354 TWO PRAKRIT VERSIONS OF THE MAŅIPATI-CARITA 499. majjha-ttho rather than the improbable mab-bhatto found
in some MSS. 620. bhaviyāravinda : the phrase is a familiar cliché cf.
Byhat-kalpa-sūtra-niryukti verse 1137 :
evam bhava-siddhiyā Jiņa-vara-sūra-ssui-pabhāveņam bujjhanti bhaviya-kamalā abhaviya-kumudā na
bujjhanti The comm. on this passage explains that in the lake of the world of jīvas the bhavya-kamalas expand to right knowledge through the power of the āgamas which are
like the sun's rays. 640. miccha maha dukkadam tassa : this is part of a regular
formula of confession (alocană) cf. Kriyā-kalapa [Agra, Sam. 1993] p. 151.