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વિશ્વરચના પ્રબંધ. blue, red, yellow and white. Sounds may be classed as loud or faint, bass (thick ) or treble ( hollow ), clang or articulate speech.
The most remarkable contribution of the Jains to the atomic theory relates to their analysis of atomic linking, or the mutual attraction ( or repulsion ) of atoms, in the formation of molecules. The question is raised in Umasvati's Jaina Sutras (circa A. D. 40 ) what constitutes atomic linking? Is mere contact ( or juxataposition ) of atoms sufficient to cause linking ? No distinction is here made between the forces that bind together atoms of the same Bhuta and the chemical affinity of one Bhuta to another. The Jains hold that the different classes of elementary substances (Bhutas) are all evolved from the same primordial atoms. The intra-atomic forces which lead to the formation of chemical compounds do not therefore differ in kind from those that explain the original linking of atoms to form molecules.
Mere juxtaposition ( #FIT) is insufficient; linking of atoms or molecules must follow before a compound can be produced. The linking takes place under different conditions. Ordinarily speaking, one particle of matter (99 ) must be negative, and the other positive (faqayogT); the two particles must have two peculiar opposite qualities, rough
ness and smoothness ( रुक्षत्व and स्निग्धत्व or dryness and viscosity? ), to make the linking possible. But no linking takes place where the qualities,
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