Jai Jinendra!
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Best Wishes from Executive Committee Families on This Auspicious Occasion of
Purify Yourself
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Maybe you are fed up with your environment which disturbs your peace. Instead of trying to change the environment - the chances are you may fail - change yourself for the better. Purify yourself. As you do this, even the environment, which has remained bad for you, maybe for years, will mysteriously begin to dance and change for the better. The more you grow in purity, the more congenial and harmonious the environment will become. Do not ask, "How?" Try and experience. Try and experience, my friend.
Pratima and Praful Shah
Monica and Anupa
Punita and Rohit Shah
Swati and Sonali
Harska and Minoo Shah
Himani and Niski
Sneka and Vinay Shah
Veeral and Neil
Falguni and Bharat Shah
Seema and Samir
There are many paths that lead to salvation.
Bhagwan Mahavir, who attained a state of perfection, has said that the fines among them
is by the possession of the three jewelsperfect vision, perfect knowledge, and perfect character.
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