Book Title: Jain Center Detroit 1998 06 Pratistha
Author(s): Jain Center Detroit
Publisher: USA Jain Center Detroit MI
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DERINTER Pratantha Mahetoar JUNE 27-JULY 6 Jalo Education International Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SE * QD in Education International 100/ 4 नमो अरिहंताणं नमो सिद्धाणं नमो चायरियाण नमो उवज्झायाएं नमो लोए सब्बसाहूणे एसो पंच नमक्कारी सब्ब पाव म्पणासणो मंगलाणं च सब्बेसि पटमं हवाइ मंगलं. $ D2 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lord Mahavir COO P- BABULAL KANHAIYA LAL JAIPUR Lord Parshvnath Lord Rushabhdev Jain Education Intemational For Pilate & Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Laxmi Devi Shree Padmavati Devi APATA 2 Shree Sarasvati Devi Shree Chakeshvari Devi Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Guru Gautamswami Shree Ghantakarna Vir Shee Nakoda Bhairavji Jain Education Intemational For Priva & Personal Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAYATI SH JAINUM SHASANUM The quilt of 'Jin Chauvisi & Dharma Chakra This quilt of 24 tirthankar and the wheel of religion has been created by the decoration committee. The unique piece of art is made up of 24 seperate pieces of tirthankar, made from ‘mutka' silk (silk produced from empty cocoons after the butterflies leave) Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Spiritual Leaders Late Acharya Shree Sushilkumarji Maharaj Guardev Shree Chitrabhanuji Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji Shree Kirtichandraji Maharaj Shree Jinachandraji Maharaj Bhattarak Shree Devendrakirtiji Bhattarak Shree Devandrakirtiji Shree Amrender Muniji Acharya Shree Chandanashriji Samani Malli Samani Pratibha Pragya Jain Education Intemational Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 SUBSCRIBETES MEMBERS Editor Anuj Choksi Book Co-ordinator Kunal Choksi Layout Dave Lacina Amit Shah Dakshesh Shah Niranjan Shah Rupal Shah Advertising Kunal Choksi Niranjan Shah Photography Ajit Mehta Cover Design Asha Jindas Shah Proofing Ashok Choksi Komal Choksi 54 Story Pictures Shree 108 Jain Tirth Darshan Bhavan Trust Shree Samovsaran Mahamandar Palitana, Gujrat - India Trustee: Shree Anilbhai Ghandhi Painter: Shree Ashok Saha 'Padmaputra Translating (Blessing of Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu) Ashok Choksi Leena Choksi Vishal Choksi Roma Kapadia Saurin Kapadia Printed By Shantibhai Patel Flash Printing © 1998 by Jain Society of Greater Detroit. (248)-544-3229 481044All rights reserved. No part of this Pratishtha Mahotsav Souvenir Book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of: Jain Society of Greater Detroit, 29278 West 12 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, MI 48334. We apologize for any printing errors in spelling and omissions, Jain Society of Greater Detroit, Jai Janendra! Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OLENCE JAIN MEDITATION INTERNATIONAL CENTER A non-profit educational organization Founded by Poojya Gurudev Shroe Chitrabhanuji ON. NKING.NO 401 EAST 86TH STREET # 20A, NEW YORK NEW YORK 10028 212 534-6090 ATIVITY IN THE July 4, 1998 My dear Members of Jain Society of Greater Detroit, Jai Jinendra! I am very pleased to bless this auspicious occasion o Pratishtha Mahotsav which will be a blessing to Jains as well as to all living beings. I bless and congratulate the members of Jaina Sangha 0? Detroit who created this monumental Temple-Complex of Peaceful Liberator Bhagwan Mahavir for mankind's peace and progress. Greed and ego, parochialism and fanaticism have led people to war and violence. War and violence ane dehumanizing and because of this, billions of people are suffering agonizing pain and torture. In this wan-torn world, we are blessed to have thin rich heritage of nonviolence and peaceful co-existence. Mahavir lighted the lamps of ahimsa, anekantavada, aparigraha, Law of karna and self-realization. Now it is our privilege to go on pouring oil in these lamps to keep illuminating the path of Love, peace, understanding and simplicity. Through practice and expression, we bring this heritage and teaching into living life and influence our young ones and our surroundings. They in turn will influence others and that generation will influence their coming generation. In this way the teaching and heritage of Peaceful Liberatons will go on and grow forever. We are what we are as vegetanians and believens in Reverence for Life because o our ancestors and parents' in luence. So, in the same way, by being models, we will be able to influence the future generation. For this rich heritage, we need an environment and an inspiring place where like-minded people and the aspirants can come together, and such a place is a temple. I am sure this Temple will facilitate seekers to experience its uplifting senene vibrations. Here, people from all walks of lile can come for study, meditation, introspection and purification which leads to enlightenment and liberation From the cycle of birth and death. MAILING ADDRESS : BOX 244 ANSONIA STATION, NEW YORK NY 10023-0244 . TEL/FAX : 212 362 6483 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ E IN ACT VO JAIN MEDITATION INTERNATIONAL CENTER A non-profit educational organization Founded by Poojya Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji 401 EAST 86TH STREET # 20A, NEW YORK NEW YORK 10028 212 534-6090 TING.NO "RELATI THINKIN TY IN TH Jain Society of Greater Detroit Page Two July 4, 1998 I feel happy to see the dream which I envisioned in the 60' has become a reality in America with the help of the Jain Sanghas. Again, I want to send my best wishes to all of you on this auspicious occasion, and may my blessings be in the hearts of all who enter this Temple and in the hearts of all who can make a difference in the world by spreading peace through practice. Love and blessings, Chitrabhanu MAILING ADDRESS : BOX 244 ANSONIA STATION, NEW YORK NY 10023-0244 . TEL/FAX : 212 362 6483 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Bandhu Triputi SHANTINIKETAN SADHNA KENDRA TITHAL : 396 006. DIST : VALSAD GUJARAT (INDIA) PHONE : (02632) 48074 ( શુભેચ્છા-સંદેશ ) જિનધર્માનુરાગી શ્રી ડેટ્રોઈટ જેન સંઘના ધર્મપ્રેમી કમિટી મેમ્બરો તથા સંઘના સહુ સભ્યો જોગ, તીથલથી બંધુત્રિપુટીના સપ્રેમ ધર્મલાભ... ડેટ્રોઈટ જૈન સંઘ, જેન સેન્ટરનું નિર્માણ કરી નૂતન જિનાલયની પ્રતિષ્ઠાનો મહોત્સવ ઉજવવા તૈયાર થયો છે તે જાણીને અમે ઊંડી પ્રસન્નતા અનુભવીએ છીએ અને અંત:કરણની શુભેચ્છાઓ પાઠવીએ છીએ. જૈન મંદિરો અને જૈન તીર્થો એ જૈન સંસ્કૃતિના જીવંત કેન્દ્રો છે. જૈન મંદિરોનું શાંત પવિત્ર વાતાવરણ અને તેમાં બિરાજીત થયેલી જિનેશ્વર પ્રભુની પ્રશાંત મુખમુદ્રાવાળી વીતરાગ પ્રતિમાઓ માનવમનને અંતર્મુખ બનાવી આત્મશાંતિનો અનુભવ મેળવવા માટે પ્રબળ આલંબનરૂપ બને છે. અમેરિકાની ધરતી ઉપર આવા ઉત્તમ આલંબનોની ખૂબ જરૂર છે. | ડેટ્રોઈટ જૈન સંઘના ઉપક્રમે આવું ઉત્તમ આલંબનરૂપ ભવ્ય જિનમંદિર નિર્માણ પામ્યું છે અને તેનો ભવ્ય પ્રતિષ્ઠા મહોત્સવ તમે ઉજવી રહયા છે ત્યારે અંતરના ઉમળકા સાથે તમારી ધર્મભાવનાની અમે અનુમોદના કરીએ છીએ. અને પ્રતિષ્ઠા મહોત્સવ સર્વાગ સુંદર રીતે પાર પડે તેવી પ્રભુને પ્રાર્થના કરીએ છીએ. તમારા શ્રી સંધમાં સદાય સંપ, સરળતા અને એકતા જળવાઈ રહે અને તમે સહુ જિનેશ્વર પ્રભુના ધર્મની આરાધના અને પ્રભાવનાના કાર્યોમાં આગળ વધતા રહો તેવી શુભેચ્છા સાથે. બિનઅધિA, જિનચન્દ્રવિજયના ધર્મલાભ. Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHORAL SHREE FOUNDATION SHREE SHUKAL FOUNDATION CHAIRMAN-MUNI AMRENDER KUMAR JEE MAHARAJ पाय पर निरंजनभाई शाट एवं वास्तुभाई शाह, सम्माननीय प्रेसिडेंट एवं समस्त अधिकारीगण एवं समस्त कार्यकर्ताओं को सत्नेह धर्म ध्यान । हमें यह जानकर अपार आनन्द हो रहा है कि जैन सोसायटी ऑफ ग्रेटर डिटरायॅड द्वारा मन्दिर प्रतिष्ठा का महान आयोजन किया जा रहा है। 27 जून से प्रारम्भ होकर 6 जुलाई तक चलने वाला यह 10 दिवसीय कार्यक्रम धर्मनाद की किलकारियों को चारों ओर गुंजायमान करेगा तथा तारे वातावरण को आध्यात्म की सुगन्ध से भर देगा। आज की अपराध वृत्तियों से निराश एवं कुंठित क्रन्दन करते हुए मन के लिए यह शुभ आयोजन संजीवनी का काम करेगा। , हमारे गुरुदेव परम श्रय अत संघ आचाय मुना सुशाल कुमार जा महाराज चाहते थे कि अमेरिका के हर पहर में मन्दिर बनें और जिन भक्ति का प्रचार एवं प्रसार सारे विश्व में हो उस श्रृंखला में आपका यह मन्दिर विशेष महत्व रखता है। आपका श्री संघ जहिंसा, शाकाहार पर्यावरण एवं शिक्षा के कार्यों में हमेशा आगे रहा है। इस पवित्र कार्य से नई पीढ़ी के मन में नया उत्साह एवं धर्म की भावना जागेगी क्योंकि अब विदेशों में 11 से 14 वर्ष तक की उम्र के बच्चे या तो आत्महत्या या हत्याएँ कर रहे हैं। अब इस धर्म ज्योति के कार्य से ऐसे बच्चों के लिए प्रेरणा एवं जीवन में नई दिशा का आधार बनेगा। इस अवसर पर मुनिवरों के प्रबंधन मनोरंजन के साथ-साथ अंजन का काम कर मुमुक्ष जीवों की दृष्टि को एवं ग्राही बनाएंगे महावीर की ध्वजा वातावरण में आध्यात्मिकता जगायेंगी। मुझे विश्वास है कि यह तमायोजन ऐतिहासि एवं स्मरणीय रहेगा। इस शुभ एवं मंगलमय उत्सव के शुभ अवसर पर कोटिशः शुभकामनाएँ और आशीर्वाद । 37-38, G-22, SECTOR-7, ROHINI, DELHI-110 085, INDIA. PHONE: 7052030 BP-61, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110 052, INDIA. PHONE: 7245213 10 आपका गुनि अमरेन्द्र कुमार Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पनि न ब निति. शले २७।.. सने १-८न TcId Hixi AHIR PHindi पति मोमबनो शल बनर Grans २४यो से 2150 है. (न्न प्रतिमा नि सा ही. 2-241ना? २२D नवनिxfe San AMIRL किसने 2A (Marन १२० . प ल भंघ und. मी लाना as अतिलि urud. २०० Anasi नि बी बनने Trun जना . ५मिना शोभा लोति विने सुन सामीकी विपुलता as easो . ५ ते 24TH सम सन २fe 24 माह 8. धर्मवन से 2404न Ageim 44 1 5२, हम तो ५८ cannot be on-fs सुन भने २D Hो पनि हो किला नन विमल घी या लामी 2AM AAI . मा ५० 24monane नमनावि क्यानो निनws सतिने ranear acो भोटो यार्थी, बनभान ने लावि तिर्नु 01 - Hin. नाय.. PAN 222512 Mia kinnata नाश - MLAI RA(AREn 2ng vareमेरा बुद्ध 20 sesxi 241 Prahaar संचन Pandesी २०५२ 2Amerim - लायना. AIMIR 2AMAL 2n. समान वोही। EE Iले. 11 Jain Education Intemational Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ઋષભાય નમ: મંદિર નો પ્રતિષ્ઠા મહોત્સવ એ માનવ હત્યામાં પરમાત્માની ઉજજવળ પ્રતિષ્ઠાનો સ્થાપવાનો પરમ પ્રસંગ છે. માનવી જગતના સર્વે જીવો પ્રત્યે શ્રી અર્વદ વાત્સલ્યને વિક્સાવે તથા પોતાનું અને સર્વનું તિ હેચામાં ધારણ રે એ પ્રાપ્તિ માનવજીવનની સાર્થક્તા છે. ડીટ્રોઇટ ના જે દેરાસરનો આ પ્રતિષ્ઠા મહોત્સવ સર્વનું પરહિત કરનારો બની રહો એ અંતરની શુભેચ્છાઓ! રિશભાઈ પારેખ Abode of the Liberated Souls - Right Faith Right Conduct Right Knowledge Three Paths Heaven Human Four Destinies Animal —— Hell Non Violence - Mutual Assistance O: All Beings G AT Bengs – પરસ્પપગ્રહો નીવાના – Mutual Assistance Of All Beings Jain Education Intemational 12 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OF THR ENT RESIDE UN OF THE 27 SSY GITHUS THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 4, 1998 Warm greetings to everyone gathered to celebrate the dedication of the temple of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit. Your beautiful new temple stands as evidence of the faith and vision of your community. That enduring faith binds members of a congregation together in fellowship and prayer, and will help to lead all of you through the struggles and joys of life. Our country was founded on a great tradition of religious liberty, which helps to unite our nation of diverse faiths and creeds and gives us common ground for tolerance, healing, and understanding. This celebration is a reminder of the ways that God's blessings can be used to fulfill our obligation to help others. Best wishes for a memorable ceremony. Pin Cluitan 13 Jain Education Intemational Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR LANSING JOHN ENGLER GOVERNOR July 3, 1998 Dear Friends: As Governor of the State of Michigan, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate the members of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit as you gather together to celebrate the opening of your new temple in the City of Farmington Hills. I would especially like to extend a warm welcome to each of the distinguished guests who have travelled from afar to join in this celebration. Welcome to Michigan! This is indeed a special occasion for your organization and for the citizens of Farmington Hills, as today you dedicate a new religious facility. This celebration certainly marks a tremendous achievement for the Jain Society and for the population of Jains worldwide! I would like to commend everyone in attendance this weekend for your dedication to your faith and to the betterment of your community. Throughout the years, your commitment to providing moral guidance, as well as spiritual and physical assistance, has made a significant impact on the residents of your community and has played an integral role in the strengthening of our state's ethical and family values. I am certain your efforts have helped countless numbers of people lead happier, more fulfilling lives, and that your new temple will ensure the continuation of this extraordinary tradition. Once again, congratulations. May the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding your opening ceremony also serve to renew and inspire the joy you find in your faith, and in your family, friends and community members. Sincerely, 21 ols Eng John Engler Governor Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ नरेश चन्द्र NARESH CHANDRA MESSAGE भारत का राजपूत वाशिंगटन, डी० सी० AMBASSADOR OF INDIA 2107 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20008 Through the centuries since the birth of Jainism, the Jains have been the mainstay of India's trade and commerce and the bedrock of our philosophy of nonviolence, so ably expounded in our own century by Mahatma Gandhi. In today's world as India opens up to globalisation and a closer relationship with the US, our largest trading partner, the enviable reputation of the Indian American community is embellished by the achievements of the Jains. Their regard for every form of life and their consummate skill in fair trade and commerce have won them universal respect. The opening of a new temple in this great country is always a joy. I send my greetings to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the inauguration of the temple in Farmington Hills, Michigan, during the weekend of July 4, 1998. Telephone No. (202) 939-7009/7011/7018 Fax (202) 483-3972 15 Wehandn (Naresh Chandra) May 27, 1998 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CARL LEVIN MICHIGAN United States Senate WASHINGTON, DC 20510 May 20, 1998 Jain Society of Greater Detroit 29278 W. 12 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Dear Friends: Congratulations on the opening of your new temple. What a joyous occasion for the Society. I know that it is with a great deal of pride that you dedicate your new house of worship. It stands as a symbol of your commitment to high ideals, hard work and service. I am sure this has been a labor of love; one that you can now share with generations to come. With the honor of so many special guests and visitors, 1 know that you will enjoy this special celebration. Best wishes for continuing success and prosperity. Sincerely, Culfa Carl Levin 16 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ भारत का प्रधान काँसलावास CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA 455 NORTH CITYFRONT PLAZA DRIVE, #850 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60611 PHONES: (312) 595-0405 FAX: (312) 595-0416/17/18 50 J.C. Sharma Consul General भारत May 29, 1998 Dear Mr. Shah, I am delighted to learn that the Jain Society of Greater Detroit will celebrate the opening ceremony of its new temple on July 3, 1998. Jainism is one of the oldest religions of the world and the first religion to propagate the concept of non-violence. It has made a significant contribution to the development of Indian ethos and civilisation. Jain philosophy of showing respect for all forms of life is particularly relevant in the present times. The emphasis on simple living preached by Jainism can contribute a great deal in saving the world from environmental degradation Jain community has extraordinary achievements to its credit in several fields. Dilwara and many other temples bear silent testimony to the highest standards of craftsmanship achieved under Jain patronage. Bhama Shah who stood by Maharana Pratap in the most difficult times will always serve as an ideal example of patriotism. I am sure that the Jain community of Greater Detroit through its achievements will do India proud by the contribution they are making to the American society and to the development of Indo-US friendship. I wish the ceremony every success. Yours sizcerely, The Sharma) Mr. Vastupal B. Shah Co-Chairman Jain Society of Greater Detroit 29278 W. 12 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Joe Knollenberg Eleventh District Michigan Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20515 May 28, 1998 Jain Society of Greater Detroit 29250 W. 12 Mile Road Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334 Dear Jain Society Of Greater Detroit: I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you in celebrating the opening ceremony of your new temple located in Farmington Hills. Your society hosts individuals who are not only revered in the community for their engagements in commerce, but their high standards of education as well. Their contributions should be an example to all of what progress can be made in society when a motivated community works together. I take special pride in the fact that the Jain Society resides and works in my Congressional District. The very best to all of you on this joyous occasion. Sincerely, Jon Kuschenbeel Joe Knollenberg Member of Congress 18 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2187 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515-2209 (202) 225-3611 TDD: (202) 225-0572 e-mail: DISTRICT OFFICES: 432 NORTH SAGINAW, SUITE 410 FLINT, MI 48502 (810) 239-1437 TOLL FREE TO FLINT OFFICE 1-800-662-2685 1829 N. PERRY STREET PONTIAC, MI 48340 (810) 373-9337 July 3, 1998 DALE E. KILDEE 9TH DISTRICT, MICHIGAN Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515-2209 Sincerely, Qale E. Hildre Dale E. Kildee, M.C. COMMITTEES: ECONOMIC AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Jain Society of Greater Detroit 29250 W. 12 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Dear Jain Society: I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the opening of your new temple in Farmington Hills. It is through your hard work and dedication that this joyous event has been made possible. As a former seminarian, I know the personal gratification that one can derive from serving his or her own faith. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER EARLY CHILDHOOD, YOUTH & FAMILIES EMPLOYEE, EMPLOYER RELATIONS RESOURCES NATIVE AMERICAN & INSULAR AFFAIRS NATIONAL PARKS, FORESTS & LANDS I commend those of you who have taken the time and effort to make this commemoration possible, because without your selfless work, this dream would not have become a reality. As a member of the United States House of Representatives, I do understand the sanctity and value that our great nation places on religous freedom. This opening ceremony exemplifies our diversity and understanding of one another. For Private1ersonal Use Only CO-CHAIR: Once again, it is with great pleasure and pride that I congratulate the Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the grand opening of your temple. Please do not hesitate to contact me whenever I may be of service to you. CONGRESSIONAL AUTOMOTIVE CAUCUS Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Office of Mayor & City Council FARMINGTO HILLS MUD MICHIGAN TRADITION CITY OF AND PROGRESS City of Farmington Hills 31555 ELEVEN MILE ROAD, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48336-1165 May 28, 1998 Jain Society of Greater Detroit 29278 W. 12 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 To the Members of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit: It is with a great deal of respect that I, as Mayor, members of the Farmington Hills City Council and our City staff welcome the opening of the Jain Temple to our community. The addition of such a prestigious religious organization to our community is in keeping with the long tradition of our founders, who built our community on the strength of strong beliefs. We join in welcoming your religious leaders from India and the United States. Your guests are our guests during this important dedication period of the Jain Temple. We look forward to attending some of the ceremonies during the dedication period. (248) 473-9500 FAX (248) 474-9993 We wish you the best of success as you join the other religious institutions in our community of Farmington Hills. Sincerely, aedo Aldo Vagnozzi Mayor 20 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DENNIS W. ARCHER, MAYOR CITY OF DETROIT EXECUTIVE OFFICE 1126 CITY-COUNTY BUILDING DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 PHONE 313. 224. 3400 FAX 313. 224.4128 July 3, 1998 Dear Friends: On behalf of the City of Detroit, I extend my congratulations upon the grand occasion of the opening ceremony of the new temple of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit The opening of a new temple is a joyous time to come together in prayer and thanksgiving to God. It is a time to be uplifted with brothers and sisters in celebration of experiencing the fruits of the perseverance and hard work that so many people contributed to make the new temple a reality. May the auspicious occasion of the opening of the new Jain Temple serve to renew commitment and devotion to God. Sincerely, Denih Anh Dennis W. Archer Mayor DWA/CJK 21 Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 37TH DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 30014 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-7514 Dear Friends HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE OF MICHIGAN ANDREW RACZKOWSKI June 27, 1998 Jai Jinendra! It is with great honor that I join you in your celebration of the installation ceremony of eleven idols in the newly constructed Jain Society Temple in Farmington Hills, Michigan. This auspicious occasion allows us to reflect on the great ethnic diversity of our community and nation. Recycled Paper PHONE: (517) 373-1793 HOME: (810) 476-3525 The approximate seven million Jains throughout the world have always stressed a tenet of non-violence and utmost reverence to all forms of human life. This definitely is a society that is a role model for all other societies to follow. In the United States the Jains can be proud of their historic contributions to the arts, sciences and medicine. Your highly educated and prosperous community is one that I am honored to be considered a friend and brother of. Therefore, it is with great joy that as the Representative of the community that houses your Temple I join you on this commemorative occasion and pledge to you my deepest admiration, service, and support to you, this Temple and our community. Again, I thank you and look forward to our long and prosperous relationship. If I can ever be of any assistance, please, never hesitate to call upon me. Respectfully, Ander Rayshowsto Andrew Raczkowski STATE REPRESENTATIVE 37th District 22 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ e FEDERATION OF JAIN ASSOCIATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA Founded 1981 A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) EI # 54-1280028 JAINA Headquarters: 135 Morningside Dr., Grand Island, NY 14072 USA.Phone & Fax (716) 775-0268 NON VOLELE परस्परोपग्रहो जीवानाम् May 14, 1998 Dear Members of The Jain Society of Greater Detroit, On behalf of myself and all Jains across North America, it is a pleasure to extend warm greetings to everyone participating in the Pratishtha Mahotsav of your temple. This is a very auspicious occasion in the history of Jain Society of Greater Detroit. President Dhiraj H. Shah Grand Island, NY Phone (716) 775-0268 Fax (716) 775-0268 First Vice President Mahendra K. Pandya New York, NY Phone (718) 816-0083 Fax (212) 319-4341 Vice Presidents Sobhagya Khamesra Toronto, Canada Phone (905) 274-6464 Fax (416) 368-0007 Jashvant C. Shah Freemont, CA Phone (510) 475-7882 Fax (408) 377-3594 Prabodh Mehta Houston, TX Phone (281) 820-9325 Fax (713) 780-1013 Pravin C. Mehta Clarksville, TN Phone (615) 648-9535 Fax (615) 648-5901 Dilip T. Shah Chicago, IL Phone (630) 655-1670 Fax (630) 837-1099 Anop R. Vora Rochester, NY Phone (716) 473-9290 Fax (716) 473-9450 It is indeed a pleasure and a matter of pride for me to congratulate all those who so generously donated their time, talent and treasure to make this vision a reality. Please accept my sincere best wishes for an enjoyable and memorable event, Dhiraj Shah, M.D. President, Federation or Jain Associations in North America Secretary Dilip V. Shah Philadelphia, PA Phone (215) 561-0581 Fax (215) 567-3146 Treasurer Jit Turakhia Syracuse, NY Phone (315) 622-3287 Fax (315) 622-2998 Past President Manibhai Mehta Los Angles CA Phone (714) 898-3156 Fax (714) 893-0055 MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS: Jain Societies / Centers USA: Albany (NY). Allentown PA). Atlanta Augusta Boston • Buffalo Charlotte (NC) Cherry Hill (NJ) . Chicago Cincinnati Dayton. Cleveland Columbus (OH) Dallas Detroit Elmira (NY) Essex Folle (N) Ft. Myers (FL) Harrisburg (PA). Hartford (CT). Houston Jacksonville (FL). Kansas City.Los Angeles Lubbock (TX). Memphis (TN) Miami Middle Tennessee Milwaukee Minneapolis / St. Paul Morgantown (WV) New Orleans New York Orange (CT). Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh (PA) Portland (OR). Raleigh (NC) Rochester (NY). Royal Palm Beach (FL) Sacramento San Diego San Francisco St. Louis Syracuse (N . Tempe.Tulua. Washington D.C. CANADA: Edmonton Montreal. Ottawa Toronto Vancouver AFFILIATES: Bramhl Jain Society (USA & Canada) International Mahavir Jain Mission (USA & Canada) International Alumni Association of Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya (Rochester) JAFNA (Lubbock) • Join Meditation International Conter (USA & Canada) Shri S. S. Jain Foundation (Toronto). Jain Social Group (Los Angeles & Toronto) Kutchhi Gurjar Samaj Kutchhi Oshwal Jain Association In North America (KOJAN) • Shri Mahavir Jain Charitable Foundation (Santa Ana) For Pri23 Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ફોન નં. : ૫૩૫૬૦૩૩, ૫૩પપ૮૨૩ શેઠશ્રી મહેન્દ્રભાઈ ત્રિકમલાલ શાહ પરિવાર તપોવનસરકારક ગામઃ અમીયાપુર, પોસ્ટ સુઘડ, વાયા વાંદખેડા, તા. જી. ગાંધીનગર પીનઃ ૩૮ર૪ર૪ ફોનઃ (૮૨) ક૨૦૩ નોકિસ: જી. પ્ર. સંસ્કૃતિ ભવન, ૨૭૭૭ નિશાપોળ, ઝવેરીવાડ, રિલીફ રોડ, અમદાવાદ-૩૮૦. માનનીય પ્રમુખ શ્રી ! ૨3પાલ જેન રાયટી ઓફ ગ્રેટર ડાઈડ 'તપોવન- સંસ્કારીક' પરિવારનાં નમોનમઃ (યુ. એસ.એ.) ઢિ જણાવવાનું , તપોવનના પ્રણ દાતા પ્રવાહ ગુરુદેવશ્રી પંન્યાસ શ્રી રાજેશખરવિજયજી મ. સાહેબના ઝંતરનાં આશિષ ગત વર્ષે જ્ઞાપના ક્યુંઘના હાર્દિક નિર્સગન્નનો સ્વીકાર કરી અમે પણ મપર્વની આરાધના Bરાવવા માટે આવેલ હતા. પર્યુષણના દિવસો દરમ્યાન જિનભક્તિ +વરુપ ગ્ગારાધનાનો ઐ૪ ઝપૂર્વ યક્ષ મંડાયા હ. પ્રવચનીપ્રભુભકિત - કુમારપાળ મહારાજાની ઝાતિ જેવા અદ્ભુત ઝંગ આજે પણ યાદ Mાવતા હચું ભીંજાઈ જાય છે. ગ્ગાપના શ્રી સંઘમાં પરમાત્માની પ્રતિષ્ઠાની અલબેલી મ્બપર આવ્યા છે. સ્ના પ્રણે સહુ નિકિતમાં મસ્ત. બની મુક્તિની વરમાળાની વીઘ વછે , M૧૧ની રાખે મ્બમ Mાપને પાઠવી રહ્યા છીએ. ઝાંગણ ખાવી મ્બર અવશ્નર નિષ્કપણે પત્રિપર્ણ પા ઝેવી અંતરની ભુ પામી પાર્શ્વના કરીએ છીએ. તપાવન સંસ્કારી , ૯wાજા / ) પતિ For Private24ersonal Use Only Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit ग्रह PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 First Times for Jain Society www First Puja 3rd JAINA convention THIRD CONFERENCE JAIN SOCIETY GREATER DETROIT IN First camp ******* JA For Pri5 & Personal Use Only of GRE Chitrabhanuji's first visit Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 BRIEF HISTORY OF JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT The Jain Society of Greater Detroit was founded in 1975 as a religious organization to provide a forum for Jains in metropolitan Detroit area to observe and perform various activities related to Jainism, to preserve our culture for future generations and to promote fellowship among all Jains. Starting with 50 families in 1975, the total membership in 1998 has reached over 325 families including over 230 life members. Significant milestones have been established along the way including. 1981: Incorporated as a non-profit religious organization Celebration of Mahavir Janma Din, Paryushana and Diwali Religious lectures by well known scholars Bhavana and Snatra Puja. 1982: Society was granted non-profit tax exempt status by IRS First summer camp for Adults and Children First society picnic 1983: First study class for children 1985: First study class for Adults Hosted 3rd annual JAINA convention 1986: Performed first Siddhachakra Pujan Samovsaran was donated to the society Established "Clothes Donations" program for needy families in India 1988: Newsletter was named "Jain Vani" "Parna" for sakal sangh after Paryushana 1989: Bought the land, for temple project, in the City of Farmington Hills, Michigan First "Atthai (8 fasts) by a youth 1991: "BHUMI POOJAN" for the temple 1992: "SHILPA ROPAN" for the temple First "Mass Khaman (30 fasts)" by a member of the society For Private & Phal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 BRIEF HISTORY OF JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT 1993: Temple construction started Established Board of Trustees and Executive Committee as governing bodies Purchased the property adjacent to the temple site Established a temporary temple Formed Jain Organization of Youth( JOY) for Children and young adults 1998: Completion of the first phase of the temple Pratishtha Celebration Some of the typical activities supported by the volunteer members of our society include: • Swadhyay meetings during Wednesday and Sunday Study class for children, youth and adults once a month Various puja during the year Full programs during eight days of Paryushana • "Swamivatsalya Parna" for sakal sangh after Paryushana Lectures by religious scholars • Youth programs and activities Summer picnic and camp All Swamivatsalya dinners are prepared by volunteer members in the true tradition of our religion Since its inception in 1975, the society has made steady progress in establishing the practice of Jainism as a way of life for our members and their families. With the completion of the temple and celebration of the Pratishtha Mahotsav, we are ensuring that this will continue for the future generation. lain Education International Jain Education Intemational For Priv27& Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 BHOOMI POOJAN " Bhoomi Poojan" was celebrated during the Thanksgiving weekend of Nov. 28 - 30, 1991 with the blessings and guidance of Late Acharya Shree Sushil Kumarji and Muni Shree Jinchandravijayji. Bhoomi Poojan became a memorable event for all of us with a miracle that happened - "Falling of water drops during digging of the land for the Poojan and spring like weather during the ceremony gave us the feeling that "Angles were present with us during the event." Families of Anantbhai & Jayaben Koradia and Ashokbhai & Kalpanaben Choksi did Bhoomi Pravesh and Family of Natwarbhai & Manjuben Shab performed Bhoomi Poojan.With overwhelming support from the members, net amount of $ 51,000 approx. was raised for the Temple project. Jain Education Intemational Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 BHOOMI POOJAN Jain Education Interational 20 For Private Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Dear Friends, It is our great privilege and distinct honor to welcome you on this blessed and auspicious occasion to celebrate the Pratishtha Mahotsav (installation ceremony of eleven idols in the newly constructed Temple. This holy, joyful, and historic event is of great significance to us. It is a culmination of a dream that began with the formation of a Temple committee in 1982 and the purchase of land for the Temple in 1989. All along the path leading to completion of the Temple, Late Acharya Shree Sushil Kumarji, Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji and Muni Shree Kirtichandravijayji, Jinchandravijayji of “ Bandhutriputi ” were always at hand to bless, encourage, inspire and assist us making our dream into reality. Our Vision of building the Temple in a central location, designing a Temple to serve the needs of growing membership & be able to pray together and purchase of next door land with house for the future expansion will serve the membership well in to the next millennium. What you see today is the achievement made possible with the long time commitment and hard work by volunteers of the Temple committee, Fund Raising committee, Construction committee, Executive committec, Board of Trustees and above all unwavering & continuous financial and moral support from the society members. We all are very fortunate to have a chance to support the Temple project and it is self-gratifying to be a part of it and work for it. Let's follow the message of Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanuji to the followers of non-violence and anekantavada: “The devotee must remember the sanctity of the Temple and enter with music of love, peace and reverence. As people discard their shoes before entering a Temple, in the same way let everyone discard one's ego and sectarian fanaticism, particularly in the Temple and generally in everyday life”. Let this Temple be a place where we all will visit to help us break away from the bondage of materialistic life and achieve inner peace within ourselves. Also, let this place serve to teach Jain religion to generations to come along with strong social values and give them a sense of belonging to a community. Bhupendra Shah, Chairman, Board of Trustees Jain Society of Greater Detroit THE JAMN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC Dis simskih Top Row: (left to right) Niranjan Shah, Ashok Choksi, Mahendra Shah, Nalin Shah Bottom Row: Mahendra Bapna, Bhupendra Shah, Praful Shah 30 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Board of Trustees Thanks Corner Our sincere thanks to: Jain Society of Greater Detroit is grateful to many individuals and organizations that have helped us achieve our dream. Special acknowledgements are due the following, Sheth Jivandas Godidas Shree sankheshvar Parshvanath Jain Derasar Trust, and the chairman of the trust Shree Arvindbhai Panalal Sheth of Ahmedabad, India, for donating the marble for the entire Shikhar. Specifically to Shree Arvindbhai who took keen interest in the design of the Shikhar for the temple and procedural matter for the material donation. Shree Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi and its Chairman Sheth Shree Shrenikbhai K. Lalbhai for donating marble material for the temple nitches. Shree Rajendrabhai L. Sutaria and his son Shree Devang R. Sutaria of Ahmedabad, India for coordinating all phases of the marble work. Specifically the Design of Shikhsar and Nitches, Carving work in Makrana, Rajasthan, setting up a trust in India to accept donations, exporting marble from India, and supervising marble installation work in the temple. Shree Vinodbhai R. Shah (Brother of Arvind and Sharad R. Shah), Mumbaiand Navinbhai, Jaipur for cordinating carving and shipping of Murtis, Kalash for the Shikhar, and Bhagvan's Abhushan from India. Vinibhai travelled many times with Muni Shree Jinchandravijayji to Jaipur for Murti work. Shree Jitendrabhai Salot of Mumbai for donating temple related items, such as; Bhandars, Samovsaran. Shree 108 Jain Tirth Bhavan Trust, Shree Samovsaran Mahamandir, and Trustee Shree Anilbhai Gandhi, Ahmedabad, for donating 108 beautiful pictures depicting shining stars of the Jain Shasan - 27 Sadhus, Sadhvis, Shravaks and Shravikas each. Jain Associations of North America (JAINA) organization and current President Dr. Dhirubhai Shah, Mrs. Lataben Champsee, Mr. Kamlesh Amin, and Nirmal Jain for helping publicize our Pratishtha Event, and for mailing the invitation cards for all its members. Jain Society of Metroploitan Chicago for providing a $100,000 loan. Jain Society of Tulsa, Oklahoma for providing a $10,000 loan. Shree Lalitbhai Dhami of Tapovan Sanskarpith for obtaining donation of 14 Swapanas and Parnu from K. P. Sanghvi Charitable Trust, Surat. Jain Education Intemational For Privasi Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 TEMPLE & CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE REGRETERINDR ERTETTEL A dream of Jain Society of Greater Detroit's Temple has become a reality with the vision and participation of many members who served for the Temple and construction committee. The Temple design with an area of 7000 sq. ft. grew in to an area of 25000-sq. ft. with countless input from members of the society and feedback from Jain Societies of Chicago, Toronto and Los Angeles. Every effort was made in planning the Detroit Temple and to incorporate Jain Temple archeology in the design - Marble Shikhar, Marble Niches, Bhumti and Dome that will give future generations a glimpse of beautiful Jain Temples in India. The Detroit Temple with a spacious prayer hall will allow us to pray together, inspire and support our journey to self-realization. The lower level social hall will allow us to gather socially and give future generations a sense of belonging to the Jain community. The Society would like to convey special thanks to the following people who gave their time, talent and above all commitment and devotion to build “Our Temple". Pravin Sheth: Architect of the Temple, spent countless hours to develop a conceptual design of the Temple based on Jain archeology. His untiring and patient efforts are specifically recognized in developing various phases of the temple project, from initial temple floor plan of 7,000sq.ft. to 25,000sq.ft. His very thoughtful adoption of “Bhagwan Mahavir“ stain glass mural will also serve to teach basic principals of Jainism for centuries. He has made himself available through out the project for consultation and provided valuable suggestions during the construction. Nalin Shah: Temple Project Co-ordinator has devoted countless hours, day and night, over the past several years, participating in every aspect of the Temple project. His untiring support during the planning and construction of the temple as well as in all the fund raising activities for last ten years are truly appreciated by the entire society. Bharat Tolia and Kirit Shah: Both as chairman of the fund raising committee guided the fund raising activities over last ten years. We thank them for their efforts whole heartedly. Jayant Shah: the long time Temple Committee Chair and BOT chair who has guided the Temple project over several years. We thank him wholeheartedly. For Private & Sonal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 TEMPLE & CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE Chuni Gala: Team leader- Construction team, for taking the charge over wholeheartedly to coordinate all the construction activities, specifically after some difficulties in the construction phase, and for completing the temple. Also, we greatly appreciate the technical and coordination support of Mr. Hussein Elhage, Mr. Charles Potts, Mr. Jitendra Sanghvi, Mr. Walid Ghalawanji, Mr. Paul Behrend and office support from Ms. Paula Millman, Ms. Tracey Colton, Ms. Cheryl Colton at Gala & Associates. Prakash Jain: design & review of the electrical and video system and construction follow-up, Jayprakash Shah: coordinating site work, Arvind R. Shah: preparing displays, taking construction pictures and resolving construction issues, Shashi Shah & Shashi Dani: reviewing mechanical drawings, Bansi Shah , Jayesh Mehta & Jagdish Shah: approval of the site plan and reviewing utilities drawings, Chetan Koradia: coordinating delivery of the marble work from India, Doshi & Assoc. and Manyam & Assoc. - Architectural services. Mr. Domimic J. Maltese, Mr. Mark Corey and Mr. Alex Parker of D. J. Maltese Co. for taking on the project in the midstream and completing the Temple with quality workmanship. The late Mr. Natubhai Sheth, Chicago: for reviewing Temple drawings and helping with the space planning of the Temple. Many members of various temple related committees devoted their time to bring this temple into existence are listed in no particular order: Jayant Shah, Bharat Sheth, Arvind V. Shah, Ramesh Shah, Arvind R. Shah, Rajendra Modi, Sharad R. Shah, Kantibhai Shah, Bharat Tolia, Chandrakant Ravani, Praful Shah, Bhupendra Shah, Narendra Shah, Girish Shah, Kirit Shah, Ashok Choksi, Leena Choksi, Shashi Shah, Vinay Shah, Bipin Shah, Raj Jain, Mahesh Vora, Anantbhai Koradia, Ashok Jain, Jitu Jain, Niranjan Shah, Prakash Jain, Mahendra Doshi, Mahendra J. Shah, Pankaj Shah, Kulin Shah, Pradip K. Shah, Kartik Shah, Mahendra Mehta, Nalin Shah, Natubhai Shah, Lalit R. Shah, the late Mrs. Rita Desai, Laxmichand Gogri, Jayesh Mehta. Jain Education