Book Title: $JES 931 English Pratikramana Color E6 Author(s): Pravin K Shah Publisher: JAINA Education Committee View full book textPage 5
________________ 5.0 5th Essential: Käyotsarga - Meditation in a Yoga Posture62 Introspection and Käyotsarga - Arihanta-ceiyänam Sutra 6.0 6th Essential: Religious Vows - Pratyäkhyäna 6.1 Personal Improvement Vows 6.2 Spiritual Vows.... 6.3 Day-to-Day Vows 7.0 Reflections Stavans - Samaro Mantra Universal Friendship Song - Maitri Bhävanä 7.1 Reflection on Our True Teacher (Sadguru) 65 7.2 Reflection on Universal Peace - Upsargäh Kshayam Yänti.. 66 7.3 Reflection on Universal Friendship - Shivmastu Sarva......... 66 7.4 Reflection on Spirituality and Pure Consciousness 7.5 Self Contemplation.... 8.0 1st Essential (Part-2): Conclusion of Sämäyika... Appendix......... 1. Twelve Vows of Lay People (Shrävaks and Shrävikäs) Five Main Vows of Limited Nature (Anuvratas) Three Merit Vows (Guna-vratas) Four Disciplinary Vows (Shikshä vratas) 2. 108 Attributes of the Five Supreme Beings 8.1 Concluding Vows of Sämäyika - Sämäiya-Vaya-jutto Sutra. 69 8.2 Guru Utthäpanä. 71 Arihanta or Tirthankar.. Siddha Ächärya. Upadhyay... Sädhu and Sädhvi... 3. Obeisance to Ascetics - Suguru Vandanä Sutra Believe In Yourself Slow Dance....... Essence of Spirituality.. 821880 RR 20 ENGLISH PRATIKRAMAN 62 64 64 64 64 65 67 67 . 69 72 73 75 75 76 78 **88888888 LO 79 82 82 86 86 5 89 89 92 94 95 96Page Navigation
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