Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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Soma (3/7/2, 4-7; 3/8/1, 3, 6; 4/1, 2, 3, 4/2, sulabh-bodhi = capable of enlightenment 4,5)
with ease (3/1/51, 52) Somaa = the capital city of Soma Suman Mahavimaan = a celestial vehicle Maharaj (3/7/4 (2); 4/5, 6, 7, 8/1)
(4/1, 2, 3, 4/3, 4; 4/5, 6, 7, 8/1) Somadev-kayik = family members (3/7/4 Sumanobhadra (3/7/7 (4])
Sumsumar-pur (3/2/-) Soma-kayik = Samanik gods (3/7/4 (41)
Suparna Kumar (1/1/6; 1/5/3; 2/5/11; sparsh = touch (2/1/4; 2/3/1; 2/10/6)
3/1/11; 3/8/3) sparsh rahit = devoid of touch (2/10/2,5)
Suprabh (3/8/3) sparshanendriya = touch ()
Suprabhakant (3/8/3) sparshendriya = sense organ of touch;
surabhi-gandh = pleasant smell (3/9/1) skin (2/4/1; 3/9/1) sprisht a touched (2/4/1; 3/1/3, 4)
suras parinam = pleasant taste (3/9/1) sprishtra = touched (1/7/22; 1/8/9)
Suroop (3/8/6) Stanit Kumar = gods of the tenth abode
surup = pleasant view(3/9/1) Stanit Kumari (3/7/6 (2])
Surupa (3/8/4) sthan = place (4/10/1)
Surya = the sun (3/1/11; 3/7/4; 3/8/5) Sthananga Sutra (1/2/13; 3/1/11; 3/6/8; Suryabh Dev (3/1/22; 3/7/4 [1]) 3/8/3; 3/10/1)
Surya-parivesh = an elliptical halo Sthan-pad = the second chapter of around the sun (3/7/4 (51) Prajnapana Sutra (2/7/2)
Suvalgu = a celestial vehicle (4/1, 2, 3, sthavar prani - immobile beings (1/6/25) 4/3) Sthavir kalp (1/3/15)
Suvarn Kumaris (3/7/7 (2]) Sthavir / Sthavir Bhagavant = senior Suvarn Kumars (3/7/7 (2]) ascetic; scholarly ascetic
suvrishti = good rain (3/7/6 (3]) sthiti = life span; the time duration of bondage of the life span determining
svadya = savoury food (2/1/50; 2/5/11; karma particles (1/1/6 (1); 1/5/6, 7, 29,
3/1/25; 3/2/19) 30; 3/1/42, 53)
Svahast-paaritapaniki-kriya = inflicting sthula agni = gross fire (2/9/1)
pain on self and others with one's own
hands (3/3/6) Sthuna-dvar = one of the 24 attributes of the sense organs (2/4/1)
Svahast-praanatipat kriya = destroying
life of self and others with one's own Stok - Seven Prans (a unit of time)
hands (3/3/7) (1/1/6) Sudharma sabha = the main assembly
svarit = medium (1/1/5 (21) hall
Svayamjval = a celestial vehicle (3/7/3, sukh-kaami = wishes them bliss (3/1/52)
6 (11) sukh-sparsh parinam = pleasant touch
svayam-sambuddh (sahasambuddhe) = (3/9/1)
the self-enlightened one (1/1/4 [2]) sukshma snehakaya = minute water
syandamanika = large palanquin (3/4/5, particles or superfine mist (1/6/27)
7, 8, 10; 3/5/1-3)
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