Intemational For Priv Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Board of Trustees Subcommittees: MEET Fund Raising Committee THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC જૈન સોસાયટી ઓફ ગ્રેટર ડીઇટોઇટ ઇંડ Jayant Shah, Arvind Shah, Niranjan Shah, Bharat Sheth Not Present: Bharat Tolia (Chairman) Ashok Choksi Jayesh Mehta Mahendra H. Shah, Nalin Shah Jasvant Sheth Bharati J. Shah. 34 Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Board of Trustees Subcommittees: Bipin Shahd Constitution Committee: Shrayas B. Shah (Chairman) Chandrakant D. Ravani Jashvant M. Sheth Jayant I. Shah Construction: Chuni H. Gala Pravin D. Sheth Nalin J. Shah Prakash C. Jain JAINA Directors Pictures Not Available (Chairman) Asha Sheth Audit: Kanu M. Doshi (Chairman) Bhupendra M. Shah Kalpana P. Chokshi Rajendra K. Modi Social Services: Ramesh H. Shah (Chairman) Ashok B. Jain Arvind R. Shah Kanti M. Shah 35 SILF Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Jai Jinendra! It is our great pleasure to welcome all of you on this auspicious Pratishtha ceremony. The temple is a place where your mind is at peace, your spirit is lifted, and your soul feels unknown energy. You are in constant bliss with a tender smile in your heart. The Jain Society of Detroit was founded in 1975 as a small group of friends with a similar link. Since then, the Society has grown to be strong, united and passionate. Through the years, we conducted various activities, celebrated auspicious occasions and most importantly taught Jainism to our children and adults through our monthly Jain Study Class. Preserving our religion meant learning, understanding, and practicing Jainism. It was evident that our goal could be most successfully achieved only with a temple. Like other societies, we faced many difficulties to build our temple, Despite the struggles over the years, the society has finally come through.. The society admires and appreciates the members who contributed in the noble task of making a magnificent temple with devotion and commitment. Our temple will be a monument of unity, peace and harmony. We, including the next generation, will have a pure and peaceful place to participate and experience the purpose of life. On Sunday July 5th 1998 at 12:39 PM. installation of the murtis in our temple is with Mantras during the Pratishtha Ceremony, the spirit of these perfected souls will inspire all of us to worship and to help travel our own path to moksha. Praful L. Shah, President. Executive Committee Jain Society of Greater Detroit, Inc. THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC/ 8212yla azaldzielle Top Row: (left to right) Rohit Shah, Harsha Shah, Vinay Shah Bottom Row: Praful Shah, Bharat Shah Jain Education Intemational 36 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Executive Board subcommittees Satsang Committee A group of people meet every Wednesday and Sunday for Swadhyay to learn and discuss Jainism, its principles, and read Jain Darshan, 18 Paap-Sthaanaks, Tatvarth Sutra and other various books. We invite at least 6 Scholars, Munis and/or Samanjis every year for a week at a time to stay with bus and teach us in various subjects. Top Row: (left to right) Ashok Choksi, THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT Shashi Shah, 212142 25 Amas Shah Bottom Row: Leena Choksi, Geeta Shah Not in picture: Mahesh Vora, Jindas Shah, Bharat Tolia PUJA COMMITTEE Religious committee headed by THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETA Shard R. Shah has been doing a great work of performing various Pujas at Temple House as well as at private residence. The group also goes out of town to perform Pujas. These Pujas include Snatra, Anantray Karma, Navanu Prakari, Panch Kalyanak, Vasu, Nav Padji and many more. For last 3 years, Ashok Choksi explains the meaning of each Puja in detail which gives participants an idea why we perform these Pujas. Top Row: Mahendra J. Shah, Jayesh Mehta, Ashok Choksi, Sharad shah. Front Row: Punita Shah, Indira Doshi, Leena Choksi, Pratima Shah, Bhavna Mehta, Nalini Shah. Jain Education Intemational For Pri37& Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ यह Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Pratishtha Coordination Committee Jai Jinendra! It is with great joy and pride that the Pratishtha Committee welcomes everyone to this Pratishtha Mahotsav. This joyous celebration marks a milestone in the history of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit and is the Culmination of tireless efforts of over 200 volunteers in 20 different committees who have worked countless hours over the last twelve months to plan, prepare and execute a myriad of details that has brought us to this most significant event in our lifetime. Unity has been a hallmark of our society's strength. Together we have overcome many challenges and realized our dream of building the temple which we cherish for years to come. Our thanks go to all of the volunteers who have given generously of their time and money to ensure this successful and memorable celebration. The Pratishtha Celebration of our temple represents a beginning of a new age when we will dedicate this unique place of worship for our future generations. Indeed, it is our good fortune that we are given this opportunity to maintain and continue the practice of the Jain philosophy in this country. We take this opportunity to give special thanks to the City of Farmington Hills and to our State Representative, the Hon. Andrew Raczkowski, for their genuine support and assistance in ensuring a safe, secure, and dignified observance of this momentous event. Last, but nt the least, we want to offer "Michchami Dukkadam" asking heartfelt forgiveness to everyone who might have been hurt, knowingly or unknowingly, during the planning and execution of this event. Pratishtha Coordination Committee. Top Row: (left to right) Shreyas Shah, Ashok Choksi, Amar Shah, Rajendra Modi Bottom Row: Kanti Shah, Niranjan Shah, Vastupal Shah, Ramesh Shah, Sharad Shah THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC કીજૈન પ્રોબાટી ઑફ ગ્રેટર ડીઇરૉઇડ| 38 Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Pratishtha Committee Thanks Corner WORD On behalf of Jain Society of Greater Detroit, the Pratishtha Committee is grateful to all committee volunteers and the following individuals who have helped us in assisting various functions related to Pratishtha; • State Representative Hon. Andrew Raczkowski, for providing guidance in planning the Pratishtha celebrations. Mr. Narendrabhai Ramji Nandu, and his team of musicians, of Mumbai, India for accepting the invitation in performing the Pratishtha religious ceremonie, including, all the Puja, and Bhavana. Shree Vijay H. Shah, of Ahmedabad, India -brother of Niranjan H. Shah, for coordinating the design, set up and printing of invitation cards for the Pratishtha. Jaya Travel and Mr. Arvind V. Shah of our society, for coordinating travel arrangements for visiting scholars and dignitories and for assisting in shipping society material from India. Transphere Inc. and Mr. Chetan Koradia for shipping material from India and assisting in custom clearance. Shree Ajitbhai C. Mehta of our Society, for generously spending his valuable time for taking and processing needed photographs and video coverage on various occasions. The Souvenir team members, for their countless hours in organizing and preparing the extra ordinary souvenir book in timely manner. Specifically, Anuj Choksi, Kunal Choksi, Amit J. Shah, Dave Lacina, Rupal K. Shah, Dakshash Shah, Ashok and Leena Choksi, Niranjan H. Shah, and Komal Choksi, Vishal Choksi, Saurin and Roma Kapadia of Ahmedabad, India. Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal-Detroit for accepting the responsibility of preparing food for the entire program. Oakland Community College and the Mercy High School management for allowing their parking facilities use during the Pratishtha celebrations. Following local radio programs and their hosts for their continuos assistance with public service announcements in keeping our society members informed about temple events; Narendra Sheth of "Geetmala" program Subhash Kelkar of “Geetanjali" program Rajiv Sanghvi of “Swarbahar" program • Special thanks to Shantibhai Patel of Flash Printing for his help in getting this book printed under severe time constrains. His patience, hard work and understanding of our circumstances allowed us to enhance the publication of this souvenir book. For Pr32 & Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DE Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Jain Society of Greater Detroit would like to thank the following families for providing generous donation to support our Pratishtha Mahotsav: GRAND BENEFACTOR ( $2501) Bharat& Dipti Shah Jayprakash & Bharti Shah Navin & Gita Parekh BENEFACTOR ($1001) Jayant & Heena Shah Bloomfield, Michigan Late Gunvantial H. Narachania - Father of Rajesh & Smita Narachania Essex Junction, Vermont Virsingh & Pratap Singh Jain & Family Bhupendra & Neena Shah Sterling Heights, Michigan Prabhaker & Kalpana Kapadia PATRON ( $501) Northville, Michigan Nalin & Gita Shah Waterford, Michigan Troy, Michigan Vastupal & Varsha Shah Sterling Heights, Michigan Troy, Michigan Cincinnati/ New York Troy, Michigan Niranjan & Vibha Shah Farminton Hills, Michigan Mahendra & Saroj Shah 40 Canton, Michigan Ashok & Kalpana (Leena) Choksi West Bloomfield, Michigan Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit TË PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 PATRON ( $501) (Cont.) Rajendra & Pratibha Modi Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Lalit & Sarla Shah Ypsilanti, Michigan Praful & Pratima Shab West Bloomfield, Michigan Deepak & Usha Shah Novi, Michigan Manoj & Minaxi Shah East Lansing, Michigan Ashvin & Charu Parekh Bloomfield Hills, Michigan DONOR ($251) Jayesh & Bhavana Mehta Farmington Hills, Michigan Navin & Sheela Shah Utica Michigan Anonymous Dharam & Rashmi Shah Troy, Michigan Chandrakant & Ramila Ravani Rochester Hills, Michigan Kalpesh & Tarang Shah Ypsilanti, Michigan Jasvant & Saroj Sheth Sterling Heights, Michigan Manoj & Surabi Modi Novi, Michigan Narendra & Damini Shab Philidelphia, Pennsylvania Mahendra & Madulika Bapna Dearborn, Michigan Ramesh & Tanman Shroff Lincoln Park, Michigan Mahendra & Indira Doshi Rochester Hills, Michigan Dr. Kamal Mohon Okemos, Michigan Jaswant & Mita Shah Flint, Michigan Mahendra H. & Meera Shah Rochester Hills, Michigan Jagdish & Shaila Shah Novi, Michigan Bhupat & Arnuna Sheth Sterling Heights, Michigan Vijay & Usha Vasani Troy, Michigan Jagdish & Bhanu Shah Novi, Michigan For Priv41& Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 DONOR ( $251 ) (Cont.) Pravin & Jyoti Shab Troy, Michigan Piyush & Sarla Kothary Ann Arbor, Michigan Hemant Tarulata Shah Canton, Michigan Dipchand Mehta d Family Brampton, Ontario Arvind d Hansa Kapadia Canton, Michigan Nemichand & Hemlata Jain Charlotte, North Carolina Mayank & Smita Shab Talhassee, Florida Ashok o Nirmala Shah Morton Grove, Illinois Bharat & Leena Dalal Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Rasikh Veena Chudgar Albany, New York Mansukhlal & Sarla Timbadia East Windsor, New Jersey OTHER DONATIONS Dilip & Ranjan Puntar Bellbrook, Ohio Naresh & Indira Shab Nitro, West Verginia Chandra & Koyal Jain Mentor, Ohio Anonymous Devchand do Indira Dedhia Skokie, Illinois 42 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 DONOR'S CORNER The JAIN Society appreciates all well-wishers who are making the JAIN TEMPLE a reality. They have contributed their valuable time, talent and financial support on various occasions. With great pleasure, we list below the names of our Donors. THIS LIST ONLY SHOWS THE AMOUNT RECEIVED TO-DATE FROM DONORS AND NOT THE FULL PLEDGED AMOUNT. TOTAL: $1,062,429 As of MAY 1998 $100,000 TO $110,000 $10,000 TO $14,999 Mehta, Shrikant & Neena $30,000 TO $50,000 Doshi, Bharat-Padmaja & Nitin-Pankajini Shah, Arvind & Jaya Shah, Kirit-Nina, Bansi-Bharati & Jagdish-Varsha Dagli, Dinesh & Sunita Doshi, Mahendra & Indira Gala, Chuni & Madhu Jain, Ashok & Namita Jain, Raj & Shakuntla Parikh, Vrajmohan & Smita Sata, Jim & Kundan Shah, Arvind-Ramila & Sharad-Nalini Shah, Kartik & Ranjan Shah, Narendra & Damini Shah, Natwarlal-Manjula & Praful-Pratima Shah, Shirish & Vidya Sheth, Bharat-Usha & Manu-Sudha $20,000 TO $29,999 Bapna, Mahendra & Madhu Bohra, Bahadur & Leela Gogri, Laximachand & Hemlata Mehta, Mahendra & Purnima Poddar, Shrikumar & Mayurika $7,000 TO $9,999 $15,000 TO $19,999 Choksi, Ashok & Kalpana Koradia, Anant & Jaya Modi, Rajendra & Pratibha Shah, Jayant & Heena Shah, Kanti & Jyotsna Shah, Mahendra & Saroj Tolia, Bharat & Geeta Tolia, Kirit & Vasu Vakhariya, Vinod-Suman & Vidyachandra Desai, Harshad & Sarojini Doshi, Bhogilal & Sukla Jain, Prakash & Sudha Mehta, Rajni & Jyoti Modi, Pradeep & Madhu Shah, Ashvin & Purnima Shah, Dhiraj & Asha Shah, Jindas & Gita Shah, Vastupal & Varsha Jain Education Intemational Jain Education Intermational For Pri43& Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 ERST EN $5,000 TO $6,999 $3,000 To $4,999 (Cont.) Dedhia, Ramesh & Maya Doshi, Kanu & Indu Kapadia, Arvind & Hansa Modi, Niranjan & Bharati Parekh, Ashvin & Charu Parekh, Jayant & Aruna Porwal, Mahendra & Saroj Shah, Dilip & Kalpana Shah, Dinesh & Pina - Paresh & Rita Shah, Girish & Asha Shah, Kanti & Debbie Shah, Kirti & Barbara Shah, Niranjan & Vibha Shah, Piyush & Rashmika Shah, Pradip & Hemlata Shah, Ramesh & Sheela Shah, Shashi & Shital Shah, Shreyas & Purvi Shah, Suresh & Rekha Shah, Vikas & Veena Shah, Vinay & Sneha Sheth, Dhanesh & Indira Sheth, Pravin & Jyotika Trivedi, Shailesh & Swapna Vora, Mahesh & Kirti Shah, Ashok & Parul Shah, Atul & Purna Shah, Bharat & Dipti Shah, Bhupendra & Neena Shah, Dharam & Rashmi Shah, Jagdish & Bhanu Shah, Kalpesh & Tarang Shah, Lalit & Sobha Shah, Mahendra & Meera Shah, Manoj & Minaxi Shah, Nalin & Gita Shah, Pankaj & Mina Shah, Sanjay & Bela Sheth, Jasvant & Saroj $2,000 TO $2,999 $3,000 TO $4,999 Bordia, Dilip & Nidhi Doshi, Bharat & Bharati Parakh, Vijay & Ranjana Parekh, Ashok & Anjani Parikh, Jitendra & Nayana Patel, Gautam & Lata Ravani, Kirit & Alice Shah, Jagdish & Shaila Shah, Jay & Bharati Shah, Kulin & Ranjan Shah, Manesh & Meena Shah, Navin & Daksha Shah, Navin & Mina Shah, Ravindra & Tejal Shah, Rohit & Devyani Shah, Rohit & Punita Shah, Sudhir & Kashmira Shah, Suresh & Bina Sheth, Jignasu & Nita Sheth, Narendra & Suhas Chokshi, Pravin & Kalpana Dani, Shashikant & Devyani Doshi, Lalit & Usha Doshi,Satish & Aarti Kapadia, Mahendra & Linda Kothary, Piyush & Sarla Mehta, Jayesh & Bhavna Mehta, Virendra & Suzanne Patrawala, Atul & Jagruti Ravani, Chandrakant & Ramila 44 Jain Education Intemational Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 $1,501 TO $1,999 Badani, Kishore & Kalpana Desai, Avinash & Hemangini Jain, Prakash & Amarti Maru, Dhiraj & Niru Parekh, Navin & Gita Patel, Suresh & Manjula Sanghvi,Sudhir & Manini Shah, Jaswant & Mita Shah, Lalit & Sarla Shah, Nutan & Alka Shah, Vinod & Nita Vasani, Vijay & Usha $1,000 TO $1,499 Bhodia, Kiran & Smita Bothra, Raj & Pamini Choksi, Nishit & Surya. Deo, Purshotam & Manjul Jain, Ashok & Asha Jain, Manish & Ritu Mehta, Bharat & Rani Mehta, Manish & Varsha Mehta, Pankaj & Pankaj Modi, Manoj & Surabhi Nagle,Shashikant & Nayana Patel, Kirit & Gita Seth, Ramesh & Reba Shah, Ajay & Bharati Shah, Amar & Jyoti Shah, Anant & Rashmi Shah, Ashok & Jyoti Shah, Avinash & Seema Shah, Bharat & Falguni Shah, Bharat & Nayana Shah, Bipin & Sohini Shah, Chandrakant & Neela Shah, Gunvant & Anila Shah, Jitu-Dimple, Hemendra-Sangeeta Shah, Kirti & Bhavna Shah, Minoo & Harsha Shah, Natwarlal & Manjula Shah, Parag Shah, Pradeep & Pragna Shah, Pradip & Rekha Shah, Pravin & Jyoti Shah, Ramesh & Ranjan Shah, Rashmikant & Vinodbala Shah, Rohit & Jyoti Shah, Satish & Pratibha Shah, Vinod & Arvinda Sheth, Bharat & Vina Sheth, Bhupat & Aruna Sheth, Dhanraj & Sadhna Sheth, Narendra & Asha Vardia, Suresh & Manju $500 TO $999 Gandhi, Vimal & Anuben Lalwani, Madan & Gulab Malde, Chandrakant & Madhu Shah, Atul & Hema Shah, Bimal & Rupal Shah, Hemant & Veena Shah, Kirtikant & Sudha Shah, Naren & Nayana Shah, Nilesh & Hina Shah, Nimesh & Rinku Sheth, Kirit & Parindu Trivedi, Manoj 45 SILF Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 MOOVITAPPEN $300 TO $499 Upto $299 (Cont.) Humbad, Niranjan & Sunetra Mehta, Ajit & Rita Narachania, Ashok & Kalpana Palrecha, Hasti & Sheela Ravani, Naresh & Kalpana Shah, Bipin & Vijaya Shah, Hemant & Tarulata Shah, Jayanti & Pankaj Shah, Kartik & Deval Shah, Mahendra & Manju Shroff, Ramesh & Geeta Vasanthakumar, T.J. & Sabitha Kapadia, Prabhakar & Kalpana Kinariwala, Vipul & Bina Malviya, Vinay & Shobha Marwah, Jawaharlal & Vimal Mehta, Amit $ Smita Mehta, Devendra & Madhu Mehta, Veerandra & Bhavana Mody, Chandraknt/Manjula-Tusar/Mamta Morabia, Chandulal & Ranjan Parekh, Suresh & Snehlata Parikh, Sumatilal & Vinodini Popat, Kanu & Krishna Shah, Kamlesh & Ushma Shah, Madhukar & Divya Shah, Mayank & Jayshri Shah, Nilesh Shah, Nitin & Purnima Shah, Pradip & Kala Shah, Satish & Harsha Shah, Saurebh & Sonal Shah, Sharad & Pushpa Shah, Vijay & Falguni Sheth, Kirtikant & Kokila Sheth, Rajen & Neeta Sheth, Sharad & Naina Sheth, Sidhdharth & Lipsa Upto $299 Acharya, Mukund & Aruna Banthia, Pratap & Usha Bhalla, Gagan & Uma Chauhan, Rashmi & Bina Dedhia, Hiralal & Sarla Dedhia, Manilal & Bhanu Desai, Kiran & Ajita Desai Doshi, Vikram & Minal Jain, Ajay & Sujata Jain, Sujit & Nidhi Jain, Tarachand & Rajni Jain Education Intemational 46 Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 LOAN REPORT COMMITTED INTEREST-FREE LOAN FROM MEMBERS & NON-MEMBERS GOAL: $750,000 MAY 1998 RECEIVED: $761,838 NAME LAST Sheth Desai Gala Shah Shah Tolia Mehta. Shah Shah Bohra Modi Shah* Shah Mehta Shah Choksi Choksi Jain Mehta Sangh Shah Shah* Tolia Parekh Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Patrawala Shah Shah Bharat/Usha-Manu/Sudha Bharat & Neerja Sethi Chuni & Madhu Jayant & Heena Kirit & Nina Bharat & Geeta Shrikant & Neena Ashwin & Anupama Kanti & Debbie Bahadur & Leela Rajendra & Pratibha Mahendra & Saroj Jagdish N. & Geeta Rajni & Jyoti Arvind & Jaya Ashok & Kalpana Nixit & Surya Raj & Shakuntala Jayesh & Bhavna Tulsa (Okla.-Sharad R.Shah) Bharat & Dipti Kanti & Jyotsna Kirit & Vasu Jayant & Aruna Arvind-Ramila Bhupendra & Neena Nalin & Gita Vinay & Sneha Sharad & Nalini Niranjan & Vibha Kalpesh & Tarang Atul & Jagruti Anil & Bharati (Chicago) Manesh & Meena LOAN RECEIVED 60,000 50,000 31,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 15,001 12,501 12,002 10,001 10,001 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 5,501 5,002 5,001 5,001 5,001 47 SILF Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ यह Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 LAST Dagli* Dedhia* Jain Jain Mehta Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah* Shah* Sheth Trivedi Shah* Anonymous* Shah Bapna* Modi Parakh Parikh Sata Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah* Shah* Vora Shah* Shah* Shah Shah NAME Dinesh & Sunita Ramesh & Maya Ashok & Namita Prakash & Sudha Vimlaben(mother of Jayesh Mehta) Dharam & Rashmi Dinesh & Pina Paresh & Rita Jay & Bharati Mayank & Jayshri Mukesh & Varsha Praful/Pratima Ramesh & Sheela Shashikant & Smruti Vastupal & Varsha Kirti & Barbara Shirish & Vidya Pravin & Jyotika Shailesh & Swapna Girish & Asha Anonymous Minoo & Harsha Girish & Shashi Pradeep & Madhu Vijay & Ranjana Jitendra & Nayana Jim & Kundan Bharat & Falguni Bipin & Sohini Dinesh & Sudha Pravin M & Jyoti Shashi & Shital Shreyas & Purvi Lalit & Shobha Pradip & Hemlata Mahesh & Kirti Atul & Purna Vikas & Veena Jitu-Dimple Manoj & Minaxi 48 LOAN RECEIVED 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 3,500 3,001 3,001 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,501 2,501 2,500 2,500 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 LAST Chokshi Maru Shah Shah Shah Sheth Dani Doshi Doshi Ravani Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah* Sheth Kapadia Shah Shah Kapadia Shah Shah Vasani Chinoy Koradia* Mehta* Raisoni Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah* Sheth Surti Surti NAME Pravin & Kalpana Dhiraj & Niru Gunvant & Anila Lalit & Bharati Rohit & Devyani Kirtikant & Kokila Shashikant & Devyani Mahendra & Indira Satish & Aarti Chandrakant & Ramila. Bharat & Bhavna Bharat & Nayana Jagdish & Bhanu Kirti & Bhavna Kulin & Ranjan Navin & Daksha Rohit & Punita Mahendra & Meera Jaswant & Saroj Mahendra & Linda Chandrakant & Neela Hemant & Tarulata. Arvind & Hansa Kumar C. Shah (New York) Vijay C. Shah (New York) Vijay & Usha Ranjit & Usha Anant & Jaya/Chetan & Smita Manish & Varsha Jayprakash & Saroj Navin & Mina Nutan & Alka Parag S/O Sharad & Nalini Sandeep & Manjari Sudhir & Kashmira Rajen & Neeta Jitendra & Nirjala Praful & Nalini LOAN RECEIVED 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001 For Priva49 Personal Use Only SILF Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 LAST Varma Bora Morabia Nahata Parekh Patel Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Sheth Sheth Doshi Humbad Shah Sheth Seth NAME Murali & Varsha Shah Sunil & Varsha Chandulal & Ranjan Babulal & Mala Ashok & Anjani Suresh & Ila Amar & Jyoti Jagdish & Shaila Jaswant & Mita Late Maniben L. & Peenal K. Narendra & Damini Nimesh Pradip & Kala Kirit & Parindu Narendra & Asha Vikram & Minal Niranjan & Sunetra Indrajit(N. Y.-Bipin Shah) Bhupat & Aruna Ramesh & Reba LOAN RECEIVED 1,001 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 500 300 * Note: These members have converted part or full amount of their loan to pledges. 50 Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 We appreciate the support and generous donations from the "YOUTH and CHILDREN", the pride and joy of the Society who have become an integral part of the Temple project. Aatish Satish Doshi Akshat Pujara Akshay Arvind Shah Alpa Bharat Tolia Ami Pravin Shah Amish Bharat Tolia Amit Jindas Shah Amit Rajnikant Mehta Aniket Kirit Shah Anishee Kirit Shah Amit Kirit Sheth Anjali Bhupendra Shah Ankit Rajnikant Mehta Anuj Ashok Choksi Anuja Bharat Tolia Anupa Praful Shah Apurva Kamlesh Tolia Archana Manoj Shah Arjav Kamlesh Tolia Arpita Jayant Shah Asha Jindas Shah Ashal Jagdish Shah Ashish Girish Shah Avani Mahendra Doshi Binisa Bipin Shah Bobby Rohit Shah Daxesh Manoj Doshi Deepak Girish Bapna Hershel Vijay Vasani Jain Organization of Youth JOY) Jayesh Arvind Shah Kandy Ramesh Seth Karishma Dharam Shah Kavita Kirit Sheth Kristina Ramesh Seth Manjit Kirti Shah Mansi Ajay Shah Mehul Kamlesh Tolia Mehul Manesh Shah Milan Chinoy Milan Jim Sata Milan Mahendra Bapna Minjel Manesh Shah Monica Praful Shah Neel N. Sheth Neerali Kirit Shah Neha N. Sheth Neha Shailesh Trivedi Neil Vastupal Shah Neil Vinay Shah Niketa Shahshikant Dani Nimish Jain Niraj Jagdish Shah Nirav Bhupendra Shah Nirav Narendra Shah Nitesh Shailesh Trivedi Palak Bharat Sheth Parag Dilip Bordia Parag Sharad Shah Pareen Vastupal Shah Parijit Gandhi Payal Kirti Patel Poorvi Pravin Shah Priti P. Shah Priya Arvind Shah Priya Dilip Bordia Punita Shashikant Dani Purvi Bharat Ravani Rahul Bipin Shah Rahul Niranjan Shah Rajesh Arvind Shah Rajul Rajnikant Mehta Rajul Vikram Doshi Reena Hemant Shah Reshma Niranjan Modi Richard Ramesh Seth Ricken Rohit Shah Rohen Vijay Vasani Roopal Pujara Rupal Kulin Shah Rupal Nalin Shah Rushabh Nalin Shah Sachin Jayant Shah Sagar Shreyas Shah Samir Dhiraj Maru Sandeep Rajiv Shah Sapna Shreyas Shah Sapna Ashvin Parekh Sarti Satish Doshi Seema Bipin Shah Shalin A. Shah Shilpa Piyush Kothary Shipa Dhiraj Maru Sneha Jagdish Shah Sohini Chinoy Sonal Kulin Shah Sonal Shah Soni Shashikant Dani Subir Bipin Shah Sweta Jagdish Shah Tejash Manoj Shah Trupti Pankaj Shah Veeral Vinay Shah 101 102 103 For Pri 51& Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT appreciates the generous donations from the "FRIENDS AND FAMILIES" of the Society. No. Name No. Name Arun & Malti Patel Hansraj & Dhaniben Shah Arvind & Dharmista Patel Haren & Yellow Gandhi Arvind & Manjula Patel Hari & Karen Chopra Aseem Saklecha Hari & Urmil Bhargava Bharat & Heena Patel Harry & Etta Wilson Dhiru & Rama Patel Harsh & Pratima Dave Hari & Sharda Agrawal Harshad R. Patel Alan Louis Harshadbhai & Jashodaben Patel Amit & Nirali Lathia Hasmukh & Kanchan Tailor Amit & Usha Singhi Hemant & Minoti Rajput Amit Sanghi Henry Ford Hospital Anil & Meena Walambe Himansu & Hema Ghadiali Arvind & Prabha Patel Hindu Temple of Detroit Ashok & Rekha Thakkar J.J. & Chandan Patel Asvinbhai & Hemlata Amin Jagdish & Hasu Patel Avani Patel Jagdish & Sushila Patel Bharat & Pamela Mehta Jagdish Bhagat Bhupendra & Bhanu Hajratwala Janardhan & Reena Shah Bhuvankumar B. & Jitan Shah Jay B. Patel Bhuvankumar Bapulal Shah Jayesh & Anjana Patel Biren Desai Jaykumar & Nita Shah Bloomfield Hills school Jaylaxmi Mehta Bodzin Dr. & Mrs. Jason Jehangir & Zerin Rao Castle Jewelers, Inc. Jeram & Sharda Patel Chandrakant & Chandralekha Pujara Jiten & Niranjan Shah Charity Motors Jitendra & Nirjalaben Surti Chetan & Nita Lathia Jitendra & Purnima Desai Chitranjan Das Gupta Jyoti Shukla Chunilal & Bachuben Shah Jyotindra & Ramilaben Parikh Desai Dhimat & Rekha K. C. & Mariamma Johnson Design Craft Jewelers K.C. & Sumi Mehta Dhimat & Rekha Desai Kailash & Sarla Jain Dhirajben Desai Kamlaben Shah Dr. & Mrs Jason Bozdin Kamleshkumari Lobo EHIM (Mindy Fink) Kantilal N. Tolia Energy Emmetts Kanu & Krishna Popat Gagan & Uma Bhalla Kapil & Daksha Patel Gauresh & Suman Kashyap Kapil & Daksha Patel Ghanshyam Patel Kelwala Sunder Girish & Geeta Divecha Kirit & Manjari Patel Gujarati Samaj of Detroit Inc. Krishna Catering Jain Education Intemational For Private & Sonal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 - គ≥≥≥ ≥ 3 ឬ ៖ 99 100 101 102 98 Marshall Calvin Marshall O. Miles Saputo Mohan & Suvarna Deora Motichand & Hansaben Shah 104 L.V. & V.B. Patel Lalita & Lucille Doke 105 Lorraine C. Baron Madhu & Pallavi Jhaveri Madoyan Brothers Jewelers Mahasukhbhai & Hansaben Shah Mahesh & Daya Patel Mahesh & Kunji Bhatt Mahesh Bhandari Mahesh Patel 107 108 109 110 Manglaben Shah Manhar & Sarla Nandani Manhar Tejura Manish & Monica Shah 103 Mukesh & Saroj Shah Mune & Satya Gawda Nagaraju Manjula Sheth Foundation 106 Nalin K. Vaidya Namesh & Sanju Patel Narendra & Harsha Patel Narendra & Lopa Patel Narendra & Lopa Patel Narendra & Shashi Tyagi Narendra & Vasu Patel 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Paresh & Meera Kothari 121 Peter Percey N. 122 Piyush & Vasu Patel 123 Pradyuman & Kunjana Patel 124 Prakash & Manda Gandhi 125 Prakash Krishnamurthy Natwar & Ranjana Solanki Navin & Daksha Chedda Navnit Taylor Nihar & Sejal Patel Nilesh Sheth Nitin & Kalyani Shah Paresh & Chetana Shah 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Pravin & Tara Patel Purushottam Patel Pushpaben & Jaswantlal Shah Pushpaben Lathia Raj & Lata Gupta Raj & Padma Vatikuti Rajay & Jayanthi Jain Rajesh & Alka Doshi Rajesh & Geeta Bhagat Rajnikant & Pushpa Patel Ralph Manuel Ram & Pushpa Goswami Ram Khurana - Ford Mercury Ramanbhai & Muktaben Patel Ramesh & Bharti Patel Ramesh & Jaya Shah Ramesh & Manju Jain Ravi & Rhea Shah Ravindra & Tejal Shah Renna & Kandarp Trivedi Rose Billy Rosen Bruce & Rosalie S.R. Kaura S.Sabharwal Sailesh & Rekha Doshi Sajan & Reeba Patel Sajan and Reeba Philip Sanstha Bochasanwasi Satish & Harsha Shah Satish & Kusum Vyas Satish & Kusum Vyas Satish & Suhasini Mistry Savitaben Doshi Shailesh & Monika Patel Shamsuddoha Abul H.M. Shantaben Patel Sharad & Priya Patel Shardaben P. Shah Shri Harinam Sankirtan Mandal, Detroit Siddharth Sanghvi Sidharth Sheth Sri & Usha Ram Sterbenz John & Karen For Pri53& Personal Use Only SILF Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Subhash Kapur Sunil & Neelima Muthiyan Sunil &N Surajben (Kakiba) Doshi Surendra & Gayatri Garg Suresh & Ela Patel Suresh & Jaimini Vaidya Suresh & Lopa Patel Suresh & Usha Khariwala Suryakant L. & Varsha Mehta Suzanne Knauss Tansukh & Bharati Salgia The Doshi Players Thomas Bedia Tushar & Meeta Parikh Tushar & Meeta Parikh Umesh & Rashmi Rohtagi Uttam Jain VD & Prafulla Patel Velji & Shanta Kansara Vinay Malvia Virendra & Harsha Parekh Virgina Crawford Virji & Usha Hingrajia Vishal & Rupa Gala Yash & Chander Lakra 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 For Private & P onal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT appreciates the generous donations from the "OUT-OF-TOWN JAINS AND FRIENDS OF THE SOCIETY", for the Temple Project. 20 No. Last Name First Name Ajmera Prakash & Rita Chhadia Tansukh/Sandhya Chokshi Lalit B. Choksi Amit & Suvarna Dedhia Champak & Bharati Delhiwala Radheshyam P. Desai Ashok & Bharati Desai Ramesh & Anupama Doshi Digesh Mahendra Doshi Jitendra & Kashmira Doshi Prashant & Sweta Ghadiali Kiran & Pratima Ghadiali Nautambhai & Kokilaben Gosalia Lilawanti J. 15 Gujar Rasiklal & Sarojben Gundrania Jayanti V. Jain Roop & Anita Kakacs Patricia M. Khandor Keerti & Kshemlata Khoja Alladin & Harsha Kothari Suresh & Kusum Kothari, Vala Sudha & Rekha Maniar Haresh Matani Surendra & Aruna Mehta Babulal & Naina Mehta Bharat & Pallavi Mehta Harshad & Meena Mehta Ila G. Mehta Jasvant & Asmita Mehta Ketan C. Mehta Mahesh & Pratima Mehta Shashikant P. Mehta Tushar & Traya Mehta Praful & Manjula Mehta, Desai Tushar & Ami Nayak Satish & Premlata Padukone Pradeep & Kanchan Pandya Mahendra Parekh Jayantibhai & Muktaben Parekh Kanta & Sons(Implex co.) Parikh Girish D. & Kokila Patel Chandra & Pallavi Patel Dilip & Daksha Patel Dr. & Mrs. Vitthalbhai Pathak Nalini & Anil Prakash S.N. & Lalitha 47 Shah Arun & Jaya City, State, Country Sylvania, Ohio Scaumberg Ill Ahmedabad, India Columbus, TN Pennsalvania Ahmedabad, India Akron, Ohio Desplaines, III. Chicago, Illinois Charlottesville, VA Charlottesville, VA Newyork, NY. New York, NY Strongsville, Ohio Pune, India Tinley Park, Ill. San Dieago, California LyndHurst, Ohio Mississauga, ONT. Corona, CA Maumee, Ohio Wingdale, NY. Birmingham, Al. Toledo, Ohio Edmonton Canada Bombay, India Tucker, GA Maumee, Ohio Edmonton Canada Santa Rosa, CA Valprasio IN Leicester, U.K. El Toro, Cali. Bombay, India Medford, MA. Manchester, MO SanJose. Cali. Staten Island, NY. Pune, India New York Renoldburg, Ohio Sylvania, Ohio Lima, Ohio Cypress, Cal. Sugarland, TX. Sylvania, Ohio Addison, ILI. 46 55 Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EIF Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 PRISE Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Arun & Kali Arun & Vibha Arvind & Rekha Ashok N. & Bharati Atul & Vasu Bharat F & Purnima Bihari Bipin N. Champak & Chandraben Chunilal & Bachuben Dhiren N. Dhruvlata R. Dinesh & Jyoti Dinesh & Nirmala Divyakant & Shila Divyesh & Jaya Fakirchand & Shobhana Gunvantrai & Gunvanti Harendra & Dipti Haresh & Nutan Hasmukh & Sudha Hemu & Sulochana Himanshu Indrajit M. & Kailash Jashvant K. Jaswant & Prafula Jay K. & Marie Jayant & Minal Jayant & Minal Jinmatiben Jiten & Niranjan Jitendra & Nayna Jitendra & Nayna Jitendra & Usha Jitendra & Usha Kamlesh Kirit & Smita Kumarpal C. Mahendra & Kusum Manoj & Dina Manubhai M. Mayank & Smita Milan Mahendra Monika Mr. & Mrs. Anil Narendra & Jyoti Naresh & Indira Navin & Sushila Nikhil & Ragini Panalal & Hiraben Peter & Jasmine Pradeep & Jyoti Pradip & Vaishali Georgia New Madrid Columbia, MO. Chicago, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Toronta, ONT. Bakersfield, Cal. India Atlanta, Georgia Bombay, India Cincinnati, Ohio Vile Parle, Bombay CHicago, Illinois Clarksville, Tennesse New York Edison NJ Woodside, Newyork Birmingham, AL. Northboro, MA. India : Virgina Eufaula, Alabama Indianapolis IN Newyork Toronto, Ontario Toronta, ONT. Sylvania, Ohio Schaumburg IL Hoffman Est. Illinois Bombay, India Georgia Scottsboro Al Scottsboro Al Rhode Island NY Rhode Island Bombay, India Nairobi Kenya Jersey City, NJ. Maple Grove, MN. Houston, TX. Bombay, India Tallahasse, Florida Seattle, WA Toledo, Oh Burr Ridge, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Nitro, WV. Chicago, Illinois Pasadena, California Valsad, India New York, NY Mission Viejo, Cali. Cedar Falls, IA. 98 100 56 Jain Education Intemational Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 101 Shah 102 Shah 103 Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Shah 104 Shah 105 Shah 106 Shah 107 Shah 108 Shah 109 Shah 110 Shah 111 Shah 112 Shah 113 114 115 Shah Shah Shah 116 Shah 117 Shah 118 Sheth 119 Sheth 120 Sheth 121 Sheth Sheth Shukla 122 123 124 Thakore 125 126 127 128 Tolia Trivedi Varia Vora Pravin & Bipin Pravin J. & Harsha Priyaman R. Rajesh & Shilpa Raju & Rama Ramesh & Snehlata Rekha S. Sanjay & Parul Santosh & Bhakti Shantilal & Urmila Shailesh & Priti Shirish & Rekha Shobag & Kanchan Sunil & Monica Veena Vijay H. & Ranjan Viresh & Pina Atul & Smita Dayabhai H. Dhirajben Harshad & Nayna Pankaj/Avani Girija & Beenu P.J. & Minaxi Jayaben Dilip & Jayashri Kishor & Nita Ajit & Usha Panama city, Florida Canton, Ohio Goregaon, India Toledo, Ohio Maumee, Ohio Glen Oaks, NY. Toledo, Ohio Nutley, NJ. Harvey, Louisiana Harrisburg, Penn. Fort Wayne, Indiana Toledo, Ohio Eufaula, Georgia Chicago, Illinois Cincinnati, Ohio Mc Donough, Georgia DeMoine, Iowa Peru, Ill. Baroda, India India Diamond, Cali. Oklahoma City OK Toledo, Ohio Clarksville, Tennesse India New York, NY Princton, NJ Brooklyn, NY. For Prive/& Personal Use Only SILF Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ m Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 JAIN STUDY CLASS The Jain Society of Greater Detroit has been conducting study class for the last 15 years. We have made a tremendous progress year after year. The Study Class started with about 15 to 20 students under the leadership of Mahendrabhai J. Shah and as of today, he still is our leader. We all know him as GURUJI. He has dedicated an enormous amount of time and effort through the years. Today, we have almost 140 students, age group from 3 years to 17 years and also an adult study group. Recently we have started a Crash Course group in which new students of various ages come and go through curriculum in short time and then, join the appropriate age group. The adult group, originally started by Anantbhai Koradia, is now led by Leenaben Choksi. Usually, 30-35 adults attend this class and learn about Jainism, Karmas, Tatvas, Paap-Sthanaks, Daily vows, and more. Currently, study class activities are self supported with the help of the dedicated sponsors. Every year during Paryushana, we have a Children's Day program in which students perform activities such as reciting Navkar Mantra and stutis, singing religious songs, Raas-Garba, Skits, Drama, Debate, etc. Also we have an annual essay competition where students write on various subjects related to Jainism and receive prizes. Also, last year (1997) we had a special program - a drama in English titled "SHRIPAL MAYANA" performed mostly by our students. Almost 50 students from various age groups participated to make this drama memorable. The purpose of study class has been, and will be, to give our children some general information about basic religious teachings, and to expose them to various subject matters such as Temple, Puja, Sadhu-Sadhvi and their role, Paap-Punya, Karma, Tatva, Stories about our Tirthankars and Munies, Jain Principles and Philosophy etc. Following are some highlights the study class: 9 groups of children and youth and one group of Adults Over 140 registered students • 24 teachers and volunteers Guest speakers Introduced "JAIN BUCK" program • Trip to other Jain societies to exchange ideas 58 Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 JAIN STUDY CLASS The study class is usually held on the second Sunday of the month from 2 to 4:30 p.m. From now on the classes will be held in our new Temple. Following are the groups and their respective teachers without whose help and dedication, this would have been impossible: Mahendra J. Shah - Coordinator Teachers for Age 3-7: Surabhi M. Modi Pravina B. Ravani Meena M. Shah Teachers for Age 10-12: Falguni B. Shah Punita R. Shah Adults: Leena A. Choksi Teachers for Age 7-8: Jagruti A. Patrawala Rashmi D. Shah Sneha V. Shah Geeta J. Shah Teachers for Age 13-14: Teachers for Age 14-16: Mahendra A. Kapadia Linda M. Kapadia Vinay C. Shah Heena J Shah Snacks: Bipin Shah Sohini B. Shah Top Row: Shashi Shah, Mahendra Kapadia, Mahendra H. Shah, Mahendra Shah, Ashok Choksi Second Row: Bipin Shah, Kalpesh Shah, Vinay Shah, Kunal Choksi, Varsha Shah Third Row: Geeta Shah, Purvi Shah, Rashmi Shah, Bhavana Mehta, Sohini Shah, Falguni Shah Bottom Row: Sneha Shah, Leena A. Choksi, Meena Shah, Jagruti Patravala, Punita Shah, Veena Sheth Teachers for Age 8-9: Purvi S. Shah Vina B. Shah Hall Mgmt: Shashi Shah Attendance: Pravin M. Shah THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC શોભા ગાયક પ્રા Alaya For Priv59. Personal Use Only SILF Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Loggassa: My Contemplations by Ashok Choksi edited by Komal Choksi Also known as "Nama Stava" ("nama" meaning "name" and "stava" meaning "poem of praise"), this sutra is believed to have been created by the Ganadhara, the first disciples of Mahavirswami. In this sutra they have recited the names of the twenty-four tirthankar of the present time cycle, humbly bowed to them and praised them for their unparalleled virtues. For centuries ascetics and all Jain lay people have been reciting this sutra regularly, especially during pratikraman. This Nama Stava is recited as a forerunner to deep meditation, along with other powerful sutras such as, "Namokar", "Namuththunam”, “Sidhdhanam Budhdhanam". When meditated upon, every word and phrase of this sutra brings indescribable joy within the self, utmost humility, and ultimate reverence for these Arihant (or Arhats, literally meaning "worthy of praise') by recognizing them and their virtues. Although the name of the sutra is Nama Stava, there are four stanzas out of the seven that go beyond just naming the Arihant. In these four stanzas the Arihant are defined and their characteristics delineated, they are described and praised using superlatives, and are requested to bestow their blessings for certain non-material goals. When these are meditated upon regularly, one experiences profound joy. Each individual practitioner will undoubtedly see new meaning in each word and phrase while meditating. I would like to share some of the rapture and happiness that I experience by briefly submitting some of my thoughts. Loggassa ujjoagare dhammathithayare jine arihante kittaisam chauvisampi kevali literally means, "Oh Arihant, especially the twentyfour, I sing praises of you, for you are the illuminators (ujjoagare) of the universe (loggassa), the fordmakers, the ones who establish the way of life for salvation and the conquerors of all inner enemies, you are worthy of praise and omniscient." Upon contemplation, one can see how each word and phrase mean a lot more. The deeper the understanding of the meaning within, the more humble is the devotion to the Arihant. In our contemplation we wonder what the Arihant have propounded, such as, what is this Lok, or Universe? What does this universe consist of? We see how the Arihant have illuminated the Beginning-less and Eternal universe by defining the dravya, the six permanent substances, and their attributes and modifications. They have propounded the nature of the universe as it is. They have defined it, illuminating it forever, so that every embodied soul has the opportunity to achieve everlasting happiness. In their description and articulation, there is no attachment or aversion but rather endless benevolence toward all embodied or suffering souls. They have detailed what dharma is. They have defined the tasks of the embodied souls so that they may also achieve the same state of liberation that they have. Dharma is that the soul exists with the other five non-living substances of which one, matter, specifically karmic matter, when bonded with the soul, is responsible for the beginning-less sufferings of the soul. They have defined the tatva, the truths or the realities, explained the interaction of soul and matter, and shown how the pure soul is complete knowledge and full of eternal happiness. They have shown us how souls may achieve that state of complete happiness. They instituted the congregation and religious order for us so that we undertake dharma in order to uplift the soul from its sufferings (tirth). The Arihant, who are worthy of praise, have unique attributes that make them the illuminators of the Jain Education Intemational Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Loggassa: