader and invoke a curiosity as to why such detailed description of a courtesan? "This provides a glimpse of the art and culture of that period. Kamadhvaja was not just an ordinary courtesan or a state dancer, she was an accomplished artist. The purpose of mentioning her qualities and qualifications in the field of arts and showing her to be an accomplished artist, intelligent individual, adept socialite and expert of numerous subjects is to reveal that women of that period were highly qualified in various subjects and skilled in performing arts even when they belonged to a lower caste or subsisting on some mean or lowly profession.
The author of the work informs about the highly advanced state of art and culture in that period by mentioning about the expertise of eighteen languages, music, singing, dance and other performing arts.
Detailed description of the 64 qualities of a courtesan is available in Kama Sutra of Vatsyayan.
Navangasuttapadibohiya- Her nine latent sense organs were animated. The nine sense organs are two ears, two eyes, two nose-holes, one tongue, one skin (organ of touch) and one mind. In context of sexua! Sensitivity these nine organs are latent or free of perversions during childhood. When the sexual sensitivity is activated or animated it is accepted as the beginning of youth or marriageable age.
[12] Meaning- In that Vanijyagram city lived a rich caravan chief (sarthavaha) named Vijayamitra who had a wife named Subhadra having beautiful body with five fully developed sense organs. Vijayamitra and Subhadra had a perfect and beautiful son named Ujjhitak.
During that period of time Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir arrived at Dutipalash Chaitya in Vanijyagram city. People came to pay homage. Like king Kunik the king of the city also came to pay homage. Bhagavan gave his discourse to all, after which the king and the people returned home.
During that period of time the senior disciple of Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir was ascetic Indrabhuti (Gautam Swami). He had ingested Tejoleshya (firepower) after toning it down. He was observing a series of two day fasts interspersed with a day of meals. He used to spend first quarter of the day in studies and so on as mentioned in Bhagavati Sutra. He sauntered to Bhagavan Mahavir and asked "Bhante! Seeking your permission I want to go to Vanijyagram city and visit low, medium, and high caste families to collect alms from all for breaking my two day fast (shashtakhaman tap)."
Bhagavan replied—"Gautam ! Do as you please."
On getting permission from Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, Bhagavan Gautam left Dutipalash garden and after collecting alms from low, medium and high caste families came to the main road.
Aagam - 11 - Vipak-Shrut
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar