Book Title: $JES 931 English Pratikramana Color E6
Author(s): Pravin K Shah
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee

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Page 42
________________ PRATIKRAMAN RITUAL ..........9. ......................4 मक्खय-मव्वाबाह-मपुणरावित्ति सिद्धिगइ-नामधेयं OTUT HYCHIT, OHÌ Pauliui, P731-94VUT... जे अ अईया सिद्धा, जे अ भविस्संति-णागए काले. संपइ अ वट्टमाणा, सव्वे ति-विहेण वंदामि. ................10. Nammutthunam Sutra: namutthu nam, arihantänam, bhagavantänam............... äi-garänam, tittha-yaränam, sayam-sambuddhänam. ......2. purisuttamänam, purisa-sihänam, purisa-varapundariänam, purisa-vara-gandha-hatthinam.. .................3. loguttamänam, loga-nähänam, loga-hiänam, loga-paivänam, loga-pajjoa-garänam......... abhaya-dayanam, cakkhu-dayanam, magga-dayanam, sarana-dayanam, bohi-dayanam. dhamma-dayanam, dhamma-desayanam, dhamma-näyagänam, dhamma-särahinam, dhamma-vara-cäuranta-cakkavattinam. appadihaya-vara-näna-dansana-dharänam, viyatta-chaumänam.... jinänam, jävayanam, tinnänam, tarayanam, buddhänam, bohayanam, muttänam, moagänam. .............8. savvannunam, savva-darisinam, siva-mayala-maruamananta-makkhaya-mawäbäha-mapunarävitti siddhigai-nämadheyam thanam sampattanam, namo jinänam, jia-bhayanam. ......... je a aiyä siddhä, je a bhavissanti-nägae käle. sampai a vattamänä, savve ti-vihena vandämi. ..............10 Meaning I bow to the Arihanta Bhagavants. I bow to the Jinas, the Tirthankaras, and the self-enlightened ones. I bow to the best among men, the lions among men, the best lotus among men, and the highest species of elephants among men. I bow to the best in the world, the guides of the world, the benefactors of the world, and the enlighteners of the world. 12 ENGLISH PRATIKRAMAN


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