My Contemplations L O REMIUM universe, by virtue of their own enlightenment from within. They are the Jin, the ones who have conquered their inner enemies, having annihilated the deluding (mobaniya) karma. They are kevali or omniscient. They have destroyed all destructive (ghatiya) karma, achieving boundless vision, pure knowledge, ocean of amity, total equanimity, infinite power, etc. The Arihant, worthy of praise, possess thirty-four miraculous attributes (atishaya) and thirty-five miraculous attributes of speech that no other souls possess. They are the Bhagvant, possessing the highest level of certain six attributes that make them worthy of praise by all humans and angels, and the lords of the angels. These Arihant first become Jin, then kevali, and then bring into existence the congregation and religious order to bring perpetual happiness for all living beings. I bow down and sing the praises of these Arihant, especially the twenty-four of this time cycle. In the next three stanzas the names of the twentyfour tirthankar are recited. Usabham ajiyam cha vande, sambhavamabhianandanancha sumuhinch, paupmappaham supasam, jinanch chandapaham vande; suvihinch puffadantam, siyal sijjansa vasupujyancha, vimalmanantanch jinam dhammam santiancha vandami; kunthum aranch mallim, vande munisuvvayam, nami jinanch vandami rishtnemi, pasam taha vadhdhmananch. Here the first tirthankar, Rushabhdev, to the twenty-fourth tirthankar Mahavirswami, are remembered. These names are in sequence, and it is worthy to note that the ninth tirthankar is mentioned in two ways, as Suvidhinath and as Pushpadantam. Also, the twenty-second tirthankar Neminath is referred to as Rishtanemi (or Arishtanemi). Probably for poetic reasons, the "cha" word is used to mean "and" nine times and "or" once. "Vande" or "vandami" is used obeisantly five times. While meditating, I visualize all twenty-four tirthankar in the third eye center, the agna chakra, with the utmost veneration and devotion. Evam maye abhithua, vihu yar mala pahin jarmarana, chauvisampi jinavara, tiththayarame pasiyantu. This stanza literally means, “The best of Jin, thus praised by me, who possess no trace of the dust of sensory attachment or aversion and who posses no trace of the grime of passions, those who have destroyed their cycles of old age and death, and those who are the ones who have established the religious order, bless me". In contemplation, we experience great devotion by further seeing other virtues of the tirthankar. One sees that they are superior to the other Jin because they have not only annihilated the deluding karma, but have also illuminated the path for liberation, through compassion and amity for all souls (having gone beyond the tenth level of gunasthanak or soul evolution to the thirteenth level). This special virtue of unlimited compassion for the other souls has been acquired in the third life prior to the present life. We humbly bow to the tirthankar for giving us the Law of Nature which forces one to think upon who one is and what is right for one. Kittiya vandiya mahiya, je e loggassa uttama sidhdha, arugga bohi labham, samahi varam uttamam dintu. The literal meaning is, "I praise you, I bow to you, I offer you all that I have, to those who are the best souls of the Universe and who have become sidhdha (liberated souls). Grant me the best of health, vision of the Right Path, and the most blissful state of the soul". One wonders, why do we ask for anything from anyone? Do the tirthankar give and actually fulfill requests? Do we not have the power to ourselves achieve the state of our souls of which we are desirous, that we need ask another soul for its help? In my introspection I have observed that not a single day passes without my asking Jain Education Intemational For Priva61 Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Loggassa: My Contemplations FR someone for something. Thinking absolutely, it is true that my soul has the same potential as that of the Bhagvan. But in reality I am at a much lower level due of karma that my soul carries, which is the result of attachments and aversions. Therefore, I ask and demand. And when I ask, I want to ask from someone who is capable of giving. But let us look at what I am asking for. I am asking for the best of health, acquisition of the Right Path and a state of bliss for my soul. My request is not for any sensory or sensual pleasures but an optimal physical state that will allow following the Right Path established by the tirthankar and endeavoring toward the state of complete happiness. I wish to achieve the same equanimity that the tirthankar have. I ask from the one who has what I want and the one who is able to give. The tirthankar do give - they give the Right Path that has been established by them, which I can receive through my prayers and devotion to them. I know that if I commit to the tirthankar and pray to them, I am going to see, realize and follow their path. I feel proud that I ask with great reverence and humility by which my faith in them and their illuminated path will be enriched. With this strength, I feel invigorated to visualize the Path and take appropriate steps. If I must ask for something from someone, I ask for non-material things and I ask from the most revered souls, in whom I have complete faith. They will "bestow" upon me for sure! Chandesu nimmalayara, aichchesu ahiyam payasara, sagar var gambhira, sidhdha sidhdhim mum disantu. In this final stanza, the one who is meditating says, “Oh Arihant, you are purer than any moon in this universe, you are brighter than the brightest suns of the universe, you are more serene than the largest ocean of the universe (svyambhuraman samudra). Oh Sidhdha (liberated souls), grant me sidhdhi, liberation." If I am asking, why not ask for the best? I am asking from the one who is the best! I am asking from someone who can grant my wish! One could question, how is it that I expect my wishes to be granted by those who have no attachment or aversion for any individual soul? I ask however from them because they are the ones who have illuminated the universe and the path for any and all to recognize and follow, and my asking is a commitment to follow the same. My requests reflect a commitment to accept, abide by and undertake that which I wish to be bestowed upon me, requests that are composed of the deepest devotion, faith, and humility. I am asking for them to give that which they have already given, given to all, ready to be taken for those who have the faith. This repeated reminder takes me closer to the Path and someday I will see clear enough to gallop on that Illuminated Path! Oh Arihant or tirthankar, I ask for the vision of the Right Path, and I ask for the best of health to pursue this Path. I ask for Liberation, the Blissful State. Jain Education Intemational Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 - means in new window u sa તરસારણ કરવાના કામના પરમાત્માની અચિંત્યશકિત અને તેનો પ્રભાવ મુનિશ્રી કીર્તિચન્દ્રજી (બંધુત્રિપુટી) આત્મા, પરમાત્મા, ધર્મ અને કર્મ એ ચારેય તત્ત્વોની ચર્ચા ધાર્મિક જગતમાં ઘણી થતી હોય છે. પરંતુ આ ચારેય તત્ત્વનું સાચું રહસ્ય વિરલા જ જાણતા હોય છે. જૈન સમાજમાં આ ચારેય તત્વો અંગે હાલમાં સામાન્યથી જે સમજ પ્રવર્તે છે તે ખૂબ જ અધૂરી અને ઉપરછલ્લી છે. એટલું જ નહિ પરંતુ કયારેક તો ઊંધી સમજ અને ગેરસમજ પણ ફેલાયેલી જોવા મળે છે. અને જ્યાં સમજ જ અધૂરી હોય. ધી હોય કે ખોટી હોય ત્યાં પછી આચરણ પણ વિપરીત હોય એમાં નવાઈ શું ? જૈનસમાજમાં આજે આવું ઘણું જોવા મળે છે. ભગવાન વીતરાગ હોવા છતાં એ આપનું કલ્યાણ કેવી રીતે કરે છે ? એ વાતને.. અરિહંત પરમાત્માની અનંત અને અચિંત્યશકિતને સમાવતો આ તાત્વિક વાર્તાલાપ સહુને ધ્યાનથી વાંચવા જેવો છે.. અરિહંત પરમાત્માનું સ્વરૂપ જ્યારે વર્ણવવું હોય ત્યારે આપણે ત્યાં મુખ્યત્વે બે વિશેષણ વધારે વાપરવામાં આવે છે. (૧) “વીતરાગ' અને (૨) “સર્વજ્ઞ'.. પણ એ સિવાયની જે બે મહત્વની વાત છે તે લગભગ આપણા ધ્યાન બહાર જતી રહી છે. ભગવાનમાં જેમ અનંત જ્ઞાન છે, જેમ વીતરાગતા છે, તેમ એમનામાં અનંત કરૂણા છે અને અનંત શકિત પણ છે. (૧) ભગવાન વીતરાગ છે. (૨) ભગવાન સર્વ છે. (૩) ભગવાન કરુણામૂર્તિ છે. (૪) ભગવાન અનંત શકિતના પુંજ છે. આ ચાર મુખ્ય વિશેષણો છે. પણ આપણે તો ભગવાનનું એક જ પાસું વીતરાગતા” જ પકડયું છે. ભગવાન વીતરાગ છે.... એ વાતને આપણે ખૂબ રટી છે. પણ ભગવાન વીતરાગ છે એનો અર્થ એવો નહીં કે એ શકિત વિનાના છે. આપણે વીતરાગ પ્રભુની શકિતને સમજ્યા છીએ ખરા ! આપણે કહીએ છીએ કે ભગવાન તો વીતરાગ છે એમને રાગ પણ નહિ, એમને વૈષ પણ નહિ. આપણે એમની ભકિત કરીએ તો એ કાંઈ રીઝવાના નથી ને એમની અવગણના કરીએ તો એ કંઈ ખીજવાના નથી. એ તો વીતરાગ ! એ બિચારા શું કરે ? અરે આપણે તો ભગવાનને ય બિચારા કહેતા થઈ ગયા ! આ તે કેવું અજ્ઞાન! આપણે પરમાત્માને સાચી રીતે ઓળખી શકયા જ નથી. એમની અચિંત્ય શકિતનો આપણને કોઈ ખ્યાલ જ નથી. પરમાત્મા મોક્ષે ગયા છતાં અત્યારે પણ એમનું શુદ્ધ ચૈતન્ય વિશ્વ ઉપર અચિંત્ય પ્રભાવ પાથરી જ રહ્યું છે. તીર્થકર નામ-કર્મ પૂર્ણ થયા પછીની અવસ્થા, સિદ્ધસ્વરૂપ, ચૈતન્યમય અવસ્થા એ અરિહંત પરમાત્માનો ૩૫ Jain Education Intemational For PriQP & Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 સરકારક કા રમત ના કરનારા પtitutiમાં સમwાદન કરવા જવાના રસના ‘દ્રવ્ય નિક્ષેપો' કહેવાય. એ દ્રવ્યનિક્ષેપે પરમાત્મા વીતરાગ હોવા છતાં વિશ્વને પાવન કરી જ રહ્યા છે. પણ કેવી રીતે ? એ સમજી લેવું બહુ જરૂરી છે. ભગવાન વીતરાગ છે એનો અર્થ એવો નથી કે ભગવાન જડ છે. વીતરાગતા જૂદી વસ્તુ છે ને જડતા જુદી વસ્તુ છે. ટેબલ કે ખુરશી જડ છે. એનામાં કોઈ રાગ નથી, દ્વેષ નથી, સંવેદના નથી, કર્તુત્વભાવ નથી. તેમ એનો કોઈ વિશિષ્ટ પ્રભાવ પણ નથી. પણ આ જડમાં અને પરમાત્માની વીતરાગતામાં ઘણો ફરક છે. પરમાત્મા વીતરાગ છે એટલે એમને કોઈ તત્ત્વ પ્રત્યે રાગ કે દ્વેષ નથી... ગમાઅણગમાની કોઈ વૃત્તિ નથી. કયાંય કર્તુત્વભાવ નથી. પણ જેનામાં કર્તુત્વભાવ ન હોય એનો કોઈ પ્રભાવ ન હોય એવું કોણે કહ્યું ? ભાવ જુદી વસ્તુ છે અને પ્રભાવ જુદી વસ્તુ છે. વીતરાગ થયા એટલે “હું આમ કરૂં... તેમ કરૂં...” વિગેરે કોઈ ભાવ ભલે ન હોય પણ એમના પરમ ચૈતન્યનો પ્રભાવ તો હોય જ. રાગ અને દ્વેષ વિના, ઈચ્છા કે કર્તુત્વબુદ્ધિ વિના પણ માત્ર વસ્તુના સહજ સ્વભાવને કારણે.... એના સહજ પ્રભાવને કારણે ઘણાં ઘણાં કાર્યો થતા હોય છે. એ વાત બરોબર સમજી લેવી જરૂરી છે. આપણે બે-ચાર દ્રષ્ટાંતો જોઈએ. હરડેનું દષ્ટાંત પેટમાં મળ બહુ જમા થઈ ગયો હોય, કચરો ભરાઈ ગયો હોય તો તે વખતે કોઈ અનુભવી વૈદ્ય તમને હરડેની ફાકી આપે એ હરડે જડ કે ચેતન ? જડ ! એનામાં કોઈ રાગ-દ્વેષ ખરા ? “મારે આના પેટમાંથી મળ કાઢી નાખવો છે.” વગેરે કોઈ કર્તુત્વભાવ એનામાં ખરો ? નહિ, છતાં હરડે પેટમાં જાય તો એ મળ-શુદ્ધિ કરે કે નહિ ? તેનો એ પ્રભાવ ખરો કે નહિ? ખરો જ.... સર્યનું દષ્ટાંત - આકાશમાં સૂર્ય ઊગે છે ને જગતને પ્રકાશ આપે છે. એ સૂર્યમાં કોઈ રાગ-દ્વેષ નથી. કોઈ પક્ષપાત નથી, કોઈ કર્તુત્વભાવ નથી. પણ છતાં એ સૂર્યનો કોઈ પ્રભાવ ખરો કે નહિ ? આકાશમાં સૂર્યનું જો અસ્તિત્વ જ ન હોય કે સૂર્ય ઊગવાનું બંધ કરી દે તો આપણો જીવન વ્યવહાર ચાલે ? આપણા શરીરમાં જે નોર્મલ ટેમ્પરેચર (જરૂરી ઉષ્ણાતામાન) છે તે આ સૂર્યના કારણે છે. વિશ્વને જે પ્રકાશ અને ગરમી મળે છે, વનસ્પતિ સારી ઊગે છે, શુદ્ધ પ્રાણવાયુ સહુને મળી રહે છે તે બધું આ સૂર્યને આભારી છે. સૂર્યમાં કોઈ ઈચ્છા નથી, એ કાંઈ કરતો નથી. પણ માત્ર એનું અસ્તિત્વ જ જગત માટે ઘણું ઉપકારક બની જાય છે. સૂર્યમાં કર્તવભાવ નથી પણ આ તેનો પ્રભાવ તો છે પારાનું દષ્ણત અનાજ સડી ન જાય તે માટે લોકો અનાજની કોઠીમાં પારો રાખતા હોય છે. એ પારામાં કોઈ રાગ-દ્વેષ ખરા ? નહિ, પણ તે છતાં એ પારો અનાજમાં પડયો હોય તો એને સડવા ન દે.... એમાં જીવાત પડવા ન દે. એવો એનો પ્રભાવ તો ખરો જ. 64 Jain Education Intemational Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 આપણી કમનશીબી તો જુઓ કે આપણે હરડે, સૂર્ય અને પારાનો પ્રભાવ માનવા તૈયાર, પણ આ વિશ્વનું જે શ્રેષ્ઠ તત્ત્વ.... શુદ્ધ ચૈતન્ય તત્ત્વ.... પરમાત્મ તત્ત્વ તેનો પ્રભાવ માનવા તૈયાર નહિ. ભગવાન તો વીતરાગ છે, ભગવાન બિચારા શું કરે ?' આ છે આપણી ઊંધી સમજણ ! કારણ કે પરમાત્માની દરેક વિશેષતાઓને આપણે વિચારી જ નથી ! જે જ્ઞાની પુરુષોએ કહ્યું છે કે પ્રભુ વીતરાગ છે, તેમણે જ કહ્યું છે કે “એ સર્વજ્ઞ છે, કરૂણામૂર્તિ છે, અને અચિંત્ય શકિતસંપન્ન છે. अचिंत सत्ति जुत्ता हि ते भगवंतो वीयराया। सव्वन परम कल्लाणा परम कल्लाण हेउ सत्ताणं ।। ચિરંતનાચાર્ય કૃત પંચસૂત્રનું પ્રથમ સુત્ર પણ આપણે તો વીતરાગતાને જેટલું મહત્વ આપ્યું તેટલું એમની અનંત કરૂણાને અને અચિંત્યશકિત-સંપન્નતાને મહત્વ જ નથી આપ્યું ! “પરમાત્માનો પ્રભાવ આ વિશ્વમાં વિસ્તરેલો છે. ભગવાન આપણને તારે છે, આપણા પરમ કલ્યાણનો હેતુ જો કોઈ હોય તો તે પરમાત્મા છે.” મહાપુરુષોની આ વાતને પહેલાં સ્વીકારવી પડશે. વીતરાગ પ્રભુની અચિંત્યશકિત અને તેનો પ્રભાવ વર્ણવતાં તત્ત્વાનુશાસન ગ્રંથના રચયિતા મહાપુરુષે તો સ્પષ્ટ શબ્દોમાં કહી દીધું છે કે वीतरागो प्ययं देवो, ध्यायमानो मुमुक्षुभिः । स्वर्गापवर्ग-सुखदः, शक्तिस्तस्य हि तादशी ।। ભાવાર્થ: “ આ દેવાધિદેવ અરિહંત પરમાત્મા વીતરાગ હોવા છતાં પણ જે મુમુક્ષુ આત્માઓ તેમનું ધ્યાન કરે છે, આંતરિક ભૂમિકાએ તેમની સાથે તાદાભ્ય સાધે છે તેમને સ્વર્ગ અને અપવર્ગ-એટલે મોક્ષના સુખોને એ આપનારાં છે. કારણ કે એવી એમની શકિત છે.... એમનો સ્વભાવ છે.” ભગવાન સ્વર્ગ-અપવર્ગના સુખોને કેવી રીતે આપે ? એવા સવાલ જ ન કરાય. કોઈ દિવસ એવી શંકા જાગી કે પાણી તરસ કેમ છીપાવે છે ? ના કારણ કે તરસ છીપાવવી, ઠંડક આપવી એ પાણીનો સ્વભાવ છે, એની શકિત છે. મળ-શુદ્ધિ કરવી એ હરડેનો સ્વભાવ છે, તેમ પરમાત્માના શુદ્ધ ચૈતન્યનો એ સ્વભાવ છે કે એ જગતના જીવોને તાર્યા વિના રહે જ નહિ. સહુના સુખમાં, સહુના કલ્યાણમાં નિમિત્ત બનવું એ એનો સ્વભાવ છે, એ એની શકિત છે. મહાયોગી આનંદધનજી અને પરમશાની યશોવિજયજી જેવા મહાપુરુષોએ પણ સાધનાની ઊંડી ડૂબકીઓ લગાવ્યા પછી અનુભૂતિના જે મોતી પ્રાપ્ત કર્યા છે તેનું દર્શન કરાવતાં આ જ સત્ય મક્કમતાથી ઉચ્ચાર્યું છે. એમની એ અનુભૂતિઓ ખરેખર અભૂત છે ને આપણને પ્રેરણા આપી જાય તેવી છે. ૩૭ Jain Education Intemational For Priv65 Personal Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 કનક ને કાકા કાકa Geeતા માતાના દાયકાના તાપમાન રાજમાત i સાધનાના ક્ષેત્રમાં કયારેક કાળની, કયારેક ભવિતવ્યતાની, કયારેક નિયતિની તો કયારેક જીવદ્રવ્યની યોગ્યતા-ઉપાદાનની વાતોમાં સાધક મૂંઝવણ અનુભવે છે ને અટવાય છે. ત્યારે એક નવી જ દ્રષ્ટિ અને ઉત્સાહ જગાડતા એ મહાપુરુષો કહે છે કે ‘‘કાળ સ્વભાવ ભવિતવ્યતા રે, એ સઘળાં તુજ દાસી રે; પ્રબળ હેતુ તું મોક્ષનો એ મુજ સબળ વિશ્વાસ રે... '' - મહોપાધ્યાય યશોવિજયજી કૃત શ્રી ચિંતામણી પાર્શ્વનાથનું સ્તવન. હે પ્રભુ ! કાળ, સ્વભાવ, ભવિતવ્યતા વિગેરે બધા તો તારા દાસ છે. તારા ચરણે અને તારા શરણે જે આત્મા આવે છે તેને બધા તત્ત્વો અનુકૂળ થયા વિના રહેતા નથી. આજ સુધી એ બધાય અનુકૂળ એટલા માટે નથી થયા કે હું તને સમર્પિત નથી થયો, બાકી મારી મુકિતનો પ્રબળ હેતુ-મુખ્ય હેતુ જો કોઈ હોય તો તે તું જ છે. એવો મને પૂર્ણ વિશ્વાસ છે.” સાધનામાર્ગની ઉચ્ચ અનુભૂતિઓ પછી આ પ્રતીતિ-જન્ય અચલ શ્રદ્ધાનો જન્મ થયો છે. જેને હવે કોઈ હચમચાવી શકે નહિ. યશોવિજયજીની આવી શ્રદ્ધા આપણે પ્રાપ્ત કરવી પડશે. અને એ માટે પરમાત્માના દિવ્ય સ્વરૂપને એ રીતે સમજવું પડશે. સ્વીકારવું પડશે. આજે તો આપણી શ્રદ્ધા ઘણી અધૂરી અને છીછરી છે. “ભગવાન વીતરાગ છે” એ વાતને સમજેલા આપણે “ભગવાન અચિંત્ય શકિતસંપન્ન છે' એ વાતને લગભગ ભૂલી ગયા છીએ. પરમાત્માની અચિંત્ય શકિતને બરોબર સમજીને અંતરથી જ એનો સ્વીકાર કરશું તો જ આપણી ભકિત જીવંત બનશે... પ્રાણવાન બનશે... આપણા અંતરને અજવાળશે. આવી સાચી ભકિત આપણા અંતરમાં પ્રગટે એજ મંગલકામના ! પિકિ નાની full rikhhitalsihilisi-ilenamedia REવામistill केसरी कसरी M દ Jain Education Intemational Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jai Jinendra! Read 500 Best Wishes from Executive Committee Families on This Auspicious Occasion of PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV Purify Yourself fe Oo-590-50-500-500-1950-50-595959105950-50 50 Maybe you are fed up with your environment which disturbs your peace. Instead of trying to change the environment - the chances are you may fail - change yourself for the better. Purify yourself. As you do this, even the environment, which has remained bad for you, maybe for years, will mysteriously begin to dance and change for the better. The more you grow in purity, the more congenial and harmonious the environment will become. Do not ask, "How?" Try and experience. Try and experience, my friend. Pratima and Praful Shah Monica and Anupa Punita and Rohit Shah Swati and Sonali Harska and Minoo Shah Himani and Niski 050-19-500050019-500059 Sneka and Vinay Shah Veeral and Neil Falguni and Bharat Shah Seema and Samir There are many paths that lead to salvation. Bhagwan Mahavir, who attained a state of perfection, has said that the fines among them is by the possession of the three jewelsperfect vision, perfect knowledge, and perfect character. 10 పిపిపిపిపిపిపిపిపిపిపిపిపి, Jain Education Intemational Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes from D. J. Maltese Company Inc. and Associated Companies Monolithi Finishes WhiteROCKS PLASTER CRAFTSMEN SPECIALTIES W Synthetic & Ornamental Plaster work Promotion Business Gifts and Marketing A D.J. MALTESE Vy Construction / Services Construction Management and Cost Estimating White pine Development Co. Building Program Administrators Assisting Owners of Building Programs" Development and Management of Real Estate Properties Owner's agents on large Construction Projects To the Jain Society of Greater Detroit, Inc. From your Construction Manager D.J. Maltese Company Inc. 912 S. Military Street Dearborn, Michigan 48124 Phone 313-274-3600 FAX 313-278-4899 Web: Dominic, Dominic Jr., Joseph, Mark, Mary, Joann, Jamie, Dawn, Rita, Cyndi, Heidi, Lynn, Enio, Alex, Richard, Gene, Mike, Ron, Kraig, Jennifer, Sebastian, John, Judy, Andrew, Patrick, Christopher, Michael, Brian, Lee, Brian, Christopher, Alvin, John, Christopher, Jose, Juan, Anthony, Brian, Miguel and Robert Jain Education Intemational 68 Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaya Travel & Tours MIRIANI DPRESS AMEAKAN EPRES Travel Services Representative Travel Services Representative tologaidot Best Wishes And Compliments From Jaya Travel & Tours 26500 Northwestern Highway Suite 261 Southfield, MI 48076 Phone: 248-559-JAYA / 248-358-9100 Fax: 248-372-4810 UOL 2 WE NOW OFFER VISA SERVICES PLEASE CALL OUR NEAREST OFFICE! Phone: Fax: Chicago Office: 312-606-9600 312-606-0925 New York Office: 212-697-0022 212-697-0089 Bombay Office: 22-642-3031 22-643-6421 Madras Office: 44-855-4670 44-855-3202 Visit our website at Jain Education Interational For Pri2 & Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पक्षपातो न मे वीरे न द्वेषः कपिलादिषु । युक्तिमद्वचनं यस्य तस्य कार्य: परिग्रहः ॥ Āčārya Hạribhadra With Best Compliments to The Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Anantbhai & Jayaben Koradia Chetan & Smita Pranali & Pranadhi transphere inc. CARGO BY ROAD - SEA --AIR INTERSTATE ---------- INTERNATIONAL 38281 SCHOOLCRAFT RD. SUITEJ LIVINIA, MI 48150 Tephone : (734) 542-0032 Telefax : (734) 542-0038 ATLANTIC PACIFIC LINES NVOCC CARGO SHIPPING LINES 200 MIDDLESEX TURNPIKE, SUITE 304 ISELIN, NJ 08830 TEL: (732) 283-5300 FAX: (732) 283-2423 (Ms TranSphere (India) Pvt. Ltd. SHIPPING AGENTS & CONSOLIDATORS Mumbai Office : 11A/11 Ridhi Sidhi Ranta Apt., Nr.Jain Temple, Kantinagar BM. JB Nagar, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059 Tel Fax : (022) 832 8816 Regd. Office: 67' Shramada. Sampatroo Colony, Productivity Rd, Alkapuri, Barada. 390005 Tel. (O)(0265) 794164/(R) (0265) 340851/Fax: (0265)340851 70 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the Temple Opening तयम्स दसणस्य Na नैनम Bharat Dipti Vishal Aashka Shah UNIVERSAL PLASTIC INDUSTRIES, INC. 14700 Barber Street, Warren, Michigan 48093 (810) 773-6400 Fax (810) 773-8520 Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes and Complements to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit Th Kirit & Nina Anishee, Aniket, Nirali Shah onsultants in ardiology, P.C. Doomates of The American Board of Internal Medicine and Cardiology Gregor M. McKendrick, M.D, F.A.C.C. Ronald V. Miller, M.D., F.A.C.C. Kirit R. Shah, M.D., F.A.C.C. Mark P. Lebeis, M.D., F.A.C.C. Marcel E. Zughaib. M.D., F.A.C.C. Abhinav Raina, M.D., F.A.C.C. 72 Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 JOY GROUP THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT II Top Row: Neil Shah, Falguni Shah, Heena Shah, Mehul Shah Front Row: Binisha Shah, Anupa Shah, Suchita Shah, Sneha Shah, Palak Sheth EXECUTIVE SUB-COMMITTEE CHAIR-PERSONS THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC dia 23SLE2T8205 SO Top Row: Hemant Shah, Mahendra J. Shah, Sharad Shah Front: Aarti Doshi, Falguni Shah Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 BHAKTI GROUP THE JAIN SOCIETY OF FATER DET MC 22 Slee Top Row: Satish Doshi, Mahendra Shah, Ashok Choksi, Mahendra Shah, Jayesh Mehta Middle Row: Indira Doshi, Punita Shah, Shaila Shah, Pratima Shah, Jyotika Sheth, Bhavana Mehta, Nalini Shah Bottom Row: Asha Shah, Meena Shah, Asha Sheth ARHAT BHAVAN YOJAN (ABY) JETY OF ATER DEINC Top Row: Kulin Shah, Shashi Shah, Ashok Choksi, Mahendra J. Shah, Niranjan Shah, Raj Jain, Mahendra Doshi 2nd Row: Praful Shah, Vinay Shah, Chandrakant Ravani, Daxesh Shah, Vishal Choksi 3rd Row: Varsha Shah, Shital Shah, Rupal Shah, Pradip Shah, Kunal Choksi 4th Row: Jyoti Shah, Bhavna Mehta, Indira Doshi, Pratima Shah, Pratibha Modi, Shakuntala Jain Front Row: Leena Choksi, Ramila Ravani, Sneha Shah, Vibha Shah Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 FLOAT YOUTH COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC 1841 Top row: Name Not Available, Niraj Shah, Ashish Shah, Nandish Doshi, Neil Shah Middle row: Rinku Kapadia, Binisa Shah, Asha Shah, Sneha Shah, Suchita Shah Bottom row: Swati Shah, Sonali Shah, Seema Shah TIME CAPSULE Jain Education Interational Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 SHILA ROPAN Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 PICNIC PICTURES Jain Education Interational Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 SUMMER CAMP Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes for the Grand Success of the Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav of Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Doshi Family Kanaiyalal Ichchagauri Bharat and Padmaja Nitin and Pankajini Anish and Sejal Amit and Nikita Nimisha Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes from ET ELASH R-L printing to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit for their Successful Completion of Jain Temple and an auspicious Pratishtha Mahotsav Ceremony Shanti, Chandrika, Parul and Palak Patel Jain Education Intemational Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ samyag darshan gnan charitrani moksh margah Jai Jinendra! Our Family extends Best Wishes And Congradulations to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit On the celebration of Pratishtha Mahotsav From: Vastupal & Varsha Shah Neil & Pareen Shah Babubhai Shah Late Mrs. Lilavati Shah 73 Jain Education Intemational Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes and Compliments to Jain Society of Greater Detroit From Anne-Marie Ice HOURS BY APPOINTMENT ANNE-MARÉ ICE, M.D., P.C. Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine INTERVALE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES 15521 W. SEVEN MILE RD. DETROIT, MI 48235 TELEPHONE 836-0062 ANSWERING SERVICE 396-0561 DOS With Best Wishes From William C. Heath Office: 836-0062 WILLIAM C. HEATH, M.D., P.C. PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Office Hours By Appointment Only If No Answer 396-0561 Intervale Medical Associates 15521 W. Seven Mile Road Detroit, MI 48235 74 Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ pediatric dental care professional corporation Pediatric Dentists Harvey A. Beaver, D.D.S., M.S. Gary A. Stern, D.D.S., M.S. Michael W. OʻRiordan, D.D.S., M.S. Sonal N. Shah, D.D.S. Diplomate American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Orthodontists Gerald H. Holzimmer, D.D.S., M.S. Richard A. Litt, D.D.S., M.S. Comprehensive Dental Treatment for Infants to Young Adults Four Pediatric Dentists and two Orthodontists are licensed dental specialists in: - Diagnosing and treating dental problems in children, especially young and anxious patients - Providing early orthodontic treatment, as well as braces for adolescents and adults The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you take your child to the dentist by the age of 12 months. The visit will likely include an oral examination to check eruption sequence and a discussion with the parents on the topics of oral hygiene and nutrition. The American Academy of Orthodontics suggests an Orthodontic exam by 7 years of age to determine the patient's orthodontic condition and whether current or future orthodontic treatment is indicated. We invite you to mention this ad and receive $25.00 off you financial responsibility for dental care on your first visit to our office caring hands for future smiles LIVONIA 31560 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia, MI 48150 (734) 425-0600 WARREN 11662 Martin Rd. Warren, MI 48093 (810) 754-6300 STERLING HEIGHTS 41400 Dequindre Sterling Heights, MI 48314 (810) 726-1730 75 Jain Education Interational Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Loving Best Wishes And Heartiest Congratulations To The Jain Society Of Greater Detroit from Niranjan & Vibha Rahul & Manali Shah Family of Late Hathisingh H. Shah Family of Late Babulal P. Shah 76 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 ANAATHI MUNIami (era of Mahavirswami) One morning King Shrenik was out on horseback when he came across a sadhu, deep in meditation. He bowed to the sadhu and asked: "Oh mahatma, you are so young, handsome, and intelligent, why have you chosen to be an ascetic?" The sadhu replied, "I am an orphan (anaathi)." The king said, "I will become your protector (naath). I will give you a post, riches, and all worldly comforts and you will have every happiness in my kingdom." The sadhu said, "Oh king, even though you have all these, you are more of an orphan than I ever was. If even the smallest of these comforts that you are offering were missing, you would be left craving for it. At one time I also had all these but when I developed an eye disease I realized that I alone had to bear the pain. When death draws near, no ma terial thing will provide you succor or help and those same material things will remain here when you go. In indulgence and gratification of the senses there is only weakness and it is only in renunciation that there is true strength. It is for this reason that all who renounce this world consider Bhagavan Mahavir their protector." Inspired by what he heard from Anaathi Muni, King Shrenik surrendered himself to the grace of the Arihants. 19 77 जैन मुनि Stories Of The Sadhu Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stories Of The Sadhu Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 PRASANNACHANDRARAJARSHI (era of Mahavirswami) Ata samovsaran of Bhagavan Mahavir King Shrenik asked, "Lord, on my way here, I saw mahatama Prasannachandra standing on one foot and deep in meditation. If he were to die at this moment, where would he go?" Bhagvan replied, "To the seventh hell." "Even after such meditation - hell?" wondered King Shrenik. But at that moment, the sky erupted with music as bugles began to blow in celebration. Bhagavan announced to the assembled: "Prasannachandra has achieved omniscience (kevalgnyaan)." Shrenik was confused by this announcement. "A few moments ago en route to hell and now on the path to moksha?" questioned the king. Bhagvan explained how this could be so. "Having heard that political trouble may befall his son, he became immersed in a vivid daydream. In this delusion, he saw that his kingdom of Potan was besieged by enemy forces and he was forced to surrender his kingdom to the invaders. The thought of losing his kingdom so angered him that he imagined throwing his crown and hitting the opponents' king. It was at that time you asked your question, and at this moment Prasannachandra's soul was on its way to hell. However as Prasannachandra put his hand to his head to reach for his crown, he realized that it was all his imagination. He came to the realization that his meditation was meaningless with mere outward abandonment and renunciation and without inner control. It was with this revelation, intense repentance, and solemn peace that his soul shattered its last bondage and achieved emancipation." 78 Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 26 CHANDARUDRACHARYA (before the era of Mahavirswami) One evening some youths set out to get the blessings of Chandarudracharya. There, one of them pointed to his friend, a newlywed, who was bowing to the guru for his blessings and said, "Gurudev, grant him diksha." The guru promptly did so, and as part of the ritual, ceremoniously plucked out the new sadhu's hair. Upon seeing this his friends ran off. But the new disciple said, "Gurudev, you have liberated me from the material world and I am indebted to you. But we cannot remain here. Since you are elderly and you will not be able to undertake such a long journey at night, I will carry you upon my shoulders." Thus they set out with the guru on the disciple's shoulders. The guru, finding it uncomfortable on the bumpy road and being an ill-tempered man, went on hitting his disciple on the forehead with his stick. Blood started flowing from his forehead. Nevertheless, with his complete faith in his guru, the disciple thought, "Can't I do even this much for my guru? I wish that I could steer the road better so that I would stop hitting the bumps and give a comfortable ride to my guru.” With this pure belief, he attained omniscience but continued walking along his way, but without lurching. When the guru came to know of the fact of his disciple's omniscience however, he climbed down from his disciple's shoulders and asked for his forgiveness. In his moment of repentance he also attained omniscience. Stories Of The Sadhu 79 Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 जैन मुनि KOORGADUKSWAMI (before the era of Mahavirswami) Stories Of The Sadhu rince Koorgaduk, upon taking diksha, vowed to eat only rice and renounced all other food. Once, in the middle of a terrible monsoon his fellow sadhus undertook severe penances but Koorgadukswami continued to consume food every day. Samvatsari came and as was the custom in such times, the sadhus had undertaken month-long fasts. However, Koorgaduk continued to bring back bhiksha from the local community As was the practice, he offered to share the rice with his fellow sadhus who began asking of him, "What are the strength of your convictions, Koorgaduk, that you can't even fast for one day? Today is Samvatsari, the greatest of religious days." Koorgaduk sat down with his meal, lost in thought. "I don't know what sort of sins I must have committed in my past life that in this life I cannot do without my staple of rice," the young sadhu mused. “I can't even think of fasting like my fellow sadhus." It was with this level of pure and unobstructed thinking, that Koorgaduk attained omniscience. Hearing the sweet sound of the angels' trumpets from the sky, the other sadhus paid homage to Koorgaduk. Penances through physical action alone do not yield the same results that do true and pure thinking. 80 Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Udi Jain Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 KAPIL MUNI (era of Mahavirswami) Every morning the king gave a gift in charity to the first commoner he saw upon waking. Knowing of this, the pauper Kapil roamed near the palace at twilight. One morning at dawn, upon seeing his tattered clothes, the palace sentries thought Kapil to be a thief. The sentries promptly captured the commoner, imprisoning him in the dungeon. The following morning, the sentries dragged him before the king. Upon hearing of Kapil's poverty, the king exclaimed that Kapil could have whatever he asked of him. Thinking that he must consider carefully before asking for his gift, Kapil became very pensive. Lost in thought the pauper reasoned, "The happiness I will get from a few gold coins will be short-lived. And since the king is granting me whatever I desire, should I not aim for that which will give me happiness for a lifetime. First, I will request the kingdom, then the palace, then the jewels." The greed Kapil felt at that moment began to swell. Realizing this, he started to feel an aversion toward material things and felt the urge to renounce all. He was granted diksha by the deity Indra. He said to the king and said: "Oh king, there is no end to the desires and yearnings of humans, keeping them in the cycle of death and birth. This is why I have renounced all needs and desires." It was in the process of thinking so purely and without distortions that he attained omniscience. In a nearby jungle there were some souls destined for moksha that were subsisting on a life of thievery. Kapil Muni inspired them to liberation and they also were given diksha by Lord Indra. 81 Stories Of The Sadhu Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 जैन मुनि KSHULLAK MUNI (before the era of Mahavirswami) Stories Of The Sadhu My uncle killed my father and claimed the throne of the kingdom" was the burning thought that gave rise to desires of revenge even throughout Kshullak Muni's monkhood. He requested his mother who was a sadhvi, to release him from monkhood. For 12 years his mother restrained him but in this long duration, he could not remain true to his diksha vows. Even then his guru, upadhyaya, and acharya held on to him for another 12 years each. However, even after 60 years of diksha, the desire to seek revenge burnt on. At last he bid goodbye to monkhood and set off for the palace. In the palace hall, courtesans were dancing for the royal retinue. In the early hours of the morning, the dancer's energy ran out and she wished to stop dancing. She conveyed this to the tabla player through the lyrics of the song. He said to her, "You have danced all night and dawn is nearing close, so then why do you wish to stop?” Hearing this Kshullak realized his mistake, that for sixty years he had been a monk yet near the end of his life he was throwing away his monkhood. He presented his mother's royal seal to the dancer and renounced the world anew. Jain Education Intemational Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SHAYYAMBHAVSURI (death, Vir Samvat 17) Acharya Prabhavswami felt that Shayyambhav, of Rajagruhi, was fit to succeed him as acharya. He instructed two of his disciples to teach Shyyambhav about the Jain religion and its scriptures. Shayyambhav was deeply interested in the search of the essence of religion and true reality. The two munis found Shayyambhav involved in a yagna and said, "Dharmalabh" - a unique greeting of Jain sadhus conveying the offering of religion, upon seeing him. The munis admonished Shayyambhav that he must seek the real knowledge about the tatvas, the truths. Shayyambhav, in his search, became a disciple of Prabhavacharya. With the knowledge of the 14 purvas, he became a sbrutakevali acharya. At the time of his diksha, his wife had been pregnant. She gave birth to Manakkumar. When he was eight years old, he asked his mother about his father who told him of his diksha. Manak found his way to Champanagri in search of his father. Upon reaching the town, he asked some sadhus about his father. These sadhus happened to be Shayyambhavsuri's disciples. Shayyambhavsuri gave Manak diksha. With his knowledge, he came to know that Manak was to live only 6 months longer. He created the “Dashvaikalik”* sutra to teach him. After Manakmuni went to devlok, he installed the sutra as part of the first studies of monkhood at the request of his disciples. This sutra is now accepted by all branches of Jainism and is integral to all Jain studies. *a compilation of select Aagam verses Stories Of The Sadhu 83 Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 BHADRABAHUSWAMI (death, Vir Samvat 170) Stories Of The Sadhu The two brothers, Bhadrabahu and Varah, of Pratishtanpur were extremely knowledgeable about Sanskrit but also destitute. With the encouragement of Yashobhadrasuri they both took diksha. Bhadrabahu learnt the 14 purvas and became an acharya but the guru refused Varah acharyaship. In anger, Varah left the fold of monks and became a royal astrologer. Upon the prince's birth Varah predicted that he would live for a hundred years. But Bhadrabahusuriji said that he would die at the hands of a cat on the seventh day. The king then ordered that all cats be banished from the kingdom and had the baby prince kept in the safety of the basement of the palace. But on the seventh day, the haldrop of the door which was in the form cat's face fell on the prince, killing him. With this in cident, Varah became infuriated with the suriji and in that fury, died and became a vyantar. As a vantar, Varah created havoc in the congregation of the suriji who wrote the "Uvasagaharam” sutra to counter it. Water that had been blessed with the mantra was sprinkled upon the community and with that the vyantar's annoyance was appeased. Bhadrabahuswami was the last shrutakevali. He wrote the books "Uttradhyan", "Brahatkalpasutra", "Suryapragyapthi", "Pindniryukti Adi" and other granthas. 84 Jain Education Intemational Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ di Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 KALKACHARYA (death, Vir S. 466 death)noge The Prince Kalka and his sister Sarasvati loved each other dearly. One day while they were out on horseback, they stopped to hear the sermon of a Jain acharya and felt urged toward renunciation and took diksha. Kalka later became a muni acharya and on one journey he and his disciples reached the city of Ujjain where the king, Gardhabhill, kidnapped the beautiful sadhviji Sarasvati. The muni tried to talk to the lust-driven king, but to no avail. The suriji then influenced the Shak people to become his devotees and had them attack Ujjain. Gardhabhill had a special gift of which he was very proud and which made him confident, the ability to change himself into a donkey and by braying, putting the enemy to sleep. But the suriji knew of this gift and so when the king was on the roof of the palace trying it out, the suriji gestured to the archers who shot arrows in to his mouth, filling it up and rendering his ability useless. The suriji rescued the sadhviji and taught the king lesson. Then with the help of his disciples he led the Shak people away and thus prevented a battle. Muni Kalkacharya is responsible for having Samvatsari day changed from maha sud pancham to maha sud chauth which is when it is observed till date. 85 जैन मुनि Stories Of The Sadhu Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 PADLIPTASURI Stories Of The Sadhu Nagendra, the son of Kullashrushti and Pratima of Ayodhaya, was begot with the help of angels. When he was still a child, he was given up to the shelter of Nagahastasuriji. At the age of was eight years old, Nagendra took diksha. One day the child muni brought kaanji (a rice dish) for the suriji as bhiksha and described in exquisite detail the woman who had given it to him. The guru said to him "pallithosa (you are an observer)" and the child then tried to live up to the name of "Pallitho". From then on he was called "Padlipta". Because of his superior intelligence he became an acharya at 10 years of age. With the help of his ability to transport himself through air by applying a substance to his feet, he did darshan every morning at the holy places of Shatrunjay, Girnar, Ashtapad, Sammet Shikhar, and only after doing so would he eat. Impressed with his brilliance, the warrior Nagarjun adopted Jainism. In the memory of Suriji he established Padliptur, now known as Palitana. Murandraj, Krishnaraj, Bhimraj were devotees of Suriji. Suriji made peace between Jains and Brahmins and wrote the granths of ‘Nirvankulika”, “Kalgyan”, “Prasnnaprakash”. He wrote the everlasting "Tarang Lola" story which established the style of metaphorical storywriting in Jainism. 86 Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 VAJRASWAMI (Vir Samvat 415) Soon after her husband took diksha, Sunanda delivered a very bright baby boy. The baby at birth itself attained memory of his past life and started crying. Fed up with her crying son, Sunanda offered him instead of food to Dhangirimuni, when he came to her house for bhiksha. In the upashraya, the child, who was very heavy, was named "Vajra" by the shravikas. Growing up with the sadhvis, Vajra grew to be knowledgeable. Seeing his brightness, Sunanda asked that her son be returned to her. However in the royal court where the issue was taken up, Vajra, who was eight years old, proclaimed his desire to live with the monks and took the vows of a monk. Angels tried to test his conviction with food but Vajra with his vast knowledge was able to recognize the tests and deny the food. The pleased angels bestowed him with special powers such as the abilities to fly and to transform his physical being. Vajramuni attained knowledge of the ten purvas and became the foremost acharya of his time. During one drought he seated the entire sangh on a piece of cloth and flew them to Subhikshpur. He also brought flowers for the sangh from Lakshmidevi herself during one Paryushan. He also renovated Shatrunj tirth. It was during a second drought that he took up extreme abstinence and died and went to devlok. Stories Of The Sadhu 87 Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 SIDDHASEN DEEVAKARSURI (Vikram Shatak 1) Stories Of The Sadhu e great pandit Siddhasen, having lost in a debate to the elderly Vadidevsuri, became the latter's disciple and soon became an acharya. The suriji was granted the gifts of turning any object into gold and the use of “Sainyasarshan" mantra. Using these gifts he helped the king Devpal defeat his oppo nents, and was therefore given the title of “Deevakar". For daring to suggest that Jain scriptures should be written in Sanskrit instead of Prakrit which was what was in use, his guru asked him to spend twelve years in cognito as penance. The suriji, in disguise, spent the night sleeping in a Shiv mandir. Unable to wake him in the morning, the pujari, complained to King Vikram. Soldiers were sent to flog him but as the lashes fell on him there was not a single mark on the suri but miraculously they appeared instead on the queen. Amazed, the king went to meet the suriji who then wrote “Kalyan Mandir". It was with the effect of this that from the shivling there emerged a statue of Parshvanathji. The sangh asked the suriji for forgiveness and the king gave him his royal palanquin as gift. Upon hearing that the suriji had started using a palanquin, forbidden to sahdus, Vadidevsuri, his guru lifted the palanquin on his own shoulders and admonished him to become a virtuous sadhu. The suriji asked for forgiveness from the guru. "Kalyan Mandir" stotra and Avanti Parshvanath tirth are still in existence today. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 MANDEVSURI (death, Vir Samvat 761) Dhaneshwar, the son of Dharni of Nadola, became a sadhu after hearing a preaching of Pradyotansuriji. Because of his knowledge and capability with the scriptures, he was made an acharya. In the ceremony in which he was made an acharya, the guruji saw Lakshmidevi and Sarasvati on each of Mandevsuri's shoulders. With his penances and deep knowledge, the goddesses Jaya, Vijaya, Aparajita, and Jayata often came to venerate him. There was once an epidemic in Takshashila in which the citizens prayed to the shaasan goddess. The goddess explained that a vyantar's annoyance was the cause of the epidemics. She said to them that the solution was miraculous water from Mandevsuri, which would get rid of the vyantar. Once a shravak of the sangh, Virchand came to the suriji but was not respectful and sat near some women, leering at them. The goddesses turned him into a statue in punishment for his disrespectful behavior but let him at the suriji's request. The suriji formed the miraculous "Shantistavan" ("Nani Shanti") and water blessed with it had the power to appease the vyantar. Suriji also wrote "Tijaypahutt" stotra to subside the vyantar's annoyance and spread Jainism. The above creations are considered miraculous even today. 89 400k For Private Personal Use Only जैन मुनि Stories Of The Sadhu Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 MALLVADISURI (death V.S. 884) Durlabhdevi Stories Of The Sadhu of Vallabhipur took diksha with her three sons under her brother Jain acharya Jinandsuriji. The youngest Mallamuni was very intelligent. He was extremely disappointed upon hearing that his guruji Jinanadsuriji had lost against a group of Buddhists in debates over "shastra" in Bharuch. Sarasvatidevi was pleased with his extreme penances and with her blessings, Mallamuni wrote “New Dwadsharanaychakra" of ten thousand verses. Shri Sangh bestowed him the title of acharya. It was after this that the Suriji went to Bharuch where the Buddhist monk ignored him, saying "What could this child possibly debate with me on the shastra?" But Mallasuriji defeated the Buddhist saint after continuously discussing "Naychakrashastr for six months. The king then bestowed him with the title of “Vadi”, the great debator. Mallvadisuriji wrote “Padamcharita" of 24,000 verses and also wrote a critique of Sanmati Tark. Today these granthas are not available but there is a mention of them in the literature. Thus we can see the influence of Sarasvatidevi's blessings on the whole life of Mallvadisuriji. 90 Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 DEVARDHIGANI KSHAMASHRAMAN (V.S. 1000) राम आम वाचना Stories Of The Sadhu In a samovsaran in the city of Rajgrihi, Bhagvan Mahavir informed Saudharma Indra, “The angel with the title Harinagamaishi who helped transform me in utero will be called Devardhigani 1000 years after my death. He will be the last person to know the twelve ang of Drastivad.” In Veraval Patan Kamardhi's wife Kalavati gave birth to Devardhi. Devardhi grew to be very fond of hunting and continued to be so in spite of having been discouraged by angel twice. Once when he was out hunting an angel resorted to giving him severe hardships and finally Devardhi submitted and told the angel that he would do whatever he asked of him but wanted to be saved. The angel asked him to take vows from Lohityasuri. Devardhi eventually studied a great deal and achieved Ganipad and Kshamashramanpad and thereby pleased the Kapardi, Gomukh, and Chakreshvari devis. Devardhi oversaw the fifth conference of Agam readings in front of 500 acharyas, helped write 48 Agam books, and also wrote “Nandisutra". 91 cation International Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stories Of The Sadhu Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 ARS MANTUNGSURI (V.S. 6) III Mantungsuri was the most influential person of his era and was therefore invited by King Bhoj to his kingdom of Dhara Nagri. The pandits of Dhara came to welcome him with a pot filled to the brim with ghee, suggesting that there was no room for yet another scholar. The Suriji put a stick in the pot, conveying to them that he would be making a place for himself amongst the pandits of the dharmasabha. The king was most impressed with the pandits Ban and Mayur and he challenged Mantungsuri to show some special powers. Suriji was locked in a jail cell with 44 shackles. Through his worship of Aadeshvarji, he created the "Bhaktamar Sutra" and as he wrote, a shackle broke for each stanza he created. Upon finishing the 44th stanza of the sutra, and with the help of Chakreshvaridevi, he was free, impressing the king, the pandits and all the subjects of the kingdom. This everlasting "Bhaktamar Sutra" is one of the most frequently recited, even today. 92 GD Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 HARIBHADRASURI (V.S. 785: death) "If 11 I come across anything in Sanskrit that I am not able to understand, I will become the disciple of whosoever can explain it to me” was the vow that Haribhadra the renowned Brahmin scholar had taken out of his pride in his knowledge of Sanskrit. He used to wear a gold belt that signified his authority and was against Jainism, having said, "It is better to die under the foot of an elephant then to take the path of Jainism”. However he once had to take shelter in a Jain temple to protect himself from a mad elephant and there looking at the tirthankar's physique he said, “A healthy body shows that one eats good food." And then the time came where he had to act upon his vow. Once he overheard a stanza that sadhvi Yakini was reciting while she was studying, but he failed to understand its meaning. He got its explanation from a Jain acharya, upon which he became a monk and then an acharya. He however once decided to take revenge when some Buddhists killed two of his disciples. His guru came to know of this and asked him to write 1444 books as penance. Haribhadrasuri spent days and nights writing and used the light of a jewel to write by. Haribhadrasuriji mentions Mahattara Yakini, his "religious mother”, at the end of each of the sutras he authored. Stories Of The Sadhu 93 Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन मुनि Stories Of The Sadhu di Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 BAPPABHATTISURI (V.S. 815) Acharyashri sawa saw a dream of Balkesari, a strong child, climbing a mountain in one leap. On the same day he came across the child Surpalak. The suriji requested his parents to offer their son to serve for the sangh. In memory of his father Bapp and his mother Bhatti the young muni was named Bappbhatti. After seeing the powers of his VOW of celibacy, Sarasvatiji bestowed him with blessings of success. Within eleven years he was made an acharya. He made peace between the feuding Aamraja and Dharmaraja. The suriji was a well-known poet and also wrote on the subject of the sensual passions. Suspecting him to be of a loose character, one day Aamraja sent a beautiful courtesan to the upashraya in the disguise of a male. The woman started massaging his feet. The suriji, knowing of the plan, compared that touch to that of a mother's and foiled the plan. Seeing the strength of his vow of celibacy of the suriji, the king Aamraja bestowed him with the title of "Balbrahmchari Gajavar" (the one who is celibate from birth onwards). Suriji was also an art lover. He supported the work of one painter by installing his paintings of tirthankars in Kanoj, Mathura Anhipur and Satarpur and praising his work. The suriji also inspired many people to build temples and protected Girnar. His contribution to Jain literature is also noteworthy. 94 Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SURACHARYA (S. 1078-1920) King Bhoj of Mandav Gadh sent a stanza to the assembly of King Bhim of Anhilpur who then sought a learned person to send a stanza in reply. The chief minister of Bhim's assembly invited Suracharya to create some good poetry. Before he took diksha, Suracharya, used to attend temple dances and make impromptu poems in rhythm with the music whenever the dancer would stop to catch her breath. As his poetry skills were wellknown he was invited by King Bhim to write a stanza with which the king was very pleased. So proud was he of his intelligence, that the suriji would often punish his disciples with his ogho. In wielding it, the wooden stick would break and so the idea of inserting a steel rod in the ogho occurred to him. His guru, upon finding out AP about this said to him, "That steel is the weapon of Yamraja (the dev of death), and if you really want to serve religion go and be a winner in the asssembly of King Bhoj. King Bhoj's pandits were so afraid of being defeated by Surachryaji that they asked a child pandit to debate with him on their behalf. The child made a mistake and said "That is all that I have on my slate", indicating that there was nothing more he or the other pandits had to debate with. Thus, winning the Bhoj assembly, the suriji returned to the upashraya. He was welcomed back in Anhilpur by everyone, including his guru, King Bhim, and the people of Anhilpur. 95 Stories Of The Sadhu Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stories Of The Sadhu Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 AR NAVANGI ABHAYDEVSURI (Vir S. 1134-39) Mahidhr Sheth and Dhaandevi of Dhaara Nagar had a son Abhaykumar who was very intelligent. He took diksha at a young age and became an acharya. As a result of severe penances he developed a disfiguring skin disease. However his integrity was doubted and aspersions were cast on his character by the people of the sangh, with it being said that he was a heretic and that his preachings were against Jainism. He was unhappy about this and meditated and prayed to the dev Dharanendra who advised him to go to Khambhatt and meditate at a place where a farmer's cow, on its own, would be giving milk. With his meditation he pleased another dev and a statue of Parshvanathji came up out of the ground. He got cured by water that had been used to bathe the idol (abhishek). Abhaydevsuri wrote Navangsutraabhay after he was inspired by the shaasan deity. He got the garb of angels and gave it to King Bhimdev who gave three lakhs of rupees which went toward the printing of "Navangsutra". He is famous because of the "Navangisutra" and "Navangi Abhaydev". The statue of Parshvanath still exists in Khambhatt. 96 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 HEMCHANDRACHARYA (V.S. 1145-1229) scripture of Jain history Pahini was in the temple worshipping, 4-year old Changdev went to the upashraya next door and sat on the acharya's seat. The guru said, “This child is going to become an acharya" and reminded the mother about seeing "ratnachintamani" (a jewel that gives one whatever one wants) in a dream. At 5 years of age Changdev became Somachandrasadhu. He prayed to Sarasvati Devi who blessed him to become “Sidha Saarasvat" (you have won over Sarasvati) who was then there whenever he need her. He once went to a poor man's house for bhiksha with his guru. He saw a heap of garbage as being a heap of gold and knowing this the sheth made him sit on the heap, which turned into gold. And so the guru named him Hemchandaracharya. Suriji wrote "Siddha-Hem grammar", a Sanskrit grammar book at the request of King Sidhraj. The book was placed on a palanquin on the back of an elephant in a procession led by the king. The suriji wrote innumerable books. He once hid Kumarpal in the basement from King Sidharaj. When Kumarpal became the king he was inspired to make the "no killing proclamation" by the suriji. The suriji's name is written in gold in the history of Gujarat. Stories Of The Sadhu 97 Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stories Of The Sadhu di Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 ARS DADAGURU JINDATTSURI (V.S. 1132-1211) scripture yugpradhan jindatt suri "Your pious son with his extraordinary religious qualities will help in the prosperity of Jainism and so let him be dedicated to Jainism,." Hearing the sadhviji's solemn words, Dholka's Bahaddevi consented to do so. After diksha the child became Somchandra Muni and later on became famous as the "world leader Jinduttsuri." The suriji's intelligence, personality, fearlessness, sacredness, and generosity shines over Jainism like the sun. He enforced stricter norms of ascetic life for the sake of those sadhus who were not following them. In Vikrampur, 500 men and 700 women accepted diksha and hundreds of thousands accepted Jainism as their religion, influenced by his teachings. Several angels were constantly in the suriji's attendance. Ambika devi, overjoyed with Nagdev's penances had written a name on his hands telling him that the one who would decipher these letters would be the "man of the era", the "yugpradhan" The suriji deciphered the letters with the help pf his vaskhep. In Ajmer, once when lightning fell during pratikraman, the suriji grounded it in his wooden bowl. He possessed the ability to enter another's body. Jainism will forever be grateful to suriji. 000 2000 98 Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 DHARMAGHOSHSURI (S. 1357) Vir Dhaval who was soon to get married, was inspired by Devendrasuriji to take diksha and he did so in his wedding clothes. Bhimdev, his brother also took diksha along with him. When the degrees of panyas and upadbaya were awarded to him there was sprinkling of saffron from the sky and so he was called Dharmaghoshsuri after he was made an acharya. Being inspired by the Jain community hewrote "Samudrasutra" near the seashore of Patan in Saurashtra, which brought in the tide of the ocean and a sprinkling of precious jewels over his feet. Once suriji's meditation was so intense that a Kapardiyaksha appeared and at suriji's admonition, acquired the vision of the right path. Pethadshravak took the twelve vows from him. The suriji made some women who were interfering with his lectures into statues but let them go after they asked for forgiveness. He saved the Jains of Ujjain from the disturbance of a yogi. He also froze Shakinis, some devis, who were disturbing the sahdus of Godhra. Once when the Suriji had a snakebite he told his disciples that at dawn there would be a man with a wood stack in which there would be an antidote bush. When this was rubbed on him along with ginger, it worked. The suriji also wrote several books and sutras and opened some libraries. Stories Of The Sadhu 99 Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 JAGATGURU SHRI HIRSURI (V.S. 1652-death) Updesh Prasad 5 Stories Of The Sadhu Several religious scholars were discussing various topics in King Akbar's royal assembly when one scholar praised Hirsuriji. The king sent two messengers to suriji with an invitation. When the suriji reached Ahmedabad the king's subordinate offered him costly jewels but the Suriji returned them all stating that he was a true ascetic having no possessions. In Fatehpur he had religious discussions with the king's Muslim priest and enlightened about Jainism. The king welcomed him in the drawing room but the suriji refused to walk on the carpet laid in the hall. He explained, "It is against my religion to walk without seeing where I am stepping. There may be lives underneath this carpet." The king was amazed upon seeing the number of lives in the form of insects when the carpet was lifted. The king insisted that the suriji take some donation. The suriji accepted a donation in form of non-killing of birds and non-killing during Paryushan. The king gave up charging entry fees at Shatrunjay and stopped killing. The king proclaimed him “jagatguru", the universal teacher. 100 Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ di Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 UPADHYAY YASHOVIJAYJI (V.S. 1743- death) Shanti Saurabh Visheshank Narayan shravak's wife Saubhagyadevi of Kanoda had taken the vow of not putting anything in the mouth, not even water, every day, without having heard the "Bhaktamar Sutra". Once, because of storms and heavy rain, she was unable to go to the upashraya and had to fast for 3 days. Her son Jasvant went to the upahsraya, heard the Bhaktamar just once, and went home and recited Bhaktamar for her so that she could break her fast. Acting on mother's wishes, he did pratikraman with an acharyaguru and memorized it after hearing if once. Since he had a sharp memory, the guru asked him to take diksha which he took from Vijaydevsuriji and became the disciple of Nayvijayji. He was given many titles and became Nyaayvisharad, Shat Darshanvetta Mahavaiyaakarni, Tarkikshiromani Mahapodhyay Yashovijayji. Deity Sarasvati was pleased with him and blessed him that in debates and in writing of scriptures and poetry no one, could defeat him. He created "Nyaykhandkhadya", "Pratimashatak", etc. and made Varanasi available to Jains after defeating Kashi Pandits. He did eighteen avdhaan in Mohabhatkhan's darbar in Ahmedabad. His personality led him to be known as "Sarasvati with a mustache and beard". dni to bagniferally los 101 2000 DOL 4104 Stories Of The Sadhu Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 जनमान UDAYRATNA UPADHYAY (V.S. 17) Stories Of The Sadhu Upadhyay Shri Udayratnaji, who was the son of Manbai and Vardhman , arrived at Kheda. Inspired by him one shravak took on a pilgrimage to Shankeshvar. At that time Parshvanathjis statue was with greedy ruler who charged money for darshan. The UKURAN Kheda sangh reached there late and the pujari refused to open the temple. Everyone, including the Upadhyayji had decided not to eat or drink until they had done darshan. Everyone stood in front of the door, waiting to go in. Upadhyayji created a stavan for Parshvanathji. Adhishtayk deity was pleased and the doors opened up. A joyous atmosphere filled the temple and everyone was able to darshan. With this miracle the Thakur, the ruler of the area, realized his mistake of charging fees to Jains to do darshan and forfeited his rights over the temple, returning it to the Jain community (sangh). He adopted Jainism as his religion. Udayratnaji and was an accomplished poet and several of his creations are famous even today. It is said that the Upadhyaji was capable of magically creating a samovsaran of Ttirthankars. 102 Jain Education Interational Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SHAASAN SAMRAT NEMISURI (V.S. 1929-2006) Nemi Saurabh Lakshmichand and Divalibai of Madhumati (Mahuva) had a son whose horoscope revealed that he was going to be either a king or a saint. But because of his father's attachment to him, Nemchandji was not allowed to renounce the world in his youth. But his heart was so set on religion that he ran away from home with his friend Durlabhdas to Bhavnagar. His guru refused to give him diksha till his parents gave him permission. Afterwards he took Ogho from Ratnavijaymuni and Nemchandji gave himself diksha. The ogho that he was given was actually that of Gachchadhipati Mulchandjisuri. Due to his fearlessness, skillfulness, captivating speech, intelligence, capable leadership and limitless wisdom he became the foremost acharya of his time. His eight disciples also became acharyas. During the famine he encouraged the wealthy to donate grain. He also renovated and protected many Jain tirths. In that time many kings and officials were impressed by him and became his followers. Not only that but fishermen, taking his advice, took on the path of ahimsa. Must me 103 Stories Of The Sadhu Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ samyag darshan gnan charitrani moksh margah श्रीमते वीरनाथाय, सनाथायाद्भुतश्रिया पाव HETARATIG.- Urora : 112816 May this temple bring us great Joy Joy Jai Jinendra Smt. Shantaben A. Nawab Ashok & Kalpana (Leena) Choksi Kunal & Anuj Choksi 104 Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ samyag darshan gnan charitrani moksh margah Congratulations On The Successful Building Of The Jain Temple And May It Bring Your Families Much Joy And Success From Chandrakant & Ramila Ravani & Nilay Anu Gandhi & Parijat Kirit & Alice Ravani & Jena, Maya, & Jay Bharat & Vina Sheth & Neha & Nisha Bharat & Pravina Ravani & Purvi, Payal & Priti Nilesh & Kapila Ravani & Jay Kaushik & Sonal Patel 105 Jain Education Intemational Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NO samyag darshan gnan charitrani moksh margah In Loving Memory of Our Mothers Savitaben D. Sheth Jasudben C. Shah With Best Wishes Sonal, Purvi, Jyotika & Pravin Sheth 106 Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MAIN BEDI AT DIGAMBER JAIN ATISHAL KSHETR TEMPLE SHRI MAHAVIR JI - RAJASTAN - INDIA American Gem Corporation IMPORTERS. WHOLESALERS. MANUFACTURERS ALL SHAPES - SIZES - QUALITIES 21700 Greenfield Rd., Suite 309, Oak Park, MI 48237 Ph: (248) 968-3500 Fx: (248) 968-3555 Best Wishes From Raj & Shakuntla Jain Monica, Shailesh, Alka, Dipika, Neha & Nikhil 107 Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ samyag darshan gnan charitrani moksh margah With Best Compliments To Jain Society Of Greater Detroit From Bharat, Padmaja, Anish & Sejal Doshi 108 Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 PRAVARTINI CHANDANBALA (era of Mahavirswami) Stories Of The Sadhviji undertaken certain vows, Bhagvan Mahavir fasted for six months. His fast was finally broken when a beautiful girl, her legs bound by chains, one foot on the threshold and the other outside of the house, with her head shaven, and tears in her eyes, offered him boiled urad dal (a lentil). Indradev in heaven celebrated this by showering gold coins and jewels upon the surrounding lands. This girl was Chandanbala, the princess Vasumati. Her father lost a war and was killed in it, so her mother fled with Vasumati. But when a soldier tried to rape her, she killed herself. The soldier sold Vasumati to Dhanavasheth who accepted her as his daughter. Once when Vasumati was washing the sheth's feet, her long hair fell into the water and the sheth lifted them out. This was seen by Dhanavasheth's wife, Mula, who was so jealous of Vasumati's beauty that when the sheth went out of town, she shaved Vasumati's head, put chains around her feet and imprisoned her in a room. Three days later when the sheth found her, he gave her the boiled urad and set out to find an ironsmith. Chandanbala Sadhvi became the head of 3600 female ascetics and having reached the state of absolute enlightenment, attained moksha in that very life. 109 Jain Education Interational Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 DEVANANDA (era of Mahavirswami) Stories Of The Sadhviji 11 Devananda was with her husband at Bhagvan Mahavir's samovsaran. While gazing at the Bhagvan with love and affection, milk started flowing from her breasts. Guru Gautamswami (Bhagwan Mahavir's first disciple) asked Lord Mahavir the reason for this. The Bhagwan explained, “In a previous life Trishladevi and Devananda were sisters-in-law. Devananda liked some of Trishla's jewelry so much that she took it and hid it from Trishla for some time before returning it. Because of this, in this life, Deva Haranigameshi on the order of Indradev, removed her fetus and transplanted it in Trishla's womb. That fetus was me and thus Devananda is my first mother. This is the reason of her breast milk flowing, out of love and affection. Having heard this story, Devananda and her husband Rushabhadatt took diksha and eventually attained moksha. 110 Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Pai Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 MRIGAVATI SADHVI (iconvazivaristovers)arri An artist had been blessed by Yaksha (deva) with the gift of being able to draw the entire portrait of a person after seeing just a part of the person's body. Having seen Queen Mrigavati's big toe, he was able to draw her entire portrait, including the birthmark on her thigh. Her husband Shatanik, the king of Kaushambee, however became suspicious of his queen's character and became angry with the artist. The artist tried explaining the situation but the king still or dered that his thumb be severed. The artist however was granted another thumb from Yaksha, and he drew another picture of Queen Mrigavati and sold it to the king of Ujjain, Chandapradayotan, who became infatuated with her and fought with King Shatanik. King Shatanik died in the war. The queen made a condition to consider to King Chandapradyotan's demand to marry her, and later decided to reject his demand and closed the fort gates. King Chandapradyotan surrounded the palace. Lord Mahavir came and his teaching of non-possession and celibacy inspired Chandapradyotan to accept the right dharma. The king forgave the queen and adopted her son. Queen Mrigavati then took diksha. One night Mrigavati was listening to Lord Mahavir's lecture and returned to the upashraya late and so was cautioned by her guru Arya Chandana. Mrigavati repented her mistake so much that she achieved omniscience. 111 Stories Of The Sadhviji Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 BHADRAMATA (era of Mahavirswami) Stories Of The Sadhviji r his death, Gobhadra Sheth became a dev and used to send 32 boxes of clothes and jewelry everyday to his son Shalibhadra and wife Bhadra. Shalibhadra's 32 wives used to cleaned their feet with shawls studded with diamonds and then throw them in the trash, such was the wealth of the family. Shalibhadra, having grown up with endless riches, was shocked when he realized that he was under the rule of the king and was not his own master. He took diksha along with his brother-in-law Dhanna and both of them observed hard penances including undertaking long fasts. Shalibhadra was told that he would break his fast at the hands of his mother and so they went there. But because of their atrophied bodies, Bhadrama didn't recognize them and left the house and to go attend the sermon of Lord Mahavir. It was here that she came to know that it was Shalibhadra who had come to her home and the reason for it. She felt so regretful that she took diksha as did all her daughter-in-laws. 112 Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 KALAVATI SADHVI (era of Mahavirswami) Stories Of The Sadhviji gave bangles of gold to his sister Kalavati as a gift. The other queens didn't know that the bangles were from Jaisingh and thought that the king had been partial to Kalavati. The king was also not aware of who had given the bangles and doubted Kalavati's character. Kalavati was pregnant but the king was so angry that he ordered that her hands cut off. The soldiers followed the command and gave the bangles to the king. Later when the king found out where the bangles had come from, he regretted his awful act and felt enormous guilt. Kalavati however with her piety, got her hands back and gave birth to a beautiful son. When she met Lord Mahavir she asked the reason for the sorrows of her life. The lord told her that in a previous life when she had been a princess she had cut off a bird's wings with an arrow. That bird had been reborn as the king. Kalavati repented her actions, handed her son to the king and took diksha. 113 Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stories Of The Sadhviji Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 AR SADHVI MADANREKHA Queen Madanrekha was a woman of incredible beauty. So incredible was her beauty in fact, that her husband's older brother, wanting to marry her, killed his own brother. Madanrekha was pregnant but being very religious, asked her husband to forgive his brother and die peacefully. To protect herself from her brotherin-law after her husband's death she hid in the jungle and there gave birth to a son. Once when an elephant tossed her in the sky a vidhyadhar dev (a type of angel) saved her but he was also smitten by her incredible beauty and wanted to marry her. The helpless Madanrekha made the condition to the vidhyadhar dev that he must take her to Nandishwardweep to pray in the eternal temples. Vidyadhar dev took her there and after listening to a chaaran muni (a sadhu who has the power to fly through the universe), he became religious-minded and lust-free. Another dev who had also come to pray was Madanrekha's husband, reborn as a dev after a peaceful death with her assistance. He came and bowed to her and brought her back to earth. Madanrekha took diksha and observed it well. 114 16.3 Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SADHVI BHADRAMA (ARNAK MATA) (era of Mahavirswami) "Oh Arnak! Oh Arnak!" Hearing these voices, a storm suddenly arose in Arnak's mind. He began to think, "In which dark ocean of lower-life forms have I fallen into? I took the vows of asceticism in my childhood with my parents. Under the protective hand of my father I did not face any difficulties, but after his death I have had to go asking for bhiksha alone. In order to save myself from the blazing sun above and the burning hot sand below my feet, I took refuge in the shade of a palace. I let my weak mind get entangled in a web of seduction laid down by a beautiful lady of the palace who was deprived of sensual pleasures, her husband being abroad. And I enjoyed the offerings of her beautiful body, becoming decadent." "Where is my Arnak?" Hearing these pain-filled words again, he shuddered. He looked outside the palace. There his wandering sadhvi ma stood, crying. Arnak's rambling mind began looking for a proper direction. Ignoring the one behind him and breaking the chains of love in one move, he fell at his mother's feet. Now under the scorching sun and on burning boulders, undertaking fast unto death, he started to renounce and find release from this pleasure-seeking body. Now at last, his mind had become stable. "Oh Bhadrama! You are great for bringing your son ashore from that dark ocean." 582 115 For Private Personal Use Only Stories Of The Sadhviji Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stories Of The Sadhviji Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 AR ADAM RUSHIDATTA HAVHA2 King Kanakrath's eyes rested on the shores of the ocean and then met those of the attractive Rushidatta. A bolt of lightning went through both of their minds. A man doing penance at the shore introduced the king to Rushidatta, and the two were soon married. But in the mind of Rukmini, the king's betrothed, the snake of envy showed its fangs. Through Yogini, a demi-god, Rukmini had the sleeping Rushidatta's lips smeared with meat. That very day the king got news of a man-eater, and thinking Rushidatta to be the cannibal, banished her to the jungle. Using an herbal potion, Rushidatta changed her form to that of a man doing penance and became friends with the king. The king eventually wed Rukmini who years later, told the king of the game of deceit played on Rushidatta. The king felt deep remorse and decided to immolate himself. At that time the disguised Rushidatta entered the pyre to save him and showed her true self. "In a previous life you had falsely accused a sadhvi of eating meat." Bhadrayashsuriji informed Rushidatta of her past karma and she renounced the world. She eventually destroyed all her karmas and attained liberation. 116 Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SADHVI SHIYALVATI "For as long as the flowers in this garland remain fresh you will know that my character is intact," Shiyal said to her husband who was going abroad. Shiyalvati was beautiful, courteous and intelligent. She also had the ability to understand the language of animals and birds. Once upon hearing the words of a bird, she set off at midnight toward a cemetery with a pot in her hand. Her father-in-law saw this and suspecting her character, decided to send her back to her parents' home. He was surprised the next day, seeing her talking to a crow on the road. Shiyal, following the orders of the crow, started dig ging under a tree and there found four pots of gold. Her father-in-law forgave her and she returned to their house. Eventually, word of Shiyalvati's deeds spread to the king. The king sent an envoy to her house to test her character. Shiyalvati made a bed and dug a pit underneath it. She invited the king's envoy as a guest. The disguised guest, thinking that he was successful, laid down on the bed, and fell at once into the pit. The king was pleased and made Shiyalvati his sister. Later on, under the influence of a Jain acharya, she renounced the world. Truly a person's character is like a flower: it has a pure essence. If it is soiled, it is spoiled. To keep our character pure and safe forever is our duty and religion. 117 Stories Of The Sadhviji Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Stories Of The Sadhviji Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 ARS SADHVI TARANGVATI (Roopak) Once there existed a couple whose love for each remained unfulfilled for many lifetimes. Upon meeting in this lifetime, they fell in love, stealing away one night in a boat across the river Ganga. But in the morning they woke up, found themselves imprisoned by dacoits (bandits) who were preparing them as human sacrifices to a deity. Tarangavati wept so much that the dacoit watching over them felt remorse and allowd them to leave. After returning home Tarangvati completed her love story by getting married but the journey of her life was destined to take another turn. One evening, years later on the bank of the Ganga Tarangvati met a saint. In a previous birth the saint had been a hunter who had killed a male love bird. In anguish upon losing her mate, the female bird also died by immolation. In repentance of his mistake the hunter also killed himself on the same fire. In this birth before taking Diksha, he had been the dacoit who had freed Tarangvati and her husband. In doing this, the former dacoit eliminated the deed of his previous birth. After hearing this, Tarangvati also renounced the world. 118 Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 MAHATTRA YAKINI (Vikram Shatak 8) There once existed an arrogant and prideful Brahmin scholar named Haribhadra. So arrogant was this man, and so sure was he in his knowledge of all things Sanskrit, that he made a vow: "If I ever come across any Sanskrit matter that I can not comprehend, I will become the disciple of the person who can explain it to me." One night the scholar was passing by a sadhvijis? upashraya when he heard a shloka being recited by sadhvi Yakini. To Haribhadra's surprise, he was unable to understand its meaning. He got its explanation from a Jain acharya on the instruction of sadhvi Yakini and this once arrogant man became the disciple of a Jain acharya as per his vow. In this way the sadhvi was responsible for bringing a renowned scholar onto the path of Jainism. Once two of Haribhadrasuriji's disciples, Hans and Paramhans were killed by Buddhist monks. Haribhadrasuri decided to kill 1444 Buddhist monks in revenge. The sadhvi asked him, "When one small animal is killed by mistake you get forgiveness only after you have done three fasts. Then what punishment will you get for this planned deed of killing 1444 monks?" Hearing this humble question from the sadhviji, the acharya's sinking life boat reached the shore and he got a new meaning in life. He wrote 1444 books as a penance for his thought for revenge. By that time the sadhvi had become a Mahattra gurudevi. Haribhadrasuriji has saluted his religious mother “Mahattra Yakini Sut" at the end of each of the 1444 sutras he wrote. Stories Of The Sadhviji 119 Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ES Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 SUNANDA (Roopsen) Stories Of The Sadhviji story begins with, “You were my dear Roopsen.” With these words Panchmahavrata Dhari (one who has renounced) Sadhvi Sunanda recounted the previous births of an elephant. Upon hearing her, the agitated elephant calmed down and the sadhviji started telling him that “We were both sexually obsessed with each other at one time, but our attachment to each was ill-fated due to bad karma. In the pursuit of sex you died and were reborn in my womb. Abortion-inducing medicine caused your second death. After that, at the hands of my husband, you, in the forms of a snake, crow, swan, and deer were hunted. We were enjoying consuming the flesh of your deer-body when we heard your life circle from Muniraj. At this time I renounced the world, taking diksha. Though you did not gratify your desires you are still roaming in this material world. Roopsen, now forget this craving of yours and submit yourself to Jineshwar and their teachings of renouncing worldly pleasures." There were tears in the eyes of the elephant having found freedom through Sunanda sadhvi's story. 120 Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SADHVI PADMAVATI (Chitrasen) In their previous lives, the male swan had flown away to bring water for his wife. Thinking that he had abandoned her, the female swan threw herself in burning jungle and burnt herself to death and was reborn as the male-hating Princess Padmavati. Upon returning with water, the male swan saw her burnt body and also threw himself in burning jungle and was reborn as the Prince Chitrasen. Strong emotional bonds can not be broken by death and so upon seeing a painting of Chitrasen, Padmavati acquired memory of her previous life and chose Chitrasen to be her husband. Chitrasen was returning to his kingdom with Padmavati when Chitrasen's best friend Ratnasarne overheard a conversation between Yaksh and Yakshini about four difficulties that were in store for Chitrasen. On the insistence of Chitrasen, he however revealed what he knew but became a statue because of a curse. Chitrasen was upset after seeing what happened to his friend and prayed to Yaksh and Yakshini and thereby learnt how to save Ratnasarne. Ratnasarne came back to life after a touch from Sati Padmavati. With the blessing of Yaksh and Yakshini all the three went to Ashtapad and found the way to moksha. Stories Of The Sadhviji 121 Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 HER JUNE 27, SATURDAY 8:00am - 11:00am 11:00am - 1:00pm 12:30pm - 5:00pm KUMBHA STHAPAN, AKHAND DEEPAK STHAPAN, PATLA PUJAN SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH AGHU SHANTIPUJAN, GHEE BOLI, AARTI & MANGAL DIVO SWAMIVATSALYA DINNER CULTURAL PROGRAM 6:00pm - 7:30pm 8:00pm - 11:00pm JUNE 28, SUNDAY 12:30pm - 5:00pm BHAKTAMAR PUJAN, GHEE BOLI, AARTI & MANGAL DIVO 6:00pm - 7:30pm SWAMIVATSALYA DINNER Program Guide JUNE 29, MONDAY 8:00 am - 9:30am SNATRA PUJA 10:00am - Noon LECTURES BY SPIRITUAL LEADERS 12:00pm - 1:30pm SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH 8:00pm - 9:30pm AARTI & MANGAL DIVO, GHEE BOLI/BHAVANA JUNE 30, TUESDAY 8:00am - 9:30am SNATRA PUJA 10:00am - Noon LECTURES BY SPIRITUAL LEADERS 12:00pm - 1:30pm SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH 8:00pm - 9:30pm GHEE BOLI, BHAVNA, AARTI & MANGAL DIVO JULY 1, WEDNESDAY 8:00am - 9:30am SNATRA PUJA 10:00am - Noon LECTURES BY SPIRITUAL LEADERS 12:00pm - 1:30pm SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH 8:00pm - 9:30pm GHEE BOLI, BHAVNA, AARTI & MANGAL DIVO JULY 2, THURSDAY 8:00am - 9:30am 10:00am - Noon 12:00pm - 1:30pm 1:30pm - 4:00pm 6:00pm - 7:30pm 8:00pm - 10:00pm SNATRA PUJA LECTURES BY SPIRITUAL LEADERS SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH PANCHKALYANAK PUJA, GHEE BOLI, AARTI & MANGAL DIVO SWAMIVATSALYA DINNER GHEE BOLI, BHAVNA, AARTI & DIVO Jain Education Intemational Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 v.s. 2054 JULY 3, FRIDAY 6:30am - 7:30am YOG/MEDITATION 6:30am - 8:00am SWAMIVATSALYA BREAKFAST 8:00am - 9:00am REGISTRATION 9:30am - 11:00 am OPENING CEREMONY 11:30am - 1:00pm SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH 12:30pm - 6:30pm SIDDHACHAKRA PUJAN, GHEE BOLI 6:00pm - 7:30pm SWAMIVATSALYA DINNER 7:30pm - 8:00pm AARTI & MANGAL DIVO 8:00pm - 11:00pm CULTURAL PROGRAM JULY 4, SATURDAY 6:30am - 7:30am YOGI/MEDITATION 6:30am - 8:00am SWAMIVATSALYA BREAKFAST 9:00am - 10:00am LECTURES BY SPIRITUAL LEADERS 11:00am-11:30am KALASH SHTAPNA 11:30am - 1:00pm SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH 1:00pm - 5:00pm INDRA/SNATRA MAHOTSAV, GHEE BOLI 5:00pm - 6:00pm JEWELERY, GOLD & SILVER COIN DONATION UNDER DUTIES IN GHABHARA 6:00pm - 7:30pm SWAMIVATSALYA DINNER 7:00pm - 8:00pm KUMARPAL RAJA'S AARTI & MANGAL DIVO 8:00pm-11:00pm RAAS/GARBA Program Guide JULY 5, SUNDAY 6:30am - 7:30am SWAMIVATSALYA BREAKFAST 6:30am - 8:30am EIGHTEEN ABHISHEK PUJA 9:30am - 11:15am PRATISHTA PROCESSION 11:30am - Noon RECOGNITION & VOTE OF THANKS CEREMONY 12:30pm - 1:00pm PRATISHTA CEREMONY 1:00pm - 2:00pm SWAMIVATSALYA LUNCH JULY 6, MONDAY 7:00am - 8:00am 8:00am - 9:00am DWAR OPENING CEREMONY SWAMIVATSALYA BREAKFAST Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1900evisinomanialt Best Wishes For The Grand Success Of The Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav from 124 YJUL YOUT Satish & Kinna Aakash & Badal Shah Chicago, IL OM 8 YJUL Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 MAHAMANTRI ABHAYKUMAR (era of Mahavirswami) wam) King Shrenik, wanting to determine who would be his next chief minister, decided to test his would-be candidates. Throwing a ring into a dry well, he challenged his candidates to remove it without entering the well. Abhaykumar threw cow dung on top of the ring and let the dung dry up. He then filled the well with wa ter and the ring came out with the dung. The king, impressed with Abhaykumar who happened to be his son, appointed him as the chief minister. Once the king's executioner stole mangoes from the garden of Queen Chelna, using magic, but the minister Abhay caught him. King Shrenik expressed the desire to learn this magic. Abhaykumar seated the executioner on the throne and asked King Shrenik to sit on the ground, communicating the need to have humility in front of one's guru, in this case, the executioner. Once when a poor beggar decided to take diksha, people ridiculed him. Abhaykumar, knowing the true meaning of diksha, offered five precious jewels to those who would take the five great vows, but even in spite of the greed, not a single person could take even one vow. Thus, Abhaykumar showed that diksha involves more than simply asking for bhiksha. Even today, during Diwali we pray to be blessed with intellect like Abhaykumar's. Abhaykumar took diksha and became a higher level dev. 125 भाविका Shravak Inspirations Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ भाविका Shravak Inspirations Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 THEITARS PUNIA SHRAVAK HAM (era of Mahavirswami) Punia Mahashravak of Rajgrahi was a staunch follower of Bhagvan Mahavir. He was so devout that he took the vow to feed one fellow shravak daily. He donated all his ancestral property and subsisted on his meager daily earnings that came from spinning cotton. The income of the both the husband and wife was so small that to feed even one fellow religious person either one had to fast. He had accepted the twelve lesser vows of a shravak and was doing samayak every morning and evening. Once upon finding out from Bhagvan Mahavir that his soul was on the path to hell, King Shrenik asked him how it could be avoided. Bhagvan Mahavir told him to go to Punia Shravak and get the punya (merit) of one samayak. King Shrenik wanted to buy the punya of Punia Shravak's samayak and asked the cost of one. Punia Shravak told him that he ought to ask Bhagvan Mahavir what the cost of one samayak should be. Bhagvan told him that the cost of Punia's samayak was priceless. 126 досад Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 ROHINIYO CHOR (era of Mahavirswami) Shravak Inspirations Bhagvan Mahavir was in the samovsaran, Rohiniyo Chor (thief) was passing by and suddenly remembered his fathers words when he was being taught by him how to steal: “There is a powerful religious ascetic named Mahavir. Don't ever listen to his words.” He put his fingers in his ears and he ran from there, but while he was running a thorn got stuck in his foot. He had to remove his finger from one ears to pull out the thorn. At that point he heard Bhagvan Mahavir explaining the four qualities of dev. It made him sad that he had disobeyed his father. Rohiniyo was caught later by the king's army which however did not find any no stolen goods on him. Minister Abhay thought of a clever plan to make him confess his crimes. He made Rohiniyo unconscious, laid him on a beautiful bed and created an atmosphere that simulated that of devlok. When Rohiniyo gained consciousness the devi asked him what his good deeds were. He thought, "What good deeds? All I have done is steal and yet I have reached heaven?" And then he remembered the qualities of dev that he had heard from the Bhagvan and he realized that they were not dev but rather ordinary women. He therefore came to know of the minister Abhay's plan to make him confess. He thought, “If the four lines that I had learnt without intending to saved me from Abhay minister, then being with the Bhagvan with full faith will save me from my previous sins." So thinking, he took diksha from Bhagvan. 127 Jain Education Intemational Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shravak Inspirations Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 THEITARS SAMPRATI MAHARAJA (vir nirvan shatak 2) When Samprati Maharaja returned to Avanti after a victory he did not see en thusiasm on his mother's face. When he asked what is the reason she replied, "Being greedy for the sake of the kingdom you have committed only sins. I would be more proud of you if you would build Jain temples or help in renovating them," Hearing this king built 125,000 new Jain temples in marble, renovated innumerbable Jain temples and had about 12,500,000 Jain idols made. Once in a procession when he saw Acharya Suhastisuri, Samprati felt that he had seen him somewhere before wherein the acharya told him about his previous life. "Once in Kaushambi there was a terrible famine but even then the shravak continued to take care of sadhus. You were a beggar and were not getting enough food, so you went and begged C from some Jain sadhus. Those sadhus who were my disciples, brought you to me, where I told that if you accept diksha then we can give you food. In anticipation of food you accepted diksha. Being hungry from so many days you ate more food than was in your capacity resulting in a severe stomachache. Praising the religion and the life of sadhus, that night you died and were reborn as King Kunal's son and Emperor Ashok's grandson." King Samprati did a lot to spread Jainism. Amongst kings, he is considered to be the foremost in terms of contribution to Jainism. 128 Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SHETH JAAVADSHAH (Vikram Shatak 2) ATC Sheth Jaavdshah of Mahuva was the chief of twelve villages. It was said of his bravery that he fought with a tiger in the forest and wounded it so that the tiger fled. However, foreign invaders were able to defeat this brave Jaavadshah using deceitful tactics and took him and his wife as prisoners to their homeland. In that country, neighboring powerful enemies attacked and to save themselves, from too many casualties, the foreigners proposed a wrestling duel. Jaavad wrestled for the king and defeated the enemies. For this he was gifted half of the kingdom. But the young foreign queen set her eyes on the robust Jaavadshah instead of her old king and made efforts to seduce him. Having taken a vow to be faithful to one woman Jaavadshah preached to her and made her his sister in religion. On his way back to Mahuva, Jaavad went to Takshashila and brought a statue of Aadeshvar Bhagvan to Mahuva. At that time, the great Acharya Vajraswami, was preparing to renovate the Shatrunjay temple. During this renovation, one kapardhi asur was creating havoc. But with the help of his previous punya karma and with the help of Kapardhi bhyaksha, Jaavadshah was able to defeat Kapardhi asur. Jaavadshah was able to complete the thirteenth great renovation. And after their death he and his wife achieved devgati. 129 आपक Shravak Inspirations Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रायक Shravak Inspirations Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 THETTARS BHIMJI SANGHPATI (vir(S (Vikram Shatak 14) 130 112 Bhimji was a rich merchant of Khambhatt. One day, so that he may get on the path of selfevolution, he asked acharya Devendrasuri, "Gurudev, give me a vow so that I may break the cycle of birth, death and rebirth." Gurudev made Bhimji take a vow to speak only the truth and nothing but the truth. One day, some robbers caught Bhimji and asked him how much money he had at his home. Bhimji told the robbers the truth that he had 4000 gold coins in his house. He was kept imprisoned and a ransom demand was sent to his son for 4000 gold coins in return for Bhimji's freedom. His wily son made counterfeit coins and sent them to the robbers. The robber asked Bhimji to identify them and say whether they were original or counterfeit. Bhimji, speaking the truth once again, said that the coins were counterfeit ones. The robbers thought that Bhimji could have easily told a lie and could have escaped. But this great person, without fearing death, told the truth. The robbers released him and began to venerate Bhimji. A Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 PETHADSHAH (Vikram Shatak 19) After his father Dedashah died, Pethadshah was a pauper. He went to Acharya Dharmaghoshsuriji to take a vow to limit the amount of wealth he could possess. Seeing his extremely bright and successful future, the Guruji gave him a vow for a limit of five hundred thousand gold coins. Later on, doing a business of ghee (clarified butter) he found Chitraveli and became very wealthy. He built 84 temples, dharamshalas, and libraries of scriptures and upashryas. The king appointed him as a minister and showed his gratitude. Bhimji, the head of the Sangh of Khambhatt, donated clothes to those worthy souls who had taken the vow of celibacy. One pair of clothes was sent to Pethadshah, and along with his wife he took the vow of celibacy and worshipped the Tirthankars. It is said that by his vow of celibacy, his inner strength increased manifold. Once the queen fell ill with a deadly fever but with the help of these clothes of Pethadshah, the fever went away. Also when the same clothes were thrown on the king's mad elephant, the effect was the elephant was calm and pacified. At the minister's behest, the king declared non-violence throughout the state. Pethadshah organized a pilgrimage for several hundred thousand people, for the whole sangh. He got made golden ornamental top for the main temple at Shatrunjay. Later, that same sangh went to Girnar. There, winning one auction of Indramala, he had Girnar declared a Shwetambar Jain tirth. 131 Shravak Inspirations Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 DHARNASHAH (Vikram Shatak 15) Shravak Inspirations Dharnashah of Nandia (Sirohi) was the son of the respected sheth Kurpal and his wife Kamladevi. He was always of virtuous conduct, and truthful speech, was good-hearted as well as generous, was helpful and religious. He used his wealth to do religious work and make donations. He built various temples at Ajaahra, Saaler, and Pindarvatak. He sponsored a pilgrimage to the tirth Shatrunjay, and in the height of their youth he and his wife took a vow of celibacy from Acharya Somsundarsuriji and put on the Indra mala. One night he had a dream of a celestial craft called Nalinigulm and because of that dream he decided to build a temple of the same form. He consulted many temple architects from far and wide. Depak, a temple architect of Mandara village also had a similar dream. As per his drafts, a beautiful temple was built at Ranakpur. This foursided temple of 1444 pillars and 72 deris is such that from any entrance, a view of the main idol of Aadeshwar Bhagvan is possible. Not a single pillar or a door will come in between and obstruct the view, that is the uniqueness of this famous temple. This temple so an unparalleled, world famous example of the architecture of Jain temples. 132 Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ samyag darshan gnan charitrani moksh margah COCO With Best Wishes And Compliments To Jain Society Of Greater Detroit On Pratishtha Mahotsav Tushar & Dina Rajiv, Soigne & Miten Kothari New York, NY 133 Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ samyag darshan gnan charitrani moksh margah With Best Wishes And Compliments To The Jain Society Of Greater Detroit From Ashok & Namita Ankur & Nikita Jain Laheriben 134 Detroit Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Lord Saudharmendra Indra ordered the angel Haranaigameshi to transfer the heavenly fetus from Devananda's womb to Trishalarani's, the wife of King Siddharth of Kshatryikund. That night, as she slept, she dreamt fourteen important dreams. Over time she gave birth to a powerful boy, and at the time of his birth, the entire kingdom became filled with happiness. Everywhere, everyone suddenly became content and blissful. Fifty-six young female angels filled the atmosphere with melodious music and a pleasant scent by carrying around kalash, dhoop, lamps, fans, mirrors and musical instruments. All in the kingdom celebrated the birth of the prince with joy and happiness. In this era the same prince became the twenty-fourth and the last tirthankar Bhagvan Mahavir. He spread the Jain religion, helped the world through the message of nonviolence. So blessed was Mother Trishala who gave birth to the greatest Jain teacher, Mahavir. She is truly the greatest mother of the time. 135 For Private Personal Use Only भाषक Shravika: Trishaladevi Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ שום Shravika: Sati Revati Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 THEITARS Bhagwan Mahavir's well-known disciple Goshalak was very knowledge able about astrology and possessed the power to throw fire. With his strong belief in fate only, he started believing that he was omniscient. Once when Bhagvan was visit ing Shravastinagari, someone asked about Goshalak but Bhagwan Mahavir who spoke of his limited knowledge. When Goshalak found out about this, he became very angry and came to a samovsaran to show his power. When two munis tried to stop him, he burned them with his fire-throwing power. The lord tried to appease Goshalak who refused to listen and tried to use his deadly power on Bhagvan too. However, the flames circled around him and then proceeded toward Goshalak consuming him and killing him, seven days later. Bhagvan Mahavir sustained internal damage due to the burns which did not heal for six months. Sinhamuni, a disciple of Bhagvan, upon hearing of this, he expressed deep sorrow and asked Bhagvan what the remedy could be. Bhagvan told him to get "bijora pak" (a bitter medicine-filled food) from Revati, wife of Gathapati of the village Mendhik. Revati was a devout follower of Bhagvan. With medicine from Revati, Bhagvan was cured. With this ultimate form of devotion and worship by offering this food, Revati in turn created the highest kind of name (naam) karma of becoming one of the twentyfour tirthankar of the next time cycle. 136 Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Eager for sensual pleasures, Rathik tried to impress Kosha, a courtesan, with his skill in archery, but Kosha outshone Rathik with her dancing skills.She danced on top of a flower, which was stuck on a needle, which in turn was on top of a heap of mustard seeds. She then proceeded to admonished Rathik, "Your exhibition of your abilities do not impress me for they do not at all compare to what Stulbhadra was able to do. Stulbhadra, the sadhu, for four months lived here with me in a place filled with the atmosphere of sensuality, in which I this beautiful, desirable woman was willing to do whatever his bidding may be. However the sadhu not only abstained completely but also was able to show me the correct path of life. Another sadhu, believing that he also would be able to adhere to his vows of celibacy, as did Stulbhadra, came to me and within a day of fine food, exotic entertainment and my inviting eyes, he was hoping to share sensual pleasures with me. I then requested the sadhu to bring a shawl studded with diamonds, and though he fulfilled it, I tore up the shawl. I admonished him that your vows of asceticism are more precious than this piece of cloth and jewels. When he realized his mistake, I was able to save him." Hearing this Rathik also was inspired and took diksha. The name of Kosha will be remembered along with Acharya Stulibhadra for 84 half time cycles (chauvisi). 137 For Private Personal Use Only Alteras Shravika: Kosha Vesha (Vir Nirvaan Shatak 8) Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (Vikram Shatak 13) Shravika: Anupamadevi Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 THATTARS 138 A bowl fell at the hands of a sadhu and nation of the ability to speak sweet words, be compassionate, knowledgeable, forgiving, sacrificing and wealth without any pride." Once after getting married the couple was having a pit dug to hide money but instead they found money that had already been interred in the ground. Anupama advised, "If Lakshmidevi wishes to surface from the earth, than let us raise her to the top of the mountain." That money was used to build the Lavanyavasahi temple on Mount Abu. It is said that she offered pearls, silver, and gold to worship in lieu of sand dug to make temple. A contemporary poet once said that the goddess of wealth is unsteady, Parvati is angry, Indrani is sorrowful, Ganga is flowing, and Sarasvati has good speech, but Anupama is greater that all. ghee (clarified butter) spilt on Anupamadevi's clothes. Chief minister Tejpal became angry, but Anupama appropriately commented, "If I had been born to a dealer of cooking oil, what would be the plight of my clothes? But I am fortunate that butter fell instead from a guruji's bowl." Upon hearing this, Tejpal was impressed and said, "It is rare to see combi Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 After Virprabhu, Champa Shravika fasted for six months. During her fast, she would go to the temple everyday in a horse buggy with a band of musicians and donate along her way. Once the Mughal emperor, Akbar, saw all this and inquired about it. He came to know that she intended to fast for six months. Then emperor thought, "It is difficult to keep roja (Muslim fasting) for one day even though there is the freedom to eat at night. How is it possible to fast continuously for so long without eating or drinking at all?" As the emperor was respectful of other religions he sought an answer, and so he called upon Champa shravika for an explanation. Champa told him that "This is possible only because of Hirsuriji Maharaj's blessings." The disbelieving emperor wished to test the veracity of this and so he kept her imprisoned in which Champa completed fast very successfully. This a was possible because of Champa's belief in true religion and the blessings of gurudev. The emperor was moved by this turn of events, and invited Acharya Hirsusiji to his palace. This was the beginning of a cordial relationship between Jains and Muslims. 139 ED भावक Shravika: Champa (Vikram Shatak 14) Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Shravika: Jayanti Once Veerprabhu was sitting in the garden of Kaushambi. Upon hearing the sermon being given by God Mahavir, some questions in Jayanati's mind suddenly arose. In response to her questions, bhagwan Mahavir replied “some living being are idle, which is good and some living being are skilled, which is good; for instance if wicked people are idle and virtuous people are intelligent, then there will be less cruelty in this world and ordinary life will become free of problems." "In the same way religious people should remain strong and non-religious people should remain weak. Similarly a parasitic man (non-benevolent) is better off sleeping and a benevolent man awake. In this way there is less and less of sins and the light of virtues spreads more and more. The layer of 18 sins makes our soul loaded and with the shedding of sins from our soul it becomes more natural and lighter. For instance a clay vessel will sink in water it has a layer of sand but when the vessel is free of sand, the vessel naturally starts to float." 140 Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE (THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT IN L G RALARI OLIE 2123 Slefziehz Els Top Row: Niranjan Shah, Kunal Choksi Bottom Row: Ramesh Shah, Dakshash Shah, Manesh Shah Not Present: Anuj Choksi BUDGET COMMITTEE THE JAIL SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC PATRIZ 2 5 222 Sled Top Row: Bhupendra Shah, Mahendra Shah, Rajendra Modi Bottom Row: Rashmi Shah, Bhavna Mehta Not Present: Kalpesh Shah, Navin Shah, Neena Shah Kalpana Shah Sonia Jain 141 Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 RELIGIOUS COMMITTEE 20 -:5 '99 Top Row: Natawarlal Shah, Manoj Shah, Ramesh Shah, Sharad Shah, Arvind Shah 2nd Row: Minaxi Shah, Sohini Shah, Asha Shah, Bhavna Mehta, Tarulata Shah 3rd Row: Sneha Shah, Manjula Shah, Sheela Shah, Vimlaben Mehta, Pratima Shah, Rekha Shah Bottom Row: Nalini Shah, Indira Doshi, Sarla Shah, Hansa Kapadia FOOD COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INCI und 2.23 Slozio Top Row: Arvind Shah, Hemant Shah, Kishore Badani Middle Row: Kundan Sata, Dipti Shah, Dimple Shah, Usha Vasani Bottom Row: Hansa Kapdia, Aarti Doshi, Hema Shah, Asha Shah Not Present: Leena Choksi, Rohit Shah 142 Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 GUEST ACCOMODATIONS COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC Raud eils 222 Sköztez8s| Top Row: Paras Mehta, Lalit Shah, Amar Shah, Girish Shah Not Present: Abul Meghani, Akshay Shah, Bharat Ravani MEDICAL COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ING 222 Dis 22 Slezieh Top Row: Kartik Shah, Kanti Shah, Jyotika Sheth, Mahendra Mehta Not Present: Kirit Shah, Babulal Nahata, Usha Singhi 143 Jain Education Intemational Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 GHEEBOLI COMMITTEE OF GREATER DETROIT Rozul de Sézie285 Top Row: Arvind Shah Ashok Choksi , Arvind Shah Bottom Row: Sharad Shah, Praful Shah, Swati Shah, Rohit Shah, Ramesh Shah TRAVEL COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC I RAI2112017 bis 222 Slezielzes Top Row: Bharat Shah, Mahendra Shah , Bharat Ravani, Jayesh Mehta Bottom Row: Arvind Shah, Priya Shah, Lalit Shah Not Present: Nilesh Ravani 144 Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 PROCESSION COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT IMC 84 lippua olis 2i22 drzichz 85 Top Row: Shashi Shah, Jagdish Shah, Girish Shah, Jasvant Shah Bottom Row: Sapna Parekh, Priya Shah FACILITIES COMMITTEE HE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT જૈન શોસાય ગ્રેટરડીરોનbils Top Row: Jayesh Mehta, Mahendra Shah, Vastupal Shah Bottom Row: Kalpesh Shah, Prakash Jain, Varsha Shah, Mahendra Doshi, Sandeep Shah 145 Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 YOUTH COMMITTEE YOFGM Top Row: Mehul Shah, Neil Shah, Nandish Doshi, Bobby Shah, Subir Shah Second Row: Suchita Shah, Asha Shah, Monica Shah, Jill Choksi Third Row: Anuja Shah, Binisa Shah, Palak Sheth, Sneha Shah, Anupa Shah Bottom Row: Seema Shah, Swati Shah, Heeral Sheth, Sonal Shah, Rinku Kapadia Not Present: Pareen Shah, Dakshash Shah, Ricken Shah, Avani Sheth, Rahul Shah, Manjari Shah, Ami Shah, Anish Shah, Arpita Shah, Varsha Shah VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC b u is bizaltzis/285 Top Row: Pauravi Shah, Jagdish Shah, Manjari Shah, Surbhi Modi Not Present: Suresh Shah, Vinay Shah, Vikram Doshi, Suresh Shah, Rohit & Jyoti Shah, Navin Shah, Suman Vakharia 146 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 DECORATIONS AND EXHIBITION COMMITTEE From left to right Kids: Ritika Jain, Aadit Kapadia Bottom Row: Asha Shah, Nilipa Tolia, Kalpana (Leena) Choksi, Ramila Ravani, Sunetra Humbad, Vidiya Jain, Roma Kapadia Second Row: Suchita Shah, Kalpana Badani, Vibha Shah, Reshma Modi, Sneha Shah, Pratima Shah Third Row: Gita Shah, Bharati Modi, Charu Parekh, Varsha Shah, Shital Shah, Kalpana Shah, Jasumatiben Dhruv Fourth Row: Vinay Shah, Chandrakant Ravani, Praveen Sheth, Chandra Kothari, Bharati Shah Top Row: Kulin Shah, Shashi Shah, Ashok Choksi, Lalit Shah, Saurin Kapadia, Vishal Choksi, Niranjan Humbad Not Seen: Ranjan Shah, Geeta Shah, Manish Jain, Ritu Jain, Manini Sanghvi, Nandaben Gajarawala, Mehesh Vora, Kirtiben Vora, Heena Shah, Jyoti Shah, Komal Choksi, Jyotika Sheth, Devyani Shah, Kunal Choksi, Anuj Choksi, Rupal K. Shah, Nandish Doshi, Usha Vasani, Praveen Shah, Shamita Shah, Subir Shah, Sonal Sheth, Mehul Shah, Sneha Shah, Anupa Shah, Neel Shah, Sonal K. Shah, Niranjan Modi, Bharati Modi, Priti Shah, Arpita Shah, Ami Shah 147 Jain Education Intemational Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SILF ग Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 S SOUVENIR COMMITTEE Top Row: Niraj Shah, Neil Shah, Aashish Shah, Dakshash Shah, Kunal Choksi Bottom Row: Binisa Shah, Sneha Shah, Asha Shah, Rinku Kapadia Not Present: Anuj Choksi, Rupal Shah, Amit Shah, Subir Shah AUDIO/VIDEO/ PHOTOGRAPHY / STAGE COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT INC જૈન સોસાયટી ઓફ ગ્રેટર ડીઈટ્રોઈટ ઈંઙ) WISEMAN wwww Top Row: Bipin Shah, Ajit Mehta, Saurabh Shah, Rita Mehta, Narendra Sheth, Pritish Shah Bottom Row: Subir Shah, Binisa Shah, Sujal Shah, Pravin Sheth Not Present: Dakshash Shah, Kunal Choksi, Manish Jain, Ketur Doshi 148 Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 CULTURAL COMMITTEE THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT IN ja samal avic 3123 Slezioz és ASA Top Row: Gita Shah, Palak Sheth, Monica Shah, Megha Sata, Manjari Shah Bottom Row: Asha Shah, Asha Sheth, Pratima Shah, Falguni Shah, Meena Shah REGISTRATION COMMITTEE 9 THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT 4 złRAYICI blis N22 Sledziedz 3s Top Row: Hansa Kapadia, Charu Parekh, Kalpana Chokshi, Suman Vakharia Bottom Row: Rinku Kapadia, Priya Shah, Sapna Parekh Not Present: Kundan Sata, Arvind Kapadia, Sheela Shah, Atul & Purna Shah, Jill Chokshi, Sachin Pareka 149 Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Congratulations To The Jain Society of Greater Detroit On This Auspicious Occasion Of Pratishtha Mahotsav From Mahendra & Saroj Tushar, Rakhi, Atul Porwal 150 bethist Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes For The Grand Success Of The Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav Of Jain Society Of Greater Detroit Sunil & Kalpana Goonjan & Vandan Shah HERBERT J. ROTH, M.D., F.A.A.P. KALPANA SHAH, M.D., F.A.A.P. Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Medical Village 31815 Southfield Rd. Suite 14 Beverly Hills, MI 48025 151 (248) 644-5626 Fax: (248) 644-5497 Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WAAAAA Congratulations and Best Wishes on the Opening of the Jain Temple SYNNEL helping our clients build the information systems of tomorrow WWW.SYNTEUINC.COM 2800 LIVERNOIS ROAD · SUITE 400 . TROY, MI 48083 PHONE (248) 619-2800. FAX (248) 619-2888 Ne SYNTEL SVNTEL SUNTEL Method 2000 Team Sourcing Intellisourcing Enterprise 152 Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS!!! AND BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT HARDWOOD 46364 Dequindre Utica, MI 48317 US 1-800-824-3162 MI 1-810-254-0650 Fax l-810-254-0069 Located V,"North Of 259 on Dequindre Copyright © 196 Hardmond Dor Bevel All rights reserved. 15.3. Jain Education Intemational For Private Personal Use Only Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THE BUILDING OF THE TEMPLE Award-Winning Distinctive Designs For Your Dream Home A Tiffany & Co.. San Francisco, California. Tucker International Award for Architectural Excellence. Somerset Place Foyer, Troy. Michigan A Residential Kitchen Island A Residential Bath Booms Stone Company Servicing all your marble and granite needs. 30895 Eight Mile Road . Livonia. Michigan 48152.810-474-3726 154 Jain Education Interational Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A CONGRATULATIONS!!! AND BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT "WE'RE LIGHTING YOUR WAY!" Sibilano Chicago 5727 West Belmont Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60634 773-622-3700 Niles 9511 North Milwaukee Ave. Niles, Illinois 60714 847-583-0700 L Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes to Jain Society of Greater Detroit on Pratishtha Mahotsav 1212 The Modi Family Pankanwar Rajendra Nehal Pratibha Ankur Pradeep Anjali Madhu Poorvi 156 Jain Education Intemational Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Kanu & Krishna Popat Mona / Niraj, Anup, Sangeeta Systems Technology Group, Inc. Troy, MI 157 Jain Education Intemational Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Temple Layouts by Pravin Sheth 158 Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 REALIZING THE SACRED BEAUTY OF AHIMSA THROUGH BACK TO BASICS by Pujyashri Gurudev Chitrabhanuji What I envisage is an Era of Scientific Discovery, Ecological Consciousness, and Reverence for Life. In this era, the growing generation will not be the generation of believing in dogma without questioning, performing rituals superstitiously, and following leaders blindly. This young generation will be in many ways different from the previous generation. Science and technology, satellite communication and computer systems, jet planes and space ships, atomic bombs and nuclear research have been changing old beliefs and ways of living. The strong influence of these modern inventions is not only on our conscious mind but has also penetrated our subconscious mind. So, we must present the fundamental principles in a fresh perspective and new language. In spite of all modern comforts, convenience, abundance and affluence, life is plagned with senseless violence, with inhumane torture, with atomic bombs, with bloody wars and mutilating killings. In this time of turmoil and crimes, the answer is ahimsa, nonviolence. Of the four basic principles of Jaina, ahimsa is king, the subordinates are anekantavada, aparigraha and samayika darshan. Practicing ahimsa embraces the subordinates as assistants. The Basis of Violence Violence starts with oneself. Being harmful, we first harm ourselves because the negative vibrations of bate, anger and resentment poison our sensitivities and our well-being. In this state, negative vibrations directly go deep into the psychic mind. Once the mind is permeated with these negativities, the mind is not capable of minding its business. Without discerning senses, these vibrations automatically enter our being. Here even our consciousness is also tainted with violent, poisoning vibrations. So now the person has lost perspective perception. He has no connection with one's self. He becomes possessed either with bate or greed, rage or anger; and a possessed person is not able to listen even to his or her own voice. This process of vibration- movement from the brain to consciousness shows how life is conditioned and colored with negative thoughts and harmful babits. Violence is harmful. 159 Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 BARNIVA If the negative conditions are not changed, then they can persist and when unchecked, a lifetime can pass. After many years of unchecked, non-vigilant life, one becomes chronically A-G-E-D with Anger, Greed, Ego, and Deceit. These are all different forms of violence. This visible and invisible violence fossilizes us and makes us incapable of development. The person who is willing to change the habits of the mind and negative attitudes bas to start practicing ahimsa as practiced by Bhagvan Mahavir. The process of photography explains ahimsa. As a photograph has a two-way process, a negative and a positive, nonviolence also is expressed in two aspects: to do and not to do, commission and omission. The first is karuna:, a commitment to loving compassion, a feeling of equality with all life. And the second is abimsa: not to barm, not to kill. There is no room for violence, himsa, when we are filled with love. Love is understanding life and as we love our life, we love the life in others. Negatives in Comparisons In knowing the depth of nonviolence, ahimsa, we will not compare everything and everyone. And thus we will see the deeper meaning of life in everyone. For many, the old babit of comparison is natural because the mind is trained and conditioned to compare, but with this additional insight of ahimsa, we stop to think and a deeper truth may dawn upon us that each individual is different and unique. Even in twins, each is unique. Why do even religious groups fight? Because they also compare. By comparing, they concentrate on a superficial level and not on the essence. Relativity of thinking shows that the learning from a teacher can be true in its times if each generation interprets the words in the context of the time, space and culture that is present for the generation. Those who impose their belief on others, expecting others to accept their truth are nurturing a subtle seed of violence which in time will grow into a tree of even more similar seeds, and then more trees in turn, becoming a vicious cycle of violence. 160 Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 When - with the vision of relativity of thinking, anekantavada - the wells of other-ness are dropped, we then see the sacred beauty of life in others. We do not see that person as a man or woman from a certain sect or religion. All these obstructions are removed. We see life beyond the barriers and we see life in others. We see them with eyes of amity and do not speak violenth. Some say, "My religion is the best. And if you don't start practicing my religion, you will go to hell." Such dogmatism and bigotry of violence will not persist when we practice anekantavada or ahimsa. This practice opens our heart to understand what others are saying, what they are conveying, what they are feeling, and what their conditioning is. We listen beyond their words. We may not agree but we respect their right to say. So, one thing must be clear: all the spiritual and religious practices and vision of ahimsa, academic knowledge, and the means of living must be for the soul's realization and evolution. Things are for the soul. Soul is not for things. Soul knows matter; matter does not know what is soul. Just as the sun illuminates the earth but the earth does not illumine the sun. In this heightened self-awareness, we have a deeper realization of our inherent qualities. Self-knowledge is a frame of reference to know one and all. So, we have to know that practice and knowledge are for the soul's evolution and liberation from bondage. Vardhman Mahavir set a living example of practicing ahimsa, and anekantavada, aparigraha and samayika darshan. Removing shackles of bondage in the dynamics of meditation and practice, he illumined this soul with enlightenment. Ahimsa in Introspection To many people, ahimsa tends to be understood only as "Don't do" this or that to animals and living beings. This is one meaning but it is secondary. The first meaning is: "Don't hurt yourself” with jealous, hate, and resentment. Ahimsa is a subtle thing. It cannot be grasped unless we go deep into ourselves and get in touch with our self. To achieve this, we meditate. There, we discover the sacred beauty of life. Until we have this experience, we may use the word "abimsa", but it will only be lip service, not from experience. Through the practice of abimsa, the veil of ignorance about oneself is removed. This deep experience of life opens a new dimension of our inner world. When ahimsa is practiced in vision of inner perspective, we perceive the relevancy of al life in meaningful inter-relationships among all living beings, leading to understanding even the nature of supreme soul: Parmatma. lain Education International 161 Jain Education Intemational Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Ahimsa is another name for a fully integrated human being. Just as in the sunlight, darkness cannot remain, so also anger, greed, ego and deceit cannot linger in the dawn of ahimsa. Once we have the experience of this vision, we are committed to practice Reverence for Life in the unity of the trinity of mind, word and action. In this new vigilance, we become aware of our purpose in life, and every night before we rest, e review our day and ask: "Did I harm myself?" "Did I, in judging, put anyone down?" "Have I contributed to human divisions: cultural, racial, intellectual, religious, physical or others?" "Did I place one person above another?” "Did I allow my reticence to contribute to violence?" Beauty of Ahimsa Once we start practicing those basic principles of ahimsa, our life compassion: our feelings vibrate with care; our word flow with love: and our sections "speak" Reverence for All Life". People will be changed, not by our words but by what they are, hear and feel in our presence. When we experience the sacred beauty of life in ahimsa, we experience peace. We inspire peace. Then there will be peace. Peace within and peace without 162 Jain Education Intemational Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ghee boli MAIN PRATISHTHA GHEE BOLI LIST: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PH23 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 222222 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 1ST DAY: SAT.-JUNE 27-KUMBHA & DEEPAK STHAPNA & PATLA P. SHREE KUMBHA STHAPNA (ONE COUPLE IN PUJA DRESS PLUS FOUR ADDITIONAL PERSON) SHREE AKHAND DEEPAK PUJAN (ONE COUPLE OR ONE MARRIED WOMAN OR ONE UNMARRIED GIRL) 28 29 MAHAVIR SWAMI BHAGWAN PRATISHTHA PARSHVANATH BHAGWAN PRATISHTHA ADESHVAR BHAGWAN PRATISHTHA SHREE GURU GAUTAM SWAMI PRATISHTHA SHREE PADMAVATI DEVI PRATISHTHA SHREE CHAKRESHVARI DEVI PRATISHTHA SHREE LAXMI DEVI PRATISHTHA SHREE SARASWATI DEVI PRATISHTHA SHREE GHANTAKARNA VEER PRATISHTHA SHREE NAKODA BHAIRAVJI PRATISHTHA SHREE MANIBHADRA VEER PRATISHTHA KALASH STHAPNA ON SHIKHAR DHWAJA ON SHIKHAR (GHEE BOLI EVERY YEAR) MULNAYAK-PANCHAMRUT KALASH, JAL ABHISHEK KESHAR AND PUSHPA PUJA PARSHVANATH-PANCHAMRUT KALASH, JAL ABHISHEK, KESHAR AND PUSHPA PUJA ADESHVAR - PANCHAMRUT KALASH MUGAT & ABHUSHAN MAHAVIR SWAMI BHAGWAN MUGAT AND ABHUSHAN PARSHVANATH BHAGWAN CHANDARVO-MAHAVIR SWAMI BHAGWAN CHANDARVO-PARSHVANATH BHAGWAN CHANDARVO-ADESHVAR BHAGWAN PUSHPAVRUSHTHI FROM HELICOPTER PUSHPAVRUSHTHI FROM HELICOPTER PUSPAVRUSHTHI FROM HELICOPTER SHREE JAVA ROPAN (FIVE UNMARRIED GIRLS) *SHREEMI THAL #1 * RICE / SOPARI/KESHAR THAL #2 * NANDAVRAT SATHIA THAL # 3. * MANEK DIVO THAL # 4 *ASHTA MANGAL THAL #5 SHREE NAV-GRAH PATLA PUJAN (ONE COUPLE PLUS FAMILY MEMBERS) SHREE DASH DIGPAL PATLA PUJAN (ONE COUPLE PLUS FAMILY MEMBERS) GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 163 GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI DONATION DONATION GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI SILF Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Ghee boli 30 GHEE BOLI SHREE ASHTA-MANGAL PATLA PUJAN (ONE COUPLE PLUS FAMILY MEMBERS) GHEE BOLI FIX AMOUNT 32 1ST DAY: SAT. - JUNE 27-LAGHU SHANTI PUJAN GHEE BOLI LAGHU SHANTI PUJAN #01 LAGHU SHANTI PUJAN #02 TO PUJAN #26 (2 FAMILIES PER PUJAN AND $151 PER FAMILY) LAGHU SHANTI PUJAN #27 AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 2ND DAY: SUN-JUNE 28 - SHREE BHAKTAMAR PUJAN GHEE BOLI BHAKTAMAR GATHA #01 PUJAN BHAKTAMAR GATHA #02 - #11 PUJAN BHAKTAMAR GATHA # 12 PUJAN BHAKTAMAR GATHA #13 - #31 PUJAN BHAKTAMAR GATHA #32 PUJAN BHAKTAMAR GATHA #33 - #43 PUJAN BHAKTAMAR GATHA # 44 PUJAN AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH GHEE BOLI FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 3RD DAY:MON. - JUNE 29 SNATRA PUJA GHEE BOLI: SNATRA PUJA AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) 50 SHANTI KALASH FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 49 3RD DAY: MON - JUNE 29 BHAVNA GHEE BOLI LIST: 51 AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) 52 MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 4TH DAY: TUES.- JUNE 30 SNATRA PUJA GHEE BOLI: SNATRA PUJA AARTI ( TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 4TH DAY: TUE. - JUNE 30 BHAVNA GHEE BOLI: AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) 58 MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 60 5TH DAY: WED. - JULY 01 SNATRA PUJA GHEE BOLI: SNATRA PUJA AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 164 Jain Education Intemational Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Ghee boli 63 5TH DAY: WED. - JULY 01 BHAVNA GHEE BOLI: AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) 64 MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 6TH DAY:THUR. - JULY 02 SNATRA PUJA GHEE BOLI: (MORNING) 65 SNATRA PUJA AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 67 69 6TH DAY: THUR.-JULY 02 PANCH KALYANAK PUJA BOLINOON) PANCH KALYANAK PUJA 70 AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 71 6TH DAY: THUR.- JULY 02 BHAVNA GHEE BOLI (EVENING) 73 AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI "7TH DAY: FRI-JULY 03, SIDDHACHAKRA PUJAN GHEE BOLI LIST" SHREE ARIHANT PAD PUJAN (ONE MALE PERSON) SHREE SIDDHA PAD PUJAN (ONE MALE PERSON) SHREE UPADHYAY PAD PUJAN (ONE MALE PERSON) SHREE SADHU PAD PUJAN (ONE MALE PERSON) SHREE DARSHAN PAD PUJAN (ONE FEMALE PERSON) SHREE GHYAN PAD PUJAN (ONE FEMALE PERSON) SHREE CHARITRA PAD PUJAN (ONE FEMALE PERSON) SHREE TAP PAD PUJAN (ONE FEMALE PERSON) SHREE SWAR-VARG PUJAN (ANY FOUR PERSON) SHREE ANAHART PUJAN (ANY FOUR PERSON) (48) - LABDHI PAD PUJAN (ANY FIVE PERSON) EIGHT GURU PADUKA PUJAN (ANY FOUR PERSON) EIGHTEEN ADHISTAYAK PUJAN (TWO COUPLES EIGHT JAYA DEVI PUJAN (FOUR MARRIED LADIES) (16) - VIDHYADEVI PUJAN (FOUR UNMARRIED LADIES) TWENTY FIVE YAKSHA PUJAN (FOUR MALE PERSON) (24)-YAKSHINI PUJAN (FOUR FEMALE PERSON) FOUR DWAR-PAL PUJAN (TWO MALE PERSON) FOUR VEER PUJAN (TWO MALE PERSON) TEN DIG-PAL PUJAN (TWO MALE PERSON) NAV-GRAH PUJAN (TWO MALE PERSON) NINE NIDHI PUJAN (ANY FOUR PERSON) * MANEK DIVO THAL #4 ASHTA-PRAKARI PUJAN (TWO MALE PERSON) AARTI - 108 DEEPAK (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 165 Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Ghee boli 105 8TH DAY-SAT - JULY 04 INDRA MAHOTSAV GHEE BOLI LIST 103 KING & QUEEN (ONE COUPLE) 104 INDRA & INDRANI (ONE COUPLE) CHHADI-DAR (TWO MALE PERSON) 106 MANTRI-SWAR (ONE MALE PERSON) 107 NAGAR-SHETH (ONE MALE PERSON) 108 TREASURER (ONE MALE PERSON) 109 SENAPATI (ONE MALE PERSON) 110 RAJ JYOTISH (ONE MALE PERSON) 111 PRIYAVANDANA DASI (ONE FEMALE PERSON) 112 FAIBA (ONE FEMALE PERSON) 113 MAMA-MAMI (ONE COUPLE) 114 (14) SWAPNA DARSHAN (14-MARRIED FEMALE $151 EACH) 115 56 DIG - KUMARIKA (56 UNMARRIED GIRLS, $101 EACH) GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT GHEE BOLI 8TH DAY-SAT. - JULY 04 KUMARPAL RAJA AART & MANGAL DIVO). 116 KUMARPAL RAJA - AARTI / MANGAL DIVO (ONE COUPLE) 117 108 AARTI IN BACKGROUND (w/ KUMARPAL RAJA) (108 PERSON, $51 EACH) FIX AMOUNT FIX AMOUNT 118 121 9TH DAY - SUN.- JULY 05 EIGHTEEN ABHISHEK GHEE BOLI LIST #1 TO #3 ABHISHEKS (MURTI CARVING AND EMBLEM GHEE BOLI FAMILY) # 4 TO # 15 ABHISHEKS - FOR MAHAVIR SWAMI BHAGWAN GHEE BOLI 119 PARSHVANATH BHAGWAN 120 ADESHVAR BHAGWAN SHREE GURU GAUTAM SWAMI 122 SHREE PADMAVATI DEVI CHAKRESHVARI DEVI 124 HREE LAXMI DEVI 125 SHREE SARASWATI DEVI SHREE GHANTAKARNA VEER SHREE NAKODA BHAIRAVJI SHREE MANIBHADRA VEER (ONE FAMILY ONLY) SURYA DARSHAN (ALL 11 MURTIS ONE FAMILY ONLY) GHEE BOLI CHANDRA DARSHAN (ALL 11 MURTIS) (ONE FAMILY ONLY) GHEE BOLI 123 126 127 128 129 130 131 GHEE BOLI 132 GHEE BOLI # 16 TO # 18 ABHISHEKS (PRATISHTHA GHEE BOLI FAMILY) AARTI JULY 5 - AFTER PRATISHTHA) (TWO FAMILIES) MANGAL DIVO JULY 5 - AFTER PRATISHTHA) (TWO FAMILIES) SHANTI KALASH (JULY 5 - AFTER PRATISHTHA) HAND PRINTING ON GHABHARA WALLS (7-5-98) (ONE FAMILY ONLY) 133 134 GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 10TH DAY - MON.- JULY 06 DWAR OPENING GHEE BOLI LIST 135 TEMPLE DWAR OPENING AND FIRST ASHTA PRAKARI PUJA (TWO FAMILIES) 136 AARTI (TWO FAMILIES) 137 MANGAL DIVO (TWO FAMILIES) GHEE BOLI GHEE BOLI 166 Jain Education Intemational Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Cultural Committee Pratishtha is the time to start a new phase in your life; it's the time to celebrate a new beginning. The cultural committee has been working hard for the last year preparing wonderful and exciting programs, which will be presented during the Pratishtha Mahotsav. Our enthusiastic group of dancers will perform various dances, from traditional classical to religious stuties along with many turns, jumps and excitement. Everyone is getting involved from young children to adults. In addition, we have been fortunate to have the five professional dance teachers of the Detroit area to represent their groups and honor this occasion with us. We hope you will unwind with us and enjoy the dances that have been prepared for you. So what are you waiting for, get your dancing shoes ready, join us during raas-garba and sit tight during the cultural programs. Thank You and Jai Jinendra on behalf of the Cultural Committee! Core Committee Representative Pratima P. Shah Committee Chairperson Monica P. Shah June 27th Sat 8 - 10 pm Coordinators: Cultural Dance Program (1) - 13 and Under Falguni B. Shah & Meena M. Shah July 3rd Fri 8 - 11 pm Coordinators: Cultural Dance Program (2) - 13 and Over Megha J. Sata, Monica P. Shah, & Palak B. Sheth July 4th Sat Evening Coordinators: Raas & Garba Gita J. Shah, Manjari S. Shah, Asha N. Sheth, Nita J. Sheth TROPHY DONORS:Mahesh & Sarla Desai Manesh & Meena Shah Mahendra & Saroj Shah Dr. Natubhai & Manju Shah Trophy Coordinator: Meena M. Shah Committee Members: Kundan B. Sata, Anishee K. Shah For 167 & Personal Use Only Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Cultural Committee: Cultural Program 6. Dada Adeshvarji Choreographer: Sudha Chandra Sekhar 1. Gamme Te Sarupe Gamme Tya Virajo mme lya Virajo Choreographer: Seema B. Shah Manager: Parul M. Shah Age (3-6) Anokhi Y. Shah, Monica A. Shah, Monisha H. Shah, Shirani S. Shah, Khusali Y. Shah Monica S. Shah, Nirali P. Shah, Alisha M. Vora, Kinari M. Shah Vidyaanjali Dance Group Nina Bihani, Anjali Modi, Tiasha Nandi, Tara Pisharodi, Riaa Dulta, Poorvi Modi Vidya Nair, Knithika Rajkumar, Lakshmi Gowda, Ranjani Murthy, Maya Pisharodi Maltika Sarma, Trisha Jain 2. Aame Gyata Dere Choreographer: Sapna S. Shah Age (5-10) Parth M. Modi, Neal M. Shah, Vijal J. Shah, Samit B. Sheth, Anuj A. Shah, Neal R. Shah, Vishwas J. Shah, Arjar K. Tolia 7. Parshva Tari Murti Jovu Ne Gammi Jai Choreographer: Meena M. Shah Manager: Asha G. Shah Age (7-10) Priti Kothari, Naomi Shah, Priya R. Shah Nisha Sheth, Meera Mehta, Nishi M. Shah Sonali Shah, Reema Sheth, Minjel M. Shah Ruchi A. Shah, Neha R. Sheth 3. Aaj Mara Derasar Ma Choreographer: Geeta J. Shah Age (5-10) Amee Bhatt, Harsha B. Nahata, Freyal P. Shah, Shradhdha Shah, Disha S. Bora Priti B. Ravani, Sapna Shah 4. Pushpanjali Choreographer: Roopa Shyamasundara 8. Kesariya Re Kesariya Choreographer: Falguni B. Shah Manager: Usha D. Shah Age (10-13) Sona Parikh, Aneri Shah, Mona S. Shah Sagar Shah, Samit Patrawala, Khusboo Shah Nidhi Shah, Samir Shah, Payal B. Ravani Meelap V. Shah, Raj L. Shah, Vikash Shah Nrityollasa Dance Group Ahimsa J. Gorendar, Anushya Mani, Chandana Reddy, Neerali K. Shah, Nisha Kocchar, Samhita Muralidhar, Neha Sachdev, Priya J. Shah, Pranali Koradia, Meera Patel, Kuhu Saha, Ruchi Shah, Pranadhi Koradia 5. Choonari Choreographer: Chaula Thacker Manager: Renuka Bhatt 9. Jai Ambe Choreographers: Anishee K. Shah & Anuja B. Tolia Age (11-14) Miraj D. Dave, Jeet K. Patel, Jay H. Shah Sachin J. Shah, Vishal M. Desai, Aalap C. Shah, Neil N. Shah, Vishal M. Shah Rishi T. Modi, Aditya S. Shah, Ricken D. Shah, Amish B. Tolia, Amit A. Parkeh, Aniket K.. Shah, Rushabh N. Shah, Mehul K. Tolia Nadanta Dance Group Arpi Bhatt, Poonam Desai, Forum Shah, Nikita Vardya, Nisha Desai, Khushboo Rami, Tasha Vardya Jain Education Intemational 168 Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Cultural Committee: Cultural Program II 1. Invocation Prarthana Choreographer: Sudha Chandra Sekhar 6. Mahavir Swami Helo Choreographers: Anupa P. Shah Managers: Neil V. Shah Vidyaanjali Dance Group Vinaya Menon, Tara Reddy, Purvi Sheth Sandhya Soorya, Malini Patel, Maitri Shah Aarti Soorya, Naalti Vats, Neelam Patel Sneha Shah, Sanjay Shah, Mukul Bafana Aashish Shah, Asha Shah, Sanjay L. Shah Ruchita Doshi, Alpesh Shah, Binisa Shah Sneha Shah, Kari Kapadia, Ami L. Shah Mehul Shah, Suchita Shah, Chirag Patel Anupa Shah, Neil Shah, Rohen V. Vasani 2. Variation Dance Choreographer: Anu J. Sheth Manager: Nisha V. Mehta Nisha V. Mehta, Roshni Shah, Anu Sheth Puja Sheth, Puja Mehta, Saloni A. Shah Heeral Sheth, Soni Sheth, Heeral A. Patel Sapna S. Shah 7. Tara Mandir Ma Guntarav Baje Choreographer: Manjari S. Shah Manager: Amita Shah Ritu Jain, Amita Shah, Pauravi Shah, Reepal Shah, Rachna Parakh, Manjari Shah, Reenal Shah, Yatri Shah 3. Ame Gyata Dere Choreographer: Asha G. Shah Manager: Meena M. Shah 8. Parshva Tari Murti Jou Ne Gami Jay Choreographer: Juhie S. Shah Manager: Sapna S. Shah Smita Kothari, Asha Shah, Jyoti Shah Shaila Shah, Hetal Modi, Devyani R. Shah Meena Shah, Usha Shah, Kala M. Modi Falguni Shah, Pratima Shah, kirti M. Vora Surbhi Modi, Gita Shah, Punita Shah Sunita Zaveri Rinku Kapadia, Arpita Shah, Payal Shah, Sapna Shah, Purvi Ravani, Juhie Shah, Priti Shah, Shamita Shah, Janki Patel, Karishma Shah, Reena Shah, Geetika Upadhyay 9. Reverence For Life Choreographers: Megha J. Sata, Monica P. Shah, & Palak B. Sheth 4. Indian Borders Choreographer: Group Manager: Dimple Shah Trupti Mehta, Megha Sata, Sabina Shah, Amrita Singh, Padma Guthikonda, Monica Shah, Palak Sheth Mamta Modi, Dimple Shah, Sheila Shah Smita Sheth, Jagruti Patrawala, Rashmi Shah Neeta R. Sheth, Usha B. Sheth 10. Mahavir Avatar Choreographer: Parul A. Shah Manager: Niranjan G. Humbad 5. Kathak Dance Choreographer: Ashoka Rao Nrityanjali Dance Group Sonal Arora, Ruchi Rai, Anisha Sud Anjali Sud, Krishna Kerai, Sudnya Shewale Asha Sheth, Sunetra Humbad, Ashok Choksi, Sunetra Humbad, Bhanu Shah, Shashi Shah, Leena Choksi, Jayanthi Jain, Bipin S. Shah, Shital Shah, Mikhila Humbad, Rajat S. Jain, Manesh Shah, Sohini Shah, Niranjan Humbad, Ashok Shah, Parul A. Shah, Asha N. Sheth 169 Jain Education Intemational Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ यह Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Cultural Committee: Cultural Program II 15. Ha Mungat Ha Chadke Chhe Choreographer: Geeta Patel Manager: Nalini S. Shah 11. Tillana Choreographer: Roopa Shyamasundara Nrityollasa Dance Group Shubha Chakravarty, Meghana Mehta, Rachana Naik, Jayanti Reddy, Preeti Gupta, Manasa Muralidhar, Abhaya Pandit, Shreya Sengupta, Ramya Honasoge 12. Raas Choreographer: Sonali S. Dani, Bejal J. Shah, Manali N. Shah Neel P. Chokshi, Parijat Gandhi, Amit Shah, Manali N. Shah, Punita S. Dani, Shilpa Maru, Bejal J. Shah, Rupal J. Shah, Sonalee S.Dani, Rupal Patel, Darshan Shah, Tushar J. Sheth, Shashin Doshi, Vinay Patel, Deval Shah, Sandeep Solanki 13. Tahuka Karato Murelo Choreographer: Ashish G. Shah Manager: Asha G. Shah Ashish G. Shah, Maitri V. Shah, Seema Shah, Swati R. Shah, Neel Shah, Niraj Shah, Subir B. Shah, Hemali M. Vora 14. Triveni Choreographer: Chaula Thacker Manager: Avlokita Badhwar Nadanta Dance Group Jaya Badhwar, Nayna Gulati, Suruchi Lall Ami Mehta, Komal Bhandari, Reena Jadia Cynthia Massenberg, Avni Patel, Rutvee Desai Indira M. Doshi, Alka Shah, Manjula Shah, Smita Shah, Minal V. Doshi, Asha A. Shah, Nalini S. Shah, Sneha V. Shah, Geeta Patel, Harsha Shah, Ramila Shah, Varsha Shah, Manjula Shah, Jyoti Shah, Rashmi A. Shah, Jaimini S.Vaidya 16. Bhangda Choreographer: Raksha Dave Nartan Dance Group Anu Bhatt, Priti Gupta, Heemani Shah, Rupal Shah, Neha Chedda, Meghna Mehta, Prachi Shah, Sheila Sheth, Jill Chokshi, Anishee Shah, Priya Shah, Anuja Tolia, Seema Desai, Gina Shah 17. Ih Vidhi Mangal Aarti 170 Choreographer: Varsha Mehta Nirali C. Lathia, Varsha M. Mehta, Maya A. Shah, Tarang K. Shah, Nita C. Lathia, Preeti S. Patel, Sarla L. Shah Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes and Compliments to Jain Society of Greater Detroit on Pratishtha Mahostsav но & Dr. Babulal, Mala, Harsha Nahata 171 Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ शुध दर्शन, शुई शान, शुद्ध चारित्रका पालन कर मानय पुनः सभ्यता और धर्मको पाता है। यहि स्वास्थता, सुश्य और शान्तिका मार्ग है। यहि मोकी पास्तविक सायनाफा आपार है। 5ધ દન, ધ જ્ઞાન અને ચરિત્રનું પાલન કરીને માનવી રૂરી સભ્યતા અને ધર્મ મેળવે છે, એજ સ્વાસ્થતા સુખ અને શાંતિ મળી છે. એક ભોમની વાસ્તવિક સાધનાનો આધાર છે. A man can achieve civility and religion when he acquires pure vision, pure knowledge and pure conduct. This is the way of health, happiness and peaceful life. It lays foundation for his endeavor towards salvation. Congratulations to Jain Society of Greater Detroit for successful completion of temple and Pratishtha Mahotsav SAI International 239 W. 39th Street New York, NY 10018 Ph: (212) 764-0486 Fax: (212) 302-0136 Jain Education Intemational For Prici 172 Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THIS AUSPICIOUS OCCASION OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAY avani Inc. Diamond Importers & Wholesalers 21700 Greenfield Road, Suite 378 Oak Park MI 48237 Phone : (248) 967-0280 550 South Hill Street, Suite 1153 Los Angeles CA 90013 Phone : (213) 627-4266 Avani Petrochem Pvt. Ltd. Silver Oak - Productivity Road, Baroda India With Best Compliments from Dipak Shah. Shailesh Jain • Chirag Shah • Aeraj Shah - 173 personal Use Only Jain Education Intemational Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WE SU MOTELS CHAPIN-BROAD & GLENNIE AMERICA'S HOTEL BROKER 37585 DORCHESTER • FARMINTON HILLS, MI 488331 (248) 788-3440 • FAX (248) 788-3430 HMBA • Is now the right time to sell? • Do you know how to analyze your property & the competition to structure the best deal? Get the Answers from Chapin-Broad & Glennie, Founding Members of Hotel and Motel Brokers of America. Sales Specialists, Consultants and Leasing Agents for over 38 Years. 43 Computer Linked Offices U.S. And London Call for a Free Confidential Consultation Office: (248) 788-3440 Residence: (248) 661-4267 ARVIND PATEL CH3 2012 174 Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PATEL BROTHERS Trusted Name In Food For High Quality & Low Prices 2610 W. Devon Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 262-7777 RAJA SWAD FOODS 8110 N. St. Louis Skokie, IL 60076 873 E.Schaumburg Rd. Schamburg, IL 60635 (847) 524-1111 (Vegetarian) 2608 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 764-1858 Serving the best in authentic vegetarian Indian Cuisine... JAHIL Annapurna Fast Foods AL-MANSOOR VIDEO Broadcast Quality Digital Conversion from PAL. SECAM to NTSC and NTSC to PAL. SECAM 2600-A W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 764-7576 AIR TOURS, INC. DOMESTIC INTERNATIONAL AIR SEA CRUISES TOURS 2609 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL 60659 Tel: (773) 764-4545 Fax: (773) 764-3946 IMI MUGHAL BAKERY 773-761-9660 PATEL APPLIANCES TV's, VCR's, Stereos, Audio/Video Tapes, Toys, Gifts, Housewares, Nama Brand Watches, Jewelry, Perfumes, Luggage, Cameras, Film, etc. 2600 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 764-2222 Saheli - BOUTIQUE - 2548 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 60659 773-338-2929 2542 W. Devon Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 764-1857 2604 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 60659 Tel: (773) 338-4444 2612 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 338-3636 Email: Signature of today's women Exclusive 6348 N. Maplewood Chicago, IL 60659 Indian Garden 855-57 E. Schaumburg Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60194 847-524-3007 175 247 E. Ontario St. Chicago, IL 60611 312-280-4910 Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Welcome To The Celebration • Real Estate - Anywhere in U.S.A/Canada/India • Buyer/Seller Agent - You decide • Referrals Provided • Lakefront, Commercial, Residential •CALL: Dave Mehta, G.R.I. » Associate Broker MAX BROOCK INC., REALTORS (Since 1895) 248,646-1400 X 228 248-851-4988 (HO) MEMBER OF RELO (WORLDWIDE connections] 176 Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ स्थापना निक्षेपानी २॥५१५६१ अनादि अभी आभाने भानो संयो। यसो थे ले भने २ की जाने शुर २इरियो Nacा माटे जज से तार्थ (चन्ताले सानधर्म संश्यो छे. ज्ञान-दर्शन सने यारित्राधियोनी माराधना से धर्म सुहानी गारा बनास साभाना साटायचे. लीर्थर मानतोर जा भाऊ यसो घाम तमोजी जुपस्थितिमा जोनी मूर्ति बार। हर्शन" YEA RANजा राय छे मा भूत मे स्पाजानिक्षेपों क. भात छा। ते ते व्यत्तिा २ ति थाय के जजे जाधारा तमन्ना भुगानु स्मर। थाय थे से हर्शनी निर्भकता पाच "भूतना" २२९१६। माटे महिर ज ५५ गावचे. लासे सेवा En F३ महिर जापानी हिंसा थाय भूतली सभी हिसा धाय छे भूति तो मस्परजी सन छे. से भोप हेवा शले जारी रियाहिजे. १२ ते मयित नदी र भौहर जापामा जाने भूमने ५१वामा ३२ मोदय वोनी सा थे. परंतु तना दर्शन नघामा भोलेना। वो सह भाट हिंसा विजाना जलेचे भोले न न यो स्थल 4L) or त ने भरा पतधारी JUple सामे Sजा जनो वात२।०) मुनिलेवकि २०-- जने घायो नष्ट याच जा (14 मारमा छ. ने छोणी नाश धवा ३५ भाप मासा ( रजमुरघमासा) जापती येत्यले दयारंमा लाईसा आने स्वर पासा) गोरा छ विसर २। सानही उितरला सायला घाम छती रान बाय माहेजहा 510नेपा बिहार को ले हासत म गा भात माना पाथरस जला काय लो धन साप. परंतु "गाय 01 धु होय" तनुशाण अवश्य सन्म भार्स 41 Jain Education Intemational For Private Personal Use Only Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ होवास मोक्ष जिसे न जाये परंतु वीतराग परमात्मा वा होय ? तेनु ज्ञान अवश्य खाये छे ते ज्ञान द्वारा मोक्ष या अवश्य धाय ४ हे सेड्सना यसयित्रो सहने से ससना विसारो जावे छे शूरातननां शासयित्रो भेघने के शूरातन खाते है, हुणी हरिद्री रखने रोगी सोसेना यतयित्रो भने ने९३ए॥ खावे छे. वाघ-सिंह समहिना यतयित्रो कहने के लय साव, तो शान्तरसी लरोत भूर्ति लेधने समता - निर्विरिता रजने वैराग्यादि गुगोडेमन जावे? भात-पिता माहिना झेरा 25 होवा छतो मेने अर्ध झडे, तना उपर अर्थ यग मुड़े, यांय दश हभरनु हान मेरी मुझयसा झटा क कोही उतारे तो छु धाय तेनुं झरा शुं ? साझा से तो क्ड है, ये झेटाड्यां या जाप छे? छता भात-पिता यागाळली जुधि दुरावे छे तेम मूर्ति पाए ४5 होया छतां वीतरागनी स्मृतिषु अराछे आहे युकनाय दर्शनीय जने वंदनाय छे 어 हमरो रहने साजो वर्षों यहाँ लरज मराराम से शत्रुभ्यनुं मंदिर जनादयुतेक ४ राते कुमारपास महाराज, वसतु यास लेक्यास, संप्रति महाराज साह जनक महापुरषो तारंगा-खजुराएपुरशेजेधर - सम्मोशिजर रखने गिरनार जाहि अर्पतो उपर रहने लुमि उपर भव्य ईसाकृतिमय मंदिरो जनाव्यो छे ने युग्नाय न होते तो साथी डरोडोनी संपत्ति जा मेहिरोना निर्माण भी डेम जर्यान ? रेनो भावनिक्षेयो युन्नीय है तेना यारे निक्षमा पुग्नीय छे नाम-स्थापना -द्रव्य जने भाव जा यार निक्षेप वस्तु भगाय है सत्युउयोना उसने सती स्त्रीसोनी नामी सहसे, मामा गएगी से मे नामनिक्षेपों हो मूर्ति जनाकी कसे ते स्थापनानिक्षेयो छौ ते सोनी निर्वाण माझ्या मधानी हेापस्था अथवा उपप्रशान भाग्या भरसोनी पूर्वावस्था से द्रव्यनिक्षेपो हो ने तीर्थर्डर तरीके इमली सरावस्था गापनिदोयो हो भारे द्रव्य जने भावनिक्षेमाना विरट भां २ 178 Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ रजा स्थापना निक्षेपे मूर्ति - मंदिरनी स्थापना अतिशय आवश्यक "अमेरिझ" या हशमां ; भ्यां सुयोग्य साधु-साहनो विहार नहीं त्यां धर्मनी मासि मारे जा ४ प्रधान जालंजन हो रजा भूर्ति-मंदिर ना निमित्ते समा४ साथै ममे छे. सामाजित व्यवस्थासो रहे हो. परस्पर भैनोना परिययो- संजोधो रचने पछे छे. मैत्री आदि भावना जो योषाय छे मना भ्रातृभाव वधे आपला संसारो सिंयाय छे. जा राते रजा मूर्ति-मंदिर की स्थापना संघने घागी उपज25 छे, खाने अवश्य खालेका छ डाट्रोघर जो हैन संघ रजा पर्ये सुंदर महिर जनाकी रजा प्रतिष्ठा इराकी रह्यो छे ते भागीने घायो ४ रजानंहपाय छरे जावी भिण्य वीतराग परमात्मानी मूर्ति संघनाल जहनो ते भूर्तिना दर्शन-वंदन रहने युक्न द्वारा वीतराग अवस्था याभी खात्मजल्याग साधे रजने भुक्तिगतिगामी जने जेष्ठखाशा 3 दि. तरभसास डासां महता १०२, रामसा टापर्स सुरत चीनोड नं 3400, भारत. टोलोमन ९८८ ९४3. 179 डावा भागया Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 જૈનધર્મમાં ભક્તિયોગ. મુનિશ્રી કીર્તિચન્દ્રજી (બંધુત્રિપુટી) Togo ) 10 New જૈનધર્મમાં ભકિતયોગ નથી કે જૈનદર્શન ઈશ્વરતત્વને-પરમાત્મતત્ત્વને માન્ય રાખતું નથી, એવું કહેનારા અને સમજનારાઓ જો જરા જિજ્ઞાસુ બનીને તટસ્થષ્ટિએ વિચાર કરશે, અને સત્યને સમજવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરશે તો એમને જરૂર સમજાઈ જશે કે જૈનધર્મની સાધનામાં ભકિતયોગને પણ યોગ્ય સ્થાન આપવામાં આવ્યું છે; અને જૈનદર્શન નિરીશ્વરવાદી નથી, પરંતુ તીર્થંકર સ્વરૂપે સાકાર પરમાત્મ તત્ત્વને અને સિદ્ધસ્વરૂપે નિરાકાર પરમાત્મ તત્ત્વને યુકિતસંગત રીતે સ્વીકારે છે, શ્રદ્ધાથી માને છે, અને ભકિતપૂર્વક એની આરાધના, ઉપાસના પણ કરે છે. ભારતભરમાં ખૂણે ખૂણે પથરાયેલા પ્રાચીન તેમ જ અર્વાચીન અનેક જૈનતીર્થધામો અને રમણીય જિનમંદિરો, એ જૈનસંઘના અંતરમાં ઉછળતી પરમાત્મભકિતનો પ્રત્યક્ષ પુરાવો છે. જૈનદષ્ટિએ ઈશ્વર હા, જૈનદર્શનની ઈશ્વરના સ્વરૂપ વિષેની અને પરમાત્મપદની પ્રાપ્તિ વિષેની માન્યતા, એ એની પોતાની એક આગવી વિશેષતા છે. જૈનદર્શન કોઈ જગતકર્તા અનાદિ ઈશ્વરને કે મુક્તદશામાંથી પાછા આવીને સંસારમાં અવતાર ધારણ કરનાર ઈશ્વરતત્ત્વને માનતું નથી. કારણ કે જૈનદર્શન એમ માને છે કે આ વિશ્વ કોઈએ બનાવ્યું નથી કે કોઈ એનો સર્વથા નાશ કરી શકતું નથી. આ વિશ્વનું અસ્તિત્ત્વ અનાદિકાળથી છે અને તે અનંતકાળ સુધી રહેવાનું છે. અર્થાત્ એનો કોઈ આદિ કે અંત નથી, હા, એમાં સતત પરિવર્તન ચાલુ જ રહે છે અને કેટલાક કુદરતી નિયમોને આધીન પણે તે વ્યવસ્થિત રીતે ચાલતું જ હોય છે. જૈનદર્શન એમ માને છે કે, પરમાત્મપદને પામેલા પરમ આત્માઓ આ વિશ્વનું સર્જન કે સંચાલન કરતા નથી. પરંતુ તેઓ પોતે, જે પરમ ધન્ય અવસ્થાને પામ્યા છે, તે આત્માની સચ્ચિદાનંદમય શુદ્ધ અવસ્થાને શી રીતે પામી શકાય તેનો સચોટ અને અનુભવસિદ્ધ માર્ગ તેઓ જગતને બતાવે છે. સર્વ દુઃખોથી મુકત થવાનો અને સાચા સુખને પ્રાપ્ત કરવાનો માર્ગ બતાવનાર સર્વજ્ઞ અને વીતરાગ પરમપુરૂષોને જૈનપરંપરા ઈશ્વર તરીકે સ્વીકારે છે. જૈન પરિભાષામાં એમને તીર્થકર, જિનેશ્વર, અરિહંત કે અહત કહેવામાં આવે છે. સંસાર સાગરથી તરવા માટે ધર્મરૂપી તીર્થની સ્થાપના કરનારા આવા મોક્ષ માર્ગદર્શક તીર્થંકરો એજ જૈનધર્મમાં પરમાત્મા કે આરાધ્ય દેવ તરીકે પૂજાય છે. આવું 180 Jain Education Interational Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 તીર્થકરપણું એ કાંઈ એકાએક પ્રાપ્ત થઈ જતું નથી. એની પાછળ તો એ તીર્થંકર બનનાર મહાન આત્માઓની, આત્મકલ્યાણ માટેની અને વિશ્વના ઉદ્ધાર માટેની અનેક જન્મોની ભવ્ય સાધનાનો ઈતિહાસ છુપાયેલો હોય છે. જે કોઈ ભવ્ય આત્મા આવો ઉચ્ચ પુરૂષાર્થ કરે તે બધા તીર્થકર બની શકે છે એમ જૈનદર્શન કહે છે. જૈનદર્શનની આ વિશાળતા અને સમભાવશીલતા એની આગવી વિશેષતા બની રહે તેવી છે. તીર્થકર બનનાર કોઈ પણ મહાન આત્મા પોતે જે જન્મમાં તીર્થકર બને છે તેની પૂર્વેના ત્રણ ભવોથી તો તેમના અંતરની કરૂણા ઉત્તરોત્તર વધુને વધુ તીવ્ર અને વ્યાપક બનતી જાય છે. આ જગતનાં વિવિધ દુઃખોને જોઈને એમનું હૃદય દ્રવી ઊઠે છે. આત્મ શુદ્ધિના પ્રચંડ પુરૂષાર્થ સાથે તેઓ વિશ્વોદ્ધારની ભાવના ભાવે છે. આ જગતના સર્વજીવો શારીરિક, માનસિક અને આધ્યાત્મિક સર્વ પ્રકારના દુઃખોમાંથી સદાને માટે મુક્ત બનીને શી રીતે સાચા સુખના અધિકારી બને એ માટે એ દિવ્યાત્માનું મનોમંથન રાત-દિવસ ચાલ્યા કરે છે. સહુનાં દુઃખ દૂર કરવાની અને સહુને સુખી બનાવવાની આવી ઉચ્ચ અને ઉત્કટ કરૂણાને પરિણામે જ એ મહાન આત્માઓ તીર્થકરપદને પામે છે અને જગતનું મહાન કલ્યાણ કરી શકે છે. તીર્થકર બનનાર એ મહાન આત્માઓ કરૂણાના સાગર, સર્વોચ્ચ પુણ્યના સ્વામી અને આત્માની અનંતશકિતઓના ભંડાર સમા હોય છે. એમના અચિંત્ય પ્રભાવથી આ વિશ્વનું... વિશ્વના સર્વ જીવોનું કલ્યાણ અને મંગલ થઈ શકે છે. અંતિમ જન્મમાં માનવદેહે જન્મ્યા હોવા છતાં એ તીર્થકર ભગવંતો દેવ-દેવેન્દ્રોથી પણ પૂજાય છે એટલે જ દેવાધિદેવ કહેવાય છે. એ દિવ્યાત્માના ચ્યવન, જન્મ, દીક્ષા, કેવલજ્ઞાન અને નિર્વાણરૂપ પાંચ મુખ્ય જીવનપ્રસંગો વખતે ત્રણે લોકમાં પ્રકાશ અને આનંદ ફેલાય છે. માટે જ તો એ પાંચ પ્રસંગોને પાંચ કલ્યાણક કહેવામાં આવે છે. જૈન મંદિરોમાં આવા વીતરાગ, સર્વજ્ઞ, કરૂણામૂર્તિ અને અચિંત્યશકિતયુક્ત તીર્થકર ભગવંતોની ભાવવાહી મૂતિઓની સ્થાપના-પ્રતિષ્ઠા શાસ્ત્રીય વિધિપૂર્વક અને અંતરના ઉછળતા ભકિતભાવ સાથે કરવામાં આવે છે. પ્રતિષ્ઠા કરતાં પહેલાં અંજનશલાકા મહોત્સવમાં એ તીર્થકર ભગવંતોના જીવનની વિશ્વ કલ્યાણકર પાંચ ઘટનાઓ (પાંચ કલ્યાણક)ની ઉજવણી પણ ભારે ઉમંગથી કરવામાં આવે છે. ભકત હૃદયની વાત જ ન્યારી છે. જેને ભગવાન ગમે એને ભગવાનનું નામ પણ ગમે, ભગવાનની છબી પણ ગમે, ભગવાનની મૂર્તિ પણ ગમે, ભગવાનનું મંદિર પણ ગમે છે. ભગવાનની ભકિત પણ ગમે અને એ ભકિત કરનારા ભકતો પણ ગમે. ભકિતનો માર્ગ એ ભાવનો માર્ગ છે. ભકિતનો માર્ગ એ શુદ્ધ પ્રેમનો માર્ગ છે. એક જ Mr . Jain Education Intemational For Private Personal Use Only Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FOR A SUCCESSFUL PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM NEENA, SHRIKANT AND SHAN MEHTA & BELA AND ADHIR SHROFF 182 Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SUNANDA AND ROOPSEN adapted from Muni Shri Arunodhaysagari and Muni Shri Vinaysagarji's "Jain Kathasagar, Part 1" translated and compiled by. Leena Choksi Komal Choksi Ashok Choksi Thought alone, even unaccompanied by word or deed, has the capacity and power to bring pain and karma to the soul. Even simple harboring in the mind of unde- sirable thoughts, though this may not be translated into action, nevertheless leads to contamination of the soul and perpetu- ation in the cycle of birth, death and re- birth and sufferings therein. In a kingdom called Pruthvibhushen, there was once a 12-year old princess named Sunanda. She was once on the roof of the palace, taking in the sights of the city with her friends when her gaze fell upon a disturbing domestic scene: a man was relentlessh physically abusing his wife who begged him to cease. She proclaimed her innocence, but to no avail. The innocent and somewhat naive Sunanda, stunned, lamented the destiny of women whose fate it seemed to be ill-treated at the hands of their busbands and in-laws. She then proclaimed that she would never marry and that this should be conveyed to her parents and it was dutifully done so by her friends. The years passed and when she was sixteen Sunanda witnessed yet another scene from the roof- top. This time she saw a beautiful home in which there was a couple that was blissfully happy, entwined in their love for each other and she thought to herself that she would never be lucky enough to have such happiness herself. Her friends reassured her, saying that she was a princess and so of course she would, and took her downstairs where they sat at a window overlooking the marketplace. There Sunanda saw Roopsen, the son of a merchant, standing at the paanwala's shop. Sunanda became aroused at the sight of him and was overwbelmed by his handsomeness. Her friends reminded her that he was one of the male species that she so despised. Sunanda however sent him a cryptic note to assess his intelligence and when Roopsen responded appropriately be passed the test. Thereafter the two would meet daily to exchange gazes and letters and soon they were perpetually on each others' minds. A few months later there were festival celebrations on the outskirts of the city and the entire kingdom was to congregate there. Sunanda feigned a severe headache and thereby excused herself from the festivities and remained at the palace with her friends. Sunanda beaved a sigh of relief when her mother left and they were alone, for outside her window was hanging a rope ladder that Roopsen bad been given instructions to shake and be let up, thereby giving the couple the time together that they had so longed for. Under the darkness of the evening Mabalav the gambler had just lost a game that rendered him penniless with debts yet to clear and was wandering the roads of the deserted city for a home or shop to rob. He came across the dangling rope ladder at the For P183. Personal Use Only Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THIS AUSPICIOUS OCCASION OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM CHUNI, MADHU, VISHAL AND RUPA GALA 184 Jain Education Intemational Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SUNANDA AND ROOPSEN palace window which he shook. Sunanda's friends, saying "Welcome, Roopsen", beckoned him up. In the meantime, the queen's ladies-in-waiting were hurrying toward the palace to check on Sunanda's health and fetch some puja parapher nalia. Sunanda caught sight of them entering the palace and panicked about her spoilt evening. However she used her wits and had the oil lamps around her wing of the palace blown out. The ladies-in-waiting, having been explained that Sunanda's headache could not tolerate the light of the lamps and she was sleepy. They must therefore not try to talk to her and hence were dismissed. they would finally be able to satisfy their desires to be each in others arms and experience every sensual pleasure. He was lost in his daydreams and visions of his meeting with Sunanda, completely entranced in his fantasies of sharing an evening with Sunanda filled with passion and sensuality when an old, disintegrating wall fell on him, burying and killing him. The consequences of these passions for Sunanda that were in his mind at the time of his death was that his soul was reincarnated in Sunanda's womb, the conception that was the result of her sexual union with Mahalay, the gambler. It is because of this that scholars have had to say that there is a great difference between poison and gratification of sensual pleasure. Poison, upon consumption, is fatal for one life but sensual pleasure, even though not indulged in, is fatal many times over, causing not one death but several. As Mahalav stepped through the window, one friend took his hand and took him to Sunanda's bed, warning him not to speak and so he remained silent. The gambler had sex with Sunanda, palmed her jewelry and was asked to leave quickly by Sunanda's friends who came running toward him. Sunanda, lamenting their bad luck at not being able to spend enough time with each other or even speak to one another, promised that they would meet again. Mahalav praised his good luck that he had got both a princess as well as some loot, descended the ladder, and started walking. After the queen's ladies-in-waiting left Sunanda found some of her jewelry missing but reasoned that Roopsen must have taken them to have repaired. The queen's ladies-in waiting were told by Roopsen was searched for high and low but could Sunanda in a whisper that they should tell the queen that not be found. Sunanda assumed that Roopsen must her headache had decreased and that she should not worry. have been murdered on the way from the palace by Meanwhile, Roopsen, also having used the thieves as he was carrying her jewels. excuse of ill-health had remained home. As dusk engulfed the city and thinking that now that no one would be left in the city, Roopsen set out for his meeting with Sunanda, armed with gifts of perfumes and flowers for her. Walking on his way, Roopsen thought of how One month later Sunanda discovered that she was pregnant. Her friends gave her a tonic that induced an abortion and thereby Sunanda's honor was preserved. Roopsen's soul went from being the embryo in Sunanda's womb to a snake. 185 SILF Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES AND CONGRATULATIONS THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FOR THE BUILDING OF THEIR GRAND TEMPLE FROM ARVIND, JAYA AND PRIYA SHAH AKSHAY AND SWETA SHAH 186 Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SUNANDA AND ROOPSEN NET Upon getting Sunanda's approval, her fa- "Without having consumed, without havther arranged ber marriage to the prince of ing indulged or gratified what unimaginable sufferKshitipratishtith and Sunanda moved there taking ings do lives undergo in this world. This deer, with her a hefty dowry. Roopsen's soul, did not enjoy sensual pleasures Roopsen the snake after much wandering fi- and yet look at the unhappiness it has been expenally reached this kingdom and seeing Sunanda be- riencing over the past five lives. The woman for gan rocking back and forth in joy. Sunanda screamed whom he harbors so many passions is bappily and ran but the snake followed her until finally enjoying his flesh right now.” Such was one her husband killed it. learned muni telling another muni, sbaking It was the summer season and Sunanda and his head, while passing by the palace. her husband were enjoying a night of music when The king and queen became susRoopsen's soul, as a crow, began to caw. The servants picious at the exchange between the two munis tried to shoo it away but it kept returning to perch and the king rose and asked, "Maharaj, what itself in front of Sunanda and cawing. The king got makes you shake your head so in front of us?" angry at the ruckus that was spoiling the show and "Nothing, it is just the oddities of the killed the crow: deeds of the society" the muni told them in a Once the couple was sitting under a willow tree at somber tone. a lake. There, a swan, looking at Sunanda began to "Is it the smell of the meat that we are sing beautifully in happiness. The king and queen dining upon that you were shaking your bead at?" were entranced when a crow's droppings fell on the the king asked directly. king. The king in anger tried to shoot the crow but he "Rajan, I shook my head at the thought missed and the bullet ended up killing the swan of how souls, enslaved to sensual pleasures and Roopsen. His soul then found life as a deer in the passions though they may only think about injungle. dulging them, are creating such sins that like the Deep in the jungle some musicians were per- lowest forms of life, for lives together, suffer again forming for Sunanda and the king. The beauty of and again. the music drew all the animals of the jungle. The "What about that struck you here?" the animals fled as soon as the music stopped, that is, king asked with immense curiosity. all except one young deer who did not move. The "Rajan! The lives wandering in this deer appealed to the king who killed it and had it world, just by thinking, without partaking, colsent to the palace. The deer was cooked for the king lect limitless sins, that is what I have seen." and queen's dinner, who exclaimed that though they "Maharaj, whatever you have seen had eaten deer before, never had they enjoyed deer here, please let us know so that we may be meat as exquisite as they were having now. enlightened" said Sunanda, imploringly. Jain Education Intemational For Private Personal Use Only Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 SUNANDA AND ROOPSEN * ICA. "I may let you know but then won't it lord, you have heard of my immoral character. I bring you unhappiness?" am the cause of Roopsen's needless suffering. If "Certainly not," said Sunanda in an you give me your permission I will take diksha emphatic manner. and try to mend the damage I have done in the Seeing something to be gained, the municourse of barming seven lives.” said, "Then listen." The king said, "Angel, life is a slave of Then in a grave tone, the muni began karma. We will both take diksha and the path with when she was 12 years old and the first of salvation. The muni asked them not to delay scene that Sunanda had seen from the rooftop and went to his guru. and ended with revealing the identity of her lover The king, queen and some of their courtfrom the night of the festival. Sunanda affirmed iers all tooke diksha together. the veracity of the various events of her life that The king through deep and intense medithe muni had narrated. tation and renunciation found liberation in the Aghast at her sins, Sunanda asked what same life. had happened to Roopsen and the muni recounted Undertaking extreme renunciations and how he died and told of his five reincarnations rigors, Sunanda, the sadhviji, under the excellent starting from the embryo in her womb to the deer tutelage of her guruni, acquired the power of clairthat she was consuming. voyance. Sunanda, unable to bear it, put her Finally one day Sunanda asked her hands to her ears and screamed, "Oh man of guruni, "Oh maharaj, if you grant me permisgod, what a sinner I am. If Roopsen, who had sion I wish to go in search of that reincarnation not sinned, is undergoing such suffering then what of Roopsen, the elephant, who suffered through is in store for me? Is there any hope for salvation the pain of seven lives because of me." for me?" "You are knowledgeable and if you feel that there "Even great sinners can be reformed is gain in that, you certainly have my permission. through the process of renunciation. As long as Our desire is that wherever possible a soul should our lives are in our own bands there will always be uplifted.” be ways to save ourselves.” Humbly taking her gurini's blessings and "Oh man of god, where has Roopsen's taking four other sadbvis with her, Sunanda left soul gone now and is there any way to save him?" in the direction of Sugram. After having sought "In a town called Sugram in Vindhyachal, be is permission there she spent the monsoon season in in the form of an elephant. When he hears from Sugram. your mouth of his seven reincarnations, he will "Mabaraj, where are you going past the gain memory of his previous lives, he will adopt town limits? There is an elephant that uproots religion and upon his death go to heaven. trees and destroys whosoever comes in his Sunanda turned to face the king. "My 188 Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 SUNANDA AND ROOPSEN MAR guruni," he said, penitent and growing serious and somber. and comber The townspeople began singing praises of the sadhviji and surrounded her. The prince of the city also arrived. The elephant went straight to the city palace stables. The sadhvi informed the prince of the elephant's seven lives and their bond to each other. "His destiny is of a life of devotion and ultimate moksha. This elephant will fast for two days, break for a day and then again fast for two days, continuously, until he goes to heaven." The sadhvi Sunanda endeavored to bave others understand the importance of mental sins that lead to meaningless suffering, and in this effort she attained moksha. path, that lives in the jungle just beyond the town. Turn around and return to the upashraya." A crowd gathered outside the town limits saying so to Sunanda who refused to listen and walked onward without fear. The crowd again yelled to her, "Maharaj, do not go further. The mad elephant attacks whoever he sees. Run, run!" With dirt flying around him and break- ing branches, killing all that he saw, the elephant struck fear in everyone and people scrambled onto rooftops, shaking with fear. Then the elephant came toward the sadbvi. People started screaming but seeing the sadbvi, the elephant started walking around her in circles, in infatuation. In a grave tone the sadhvi said, "Roopsen! Wake up! Why are you not letting go of this infatuation of yours with me? You were Roopsen and then you were in my womb. Then snake, crow, swan, deer and in this seventh life you have become an elephant. Why are you suffering needlessly? Break this bondage and free yourself of this pain." The elephant became repentant and then gained memory of his previous lives. His eyes welled with tears. His seven lives flashed before his eyes. Full of remorse, he became pensive. "Oh how misguided I am! Seven lives were swallowed up by my delirious passions. You bad also drowned in your passions but you were born anew and you are giving me a new birth. The elephant raised his trunk and began saluting her and bowing to her. "I am yours, oh "From modern historical research we come to know that long before, Brahminism developed into Hindu Dharma, Jainism was prevalent in this country." Justice Rangnekar Bombay High Court Jain Education Intemational 189 For Private Personal Use Only Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Now from Prudential Discovery SelectTM Variable Annuity: An Easier Way to Save for Retirement It's a fact: Most Americans working today can plan on financing two or more decades of retirement. That's why we created the Discovery Select Variable Annuity issued by Pruco Life Insurance Company.' It's designed specifically help people like you afford the retirement you have planned. SINGE Tracking your assets is easy. Each quarter, you will receive a comprehensive, easy-to-read statement showing how your investments performed. Discovery Select Variable Annuity has the versatility you're looking for. The power of tax deferral. 