Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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(mutual antagonism), maha-yuddha (great war), maha-sangram (great ! battle), mahashastra-nipaat (use of great weapons), mahapurush-nirvan (death of great men), maharaktapaat (great bloodshed), durbhoot (creatures causing damage to people and food), kula-roag (hereditary diseases), gram-roag (village epidemic), mandal-roag (district epidemic), nagar-roag (city epidemic), shirovedana (headache), pain in eyes, ears, nails and teeth, Indragraha (affliction by Indra), Skandagraha (affliction ! by Kartikeya), Kumar-graha (affliction by Kumar), Yakshagraha (affliction! by Yaksh), Bhoot-graha (affliction by Bhoot) [all these are afflictions caused by different evil spirits), ekantar jvar (fever on alternate days), dviantar (fever after a gap of two days), tijara (fever after a gap of three days), chauthiya (fever after a gap of four days), udvejak (restlessness due to ! separation from loved ones or theft etc.), kasa (bronchitis), shvas (asthma), shosha (debilitating fever), jara (dotage), dahajvar (fever with burning sensation), kachchha-koha (tumor or fetid sores in armpits and other such parts of the body), ajeerna (indigestion), panduroag (jaundice), arsha (bleeding piles), bhagandar (fistula of the anus), hridayashula (anginal pain), mastak-pida (migraine or cranial neuralgia), yoni-shula (vaginal pain), parshva-shula (pain in armpit or sides of the body), kukshishula (stomach-ache); epidemic in village (gram), nagar (city), khet (kraal), i karbat (market), dronmukh (hamlet), madamb (borough), pattan (harbour), ashram (hermitage), samvah (settlement in a valley) and sannivesh (temporary settlement); pran-kshaya (loss of life), dhan-kshaya ! (loss of wealth), jana-kshaya (loss of people), kula-kshaya (loss of clan), : vyasan-bhoot (bad habits), ignoble and other such acts.
[४] सक्कस्स णं देविंदस्स देवरण्णो जमस्स महारण्णो इमे देवा अहावच्चा अभिण्णाया होत्था, तं जहा
अंबे १ अंबरिसे चेव २ सामे ३ सबले ति यावरे ४। रुद्दोवरुद्दे ५-६ काले य ७ महाकाले त्ति यावरे ८॥१॥ असी य ९ असिपत्ते १० कुंभे ११ वालू १२ वेतरणी ति य १३ ।
खरस्सरे १४ महाघोसे १५ एए पण्णरसासिया॥२॥ [४] देवेन्द्र देवराज शक्र के लोकपाल-यम महाराज के ये देव अपत्य (पुत्र) रूप में पहचाने जाते हैं
(१) अम्ब, (२) अम्बरिष, (३) श्याम, (४) शबल, (५) रुद्र, (६) उपरुद्र, (७) काल, (८) महाकाल, (९) असिपत्र, (१०) धनुष, (११) कुम्भ, (१२) बालू, (१३) वैतरणी, (१४) खरस्वर, और (१५) महाघोष। ये पन्द्रह देव प्रसिद्ध हैं।
भगवतीसूत्र (१)
Bhagavati Sutra (1)
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