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All are subsidiaries of The Prudential Insurance Company of America, 751 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102-3777. Withdrawals of earnings are subject to taxation and, if taken prior to age 59% may be subject to a 10% penalty. The prospectuses detail risks, charges and expenses for the DISCOVERY SELECT Variable Annuity and the Variable Investment Options. Annuities have limitations. For costs and complete details of coverage, contact a Pruco Securities Registered Representative. Please read all prospectuses carefully before you invest or send money. DISCOVERY SELECT is a service mark of Prudential. VFM-96-OR PICH-1197-1872 MRA-96-9847 Ed.11/97 190 Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FOR A SUCCESSFUL PRATISHTHA FROM KANTI, DEBRA, JULIE AND JASON SHAH ASHWIN, PURNIMA, SANJAY AND SEJAL SHAH Jain Education Intemational For Privb ersonal Use Only Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vaishnava Jana To Tene Kahiye Re... One of the foremost Vaishnavas of this century was Mahatma Gandhi. He truly lived the message of Narsi Mehta's famous song, Vaishnava Jana To Tene Kahiye Re, Je Peeda Parayi Jaane Re, or "one who knows the suffering of others is called a Vaishnava." "Vaishnava" literally means the followers of the Supreme Lord "Vishnu." The Vaishnava tradition has been nurtured by many saints and seers who have inspired others by their own lives. The Vaishnava Center for Enlightenment follows Sri Ramanuja's teachings. He shows us the way as to how we can relate in a very personal way to the Supreme Lord Vishnu. Sri Ramanuja's Three Goals • Live a life of dedication to the Lord and do His Will as a servant of the Lord. • Promote harmony among different faiths. • Serve the poor and see God in the poor. Vaishnava Center Started In 1989 To promote this Vaishnava Way of Life, a Global Center was established in the Lansing Area in 1989. For this purpose, we started The India Heritage School in 1990 for imparting religious education to children. Then, The Dharma School for the eduction of the whole family was begun in 1996. Vedic and Gita classes meet Sundays in Lansing and Wednesdays in the Detroit area. For character building of youth, summer camps are held in California, Michigan, and Pennsylvania under the guidance of Dr. S.N. Subba Rao of National Youth Project, New Delhi and Sri Madhusudan Das of Abhiyan, Orissa. Regular spiritual discourses are arranged with learned Acharyas like Swami Tyagananda Puri of Paramhans Sanyas Ashram and Acharya Meenakshi Devi of Manohardham Ashram. Interfaith Services Gita and Vedic Scriptural classes are offered to members of other faiths. Fellowship for Today, Metaphysical Church of Christ in the Lansing area, and Theosophical Lodge in Detroit frequently arrange such programs. In 1997 we organized an interfaith memorial service to pay homage to the memory of Mother Theresa at the Cristo Rey Community Chapel in the Lansing area. Humanitarian Services We offer free counseling services to families in crisis. Through our humanitarian service arm International Service Society, we respond to disasters globally, such as the Midwest Floods, the Latur Earthquake, and the Andhra and Bangladesh Cyclones. Our volunteers rushed in emergency aid to families in the coastal areas of Orissa and W. Bengal recently hit by Tornado. Other Programs And Activities Excellent artists such as Pandit Mukesh Desai for Classical Indian Music, Mythili Kumar for the Dance Drama From Annamacharya to Gandhi, and Sudha Chandrasekhar for Bharatanatyam Dances have regularly performed to appreciative audiences. In 1997 we staged a play Lahu Ka Rang Ek Hai for promoting communal harmony and we jointly celeberated the Golden Anniversary of Freedom of India and Pakistan with a play Victory to The World. We promote Gandhian Trusteeship Principles for Business and Non-Violent Agriculture, that is why we serve only Organic Food at all of our programs. For more information, please phone 517-337-7888. Best Wishes from Vaishnava Center for Enlightenment TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FOR THEIR GRAND OPENING OF THE TEMPLE 192 Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ શ્રાવકાચા , સિધ.લયમાં સ્થાન પ્રાત ની પશ્ચાદ " . લાએ. દોશી, વીતરણ પરમાત્માના વિરટ શાશનમ તુવિધી તીર્થરૂપ સાધુસાધવી આવક અને શ્રાવિકા 2થાન ગાવપૂર્વક અને બાકીય છે. ગુ. થાનકની અપેક્ષાએ ન્યૂનાયકતા છતાં , લક્ષ્યની અપે એ માત્ર તીર્થન્ડ સંતાન પ્રોફા” જ છે. આત્મસ્વરૂપના પૂર્વ પ્રાગટ્યરૂપ કો હ્ય પ્રત્યેક આત્મા માટે પ્રાપ્તવ્ય હોવાથી, શ્રાવક ચાર અને સવા ચાર સાયંક માટે ઉપાસનાની કોણા બની જાય છે. આવા રમાત્માએ ઉત્તરાધ્યયન સૂત્ર કયિત દુર્લભ મનુષ્ટય નો સ્વીકા૨ વિધેયાત્મક રીતે કર્યું . चार परमगाजि हलमागिय जंतूजा । भाणसतं अङ्क या अजमम्मिय पीरियंम् ॥ આ વાતની પ્રતિ કપ જ આત્મા મનુષ્યત્વ , શ્રુતિ, શ્રધ્ધા બાદ ચોથા દુર્લભ એગની પ્રાપ્તિ માટે ઉધત થાય છે. લક્ષ્યમાં માધ્યાચા૨ પ નિર્બchતા, કાયત. અને પ્રાર્થના મંદતા ને કારણે, શ્રાવકાચા૨નો આ.પ્રાધક બને છે બીજરૂપ ત્રાવ પાંગરી વિરાટલૂ બને ત્યારે ગ્રાહક જીવમ માવાસા, વસંત ગણવી. ઉડે છે. પરંતુ લગ્ન બકુરિત થયેલ બામો પૂર્ણતા પ્રગટી નદી અંતર આત્મા ત્રાવના ભાવ રહેલ છે ? " અવું અવસ, એવો ૩યારે આવી , કયારે ઘઈશ, બા (ડથતર નિય છે.....” પરંતુ શ્વાન સાકાર થતું નથી ત્યાં સુધી સાધક પ્રત્યાખ્યાન વરાહી, કાષ્ઠના સદ્ભાવમો વિરત. વરીત ભાવના. વચ્ચે -શ્રાવક ગા. સ્વીકારે છે. * અને પરમાત્મા એ વર્ગ પૂર્ણતા પામવાના પ્રયત્નનું સમીકરણ્ડત સરળ કરી નાટ છે નવતત્વના યથાર્થ રૂપેન પામ્યા બાદ છ દ્રવ્યગા પારસ્પર સંઘને શ્વાવાદશીથી સમy , ઉર્મ યોગ ખર્નાદ થી આત્મા સાથે વળગેલા મન વમન, ૩યાના ચોગે જેનું સર્જન થયું છે એ મૈસાને વિનર રવા એજ ત્રિયોગ, નિડર નું સેવન એટલે ભાવફાચાર અને એનો નશે એટલે સાતાના.. ખ્યા -શ્રાવક ઘર્મને આપ પરંપરાગત અને રાતિજન્ય ને અર્થ સ્પીકરી ચાલી છે તો શાફાગ. એટલે જીવન C વડાપ્ની માનવોર્મિત મકાનની શ્રેષ્ઠ પ્રણાલિકા . સાગાયે ગYભજીના શબ્બેમાં કહીએ તો “મહાવીરે એક સમાજની ફ્લેગ, ઉરી ની તા માજન બમ છે ત સમાજ, ક્ના માટે તેમ, એક આરામ માહિતી આપી - વતિ સમાજની જે ૩૫ના છે તેના પર કિલોમોફીની àટ એ વિમ... ૩)એ તો તે નથી ભતિરૂાવાદ નથી કોઈ અન્યવાદ તે ગતિવાદ છે, જેમાં બીતિકવાદ અવે ધ્યાત્મવાદ બંને નો સમન્વય છે. મહાવી. યથાર્થવાદી ઉcો. -શ્રાવકામામાં એન નિર્વાસિત સમાજની ૩લ્પના સાકાર 35ી જે આવક જીવનની એક લવા, રેખા એટલે મા, સત્ય, શ્રી ય, બહાચર્ય અને અપગ્રહની ભાવનાને ઠમક વિકાસ. થોઝની પરત્રાણામાં જે જ યમ” ૩હેવાય છે. બીહ જેને 'શીલ' હે છે «ા યશાઈ રૂપને સર્વજ્ઞ સમયમ = યમ રહે છે ત્રાગ ત્રીમાં ગળત . એવી અનંત વૃષ્ણાને, વિવેકપૂર્વની ઐયમ એટલે વીતરાગ ૩યત -શ્રાવડાવ્યા.... ત્રનાદi૩ ગામા અહીં’ વિમા દંછે. હિંસા , આમ, રતા એ ખાત્માનો ભાવ નશ્રી , વિભાવને વરા પડેલ માત્મા અમર્યાદ હંગામાંથી મJઘમાં માવવાનો , ઉપક્રમ ઉરે ત્યારે તે સ્થૂલ પ્રતિપાત વિરમણ ૨૫ પ્રથમ બ્રા નો ઉપમ કાને છે. અવલત ડ્યૂલ ત્રીબ્દની સાથે અનેક સૂક્ષ્મ ભા વો સર્વઠ્ઠલ દ્વારા દર્શાવાયેલ છે એજ રીતે સMા વાદ એ અનાની બાત્માની ઓળખ , મર્ચી મ્પ મળે. 193 Jain Education Intemational Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ O 30 30 30 30 30 with WITH BEST WISHES !!! FROM .. ASHOK S. JAIN < JAMANA A. JAIN < RAVI & RICKY <<<<< So sooner I try to go ahead, I fall back, I have chosen the wrong path, please help me to find the right path. 194 Jain Education Intemational Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ભગવાન ભવવાની પ્રથમ વ્રત એટલે સત્યનો સ્વીકાર. ઞામાં અહીં વિશાળ માયામ ધાવતા ફુલ પણ જેને મોર્યવૃત્તનો 13/2 ek એવો જ રંગાઇ ૧૩પ મૂળ મૂાવાદ વિમાઁ વ્રતનો ખારાધક બને છે. પદ્રવ્યનું એક સ્વીકાર્ય નથી. અવા શુધ્ધાત્માને કર્મસત્તા અને ખાન પૂર્વ બનાવી દીધો છે, તેના પાશમાંથી મુક્ત કરવા અને ધભગવ થૂલ અદનાન વિરમણ વ્રતનો વિસડમ દર્શાવે છે બ્રહ્મ " જ જે સ્વરૂપ છે તેમાં જે વિચરણ છે આત્મા અવામર્થ ભાવમાં ખોઈ લી છું તેને પુન: બ્રહ્મમાં સ્થિત વા ઈન્દ્રિય વિજય ની માર્ગ લતાવતા પરમ પિતા આત્માને માટે તવમવા ઉદામ બંમયમ્ ૩હી સ્કૂલ મન વિઝ્મામ નો મ દર્શાવે છે, અને મોમેર જેને ગ્રહણ લાગ્યું છે, શે દિશાથી જે ધેશઈ ગમેલી છે એવા ગ્રહના ભાવોથી વિરમવા માટે સ્થૂળ પરિગ્રહ પરિમાનું વ્રત દર્શાવે છે. ના પગણે તો ટૂ ઢબ ભાવ પૉગ્નની સમજણ ઞી નિયંત્રિત માજજીવન વ્યવસાયનો સમાજ ને ભેટ આપે છે. ભગવાન ધર્માચાર્ય હોવાં છતાં ગૃહસ્થાશ્રમમાં ર્આનવાર્ય એવી કોઈ જરૂયિાતનો નિષેધ કરી અવ્યવહારુ ભૂમિકા સી નથી અને છતા દર૪ લાડુના પ્રદેશે પ્રદેશે અનંત જન્મમરણ કરી ભ્રૂકેલા આત્માને ખાવ અને આર્થાનન તૂટ બંધની.થી એકજ ટકે છોડવાનો પ્રયત્ન એટલે બાવચાર, અને થ ધારા જગતને ઝાંપેલ બહુ થીડા અંગોમાંનો એક ગાડી મંત્ર એટલેઆમ વોઈસોમ” શ્ર શના ઉચ્ચાર સાથે અનાદિના ગામના વિષ વિશ્મી સ. ઉતરી જ. સર્વ ત્યાગનો આત્યંતિક માર્ગ ન સોંપડે ત્યાં સુધી શ્રાવક જીવનમાં વૈરાગ્યને દિવડા જગમગતો ત્રાખવા અા ભાવોને વધુ ને વધુ નિર્માતાર ૩રતી જામ. આવા કાવામાવાળો શ્રાવકુ સતત જગૃત ઊષ તેને એકજ ઝંખના ઊય ૩ ભાવના હોય " હે પરમાત્મા હું ક્યારે આરંભ પરિગ્રહો...! યારે સવિર્સત બને ! કયારે પડિત . મણે મ " કાવાભાવથી તેને મતોષ ન હોય, તે અટકી ન ઉભો હોય,તેને કાયરનું ખાતકી હાય,વ્યવહાર જીવનમાં એક ટ્રષ્ટાંત જાણીતું છે. એક વખત એક વ્યકિત સંત કબી ને મળવા ન દે. શાધતાં ગૌ વતાં તેનું ઘર તો મળ્યું પણૢ કબીરજી ઘરે ન્હોતા ઊઈએ કહ્યું એ તો શાને ગયા છે, પેલી વ્યાકત છે શ્મશાને અનેક ત્રણસો હશે, મારે તમ ને ખોળખવા રૂમ ? જવાલ મળ્યો, માથા પર દીવા જલતા હશે, પેલી વ્યાત ગઈ. મૃત દેહ સાથે આવેલા લદ્દાના માથે દિવાલતો હો, મૂંઝાઈ,તે વ્યંકન કરી પા‰ આવી પૂણે શું શ્યું હજુ જૅ મશાનેથી પાછા કુરતા કામ એક જાતના મા દે હતો. સામાન્યત: માથાને ઈ તી લાને વાગ્ય આવે, સઁસાર અસાર | બધાને ગામ જ જવાન હૈ!વગેરે..... વગેરે, પત્ર પાછા કુરતા ? બીઝનેસની વાત ! પર્યાવની વાત! સઁસારની વાત. બધું જ એનએ ! ૐી તો દિવા ખોળખાય એ છે અઁતજીવનનું પ્રથમ ચોપાન મૈંસારમાં હોવા છ્તાં જ્ઞાનનો વેગ્યની દીવા જેનો સતત જળહળી રહ્યો છેૢ એ સ્વાધ્યાયી, ઉમા કાયાઁ, પરમાત્માની પ્રતિમા સામે જ વૈરાગ્યવાન ને હોય. પ્રત્યેક પળ તેની જાગૃતિની હાય જીવન તો સઁસાના અન્ય જીવો તે જ ઊય. પગ અભિગમ લલ્લાઈ ગયો હોય. વતૅમાન વિશ્વની તમામ સળગતી સમસ્યાના ઉલ " "5 ત્રાવર્ડ માત્ર ધાવડાગામાં દ્રવ્ય અને ભાવથી દર્શાવેલ ી અને સિધ્ધાલયમાં સ્થાન પ્રાપ્તિપશ્ચા પણ કાવામા સમાયેલી છે આવા શ્રાવકામને ઞામરતો આત્મ ચતુર્વિધ તીર્થમાં પામી અને મર્દ બની આત્મસ્વરૂપ પ્રયવી શકે છે. સ્થાન 195 Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Great men strive for the happiness and welfare of all Jivas in the UNIVERSE Best Wishes On The Successful Completion Of The Jain Temple From Sudhir and Kashmira Shah Mona and Neeyati NEWLY REMODELED UNDER SAME OWNERSHIP 1995 RECIPIENT OF REDFORD TOWNSHIP & WAYNE COUNTY BEATIFICATION COACH&LANTERN MOTEL • 65 CLEAN ROOMS • IN ROOM JACUZZI WATER BED • MEETING RM. HEATED OUTDOOR POOL • REMOTE CONTROL TV & VCR • FREE HBO MOVIES • KITCHENETTES • WEEKLY RATES • GROUP DISCOUNT • CORPORATE DISCOUNT 313 533-4020 25255 GRAND RIVER AVE. N. OF 7 MILE REDFORD INKSTER DORCHESTER 7 MILE RD. DORCHESTER AWARDS MOTEL • IN ROOM JACUZZI W/AIR BUBBLES & MOOD LIGHT • KING SIZE WATER BED • FREE HBO MOVIES • DAY RATE • KITCHENETTES 8 MILE RD. GRAND RIVER ** COACH & LAN Major Credit Cards Accepted 196 ELEGRAPH SHORT STAY WEEKLY RATES SECURE SECLUDED PARKING 313 533-8400 26825 GRAND RIVER AVE. BTW. 7 & 8 MILE REDFORD Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અનાય ઢોરોનું ગૌશાળા C SHARE WITH THE WORLD FOUNDATION 1417 JOLIET PLACE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48207 (313) 393 9674 TAX I.D. # 38-3277120 જીયો : સુરેન્દ્રનગર (ગુજરાત) 昕 શ્રી મ GL વી २ ELL મ N This is an appeal to support the cause of Shree Ramroti Annakshetra Ashram, Kotharia, Gujarat. The Ashram was founded in 1960, and has continued to serve thousands of people and animals suffering the ravages of hunger and poverty. Ashram provides daily deliveries of food, health care and medicines, children education and other endeavors, which include spiritual benefits of "JIV DAYA" Your donation is fully tax deductible PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY Shri V. R. Gandhi Scholarship Fund The Late Shri Virchand Raghavaji Gandhi, the renowned Barrister-atLaw, a great exponent of Indian culture, a bumanitarian, a patriot, and a Jain scholar represented Jainism in the Parliament of Religions beld in Chicago in 1893.. He spread Lord Mahavir's message of non-violence and universal love across the world vigorously. He would have accomplished much more but for his untimely demise at an early age of 37. In order to commemorate this historical event and to honor this great Jain leader and philosopher, JAINA bas instituted a scholarship fund entitled Shri Virchand Raghavaji Gandhi Scholarship Fund. Money received in this fund will be used for the purpose of promoting and encouraging studies in Janisim in India through a reputable institute. Your generous, tax-deductible contribution to this worthy cause will be greatly appreciated. Please make your check payable to JAINA, or to S.S. Jain Foundation in Canada. Indicate in the memo VRG Scholarship Fund and mail to: Mr. Jitendra Turakia, 4013 Pawnee Drive, Liverpool, NY 13090, Phone (315) 622-3287. For Priv19Personal Use Only Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MAIL ORDER FOR HAKOBA SAREE U. P. S. FREE NATIONWIDE. 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ORDER FORM Please print clearly Nonne Address City Siele_ Day Phone Payment method: Zip s FREE U.P.S. Credit card NUMBER EXPIRES U MONTH YEAR Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Youth Article: Animal Cruelty ... The baby pig had no way of crying out as its stunned mother was led on the belt toward the slaughter knife, the knife that would extract the soul, for once and forever Humans have always exploited animals. They have hunted them for food and sport and harnessed them for power and transportation. We humans have always crushed animal rights, whether we accept it or not. All organisms of the world enjoy equality of right to exist. All the beings are possessed of soul and aspire for happiness as we do. In a fiction book, the poor animal escapes the 'slaughterhouse and finds its way back home. In real life, it wouldn't even stand a chance! Animals are tyrannized in many ways. They are mostly killed for meat, game, furs, and experimentation. by Alap Shah of cement. Pigs suffer deformed and damaged feet from these floors. Pigs become bored and unhappy, with no room to turn around. To this day, hog farmers cut off the pig's tail to prevent biting. And, like any other raised animal, they are shot and slaughtered. When the babies are born, they too are taken away, and the whole cycle starts again. What a wicked act of cruelty to slaughter mer cilessly the innocent er Life-and-Death Of a Steer - Cattle are raised for their beef. They go under many painful operations that are unnecessary. Because castration makes animal fatter, most of the qualified beef comes from males that have had their testicles cut off early in life. Their horns are also removed to prevent hurting each other when they are rounded up. On the way to feedlots and slaughterhouses, the steers are crowded for days, without food or water, in overheated or unheated trucks. Of course, some will die on the way. Cattle are killed with a sharp and swift cut to the throat. Sometimes they are stunned first, then hoisted on the con veyer belt upside down by one leg. They twist in agony, and sometimes their pelvic bone breaks, or a leg is torn from the socket on their way to death. 1. Animals for food: It is the most common type of cruelty. Thousands of animals are killed each day just for their meat. Assembly-Line Chicken? - About 98% of the eating chickens are raised in facto- ries owned by large corporations. They are debeaked, fed by machines, and crowded in cages in windowless buildings. They are then hung by their feet from a mechanical conveyer belt that moves them slowly to the butcher's knife. Raising a Sausage Machine — Pigs are raised mainly for pork and sausage. They are confined in indoor pens, with the floors made 2. Gaming and Bloodsports: Every year there are games that play with the lives of thousands of innocent animals. Gaming has always been a popular sport in almost every country of the world. For P. 122 Personal Use Only Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HE Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Youth Article: Animal Cruelty "I'm Colorblind" - Bullfighting has always been a popular bloodsport in South America, and the countries of Spain and Portugal. In some countries, the statement is not only for fun, but for cultural purposes. Thousands of bulls and steers lose their lives in the bullrings from crashing into walls, maiming, or just from the stress of being colorblind. Bullfighting is estimated to be a $100,000,000 industry in the countries of South America, Spain, and Portugal. But does this justify the continued and persistent infliction of pain on an animal for the pleasure of the spectators? BAM! BAM! YEOWW! - If you go to any gaming organization, you would see the dead faces of the animals that were killed for their weight or popularity, all hung on plaques on the walls. You would know that many more hundreds of animals were killed and would be killed by getting hit by the shotgun or falling into traps or legbreaking snares. When you bring back a dead deer, all you would get out of that is fame, fortune, and money. What a grave injustice! 3. Fashion With Compassion: If you want to understand how deeply animal cruelty is embedded in our society and lifestyles, just peek behind the average bedroom closet door. The fur coat once grazed the backs of dozens of wild foxes. The leather shoes were once the living skin of a cow. That wool sweater once kept a sheep warm in winter. To put it simply, thousands by Alap Shah of generations after emerging from caves, most of us still dress in animal skins! The very presence of animal products in your closets puts the power to protect animal squarely in your individual hands. What you choose to put on in the morning is also a lifeand-death situation for many creatures in the animal kingdom. Trapping and Facts About Fur: An estimated 17 million raccoons, beavers, bobcats, lynx, coyotes, muskrats, nutria, and other animals are trapped each year in the United States for fur. Animals that are caught in springloaded steel leg-hold traps (which are banned in many countries) suffer an average of 15 hours of pain before their lives are ended with a trapper's club. Steel-jawed traps are so painful that many animals chew through their own limbs to escape. These crippled animals often die from infection, loss of blood, or starvation. For every "target" fur-bearing animal trapped, two non-target animals are caught and killed. Trappers call these animals — such as dogs, cats, deer, and birds of prey - "trash animals." It takes many more animals to make a fur coat than you may realize. To make a 40-inch coat, depending on the type, it takes 16 coyotes or 18 lynx or 60 mink, 45 opossums, 20 otters, 42 foxes, 40 raccoons, 50 sables, 8 seals, 50 muskrats, or 15 beavers. Add the number of "trash animals" caught, and the toll per count becomes truly appealing. 200 Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Youth Article: Animal Cruelty by Alan Shah · Animals on fur farms suffer from are criticized these days. An example is stress, fear, disease, and parasites caused by the LD50 test. LD stands for lethal dose dirty and crowded conditions. In 1987, U.S. and in the experiment a chemical is inmink farmers reported that 450,000 animals jected in increasing amounts until 50% died of heat and stress in their farms. of the animals die. The Draize Eye Irri· Caged mink are so deprived of tancy Test is used to test household prodnormal activity that they often are driven to ucts on mostly rabbits for eye irritation. self-mutilation and pathological repetition of The damage is measured according to the behavior. swelling, redness and injury. After the • Animals raised on fur farms, mostly tests, the rabbits are killed. mink and foxes which ordinary roam widely in their natural habitat, are confined inside Alternatives to Animal Tests: tiny wire-mesh cages for their whole lives. Computer programs have been 4. Experimental Tools? - Millions of ani- developed to simulate the LD50 test; mals are used for research into heart disease, information from humans is used to precancer, and transplant techniques. In the dict the toxicity of new products. United States alone, an estimated 65 million Cell culture tests are replacing animals are used for testing new products each the Draize test at many companies. These year. These tests may also include blinding, poi- tests are faster, more accurate, and much soning, and killing, more cost-efficient. Most experiments are performed on rats Human skin patch tests, or tests and mice. Research with larger animals such as using egg membranes and tissue cultures, dogs and monkeys are more controversial. It is can replace the Draize and skin irritancy now accepted that these animals can suffer dis- tests. tress. The animals that are used in product test- Organic ingredients are used by ing, often without anesthetics or analgesics, many companies instead of toxic chemisuffer every bit as much as would your com- cals. Numerous ingredients known to be panion animal at home. You wouldn't force safe can be used in products without ever your dog to drink shampoo to find out how having to be tested. toxic it is. So why do we let companies perform these kind of tests on dogs, rabbits, mice. The attitude that allows animals and other animals? to be used for human purposes is a form Many new products are tested just on of discrimination just as wrong as racanimals. Lipsticks, toothpaste, shampoos, and ism and sexism. Animals are just as caweed killers go under extensive testing to as- pable sess their side effects on humans. Many tests Jain Education Intemational For Priv 20 bersonal Use Only Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पत Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Youth Article: Animal Cruelty of feeling pain as humans are. Shouldn't we have identical laws to protect the helpless animals from the tyranny and cruelty of human beings? To defenders of animal rights, the fact that animals can't speak for themselves is all the reason why we should act in their best interests. After so many years, we have begun to take action to preserve the remaining wildlife. There are now organization groups that are against the use of experimental tools. Laboratories have banned the use of testing products. People are now listening to the viewpoints of the vegetar ians. There are now wildlife preserves all over the world. We are discouraging fur trade with other countries, but not fully. Now, we are hoping to end extinction of species and hope for the growth of all animals. Remember, what your acts are toward animals can spell the difference between SURVIVAL and EXTINCTION. "IF WE CANNOT END NOW OUR DIFFERENCES, AT LEAST WE CAN MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR DIVERSITY" by Alap Shah Bibliography - 1. Achor, Amy Blount. Animal Rights - Handbook of Issues Whiteware Co., Ohio. (c) 1992 2. Pringle Lawrence. The Animal Rights Controversy Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Co., New York. (c) 1989 3. Fraiser, Laura. The Animal Rights Handbook Living Planet Press, Los Angeles. (c) 1990 4. Barton, Miles. Animal rights - Survival, Survival, Survival Gloucester Press, New York (c) 1987 5. Dickinson, Lynda. Victims of Variety Summerhill Press, New York. (c) 1989 1-Quote by John F. Kennedy; Address at American University, Washington D.C., June 10, 1963 202 Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Congratulations to Jain Society of Greater Detroit on Successful Completion of Temple and Pratishtha Mahotsav Bharat & Rani Mehta Rakesh & Sangeeta Mehta Neera Mehta Pearl & Diamond Traders Importers & Wholesalers 23077 Greenfield Road Suite #335 Southfield, Michigan 48075 Voice: (248) 559-5585 Fax: (248)559-6212 For P 203.ersonal Use Only Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST COMPLIMENTS TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THEIR NEW TEMPLE FROM: B.S. Bohra, M.D., F.R.C.S. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon 21230 Dequindre Rd. Warren, MI 48494 Phone# 810-758-2910 21230 Dequindre Rd. Warren, MI 48494 Phone# 810-758-2910 1336 Southfield Rd. Lincoln Park, MI 48146 Phone# 313-388-0021 Specializing in: Joint Replacement Surgery-Arthoplasty of knee and hips Knee Arthoscopy Fractures Dislocations Hand Injuries and other problems Foot Problems Nerve Compression and pressure problems to both the arms and legs Soft tissue injuries to cervical, dorsal and lumbosacral spine Shoulder-rotator cuff tears, impingement and bursitis Tennis Elbow Carpal Tunnel Other sports injuries Lincoln Park, Bone and joint Rehab Center 313-388-7619 204 1336 Southfield Rd. Lincoln Park, MI 48146 Phone# 313-388-0021 Recovery and Relief of stiffness and pain in cases of the neck, shoulder, elbow, hand, knee and other sports injuries 313-388-7619 Back Pain Ruptured disk of the back and neck Bone and joint diseases including: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis Post surgery rehabilitation after hip, knee and joint replacements/fractures and other sports injuries We use MEDEX rehabilitation equipment(State of the art in rehab care) Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes and Compliments to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Lawrence M. Guitar Promotions Festival Las Vegas Nites Fountains Tents Fund Raisers Party Canopies Tables & Chairs Chafing Dishes Commercial Staging Dance Floors Bus: (810) 755-000 Fax: (810) 755-0317 25133 Thomas St Warren, MI 48091 205 Jain Education Intemational Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KERN HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER 21230 Dequindre, Warren, MI 48091 (On Dequindre, three Blocks North of 8 Mile) FAMILY PRACTICE & URGENT CARE CENTER OPEN 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK!! Providing the following services for the family: Foot & Ankle Care Plastic & Hand Surgery Pain Management Services Bone & Joint Care Orthopedic Surgery Occupational Care Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Diabetic Clinic Vascular Diseases Urologic Surgery X Ray & Laboratory Services Neurology General Surgery Infectious Diseases & many other services, We accept most insurances, JCAHO Accredited !! CALL US AT 810 427 1000 Come visit us and experience the warm and friendly services of our well qualified multi-lingual staff!! Our Staff can communicate in: English, Spanish, Urdu, Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Middle Eastern Languages, Philipino and other languages. 206 Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With the best compliments to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit for Temple Opening Ceremony From: ENVIRO MATRIX ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE ENVIRO MATRIX, INC. (EM) offers Cost-Effective Partnering, Experienced Consulting, Professional Engineering and Management Services Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments per ASTM Standards Baseline Environmental Assessments for Property Transactions Plant Engineering, Specifications, Renovation Brownfield Sites Redevelopment Assessments, Decontamination, Remediation Groundwater &Wastewater Treatment - Design, Upgrades Underground Storage Tank Removals & Closures per RBCA EM is a pre-qualified consultant with the State of Michigan and major financial and manufacturing corporations Kirit T. Ravani, RE. CHMM Bruce D. Hassen, RE., CHMM 1249 Washington Boulevard, Suite 3600, Detroit, MI 48226 - 1834 Phone:(313) 964-1550; Fax:(313) 964-1770 Email: Web Site: Jain Education Intemational For p. 207 Personal Use Only Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Congratulations on the GRAND OPENING Detroit 313.965.0036 OF JAIN TEMPLE From NTH Consultants, Ltd. NTH Infrastructure Engineering and Environmental Services 1968 30 Years of Improving Our World, One Project at a Time Farmington Hills 248.553.6300 Lansing 517.321.6900 1998 208 Grand Rapids 616.957.3690 * Exton, PA 610.524.2300 Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Compliments and warmest wishes on this auspicious occassion! amani. K11 from Nayna & Shashikant Nagle Best Wishes for the Grand Success of the Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav of Jain Society of Greater Detroit Pankaj, Mina, Agam & Aarti Shah Ahmdabad, India 209 Jain Education Intemational Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes and Compliments to Jain Society of Greater Detroit on Pratishtha Mahostsav ocene VAR Vijay, Falguni, Maitri & Meelap Shah PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTION SHIL MONOGRAPINY ALL WORK IN DIGITAL WE CAPTURE YOUR MEMORIES AND FILL UP TE SENTIMENTS CONTACT Jain Education Intemational For Private 3 coral Use Only Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ M Futons Foto Futon Furniture DREAMON FUTON DREAM ONI UTON Frames 303 S. Ashley at W. Liberty, Ann arbor, Mich. (313) 913-8866 Ann Arbor Michigan Chicago Tilinois Cambridge, Massachusetts JAI JINENDRA ! Best Wishes to Jain Society of Greater Detroit, Inc. Niranjan & Vibha Shah Rahul & Manali Ravindra & Pallavi Kobawala Purvi, Rupak & Pooja Ashwin 1 & Kirti shah Umang, Nehal & Ritu Persistance and Hard Work pays off Consider this story.... A man failed in business in 1831.... Was defeated for the legislature in 1832.... Failed again in business during 1834.... His sweetheart died in 1836.... Had a nervous breakdown in 1836.... Between 1838 and 1858 he was defeated in seven other elections.... including U.S. Congress, Senate, and Vice President.... He was finally elected President of the United States of America in 1860.... That man was Abraham Lincoln.... Don't give up! For all your Real Estate needs Call Anu Gandhi Associate Broker office: (248) 851-6900 Ext. 250 res: (248) 477-8810 fax: (248) 851-9965 pager: (248) 400-1104 Email: Jain Education Intemational 211 Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ģ 2934 दिना पाठ्यो हुज सनंत समकाव्यु ते यह नमु श्री सहजुर लगवंत 217941 With Best Compliments. Mahesh & Kirti Vora Anand, Parag, Hemali & Alisha Congratulations on the Successful Building of the Jain Temple and May it Bring Your Families Much Joy and Success Dr. Kirit, Vasu, Vinay & Sanjay Tolia 212 Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Knights Inn SM Best Wishes for the grand Success of the historic Pratishtha Mahotsav Mt. Gilead, Ohio Jain Society of Greater Detroit of the Niranjan & Vibha Shah Ravindra & Pallavi Kobawala Rajni & Mala Patel Dolat & Vidya Desai Samir Khariwala fram Best Western Mt. Gilead, Ohio Knights Inn "A good way to forget your troubles is to help others out of theirs" CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO ALL MEMBERS OF JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT 213 SM Dickson, Tenessee WHO MADE OUR DREAM A REALITY!!! For Private Rashmi & Rekha Shah Rajesh & Rita Patel Pramod & Kusum Patel Vishnu & Pallavi Patel Dr. Jayant & Heena Arpita & Sachin Shah Personal Use Only Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST OF LUCK TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THE THEIR GRAND TEMPLE FROM: COLBURN GROUP I N S U R A N C E Harry S. Colburn President 3001 West Big Beaver Road . Suite 302 . Troy, Michigan 48084-3192 Phone: (248) 643-4800 Fax (248) 643-0874 WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FROM: AJAY & BHARATI SHAH MAANSI & RIEDDHI LEGACY STONE INTERNATIONAL IMPORTERS OF FINE GRANITE, MARBLE, SLATE & ARTIFACTS (248) 926-0007 (248) 926-0892 FAX For prin 214 Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MY HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FOR THE GRAND TEMPLE!!! BHARATI A. SHAH - ALLIED MEMBER ASID PHONE (248) 926-0007 FAX (248) 926-0892 INNOVATIONS IN INTERIOR DESIGNS NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING KITCHEN AND BATH DESIGN CUSTOM FURNITURE BALANCE COLOR AND DESIGN PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES ADDRESS: 6343 WEST SILVER BROOK WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI 48322 BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THIS AUSPICIOUS OCCASION OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM JAYABEN PARIKH SMITA, VRAJ, SONA & RUSHI PARIKH 215 Jain Education Interational Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FROM LAMETI, PATEL & ASOCIATES, P.L.C. CERTIFIRED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ONYX PLAZA 29777 TELEGRAPH ROAD SOUTHFIELD, MI 48034-7650 PHONE (248) 352-8300 FAX (248-352-5175 SHARAD PATEL Congratulations to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit On this auspicious occasion of the Pratishtha Mahotsav From CONGRATULATION AND BEST WISHES TO JAIN TEMPLE FROM TROY ELECTRIC INCORPORATED RAJA SHAH & ASSOCIATES 911 Cold Spring Drive Northville, MI 48167 Phone (248) 349-5130 Corporate Financial Consultant (Your Part Time CFO) Commercial Loan Procurement 401K Management Cost Reduction Program Commercial Insurance Accounts Receivable Insurance Financial Management Advise ܀ SERVICING YOUR NEEDS FOR ELECTRICAL , HEATING & COOLING Bringing to you 25 years of CFO experience. We will work with your Company, CPA, Attorney, etc to get the best results. 973 ELMSFORD TROY, MI 48083 (248) 583-1717 Best wishes from Bhupendra, Neena, Anju and Nirav Shah 216 Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes to Jain Society of Greater Detroit for the Pratishtha Mahotsav from Shashikant and Devyani Dani Niketa, Punita and Sonalee SD Associates Offering a complete range of consulting engineering services 2813 Creekbend Troy, MI 48098 Phone: (248) 267-9730 Fax: (248) 267-9731 660 Woodward Ave. Suite 1243 Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: (313) 967-0830 Congratulations & Best Wishes on the Auspicious Occasion PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT by from travel professionals of Travel Guru International, Inc. 7071 Orchard Lake Rd., #255 W. Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 851-3799 fax:(248) 851-3793 for out of state calls: 1-800-473-4878 For P21%. Personal Use Only Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Congratulations to Jain Society of Greater Detroit on Completion of the Temple with inspiration from BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THE TEMPLE OPENING GURUDEV SHRI CHITRABHANUJI Our Family is Happy to be a part of this Resociated Attractions Enterprises lase. GRAND TEMPLE * Custom Floats Pennants - Flags * Flag Decorating CHUCK HUSER (773) 376-1900 FAX 773-579-3694 ALPA, ANUJA, ANISH, GITA AND BHARAT TOLIA 4834 S. Halsted Bldg. 14 Chicago, IL 60609-4487 Congratulations on Temple Completion! Buying or Selling a Home? Home Marketing Specialists of Michigan Selling: Never Pay 6% Again! Buying: Get back up to $5000 Rajiv B. Sanghvi Broker/Owner (248) 539-7170 Ofe: (810) 401-5526 Pager DEBT CONSOLIDATION AND REFINANCING SPECIALISTS. SEBE Home Marketing Specialists 30000 Northwestern Highway, Suite 300 Farmington Hills. Michigan 48334 ERROR E (310) 539-717O FORNO.CO b-cosicONSOLES CONS 218 Jain Education Intemational Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Compliments from Kevin, Kari, Ami, Linda & Mahendra Kapadia Best Wishes ROBIN DIAMOND TMPORTERS. WHOLESALERS JEWELRY From 39259 Fulton Ct. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 553-7685 Atul Robin JAI JINENDRA! OUR FAMILY EXTENDS For Pr219 Personal Use Only Jagruti Samit Patrawala BEST WISHES AND CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT ON THE CELEBRATION OF THE PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM DR. ANIL B. SHAH M.D., F.A.C.E.P. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PHYSICIAN BHARATI, RITESH, REEPAL SHAH BURR RIDGE, ILLINOIS Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FROM Marine City Nursery Co. CommERCIAL + RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPING Marine Bus (810) 765-5533 Fax (810) 765-5222 City Nursery Co. PO Box 189 5304 Marine City Hwy Marine City. Michigan 48039 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT Fax: 1336 Lincoln PA ✓ Engineering & Surveying Excellence Since 1954 SPALDING DEDECKER ASSOCIATES, INC. 905 South Boulevard East WISHES BEST FOR MAHOTSAV PRATISHTHA EXPERIENCED IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY: Greencards for outstanding researchers, Extraordinary Ability Aliens and National Interest Waivers. Do not need to reside in the U.S. to qualify. Call: Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Phone (248) 844-5400 Fax (248) 844-5404 313-388-0021 313-388-7619 313-388-9464 Law office of Neera Bohra Southfield Park Mi 220 Road 48146 Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes and Congratulations (248) 737-9000 BUSINESS (248) 737-4883 FAX (248) 312-3747 PAGER/VOICE MAIL NIRU MODY Associate Broker COLDWELL BANKER D COLDWELL BANKER SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 29905 MIDDLEBELT FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48334 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc. from Anil & Niru Mody MAA 000 Jain Center of Northern California Congratulates and Extends Best Wishes to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit We are proud to announce the future home of Tirthankars in Milpitas, CA ATOMY dobroddy Congratulations to all Members of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the Occasion of Pratishtha Mahtosav 000 from Jitendra, Dimple, Priya & Vijal Shah SENTITA IN GREAT AND TREMATTU Let this temple be an inspiration to mankind to practice non violence in thoughts & actions. Jain Center of Northern California 221 33136 Lake Champlain St. Fremont, CA 94555 (510) 475-7882* Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS FROM: Alternative Physical Therapy, Inc. YOUR BEST REHABILITATION ALTERNATIVE 28501 RYAN ROAD, SUITE B WARREN, MI 48092 (810) 582-1662 (810) 582-1667 FAX TRI-COUNTY PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION, INC. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE DEDICATION OF YOUR NEW TEMPLE. FOUR LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 39880 Van Dyke Road (Van Dyke & 17 1/2 Mile Rd.) Suite 200 Sterling Heights, MI 48313 810 979-8389 29933 Southfield Road (1/2 mile south of 13 Mile Rd.) Southfield, MI 48076 248 557-2154 Pelle 415 Burns Avenue (Jefferson & Van Dyke) 1st Floor Detroit, MI 48214 313 331-6595 15800 West McNichols (Six Mile & Greenfield) Suite 113 Detroit, MI 48235 313 273-2531 VIEWED TO BE THE BEST 800-23-PELLA 222 Jain Education Intemational Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes and Compliments to Jain Society of Greater Detroit on Pratishtha Mahostsav from Sudhir, Manini & Monik Sanghvi With Best Wishes and Complements to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Bipin, Sohini, Binisa & Subir Shah BEST WISHES FOR THE GRAND SUCCESS OF THE HISTORIC PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV OF JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATer DetroIT FROM JIM, KUNDAN, MILAN & MEGHA SATA Congratulations to All Members of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the Occation of Pratishtha Mahtosav 223 From Mahendra, Saroj, Samir & Rahul Shah Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Wishes to Congrantulations to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit for successful Temple completion Jain Society of Greater Detroit TRANE bryant Systematic COOLING. INC. for Successful Pratishtha Mahotsav HEATING & from RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 8075 BIG LAKE RD. CLARKSTON, MI 48346 WAYNE ZILKA 248-625-1420 Serving Northern Oakland County Since 1971 Carrier Navin and Mina Shah With Best Wishes and Congratulations To the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Kunal Choksi CONGRATULATIONS FOR COMPLETING THE JAIN TEMPLE AND BEST WISHES FOR SUCCESSFUL PRATISHTHA CELEBRATION FROM JAIN COMMUNITY OF BUFFALO Congratulations and Best Wishes for the grand Success of the Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav of Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Narendra, Asha, Sundip, Samir and Sheila Sheth 224 Jain Education Intemational Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes for a Successful Pratishtha Mahotsav and everlasting Temple from Dr. Ramesh Chheda Neha & Neel Chheda Congratulation to all Members of the Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the Occasion of Pratishtha Mahotsav Dinesh & Vidya, Ritika Jain 225 Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AURAN OS RESTA Congratulations to Jain Society of Greater Detroit DIPL Virendra & Sue Mehta Indian Vegetarian Cuisine TEL:248-626-6021or 248-626-6034 Fax: 248-626-6135 29210 Orchard Lake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Telephone 278-7200 Emergency 396-0785 Virendra S. Mehta, M.D., F.R.C.S., P.C. THORACIC, VASCULAR AND GENERAL SURGERY "Mahavir proclaimed in India that religion is a reality and not a mere social convention. It is really true that salvation cannot be had by merely observing external ceremonies. Religion cannot make any difference between man and man." 22159 WEST OUTER DRIVE DEARBORN, MICH. 48124 -Ravindranath Tagore Best Wishes From Todd D. Holloway, RLA, PWS President HOLLOWAY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING, Inc. Continuing to Set the Standard Around the World... For your commerical real estate needs call Kevin Hegg, Bob Dabrowski or Peter Rogers. CUSHMAN WAKEMELD Site Master Planning, Landscape Architecture Wetland Consulting, Ecological Design 23 Devonshire Road Pleasant Ridge, Michigan 48069 Improving your place in the world (248) 353-2100 Office and Industrial Services Financial Services Valuation Advisory Services Asset Services Research Services Corporate Services Worldwide 226 Jain Education Interational Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES FROM JAI JINENDRA FROM UNITED TRAVELS 15022 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, MI 48126 (313) 582-2211/2212 1-(800) 521-4484 (Except in MI) (810)661-4176 (Ganesh Res.) (313) 528-7014 Fax HEMA P. SHAH, E.A. HPS Accounting & Tax Service 433 W. University Drive Rochester, MI 48307 For complete International and Domestic Travel AIRLINE TICKETS, CRUISES, CAR RENTALS, HOTEL RESERVATIONS & INSURANCE Air India, Malaysian Airlines, PIA, Gulf, Airlines Consolidators & Royal Jordanian Individual & Business Tax Returns Tax Planning & Financial Consultation Accounting & Payroll Services Office: (248) 650-4377 Home: (248) 373-8895 With Best Compliments from NEIL P. DESAI, C.P.A., PC Certified Public Accountant Best Wishes & Congratulations for Opening of the Jain Temple 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 102 Troy, Michigan 48083 Please Contact Nitin (Neil) P. Desai, C.P.A. For: Compilation, Review, and Audit Services Preparation of Individual, Partnership, and Corporate Tax Returns • Financial Management and Tax Consultation • Accounting and Payroll Services • Financial and Estate Planning Office: (248) 689-1290 Residence: (248) 539-3779 Fax: (248) 689-3054 JAI JINENDRA HANSRAJBHAI & DHANIBEN RAMESH & SHEELA SANDEEP & MANJARI CHIRAG * SHIVANI SHAH 227 Jain Education Intemational Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Congratulations Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the Completion of our Best Wishes for the Grand Success of the Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav Team Work Effort Money Patience Long Range Planning Equal Participation from Baa, Rupal, Rushabh, Gita, Nalin and Himanshu Shah Manoj, Minaxi, Daxesh, Tejash & Archana Shah With the Best Compliment from Unjha Investment Inc. With Best Compliments from Parul, Ashok, Sonali & Samir Shah Pravin & Kalpana Chokshi Ashok & Namita Shah Jayant Oza Satish & Suhas Mistry Baldev & Kanta Patel Bhagu & Kanta Patel Prahlad & Meena Patel Sombhai & Meena Patel RAMADA LIMITED Utica Mt. Clements Physical Therapy (810)-263-3999 Ramada Ltd. at Ohio Turnpike & 1-280 Perrysburg, Ohio (419)-837-9500 228 Jain Education Intemational Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jai Jinendra! With Best Wishes and Congratulations to Jain Society of Greater Detroit on the Pratishtha Mahotsav Congratulations and Best Wishes From from Mahesh, Sarla & Devang Desai in Loving Memory of Swapneel Smita, Reema & Nisha Sheth Ramesh & Urmila Patel With Best Compliments With Loving Best Wishes and Heartiest Congratulations to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit to Jain Society of Greater Detroit from from Jasvant, Saroj, Tushar & Avani Sheth Hemant & Nayana 229 Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes from Suhas & Narendra Sheth Neha (Daughter) Neel (Son) & Julie (D-in-Law) -: Grand Daughters: Alexandra Alyssa Hannah Detroit Jain Temple Pratishta July 4, 1998 With Best Wishes and Complements to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Vikas, Veena, Manasee, Preeti & Vikram Shah Best Wishes for the Grand Success of the Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." from Bhadra Doshi & Family Chandra Kothari & Family Ramila Shah & Family 230 With Best Compliments to Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Arvind & Ramila, Sharad & Nalini, Rajesh & Jayesh, Parag & Sapna Shah Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES With Best Compliments to Jain Society of Greater Detroit to Jain Society of Greater Detroit from for their New Temple's Pratishta Mahotsav from Ken Doshi, C.P.A., P.C. Certified Public Accountant Accouting, Fiancial, Tax Planning Advise Office: (734)283-4770 Dhiru & Rama Patel Kashi Corporation 2725 W.12 Mile Rd. Berkley, Mich. 48072 Kanu, Indu, Nisha & Shashin Doshi Our Good Wishes to the With Best Wishes and Congratulations to Jain Society of Greater Detroit Jain Society of Greater Detroit from from Dhiraj, Niru, Samir & Shilpa Maru Rajnikant, Jyoti, Rajul, Amit & Ankit Mehta Midland, 231 Jain Education Intemational Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ With Best Compliments To Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Kishore, Kalpana, Ketan & Kajal Badani Best Wishes for the Grand Success of the Historic Pratishtha Mahotsav of Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Narendra, Damini, Nirav & Parthiv Shah Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit for the Success in Building a Beautiful and Unique Jain Temple from Varsha & Murali Varma Vikram & Varun With Best Compliments to Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Ramesh, Smita, Sandeep & Arpan Patel With Best Wishes and Complements to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Jindas, Gita Amit & Asha Shah Congratulations on the Successful Building of the Jain Temple and May it Bring Your Families Much Joy and Success from Navin, Daksha, Alpesh & Vikas Shah Our Good Wishes to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Anant, Rashmi, Saloni & Ruchi Shah & Jayaben Motichand Hirji (Mother) 232 With Best Wishes and Complements to the Jain Society of Greater Detroit from Pravin, Kalpana, Neel & Jill Chokshi Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MANY THANKS TO JAIN SOCIETY OF DETROIT FOR YOUR PRECIOUS GIFT OF JAIN TEMPLE FOR SPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY BEST WISHES FROM KANTI M. SHAH M.D. JYOTSNA K. SHAH M.D. FAMILY PHYSICIAN ANESTHESIOLOGY (810) 758-3210 HENRY FORD HOSPITAL DETROIT PARAS AND RAJESH SHAH निम दसणारय उनम अचम्म पारितरस जैनम R2 teye GOOD HEALTH IS HANDY, IF YOU WORK AT IT I CAN HELP IF YOU CARE I CAN HELP IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IF YOU DON'T CARE .... ....EVEN GOD CAN'T HELP. 234 Jain Education Interational Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Acharya, Mukund & Aruna 28180 Gita Livonia, MI 48154 [734) 522-3353 Badani, Kishore & Kalpana 15549 Hix Court Livonia, MI 48154 (734) 464-2151 Badani, Vikas & Smita 31710 Cowan Rd., Apt. # 204 Westland, MI 48185 (734) 261-9310 Bafana, Rajendra & Hemangini 1295 Highland Meadows Dr. Flint, MI 48532 (810) 230-7000 Bapna, Girish & Shashi 7382 Silverleaf Ln. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Bapna, Mahendra & Madhulika 26155 Timbertrails Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 (313) 561-9398 Bhandari, Ashish & Jyoti 36175 Grand River Ave. # 201 Farmington, MI 48335 (248) 476-1094 Bhandari, Mahesh 35011 Drakeshire Place # 202 Farmington, MI 48335 (248) 478-6608 Bharwada, Upen & Trish 3023 Scarborough In Midland, MI 48640 (517) 839-4067 Bhodia, Smita 37303 Tericrest Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 978-2484 Bohra, Bahadur & Leela 5121 Woodview Ct. Dearborn, MI 48126 (313) 441-6583 Bora, Sunil & Varsha 3274 Talbot Troy, MI 48083 [248] 740-7848 Bordia, Dilip & Nidhi 7054 Beverly Crest Dr West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 932-3101 Chauhan, Rashmi & Bina 29929 Orange Lawn Livonia, MI 48150 (734) 425-3699 Chinoy, Ranjit & Usha 23160 Lorraine Blvd., Apt. 207 Trenton, MI 48183 (734) 675-3801 Chitalia, Janak & Seema 620 Tobin Dr., # 103 Inskter, MI 48141 [313) 724-9111 Chokshi, Pravin & Kalpana 37546 Munger Livonia, MI 48154 (734) 591-7829 Choksi, Anuj 4156 Marlwood Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 682-6244 235 SILE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ T MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Choksi, Ashok & Kalpana (Leena) 4156 Marlwood Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 682-6244 Choksi, Kunal 4156 Marlwood Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 738-1826 Choksi, Nishit & Sonia 5595 Woodfield Troy, MI 48098 (248) 952-5017 Dagli, Dinesh & Sunita 37662 Juniper Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 826-8879 Dani, Shashikant & Devyani 2813 Creek Bend Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-1760 Daryapurkar, Adesh & Ashwini 2939 Round Tree Blvd., # C3 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734)572-5882 Dedhia, Hiralal & Sarla 22703 Foxmoor Dr. Novi, MI 48374 (248) 348-6753 Dedhia, Manilal & Bhanumati 3312 Columbine Dr. Saginaw, MI 48603 (517) 793-8742 Dedhia, Ramesh & Maya 3914 Highwood Place Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-8213 Deo, Purushottam & Manjul 41101 Croydon Ct. Northville, MI 48167 (734) 420-0706 Desai, Amit & Kanan 739 Kirts Blvd. Troy, MI 48084 (248) 269-9819 Desai, Avinash & Hemangini 6385 Shagbark Troy, MI 48098 (248) 828-3468 Desai, Bharat & Neerja Sethi 5085 Middlebelt West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248)-932-9332 Desai, Harshad & Sarojini 3365 Indian Summer Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Desai, Kiran & Ajita 46593 Gunnery Dr. Canton, MI 48187 (734) 453-3037 Desai, Mahesh & Sarla 39296 Fulton Ct. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 [248) 489-1715 Desai, Piyush & Smita 2930 Creek Bend Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-9005 Dhabuwala, Tarlika & Dipak 342 Millington Blvd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48346 (248) 333-3891 236 Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Dharia, Haresh & Geeta 6129 Beachwood Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48324 (248) 360-0246 Doshi, Ruchita Information Unavailable. Doshi, Bharat & Bharati 12929 Bramell Detroit, MI 48223 (313)538-6552 Doshi, Satish & Aarti 924 Dahlia Ln. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 652-9567 Doshi, Vikram & Minal 40053 Fraser Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 979-7938 Doshi, Bharat & Padmaja 12902 Watkins Dr. Shelby Twp., MI 48315 (810) 739-7741 Doshi, Bhogilal & Sukla 5153 Provincial Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 855-1053 Gada, Kamal Hasmukh 5583 Whitefield Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-0904 Gada, Minal Hansraj 5583 Whitefield Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-0904 Doshi, Harsukhlal & Bhadra 19710 MacArthur Redford, MI 48240 (313) 533-7335 Gadhia, Sudha 5541 Picadily Cir. S. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 661-5091 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Doshi, Kanu & Indu 18028 Country Club Circle Riverview, MI 48192 (734)283-3430 Doshi, Lalit & Usha 29222 Creek Bend Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 553-8344 Gala, Chuni & Madhu 2932 Squirrel Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 (248) 642-7374 Doshi, Mahendra & Indira 1680 Crestline Ln. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 652-2066 Gala, Rajesh & Sangeeta 391-B, Barasana Bldg, Telang-X-Rd. 3 Matunga, Bombay 400019 011-91-22-4372312 Doshi, Nitin & Pankajini 1704 Heron Ridge Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 338-1414 Gandhi, Ansuya & Vimal 39045 Polo Club Dr., Apt. #201 Farmington, MI 48335 (248) 477-8810 For Privsed Personal Use Only Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Gandhi, Ramesh & Sucheta 38393 Beecher Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (810) 795-5389 Jain, Jitender & Bhavna 2912 Homewood Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-9777 Gogri, Laxmichand & Hemlata 12617 SE 42nd Street Bellevue, WA 98006 (425)644-9514 Jain, Kamal 279 Cherry Valley Dr. #M23 Inkster, MI 48141 (313) 565-1279 Gosalia, Jayesh & Nayna 45030 Claymore Dr. Canton, MI 48187 (734)459-4424 Jain, Kirti & Ashoka 4927 W. Pond Circle West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248)681-3131 Humbad, Niranjan & Sunetra 22649 Foxmoor Dr. Novi, MI 48374 (248) 344-4804 Jain, Lucky & Sona 18885 Cass Ave. # 203 Clinton Twp., MI 48038 (810)412-3615 Jain, Ajay & Sujata 17409 Nadora St. Southfield, MI 48076 (248) 540-0923 Jain, Manish & Ritu 3640 Jennifer Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 983-5429 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Jain, Ashok & Asha 2480 Walnut Lake Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 737-2644 Jain, Prakash & Sudha 5345 Capri Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-8423 Jain, Ashok & Namita 1253 Cottingham Row Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248)647-2727 Jain, Prakashchand & Amartikumari 2108 Grenadier Troy, MI 48098 (248) 828-7781 Jain, Dinesh & Vidya 28188 Yorktown Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248)553-2564 Jain, Pramod & Madhu 36117 Fredrickburg Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248)553-4667 Jain, Gautam & Uma Devi 160 Parsons Ln. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 608-2535 Jain, Raj & Shakuntla 25887 Skye Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48336 (248) 474-5233 238 Jain Education Intemational Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Jain, Rajat & Jayanthi 2454 Lake in the Woods, #943 Ypsilanti, MI 48198 (734) 483-4971 Kapadia, Prabhakar & Kalpana 5577 Whitfield Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-8892 Jain, Ramesh & Manju Information Unavailable. Khariwala, Suresh & Usha 3136 Glengrove Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (248)373-6496 Jain, Shailesh & Jyoti 2450 Somerset Blvd., # 101 Troy, MI 48084 (248)614-8949 Khimasia, Rahul & Jital 415 Tobin Dr., Apt. # 208 Inkster, MI 48141 (313) 565-1158 Jain, Sujit & Nidhi 187 Beltshire Ln. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 651-8311 Koradia, Anant & Jaya 5929 Glen Eagles West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248)681-1333 Jhaveri, Deepak 2712 Vinsetta Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 588-7564 Koradia, Chetan & Smita 5929 Glen Eagles West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248)681-1333 Jhaveri, Mayank & Deepa 35380 Westland Estates Dr., Apt. # E203 Westland, MI 48185 (734)595-4819 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Kothari, Kusum 6619 Willowwood Dr. Maumee, OH 43537 (419) 865-0198 Kapadia, Apurva & Amoli 8588 Cargo Dr. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 484-1328 Kothari, Lalit & Chandra 25344 Caroliton Farmington Hills, MI 48335 (248) 477-7002 Kapadia, Arvind & Hansa 46473 Mornington Rd. Canton, MI 48188 (734) 981-4047 Kothari, Pradip & Smita 28050 Middlebelt Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248)539-0554 Kapadia, Mahendra & Linda 4061 Winterset Ln. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 737-2841 Kothari, Ujamlal & Kumud 1563 Sheffield Rd. Birmingham, MI 48009 (248)644-1269 239 Jain Education Intemational Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 UNDER Kothary, Piyush & Sarla 1000 Fairmount Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (734) 769-7243 Mehta, Bharat & Rani 5320 Woodland Estate Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248)644-7220 Lathia, Amit & Nirali 623 Flint Rd., Apt. #5 Flint, MI 48116 (810) 220-2827 Mehta, Devendra & Madhu 4555 W. Maple Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 (248) 851-4988 Lathia, Chetan & Nita 4059 Weber Rd. Saline, MI 48176 (734) 944-0724 Mehta, Harshad & Shilpa 2022 Military St. #1 Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 982-4974 Malde, Chandrakant & Madhu 6041 Covered Wagons Tr. Flint, MI 48532 (810) 733-2735 Mehta, Jayesh & Bhavna 25865 Chapel Weigh Farmington Hills, MI 48336 (248) 474-3389 Malviya, Vinay & Shobha 4610 Cimarron Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 539-3956 Mehta, Mahendra & Purnima 4950 Stoneleigh Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248)645-5891 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Maru, Dhiraj & Niru 29625 Strathmore Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 848-9179 Mehta, Manish & Varsha 3063 Cedar Brook Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (734)668-0348 Meghani, Abul & Jyoti 6558 Stonebridge East West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 788-9492 Mehta, Mukund & Chandrika 11282 Brydan Dr. #144 Taylor, MI 48180 (313) 947-1324 Mehta, Ajit & Rita 12658 Bramell Detroit, MI 48223 (313)532-3353 Mehta, Niki & Asmi 27711 Rudgate Blvd. Apt. # 7 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 848-1433 Mehta, Amit & Smita 666 Trego Cir. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734)995-8615 Mehta, Pankaj & Pankaj 38235 Forsdale Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 939-1296 240 Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Mehta, Parag & Nirali 16375 Woodward Ave. Highland Park, MI 48203 (313) 865-9285 Mehta, Paras & Jagruti 37920 Westwood Cir., Apt # 205 Westland, MI 48185 (734) 453-8078 Mehta, Rajendra & Sarla 45187 Quaker Hill Canton, MI 48187 (734) 207-5020 Mehta, Rajnikant & Jyoti 2009 Ramble Ln. Midland, MI 48640 (517)631-2343 Mehta, Shrikant & Neena 1783 Blue Heron Ct. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 745-6206 Mehta, Vijay & Nayna 1622 Bellaire Portage, MI 49002 (616) 327-5456 Mehta, Virendra & Bhavana 3270 Silverbrook Dr Rochester, MI 48306 (248) 370-0235 Mehta, Virendra & Suzanne 47493 Blue Heron Court Northville, MI 48167 (248) 348-3132 Modi, Manoj & Surabhi 24360 Willowbrook Dr. Novi, MI 48375 (248) 615-0768 Modi, Mayur & Kala 8470 Elmhurst Canton, MI 48187 (734) 453-1339 Modi, Niranjan & Bharati 29531 Greenboro Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 851-3965 Modi, Pradeep & Madhu 28945 Nottoway Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 489-0963 Modi, Rajendra & Pratibha 1900 Sherwood Glen Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 626-6343 Modi, Tushar & Mamta 6705 Brookshire Canton, MI 48187 (734) 981-3902 Mody, Anil & Niru 30590 Huntsman Dr. W. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 661-3536 Mody, Yogesh & Pallavi 4307 Wintergreen Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-7555 Morbia, Chandulal & Ranjan 1804 Randolph Ave. Windsor, ONT N9B2W3 [519) 254-3504 Nagle, Shashikant & Nayana 1803 Hallmark Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-0585 241 HË MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 ARTIMI Nahata, Babulal & Mala 2953 Truffle Dr. Troy, MI 48083 (248) 619-9670 Parikh, Jitendra & Nayana 42377 Waterfall Northville, MI 48167 (248) 344-8924 Palrecha, Hasti & Sheela 7142 E. Spring Dr. Canton, MI 48187 (734)455-8580 Parikh, Vrajmohan & Smita 3115 Stafford Beverly Hills, MI 48025 (248) 723-9831 Parakh, Vijay & Ranjana 43759 Cranford Canton, MI 48187 (734)981-9102 Patel, Bhupendra & Jayshree 13160 W. Outer Dr., Apt. # 415 Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 255-3834 Parekh, Ashok & Anjani 327 Russel Woods Dr. Windsor, ONT N8N4L2 (519) 979-5842 Patel, Gautam & Lata 2624 Michael Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 977-8636 Parekh, Ashvin & Charu 4065 Golf Ridge Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 737-7879 Patel, Indravadan & Sushila 36341 Gregory Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (810) 979-2569 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Parekh, Jayant & Aruna 5698 Sussex Ct. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-7851 Patel, Kaushik & Sonal 4591 Hedgewood Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 680-8616 Parekh, Navin & Gita 7240 Chula Vista Ln. Bloomfield, MI 48301 (248) 647-4534 Patel, Kirti & Geeta (Smita) 1201 Falcon Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 879-6776 Parekh, Prithvish & Meena 45813 Drexel Canton, MI 48187 (734) 453-9102 Patel, Naimesh & Sanju 47437 Putmey Canton, MI 48188 (734) 495-9002 Parekh, Suresh & Snehlata 3755 Oak Dr. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 434-9286 Patel, Suresh & Manjula 33874 Twickingham Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 264-7292 242 Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Patel, Tom & Laxmi 4591 Misty Morning Way Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 626-7326 Patrawala, Atul & Jagruti 39257 Fulton Ct. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 553-7685 Poddar, Shrikumar & Mayurika 2601 Cochise Ln. Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 337-7888 Popat, Kanu & Krishna 335 Palm Aire Ct. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (248)375-9830 Porwal, Mahendra & Saroj 373 Tanglewood Ct. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (248) 652-1576 Raisoni, Jayprakash & Saroj 1530 Scenic Hollow Rochester Hills, MI 48306 (248) 651-1299 Ranka, Uttam & Meenakshi 32280 Concord Dr., Apt. # D Madison Hts., MI 48071 (248) 588-2599 Ravani, Bharat & Pravina 126 Manor Way Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (248) 375-5994 Ravani, Chandrakant & Ramila 227 Tanglewood Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (248) 651-3271 Ravani, Kirit & Alice 26093 Hidden Valley Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 615-9892 Ravani, Naresh & Kalpana 11133 Model Circle East Boca Raton, FL 33428 (407) 451-3788 Ravani, Nilesh & Kapila 45425 Fox Ln. (W),Bldg 18,#101 Utica, MI 48317 (810) 254-0258 Reddy, Sam & Pia 4620 Wendrick Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 Sanghvi, Bharat & Jaydevi 35040 Morlock Ave. Livonia, MI 48152 (248) 474-7570 Sanghvi, Jitendra & Rama 1670 Ironwood Dr. Canton, MI 48188 (734) 397-9260 Sanghvi, Rajiv & Rani 42866 Potomac Novi, MI 48375 (248) 449-4640 Sanghvi, Sudhir & Manini 6044 Randall Ct. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 [248) 661-1636 Sata, Jim (Bhalchandra) & Kundan 27105 Gateway Dr. W, Apt. # 106 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 473-5941 243 ग्र MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 EUROLIS Seth, Ramesh & Reba 44340 Harsdale Ct. Canton, MI 48187 (734) 981-0212 Shah, Ashwin & Anupama 15043 Woodpine Dr., Raven Pkwy. Monroe, MI 48161 (734) 242-0796 Shah, Ajay & Bharati 6343 Silverbrook West West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 960-7764 Shah, Ashwin & Purnima 3151 Bloomfield Ln Apt. # 314 Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Shah, Amar & Jyoti 1682 Picadilly Dr. Troy, MI 48084 (248) 649-5001 Shah, Atul & Hema 6812 S. State Road Saline, MI 48176 (734)429-2100, ext. 204 Shah, Amit & Kalpana 40055 Cambridge, # 101 Canton, MI 48187 (734) 844-7951 Shah, Atul & Purna 3520 Shore Crest Circle West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 626-0121 Shah, Anant & Rashmi 5020 Cardinal Dr Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-9750 Shah, Avinash & Seema 310 E. Sunny Brook Royal Oak, MI 48073 (248) 585-2012 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Shah, Ankil & Maya 3859 Century Ct. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 434-4914 Shah, Bansi & Bharti 3271 Bluett Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (734) 994-8567 Shah, Arvind & Jaya 5140 Cameron Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-8549 Shah, Bhadrakumar & Indumati 32397 Concord Dr, #25B Madison Hts., MI 48071 (248) 583-6004 Shah, Arvind & Ramila 6738 Woodcrest Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 828-1736 Shah, Bharat & Bhavna 19122 Highlite Dr. North Clinton Township, MI 48035 (810) 791-2396 Shah, Ashok & Parul 3551 Wabeek Lake Dr. West Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 335-1341 Shah, Bharat & Dipti 11280 Grenada Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (810) 264-2365 244 Jain Education Intemational Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Shah, Bharat & Falguni 17030 Crescent Southfield, MI 48076 [248) 443-0359 Shah, Bharat & Nayana 25049 Avon Court Novi, MI 48374 (248) 380-1697 Shah, Bhupendra & Neena 911 Cold Spring Dr. Northville, MI 48167 [248]349-5130 Shah, Bimal & Rupal 327 N. Marias, Apt. #5 Clawson, MI 48017 (248)280-0577 Shah, Bipin & Sohini 25503 Ranchwood Farmington Hills, MI 48335 [248) 442-9474 Shah, Bipin & Vijaya 1779 Brentwood Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-7477 Shah, Chandrakant & Neela 5767 Beauchamp Place Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 788-2575 Shah, Chetan & Purvi 7320 Wilderness Park Dr. East Apt. 201 Westland, MI 48185 (734) 466-9917 Shah, Damaroo & Jyoti 1906 Beckert Dr Piqua, OH 45356 (937) 773-3906 Shah, Daxesh 2176 Orchard Crest Utica, MI 48317 (810) 997-0174 Shah, Deepak & Usha 24497 Redwing Dr. Novi, MI 48374 (248) 380-1838 Shah, Dharam & Rashmi 1152 Congress Court Troy, MI 48098 (248) 879-6105 Shah, Dhiraj & Asha 5915 Patriots Way East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-0327 Shah, Dilip & Kalpana 806 Canterbury Rd. Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 (313) 881-0773 Shah, Dinesh & Pina 4899 Seasons Ct. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 952-1716 Shah, Dinesh & Sudha 30342 Essex Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 661-4180 Shah, Dipak & Panna 31660 Cowan Rd. Apt. # 302 Westland, MI 48185 (734) 513-9949 Shah, Girish & Asha 22031 Worcester Dr Novi, MI 48374 (248) 347-0705 245 ग MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 INFORMATI N Shah, Gunvant & Anila 33021 Wendy Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810)939-4794 Shah, Jaswant & Mita 4094 Lennon Rd. Flint, MI 48507 (810) 732-3383 Shah, Hemant & Nayana 37681 Mckenzie Ct. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 489-1359 Shah, Jayant & Heena 1701 Caliper Dr. Troy, MI 48084 (248) 649-0981 Shah, Hemant & Tarulata 519 Canterbury Circle, Bldg. # 11 Canton, MI 48187 (734)981-9201 Shah, Jayanti & Pankaj 5810 Farmington Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 661-1505 Shah, Hemant & Veena 9951 Doris St. Livonia, MI 48150 (734) 427-2456 Shah, Jayprakash & Bharti 3184 Angelus Dr. Waterford, MI 48329 (248) 673-9041 Shah, Hemendra & Sangeeta 34564 Bunker Hill Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 848-9037 Shah, Jindas & Geeta 19686 Sussex Livonia, MI 48152 (734)462-2902 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Shah, Jagdish & Bhanu 24775 Venice Dr. Novi, MI 48374 (248) 347-4576 Shah, Jitu & Dimple 35265 Valley Forge Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 489-1069 Shah, Jagdish & Gita 2100 W. Warren Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 895-5100 Shah, Kalpesh & Tarang 4141 Ridge Wood Dr Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 572-8536 Shah, Jagdish & Shaila 22632 Foxmoor Dr. Novi, MI 48374 (248) 348-1121 Shah, Kamlesh & Ushma 19231 High Lite South Clinton Township, MI 48035 (810) 792-6418 Shah, Jashwant & Urmila 3381 Clearview Ave. Columbus, OH 43221 (614) 326-1352 Shah, Kanti & Debra 398 Santure Rd. Monroe, MI 48162 (734) 241-5408 246 Jain Education Intemational Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Shah, Kanti & Jyotsna 2145 Birchwood Way Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 851-1821 Shah, Lalit & Bharti 4015 Keats Dr Troy, MI 48098 (248) 524 0414 Shah, Kartik & Ranjan 4105 Lakeridge Ln. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 855-6382 Shah, Lalit & Sarla 7969 Raintree Dr. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 484-1172 Shah, Ketan & Bhavi 2613 Taylor Troy, MI 48083 (248) 524.1074 Shah, Lalit & Shobha 5151 Hollow Ct. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 851-4391 Shah, kirit & Nina 5425 North Piccadily West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 851-0883 Shah, Mahendra & Manju 327 Willowgrove Ln. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 650-8826 Shah, kirti & Barbara 311 N. Wayne St. North Manchester, IN 46962 (219) 982-4593 Shah, Mahendra & Meera 1752 South Shore Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 652-0456 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Shah, kirti & Bhavana 2225 Division Rd. Windsor, ONT N8W1Z7 (519) 969-2475 Shah, Mahendra & Ramila 19428 Woodbine Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 537-8261 Shah, kirtikant & Sudha 2416 Tanbark Oak Dr Flint, MI 48532 (810) 733-7426 Shah, Mahendra & Saroj 7072 Pittsford Canton, MI 48187 (734)453-2968 Shah, Kulin & Ranjan 48099 Picadilly Ct. Canton, MI 48187 (734)453-2917 Shah, Manesh & Meena 4819 W. Wickford Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248)433-3570 Shah, Kumarpal & Indira 7557 Dolphin St. Detroit, MI 48239 (313) 791-8282 Shah, Manoj & Minaxi 1047 Prescott Dr. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517] 332-5621 247 Jain Education Intemational Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ग्रह MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Shah, Meena 5849 Oakwood Monroe, MI 48161 [734)243-4481 Shah, Milap & Parul 48958 Quail Run Dr. Plymouth, MI 48170 (734) 451-2088 Shah, Minoo & Harsha 37453 Glengrove Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 661-5746 Shah, Nalin & Gita 1522 Bloomingdale Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 689-8296 Shah, Narendra & Damini 1609 Kristin Circle Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 361-1544 Shah, Narendra & Nayana 5583 Whitfield Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-1424 Shah, Natwarlal & Manjula 32035 Vegas Dr. Warren, MI 48093 (810) 979-4999 Shah, Navin & Daksha 5512 Wynnwood Ct. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-9622 Shah, Navin & Mina 37574 Emrerald Forest Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 661-0961 248 Shah, Navin & Sheela 2120 Orchard Crest Utica, MI 48317 (810) 323-5051 Shah, Nikunj & Sheila 29804 White Hall Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 661-0919 Shah, Nilesh & Nipa 39566 Squire Rd. Novi, MI 48473 (248) 471-1533 Shah, Nimesh & Rinku 4280, 15 Mile Road Sterling Hgts., MI 48310 (810) 264-9593 Shah, Niranjan & Vibha 28859 Eton Glen Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 553-7327 Shah, Nitin & Alpa 1820 Coolidge Hwy, # 204 Troy, MI 48084 (248) 649-8602 Shah, Nitin & Purnima 43105 Catclaw Ct. Sterling Heights, MI 48314 (810) 997-1118 Shah, Nutankumar & Alka 36957 Aspen Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 (248) 442-1477 Shah, Pankaj & Mina 15 Kekarav So., Opp. Someshwara III Ahmedabad, Guj. 380015 011-91-79-403517 Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 ERROR Shah, Parag 5007-5 Truemperway Fort Wayne, IN 46835 (219) 485-8978 Shah, Praful & Pratima 4649 Maple Creek Ct. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 851 1978 Shah, Paresh & Chetna 47321 Butler Ln. Novi, MI 48374 (248) 305-5827 Shah, Prakash & Shruti 5092 West Pond Circle West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248)681-6312 Shah, Paresh & Priti 1936 Klingensmith Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 334-2332 Shah, Pravin & Jyoti 971 Emerson Troy, MI 48084 (248) 244-9576 Shah, Paresh & Rita 4866 River Chase Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 952 0880 Shah, Pravin & Jyoti 759 Franklinway Cresant London, ONT NOG5C8 (519) 641-6665 Shah, Piyush & Rashmika 7283 Kings Bridge Ct. Canton, MI 48187 Shah, Pravin & Surbhi 45901 Windridge Ln. Canton, MI 48188 (734) 495-1380 Shah, Pradeep & Pragna 3864 Wabeek Lk. Dr. West Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 737-0966 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Shah, Rajiv & Bhavna 8821 Sunrise, #1365-C. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (810) 264-8916 Shah, Pradip & Hemalata 1469 Burhaven Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48306 (248)373-8895 Shah, Rajiv & Reepal 7557 Dolphin St. Detroit, MI 48239 (313) 791-8282 Shah, Pradip & Kala 7004 Weathersfield Way Canton, MI 48187 (734) 416-0001 Shah, Ramesh & Ranjan 18758 N. Highlite Dr. Clinton Township, MI 48035 (810) 792-3473 Shah, Pradip & Rekha 1960 Golf Ridge Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 855-9686 Shah, Ramesh & Sheela 26245 Lawrence Dr Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 (313) 565-5968 249 Jain Education Intemational Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HŤ MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Shah, Rashmikant & Vinodbala 7219 Cloister Toledo, OH 43617 (419) 841-8985 Shah, Rohit & Devyani 22585 Brady Ln. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 (248) 473-4021 Shah, Rohit & Jyoti 4068 Calhoun Dearborn, MI 48126 (313) 582-8848 Shah, Rohit & Punita 45800 Ashford Cr. Novi, MI 48374 (248) 374-9225 Shah, Samir & Mita 44559 Savery Dr Canton, MI 48187 (734) 844-8646 Shah, Sandeep & Ami 414 Avon Ct. Apt. 16 Davision, MI 48423 (810) 668-9115 Shah, Sandeep & Manjari 6453 Dillon Westland, MI 48185 (734) 266-7182 Shah, Sanjay & Bela 123 Millstone Dr Troy, MI 48084 (248) 740-0661 Shah, Sanjiv & Rashmi 45693 Holmes Canton, MI 48187 (734) 459-0547 250 Shah, Santilal & Sulochana 25982 Jeanette Dr. Roseville, MI 48066 (810) 776-7065 Shah, Satish & Harsha 43284 W. Phalia Ct. Sterling Heights, MI 48314 (810) 254-2656 Shah, Satish & Pratibha 34509 Heartsworth Ln. Sterling Heights, MI 48311 (810) 979-3033 Shah, Saurabh & Sonal 32561 Somerset Westland, MI 48186 (734) 728-2027 Shah, Sharad & Nalini 1234 Country Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 879-6981 Shah, Sharad & Pushpa 5059 Olde Mill Ct. Sylvania, OH 43560 (419) 843-5359 Shah, Shashi & Shital 37448 Windwood Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 (248) 477-1869 Shah, Shashikant & Sandhya 31670 Cowan Rd., Bldg. # 8 Hines Park #105 Westland, MI 48185 (734)513-6029 Shah, Shirish & Vidya 4750 Rolling Ridge West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 855-1752 Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Shah, Shrenik & Manisha 8250 Brook Park Dr., Apt. # 204 Canton, MI 48187 (734) 254-9192 Shah, Tushar & Kalpana 33040 Karin Dr., Apt. #209 Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 939-8040 Shah, Shreyas & Purvi 3374 Shakespeare Troy, MI 48084 (248)643-0072 Shah, Vastupal & Varsha 43279 Tuscany Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48314 (810) 323-2015 Shah, Sudhir & Kashmira 36633 Saxony Farmington, MI 48335 (248)615-0792 Shah, Vijay & Falguni 526 Lockmoore Ct. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 852-5704 Shah, Sumanlal & Hemlata 25879 Salem Roseville, MI 48066 (810) 775-4486 Shah, Vikas & Veena 4124 Lakeridge Ln. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 737-9203 Shah, Sunil & Kalpana 31259 Applewood Ln. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 661-8901 Shah, Vinay & Sneha 1914 Barnes Ct Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-5975 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Shah, Sunil & Kekina 3844 Highlander Way W. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (734) 213-1773 Shah, Vinod & Arvinda 19317 South Highlite Dr. Clinton Twp., MI 48035 (810) 790-4391 Shah, Suresh & Bina 1858 Sunburst Dr. Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-8418 Shah, Vinod & Nita 38132 Sumpter Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 979-9678 Shah, Suresh & Guna 23338 Baker St. Taylor, MI 48180 (313) 292-4164 Shah, Yatrik & Alka Information Unavailable. Sheth, Bharat & Usha 5239 Cedar Grove Ct. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 661-9166 Shah, Suresh & Rekha 6880 Kings Mill Dr. Canton, MI 48187 (734)453-8843 251 Jain Education Interational Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Sheth, Bharat & Vina 14936 Patterson Dr. Shelby Township, MI 48315 (810) 566-8374 Sheth, Mahendra & Padmini 2475 Norton Lawn Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 852-1161 Sheth, Bhupat & Aruna 38945 Sutton Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 795-8671 Sheth, Manoj & Dharmista 10-129 Erie West Windsor, ONT N9A6B4 (519) 252-8503 Sheth, Dhanesh & Indira 5422 Whitehall Circle West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 855-9811 Sheth, Manu & Sudha 920 Wesley Dr. Troy, MI 48099 (248) 879-9341 Sheth, Dhanraj & Sadhna 42 Tabors Ave., Great Baddow Chelmsford, Essex CM27ET (44) 1245-472650 Sheth, Narendra & Asha 4028 WoodCreek Dr Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 572-0826 Sheth, Dinesh & Kala (734) 981-1507 Sheth, Narendra & Suhas 11052 Millwood Dr. Plymouth, MI 48170 (734) 454-7478 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Sheth, Jasvant & Saroj 2110 Jonathan Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 939-0043 Sheth, Pravin & Jyotika 5140 Oakbrooke Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 737-0962 Sheth, Jignasu & Nita 2720 Pine Lake Rd West Bloomfield, MI 48324 (248) 738-6333 Sheth, Rajen & Neeta 601 Sutten Dr. Canton, MI 48188 (734)397-2083 Sheth, Kirit & Parindu 45522 Baywood Canton, MI 48187 (734)981-6292 Sheth, Ranjan 31640 Cowan Rd., # 202 Westland, MI 48185 (734) 266-8481 Sheth, Kirtikant & Kokila P.O. Box 16236 Lansing, MI 48901 (517)332-0682 Sheth, Sharad & Naina 2138 Curran Troy, MI 48098 (248) 641-8902 252 Jain Education Intemational Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV ASHADH 4-12 V.S. 2054 Sheth, Sidhdharth 1785 Poppleton Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48324 (248) 681-6166 Tolia, Yeshwant & Meeta 45425 Fox Lane, Apt. # 107 Utica, MI 48317 (810) 254-7391 Sheth, Smita 37888 Mckenzie Ct Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 848-0393 Trivedi, Shailesh & Swapna 38643 Wakefield Ct. Northville, MI 48167 (248)477-5352 Shroff, Ramesh & Tanman 4020 Longtin Lincoln Park, MI 48146 (313)388-0964 Vakharia, Pankaj & Malini 7477 S. RoundHouse Dr. Swartzcreek, MI 48473 (810) 635-0669 Singhi, Amit & Usha 30239 Essex Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 661-5261 Vakhariya, Vidya 1755 Alexander Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248) 626-8449 Sural, Vasantha & Shakunthala 805 Longford Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (248) 375-5107 Vakhariya, Vinod & Suman 28245 Elba Dr. Grosse ille, MI 48138 (734) 675-4388 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Tolia, Bharat & Geeta 5322 Pond Bluff Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248)681-5474 Vakil, Dhruti 31279 Concord Dr. Apt. #6G Madison Heights, MI 48071 (248) 583-9180 Tolia, Kamlesh & Paroo 13966 Breezy Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48313 (810) 247-7224 Varde, Uday & Anita 5720 Wheathersfield Ln. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 (248) 540-2563 Tolia, Ketan & Nilipa 29145 Point O'Woods, Apt. # 104 Southfield, MI 48034 (248)352-7946 Vardya, Suresh & Manju 5474 Piccadilly Circle West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 661-9764 Tolia, Kirit & Vasu 4304 Coppercliff Ct. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 (248)647-3243 Varma, Murali Varma & Varsha 39193 Polo Club Dr, Apt. # 103 Farmington Hills, MI 48335 (248) 476-2018 253 Jain Education Intemational Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Greater Detroit PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JUNE 27-JULY 6 1998 Vasani, Vijay & Usha 1391 Peachtree Troy, MI 48083 (248) 528-3244 Vasanthakumar, T & Sabitha 5089 Shady Oak Trail Flint, MI 48532 (810) 733-1118 Vora, Mahesh & Kirti 27208 Hampstead Blvd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248)615-9195 Zatakia, Hiren & Dina 45601 Fox Lane W., #105, B19 Utica, MI 48317 (810) 254-0758 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 254 Jain Education Intemational Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Society of Toronto CONGRATULATES THE JAIN SOCIETY OF GREATER DETROIT FOR THEIR BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE Jain Society of Toronto was founded in 1973 with only 10 members. To date, the membership has grown to 450. The present centre was acquired in 1990. The temple has digambar, and shwetambar murtis, Navkarmantra plate and Shrimad Rajchandra chitrapat. The society runs an active pathsala programme in which about 100 studnets are enrolled. The centre has facilities for library and upashraya. 48 Rosemeade Avenue, Etobicoke, Ontario M8Y 3A5 Ph: 416-251-8112 Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHICAGO TO INDIA TIMES A WEEK DIRECT TO MUMBAI new DIRECT TO DELHI/MUMBAI TUESDAYS NEW WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS DEW SATURDAYS SUNDAYS * DIRECT TO DELHI/MUMBAI new DIRECT TO DELHI/MUMBAI DIRECT TO MUMBAI Now, Air-India offers you a choice of five weekly direct flights from O'Hare International to Mumbai or Delhi. You fly all the way from Chicago to to India on one of our spacious 747-400's, with only a short stop in London or Frankfurt. If you are traveling beyond Mumbai, Air-India has convenient connecting service from Sahar International Airport to Ahmedabad, Chennai, Hyderabad, and other major cities in India. You can check your baggage all the way through from Chicago to your final destination, and clear customs and immigration upon arrival. It's a convenience no other airline can offer. Along with unsurpassed convenience, no one makes your journey more pleasurable than Air-India. With authentic Indian cuisine, Indian audio and video entertainment, and separate smoking and non-smoking sections. For schedules, fares and reservations, see your travel agent or call Air-India. ' LB 4377.SSA Air-India Offices: Chicago (312) 782-8761 . New York (212) 751-6200 * Washington, DC (202) 785-8989